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Fandom A Song of Ice and Fire RP (Game of Thrones)

WanderingJester said:

I would argue that next to House Tully, the Lannisters consider family highest in regards to importance, and since Brackens, Brax and Tully are family now...
You can always get us off when we commit high treason and conspire to kill the queen! :)

Lancelot said:
Except from being allies with House Stark and House Baratheon?
I would argue that's why they're screwed.
Hypnos said:
You can always get us off when we commit high treason and conspire to kill the queen! :)
I would argue that's why they're screwed.
Ahh yes. The most powerful alliance in the rp at the moment...

Absolutely no hope for them
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Lancelot said:
Ahh yes. The most powerful alliance in the rp at the moment...
Absolutely no hope for them
That alliance is time bomb, one day someone is going to end up killing someone else and everything is going to go to shit.
Hypnos said:
You can always get us off when we commit high treason and conspire to kill the queen! :)
I would argue that's why they're screwed.
Yes, or at least hide a good majority of you guys in the Westerlands/the Rock, we'll regathered our forces then liberate the Riverlands from whoever seized control after the Tullys' fled.
TheAncientCenturion said:
I can't let the Lannister's amass that large of an alliance! That's insane. And killing riverfolk is easy, anyhow. I'll just send a raven to the Frey's.
You know, Tiber's not ask the Tullys to do a single thing tbh. Alliance might be too strong of a word here xD .

[QUOTE="Ser Davos Seaworth]Jeez, at least sell swords are straightforward. You want us to kill someone, no problem! All these lords and fragile alliances

Until you get hired by one of them, then the company has to kill according to those fragile alliances xD .

Speaking of which, House Lannister's always looking for disciplined soldiers to join their forces, and we have money! :D
TheAncientCenturion said:
I can't let the Lannister's amass that large of an alliance! That's insane. And killing riverfolk is easy, anyhow. I'll just send a raven to the Frey's.
Maybe you should have crashed the wedding then. Killing Riverfolk is easy is it? The founder of the Golden Company not half Bracken?

[QUOTE="Ser Davos Seaworth]Jeez, at least sell swords are straightforward. You want us to kill someone, no problem! All these lords and fragile alliances

But where's the fun in that?
WanderingJester said:
You know, Tiber's not ask the Tullys to do a single thing tbh. Alliance might be too strong of a word here xD .
Until you get hired by one of them, then the company has to kill according to those fragile alliances xD .

Speaking of which, House Lannister's always looking for disciplined soldiers to join their forces, and we have money! :D
Don't make me think back on this important decision! I only move forward! Now, let's siege Riverun!

Hypnos said:
Maybe you should have crashed the wedding then. Killing Riverfolk is easy is it? The founder of the Golden Company not half Bracken?
But where's the fun in that?
:/ That's a low blow.
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The Martells put pretty high importance on family. Oberyn went to great extent to avenge Elias death and caused Dorian to conspire to ally the Targaryens even after their defeat while Oberyns death also created waves.
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Akio said:
The Martells put pretty high importance on family. Oberyn went to great extent to avenge Elias death and caused Dorian to conspire to ally the Targaryens even after their defeat while Oberyns death also created waves.
You can't beat the Tullys in a family off. It's literally the first thing in our house words.
Hypnos said:
You can't beat the Tullys in a family off. It's literally the first thing in our house words.
I'm arguing for second place lol and to be fair the Tully's marry off to keep the peace a lot basically selling themselves for alliances. But I guess they do that for family so that counts
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The Stark's went and shouted at a king when a member of their family was kidnapped by the prince.

And Tywin let loose Gregor The Mountain That Rides Clegane for Tyrion, who he hated.

Fourth place isn't bad, though.
Akio said:
I'm arguing for second play lol
Well the Lannisters were technically very family centred.

Everything Tywin did was for his family and if Joanna wasn't lost birthing Tyrion then he likely wouldn't be as harsh as he is in the books/show.

He keeps Tyrion alive despite the huge amounts of damage it does to his family (something he holds closest to him)

Cersei + Jaime is the only relationship worth caring about.
This conversation reminds me of a Targ king who arranged four marriage alliances to 4 other great houses but when his sons and daughters wanted to marry elsewhere (all pretty low born to) he actually let them and went through the trouble of passifying the other great houses at large cost
Akio said:
This conversation reminds me of a Targ king who arranged four marriage alliances to 4 other great houses but when his sons and daughters wanted to marry elsewhere (all pretty low born to) he actually let them and went through the trouble of passifying the other great houses at large cost
That would be Egg/Aegon the Unlikely.

He allowed that because he himself married for love.
Also if I remember correctly it was Duncan the Small that married Jenny of Oldstones.

Jahareys and his sister married eachother.

And I think the youngest one was gay.

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