A Little Vision of the Start and the End

Nat said:
O.o how can you enjoy rainy days?
How can you not? Sun is nice, wind is nice, rain is nice. I like all seasons and I never understand why a majority of people solely prefer the summer. I actual prefer the transitional seasons -spring, autumn- the most. I love the variation.
Well, I come from the city with the majority of rainy days, sp you get tiredbof rain eventually then :P
Nat said:
Well, I come from the city with the majority of rainy days, sp you get tiredbof rain eventually then :P
And what City might that be? You don't have to tell obviously, just curious...
Not sure if I should post for Y'deviuna or just wait for Sabine to post for L'teria >.< I guess I'll give this another couple days (when Maca should be back) before I move forward with a just Y'deviuna post
I believe Sabine will still be absent for a couple more daus, and she suggested we move both of her characters to bed due to illness.
I have my tabletop game tonight, but I'll post this weekend for the ladies (probably tomorrow night). I have a sewing project I have to finish in the next couple weeks cramping my time, so I don't mind waiting another couple days for Sabine. I'll make sure something Maca has something to reply to, though!

We could also do a dinner time skip if you folks wanted to progress to everyone eating together?
How about breakfast? In all honesty, 9 pages for one day is quite long imho. Not that I am bothered by it, not at all, I just have a feeling the interesting stuff (plot) is yet to come.
I am okay with that if everyone else is =) I'll just need a post or so to wrap up the girls and move them forward to the next morning
What about their first dinner altogether though? Everyone has been off in their pairs, and the group hasn't spoken together yet. But I suppose with the drunks and Eodrah and such, not everyone will be present at dinner... I'm rambling. Sure, I support a time skip to next morning.
Ren said:
What about their first dinner altogether though? Everyone has been off in their pairs, and the group hasn't spoken together yet. But I suppose with the drunks and Eodrah and such, not everyone will be present at dinner... I'm rambling. Sure, I support a time skip to next morning.
Oh I am fine with dinner too. One bratty, undignified character and a sloshed one should make for some humorous moments.
Syrenrei I think you should just decide. You're very active and involved in this RP so I think you more or less have the prerogative to decide.
I'll let Pai weigh in, but if she doesn't by tomorrow night I'll at least advance my folks a post. =) I prefer dinner because it might be more of a train wreck personally! 
I actually had a really rough day today and will be delaying my post to tomorrow >.<
I'm here! Been absent for a looooong time. In a few hours, after I get a good night's rest, I will catch up and read everything and then in another few hours, I'll type up a post. Probably. Sorry for disappearing! Heh. :]
I think breakfast would be better, dinner seems like it would be the same as what's happening now. But, I'm fine with anything. However, I won't be able to reply until tonight since, well, I'm hanging out with a friend. Sorry. ^^"
Let's have them do breakfast, then, if everyone amicable. Y'deviuna is under the weather, so it will give her time to recoup and everyone to unpack. I imagine that first night some of them night skip dinner because they don't feel up to all the pomp.

I'll do a 'skip ahead' post but if anyone objects, I'll edit it from breakfast to dinner if need be! 
Sorry that took so long! I thought David might want to go fetch Y'deviuna for breakfast, so I left her out for the moment. I can add her in if need be.

Will that do for a time skip everyone?

@Darth Pai , @Lady Sabine , @Ren , @Nat , @Macaberz
I'll have to read it after my exam :)  
Melody and Kathleen are insulted.

" Her evening had been soured by discussion of dancing and flowers. Indeed! Skills of those with nothing better to do and no life to defend! "

I'm currently hearing the two of them in my head, complaining that Dancing is quite healthy, and that the people of Sangria have a better health than most because of the happiness that dance brings. :P

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