A Little Vision of the Start and the End

Not a bad plan. My notifications have been really spotty.

My sinus infection is also back with a vengeance so I might take a while to post.
I'm sorry I didn't post yesterday. My mom called me to inform me my father dropped the bomb that he's decided to stay in the Philippines (he has been working for an international company for several years; he was contracted to go here only to set things up initially). Aaaaand he wants a divorce. Mom is 67 and my brother is still dependent on them due to some crippling social anxiety. Everything's a mess. >.< RP is a great distraction, so I'm not disappearing or anything. I just really felt like sharing this stress with you guys. Married 32 years!

Yeah. I'm not totally certain what's going on with my dad, to be honest. He changed a lot while living abroad- physically, emotionally, and mentally. It's hard to get a read on what is going on since he's always been a private and stoic sort of guy. I just... don't know. It's left my mother and brother in a lurch that I can't completely help them crawl out of. I have a strong suspicion he is also much more sick than he's letting on and perhaps knowing his own frailty spawned a late-life-crisis.
I sympathy-liked your post, doubted myself and unliked it, then said what the hell and liked it again. That's rough, bro. </3

I was going to say some shit about sixty seven not being that old and starting new and at least it's not X, but fuck that. It's always hard, it's always gonna be hard, and there's no point in denying that. But you and your family are gonna make it through this just fine. And whenever you get the time to reply, we'll always be happy to see you. :)
I'm almost done with the post, actually. And thanks =) It's very hard, but every little bit of encouragement does make it easier to endure. Sincerely. <3
Syrenrei that's a pretty hard blow. My dad is 65, and I am 21 (youngest in the family), I can't imagine he'll ever divorce my mom. It would completely break her. Best of luck to you and your family, and send your mother my regards. Perhaps the idea that a random internet person cares about her wellbeing will help her find the strength to endure this. My kindest regards to you as well. Stay strong.
Okay guys, I want to post tonight, but I'm freaking the fuck out.

My financial aid package came in.

Total cost of attendance: ~22,650

Total Scholarships and Grants: ~16,500

Expected Copay: ~6,150

That's for two whole semesters. I can get a four year degree for 25,000 dollars?!?! Holy fucking shit I was expecting it to be so much higher. This has just made my life pretty much.
I want to say that my scholarship program paid for $26k over four years, which basically meant I was paying for books, living expenses, etc. I went to NC State University, for what it's worth. I know my friends in the north (where I was born) say the cost of living is so much higher that you run into a much bigger cost going to school up there, so I am glad I set my eyes where I did.

Grats on the scholarships and grants!

What degree are your pursuing?
It's looking like I'll have a bare minimum of 80k over four years. I don't even understand how this works. O_O But I am not complaining, nope. BUT HOW IN THE HELL DID I GET EIGHTY WHAT THE HELL.

Texas has a pretty low cost of living, thankfully, but there are dorms and meal plans to consider, plus misc. expenses. But that twenty-five thousand over four years includes tuition, fees, books, supplies, and travel. I don't drive or like sports, so that removes a few more thousand from the equation. I mean, everything included, I might wind up having these four years cost me under fifty thousand dollars. The land my parents bought as a college investment alone is worth ~75.

I'll definitely be getting a bachelor's in anthro (nautical archaeology department, fuck yeah), but I want to dual major with ento as well. We'll see how that works out. ^^ I'm hopeful, but the entomologists are weird, antisocial, and don't like to share.
Sorry! America is just very different from us up here north :P

Though, getting it that cheap down there is awesome!
If it makes you feel better, my scholarship program was called "Teaching Fellows" and I had to pay back the 'scholarship' by teaching for four years after graduation. I had to choose between marrying my husband, who was pursuing a master's degree where we lived, or moving away to a more rural area with teaching jobs. I chose the former (no regrets!) and ended up having to pay back the entire $26,000.00. You're almost certainly doing better than I did with my scholarship.

I was going to teach high school English. Now I'm just a paralegal, but I enjoy it just as much or more. Less stress!
Hrm, my notifications have gone quite wonky as well :/ Congrats Sabine! Thank god I won't have to worry about my own college tuition fees for a couple of years yet hehe

Good move with L'teria, Syrenrei :P Reading back over my own posts, they hardly make sense. I will start reading over my posts before posting and leaving it xD

Hrm, missing Pai. i hope she's doing okay.
WE LOVE YOU @Darth Pai .

What do you mean, Ren? They seem fine! I have no idea what good move I made with L'teria. I'm sort of winging it and hoping @Lady Sabine doesn't throw me out a window for being dramatic and ridiculous. <3
I think the only two that haven't posted are @Darth Pai (who said not to wait on her) and @Macaberz . If you're waiting on Maca, I think he's been on today- just might need to prod him to let him know you're waiting on him. That being said, I doubt he'll mind if you post.
Whoops this kinda got drowned in the 258 other notifications I had today. No joke. Anyway, I'll post first thing this morning, sorry for the delay!

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