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Fandom A pokemon adventure ooc

It's like I need to make sure I have multiple "layers" of safety measures before my paranoia stops bothering me......Well that sounds wrong.
I mostly just need more time lol. xD
Btw, should I interfere with a post in IC tho?
I want to make sure the trio reacted to the attack before I post anything.
You don't have to wait. Just make sure it makes sense according to what juju posted
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That, I have to admit with shame that it was stolen for the official BBC code guide section. :'(
I am just stealing things all around, there's what you do when you don't have skeeels.
*insert motivational comment* lel I remember seeing a thread about plagiarism on the site. It was quite funny that people actually got angry about html coding.
I don't see those nerds citing their sources for where they learned how to make the code. Thus for all intensive purposes, the plagiarist is accusing others of plagiarizing. And on an rp forum where everything uses other people's art and ideas on a daily basis no less. xD
Haha, true.
But I still wanna give credit to Juju as the inspiration for the neat way to keep states in check!
You can if you want. Juju is a fine...uhhh...is juju a boy or girl? Fuck it

Juju is a fine dragon. I would give it credit where credit's due out of raspact.
Haha, true.
But I still wanna give credit to Juju as the inspiration for the neat way to keep states in check!
and they say there's no honor among thieves ;P heheh
It's a Frankenstein creation from the BBcode guide on RPN, but thanks for thinking of it as a contribution to art. i feel speciaaaaaaaaal (*w*)

You can if you want. Juju is a fine...uhhh...is juju a boy or girl? Fuck it

Juju is a fine dragon. I would give it credit where credit's due out of raspact.
Helicopter. It's helicopter. It's 2017.
omg ded. xD
cyborg dragon. That's me.

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