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Fandom A Song of Ice and Fire RP (Game of Thrones)

WanderingJester said:
Barba Tully just gave the orders to get ready to leave asap, they haven't left just yet (and might not, hopefully).
I was hoping to get a nice representation of all 4 factions of the war. The Tully's for Brandeon, Cayden for Daenna, Kuriva for Kuriva, and Viserys was supposed to show up by the joust, nice mixing pot of meetings I wanted to have. Not to mention Tiber
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Akio said:
I was hoping to get a nice representation of all 4 factions of the war. The Tully's for Brandeon, Cayden for Daenna, Kuriva for Kuriva, and Viserys was supposed to show up by the joust, nice mixing pot of meetings I wanted to have. Not to mention Tiber
Yeah, I was hoping the actual Stags would should up (at least the not busy younger brother Wendal). Ah well, that's why there's plan B (through Z :P )
I didn't expect the stags to show up but honestly I have more interest in the Tully's who will go through a very chaotic time when Walder dies and/or their alliance blows up in their faces. Caydens looking like he's gonna become a kind of free agent and given some of the Tully disdain for dornish I was interested in those conversations. Still excited about talking to Tiber and Viserys if I can. As for Kuriva I think Cayden will want to get a measure of her before he tries to take her off the throne, especially if he obtains Aerea.
WanderingJester said:
Yeah, I was hoping the actual Stags would should up (at least the not busy younger brother Wendal). Ah well, that's why there's plan B (through Z :P )
Oof it would've been a good time for him to get his sister back without his brothers knowing too. Oh well.

Lancelot said:
I could do that for you if you want, I have an over abundance of free time especially with the holidays in 3 days!
If you're up for it! You don't have to worry too much about the color scheme/images/etc (They can always be changed later). The most important parts are the Members and Associates sections and getting them filled in.

[font=Oswald][centerblock=70][border=1px solid white][accordion=100%|bcenter]{slide=[bg=black]
[img=http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=House Targaryen&name=Game of Thrones.ttf&size=25&style_color=B20000][/bg]}

[center][img=http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Fire And Blood&name=Game of Thrones.ttf&size=18&style_color=000000]
[row][column=span3][size=5][b]S E A T[/b][/size]
the red keep[/column][column=span2][size=5][b]R E G I O N[/b][/size]
the crownlands[/column][column=span3][size=5][b]L O R D[/b][/size]
queen kuvira targaryen[/column]


[bg=1px solid white][row][column=span4][accordion]{slide=[bg=white][size=5]M E M B E R S[/size][/bg]}[u]Maeryn Targaryen ♂ ☆ ✞[/u]
[size=3]Spouse: Unnamed Wife
Known Children: Viserys Blackfyre | Corbis Targaryen | Kuvira Targaryen | Aerea Targaryen | Daenna Targaryen[/size]

[u]Corbis Targaryen ♂[/u]
[size=3]Spouse: -
Known Children: - [/size]

[u]Kuvira Targaryen ♀ ♔[/u]
[size=3]Spouse: -
Known Children: - [/size]

[u]Aerea Targaryen ♀ ♕[/u]
[size=3]Spouse: -
Known Children: - [/size]

[u]Daenna Targaryen ♀[/u]
[size=3]Spouse: -
Known Children: - [/size]

[size=3]♂/♀ = gender[row][column=span4][size=4]☆[/size] = has children
[size=4]✞[/size] = deceased
[size=4]♔[/size] = lord
[size=4]♕[/size] = heir[/column][column=span4][size=4]♗[/size] = maester
[size=4]♘[/size] = knight
[size=4]♙[/size] = assistant/handmaiden
[size=4]♖[/size] = captain[/column][/row][/size]{/slide}[/accordion][/column][column=span4][accordion]{slide=[bg=white][size=5]A S S O C I A T E S[/size][/bg]}[u]Kuvira's Associates[/u]
Vladan (Bolton) ♂ ♗
Baelor Velaryon ♂ ♖
Gale Corbray ♂ ♘
Warren Whent ♂ ♘
James Thorne ♂ ♘
Kristoph Upcliff ♂ ♘
Cethann Celtigar ♂ ♘
Varic Celtigar ♂ ♘
Rodrik Myatt ♂ ♘
Aiden Stark ♂ ♘
Albert Lannister ♂ ♘

[u]Daenna's Associates[/u]
Dominic Wright ♂ ♘
Mayi Alloy ♀ ♙
Nagito ♂
Adam Garendaan ♂
William Thorne ♂ ☆ ♘
Cayden Martell ♂
Crawford ♂ ♖

[size=3]♂/♀ = gender[row][column=span4][size=4]☆[/size] = has children
[size=4]✞[/size] = deceased
[size=4]♔[/size] = lord
[size=4]♕[/size] = heir[/column][column=span4][size=4]♗[/size] = maester
[size=4]♘[/size] = knight
[size=4]♙[/size] = assistant/handmaiden
[size=4]♖[/size] = captain[/column][/row][/size]{/slide}[/accordion][/column][/row]

[accordion=50%|bcenter]{slide=[bg=white][size=5]S W O R N H O U S E S[/size][/bg]}[row][column=span4]Bar Emmon


And I may or may not get a post up tonight...
So, tmw you decided to finally be productive, only to spend the night reading Season 6 Spoilers. Whelp

For the record now, I will let everyone know that I thought of Rowan taking Heartsbane from his father long before I read that Sam did the same thing in the TV series. Hopefully I can depict Rowan's taking the sword in a more dramatic fashion.

Much sadness was had about Hodor. RIP. You da real MVP. Additional shoutout to Rickon and Shaggydog.

You guys were right, the season finale was like Gary Busey hosting the CrazyCon while inviting John Travolta and Tom Cruise to usher for him. A damn shame about Margaery; I'm glad she didn't die a more gruesome death, as she was way too fine for that, but still. That lad that had the roll in the hay with her had the Seven's blessings. Between Renly, Joffery and Tommen, he was probably her one and only.

Badass awards goes to Dany, for proper use of her mutant antiburn powers and her fire breathing dragons. Runners up include Jon Snow and Sansa for ridding the world of the last Bolton and Winterfell battle as a whole. Honorary mention to Arya, for magicking back to Westeros so quickly (to me) and taking the head off of House Frey (the top three at least).

Called it that Jon was Lyanna and Rhaegar's son. Hopefully that Jon/Dany ship will go through now. Also, realized that they cut Young Griff/Aegon, wth HBO? Did the Stormlands and the Golden Company just sit on their butts all day?


Just a heads up to the new folks in the RP and reminder to the old folks: Tiber has employed a Shadow Assassin from Asshai named Strider into his service. OOC letting everyone know wise, I don't really intend on using him at all. He's more of just an anti-shadow baby/magic assassination BS device I put in when @TheFordee14 first made the RP, so don't expect a random man appearing out of your character's shadow and stabbing him/her/it to death. That's not he's for. Thanks guys.

I was waiting for someone to bring up the season finale. As much as I hate the Lannisters, (excluding Tyrion) it was sad to see the boy commit suicide. Was it Tommund? I don't really care that much for his family to remember his name. Actually, now that I think about-- I don't care.

I hope Cersei eventually shares the same fate as her son :)
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WanderingJester said:
So, tmw you decided to finally be productive, only to spend the night reading Season 6 Spoilers. Whelp
For the record now, I will let everyone know that I thought of Rowan taking Heartsbane from his father long before I read that Sam did the same thing in the TV series. Hopefully I can depict Rowan's taking the sword in a more dramatic fashion.

Much sadness was had about Hodor. RIP. You da real MVP. Additional shoutout to Rickon and Shaggydog.

You guys were right, the season finale was like Gary Busey hosting the CrazyCon while inviting John Travolta and Tom Cruise to usher for him. A damn shame about Margaery; I'm glad she didn't die a more gruesome death, as she was way too fine for that, but still. That lad that had the roll in the hay with her had the Seven's blessings. Between Renly, Joffery and Tommen, he was probably her one and only.

Badass awards goes to Dany, for proper use of her mutant antiburn powers and her fire breathing dragons. Runners up include Jon Snow and Sansa for ridding the world of the last Bolton and Winterfell battle as a whole. Honorary mention to Arya, for magicking back to Westeros so quickly (to me) and taking the head off of House Frey (the top three at least).

Called it that Jon was Lyanna and Rhaegar's son. Hopefully that Jon/Dany ship will go through now. Also, realized that they cut Young Griff/Aegon, wth HBO? Did the Stormlands and the Golden Company just sit on their butts all day?


Just a heads up to the new folks in the RP and reminder to the old folks: Tiber has employed a Shadow Assassin from Asshai named Strider into his service. OOC letting everyone know wise, I don't really intend on using him at all. He's more of just an anti-shadow baby/magic assassination BS device I put in when @TheFordee14 first made the RP, so don't expect a random man appearing out of your character's shadow and stabbing him/her/it to death. That's not he's for. Thanks guys.

lol sick anti op strategy
Akio said:
lol sick anti op strategy
Yup, I figured it'll be easier to employ than "the shadow ritual failed/backfired and didn't managed to touch Tiber Lannister" and have people be pissed due to Deus Ex Machina or something. Something to keep in mind also for any assassination attempts in the future.

@Brook Tywin Lannister was a great man who always looked out for his realm and his family. Jaime had nothing but love for his siblings (though more so for Tyrion later in the series). That family is one of honor and duty, just like Walder Frey and his kin, unlike Robb Stark who went back on his words and backpedaled to save his own hide. :P
WanderingJester said:
Yup, I figured it'll be easier to employ than "the shadow ritual failed/backfired and didn't managed to touch Tiber Lannister" and have people be pissed due to Deus Ex Machina or something. Something to keep in mind also for any assassination attempts in the future.
@Brook Tywin Lannister was a great man who always looked out for his realm and his family. Jaime had nothing but love for his siblings (though more so for Tyrion later in the series). That family is one of honor and duty, just like Walder Frey and his kin, unlike Robb Stark who went back on his words and backpedaled to save his own hide. :P
"Duty and honor" wasn't Tywin the one who attacked kings landing and didn't Jaime murder his king and push a boy out a window?
[QUOTE="Ser Davos Seaworth]"Duty and honor" wasn't Tywin the one who attacked kings landing and didn't Jaime murder his king and push a boy out a window?

I actually liked Tywin as a character and could respect his motives and actions other then his own with Tyrion who he discriminated because o this wives death
Akio said:
If you want some activity during the feast i can have Cayden sit next to the Tully party, that will be fun @Hypnos
That be quite the slip up, mentioning your best friend is waiting for Desgran to die because he doesn't like her getting married again her will and may be in love with her himself... whoops?
Stay away from us civilised folk you Dornish swine!

WanderingJester said:
Your matriarch just practically announced an emergency evacuation order for all Tullys in the Westerlands. I'm sure if you want you can respond to that with Walder Jr. Just tossing ideas for some interactions I suppose.
Well they're not leaving yet, just getting ready for a sudden exit just in case.
Hypnos said:
Stay away from us civilised folk you Dornish swine!
Well they're not leaving yet, just getting ready for a sudden exit just in case.
I just want to chat and compare philosophies, I have table manners!
Akio said:
I just want to chat and compare philosophies, I have table manners!
Well the Tullys have got a lot on their plate right now without a crazy Dornish spearman. I'd say it's best you stay as far away from the Tully table as possible.
Hypnos said:
Well the Tullys have got a lot on their plate right now without a crazy Dornish spearman. I'd say it's best you stay as far away from the Tully table as possible.
*Sits at Tully table not even realizing who's there because exhausted because of the melee*
Akio said:
*Sits at Tully table not even realizing who's there because exhausted because of the melee*
Don't worry, Lyonel may take pity in Cayden and help him converse with others.
Hypnos said:
*Every single Riverlander moves to a differant table*
To be fair he has no idea the Riverlands has a bad relationship with the Dornish, usually it's pretty neutral
Akio said:
To be fair he has no idea the Riverlands has a bad relationship with the Dornish, usually it's pretty neutral
Then mayhaps he should take a couple of lessons in the state of the realm. He has been gone a very long time.

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