A Little Vision of the Start and the End


Did you want us to suggest pairings or are they something they will be decided by you after you finish your country? =)
Those will be decided in just a moment. ^^

UPDATE: The lineup, now open to suggestions, is paired so that the prince on the left is to marry the princess on the right.

1- David 4- Y'Deviuna

1- Edmund 5- Claudia

2- Claus 3- Melody

2- Lucas 6- Eodrah

5- Silas 3- Kathleen

6- Roiben 4- L'teria 
Countries are up. Pairings are up. I'm drawing the map now. ^^
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Quick question! Are the pairings heir + non-heir? I ask because I think I'm the only matriarchal, so I think that means we have a non-heir pair? I assume Roiben, not Eodrah, is the heir, meaning Claus/Melody the non-heir pair?

EDIT: I'm dumb. A princess has to be heir if there are two princesses!
No no, I realized that I didn't ascribe either of Nat's princesses to be heir- which one of them is. Duh. I think Y'deviuna and David will clash like nobody's business. I predicted L'teria to get along fabulously with anyone scholarly-minded regardless of who played them since she obviously leans that way.

I have plans/secrets/hidden flaws for both the ladies, and I am honestly not sure who will bring them out best. I'll be honest, though. I am a twin FANATIC. I was very good (for me) this time not making twins so I was hoping for a Ren twin! It's not a comment on a dislike of anyone's writing though. I'd RP with my cats if they played twins.
Alright. The map is done, but it's taking forever to email it from my phone (yes, it's a crappy iPhone pic... ;_ ;) to my computer, so it might be a while before I figure out how to get it up. xD
Any possibility of a push in the direction of your characters' and country profiles Sabine? I cannot find them.
That's probably because I haven't posted them yet. xD

The map, however, is up. Right now it is complete shit because I'm at my grandparents' house and only have #2 pencils and crayons. An improved version will be made sometime between Monday and Friday. Feel free to ask me to alter things, but be aware that I may or may not incorporate your requests, depending on how complicated they are and how much time I have. xD
May I politely remind you Saubany is southeast of the continent and borders a couple countries? Otherwise my whole history sec seems a little wonky eh? That's my bad though, I never imagined Meus as a peninsula, I imaged it as almost Europe-like, with Krassia and the southern coastline countries and all, and bordered by other continents, rather than being so isolated. But I love the shape of the countries. Saubany is perfect as I imagined it, as are Krassia and Desolum. Your art is wonderful :D
I honestly had NO idea where I would be placed and already feel poorly for all the countries that are apparently around me. I imagine the enchanted woods as being quite unfriendly to others and so I imagine wars being fought all around it rather than traversing through it because honestly those woods be scary, yo.
I've flopped East and West a bit since it matched up a little better in my head that way. O.o I may re-flip things in the final edition of the map, but it seemed more aesthetically pleasing to connect things in that way, and by the time I'd realized what I'd done it seemed to work OK.

As for Saubany's history, the more I've thought about it the less I want other countries to be major players in the political games. I'm picturing Meus as being fairly isolated, with perhaps some smaller island-nations out to the South and West but no one a serious player in the political game, to explain why there aren't any others included in the whole matchmaker-alliance business. It's also not much of a peninsula- Luvar is pretty much Antarctica, completely uninhabitable and frozen over. Gamül is the only part that goes far enough South to be habitable, but I have it figured for Orc-claimed territory which explains its lack of involvement in much of Meus' history.

Sorry if I screwed up some parts of your country (I figure maybe Phillip could have been more involved with Navrin, Desolum, etc.) but this seemed the most elegant solution. I figure it was logical to explain their smaller size as the result of retreating onto a peninsula, where once they could have taken a lot of Southern Desolum & Western Navrin, and all of the Southern Plaguelands.

Thanks! But the art's not all that great. I'll try to include a political map (like this, but with cities/man-made features), a terrain map (rivers, forests, hills, mountains...), and maybe something cultural/religious/linguistic.

I considered how to do the middle of the country, and I figured since everyone else seemed at least somewhat coastal-oriented, Itieri was probably in the interior. I also wanted to make it big, to explain why in spite of being a major country it wasn't necessarily involved, because it's too massive and unfriendly to cross. The Southern-Western portion I had figured as decently friendly, Southern Plagueland border aside, but that the North-Eastern interior would be naturally shielded just by isolation.

Wars would definitely be fought around it. xD The sea would be so much easier than traipsing through the trees... explaining the isolation and lack of influence to or from the outside world quite neatly. ^^
I'd still like to suggest adding a non-detailed eastern continent. The reasoning I have for why there are no other groups from the eastern powers in the matchmaking because they are a completely separate culture with a separate language and customs. Being isolated out on a ledge makes most of Saubany's history invalid, as then there would be no Endec influence, no noisy capital, no plot by surrounding countries, and Saubany used to be a strong power much in the middle of things politically, hence why they are now the scapegoat, so it doesn't make geograohical sense. Kinda get where I'm coming from? Also, imagined the scholarly state smaller, like in the original description. Ooh, Iron-Eyed Hills? Sounds exciting.

Sorry about my neediness xD feel free to ignore. Don't be too bothered about the map for my sake. I'm sure it won't be too much in play in the RP. After all, the history is there anyway.
I think I might add some Western islands. I think it's more important to the history of the continent as a whole that Saubany be more connected to them than the foreign powers, though I can certainly see some ambitious small states on the islands teaming up to try and take over a portion of the coveted continent. ^^ I would also have to argue with your isolation theory- until recently, there was practically no such thing as overland trade or travel. It was slow, risky, and without rail or highways, nearly impossible. Having a big coastline would have made Saubany one of the most connected places in the world, not the least- they're also positioned about in the middle, as far as trade goes, putting them in a good position to switch over goods between the West and the East, with plentiful access to the South and to the Northern sea. ^^ Good for cultural exchange.
Saubany does not have many connections with overseas trade, I made it that way with Hustle and Bustle country in mind as the main perpetrator of the practice. I do not see the likelihood of Saubany losing half its land to islands.

Well, if the actual relationship between my country and the others due to the past is still as planned (as in plenty of distrust and bitterness towards its multiple bordering countries that claimed Saubanian land from war), you don't need to worry over the placement on the map :P

By the way, what are the Iron Eyed Hills? Did I miss them in someone's country profile?
Well, the islands wouldn't have succeeded, but when facing down a conspiracy from the West it would have been easy for the continental countries to decide to take what they thought was theirs while Saubany was distracted by the incursions of the foreigners... eh, idk. I might redraw if other people are also dissatisfied.

Also, all the areas in black are not controlled by any of the major powers. ^^ The Hills are there to encourage isolation. I'll explain them in a bit.
Hey, any possibility of giving us some breathing space to deviate a little from our set pairings while in the RP? How did you choose them? O.o
I chose them first and foremost to prevent doubles, so that every pair would be different and we wouldn't be stuck with the same partner. Then I paired up heirs and non-heirs, making sure to keep the kingdoms unique, and then I tried to choose the kingdoms that had a lot to offer each other.

I suppose there is some breathing space, but everyone will have to agree on any changes. 
Also, both of my characters are up now. ^^ Still skeletons, but up.
I see Itieri as a country that is most desirable to the militaristic countries (Desolum, Krassia) as it would give them a foothold into the center of the continent and establish dominance even by marriage. I could also see them believing (very foolishly) that somehow the Itieri people might be persuaded to stop battling animals and enjoy war games. Navrin I could see wanting a marriage into Itieri royalty to exploit the medicinal knowledge, resources, and ruins. Saubuny I think would view it as an untamed wilderness bursting with land and resources they'd like to have as well as having a similar mindset (generally closed off to the rest of the countries). I don't think Sangria would care much about the 'savages' of Itieri.

In terms of what Itieri would want out of marriage...

They lack ore, seafront, and open land for the most part, so I see all but one of the other countries as being attractive. As Y'deviuna's husband would be expected to be the 'lesser' in their marriage, any engagement would cause friction with patriarchal societies. Superstitions would also come into play- not sure if any princes have green eyes.

Would the royal matchmaker take into account what each country wants from others? I'm not sure it's clear what the different countries want or would give to others in every situation. I know Navrin is still not up, too, but I am excited to see what it says! 
Actually, I think Ren is asking if two characters not engaged might be able to intermingle? Not sure, but that's how I read it!
I was figuring that Desolum would see Itieri as a great opportunity to expand the faith, as well as a good source of natural resources and a convenient passthrough in case they need to go to war or have had trade blockades enacted by sea. As for Itieri, they would probably appreciate the protection of a larger country that is more experienced in warfare and can sort of defend them against the outside world. Then with the second marriage to Navrin, they would get a connection to one of the most powerful naval forces in the world, semi-assuring their safety through two powerful alliances from a military standpoint. In addition they might see the opportunity to combine herblore and traditional knowledge with the learning of the Academy for some really advanced medical techniques. ^^ Navrin always needs more wood for its fleets, so having their queen come from a heavily forested nation would be very useful. The Academy's hunger for knowledge would also give them a great curiosity for the strange ways of the Itieri people and whatever they might have hidden away- the Navrin people hate anyone else being the only ones to know something. xD

And yes, there certainly can be intermingling. After all, these are arranged marriages- the odds that they will work out smoothly are next to nil.
I think Maca is either going to love or hate me after Y'deviuna and David meet! His world is female-subservient, and Itieri will expect David to be the submissive one. His country will expect Itieri to follow The Faith which will clash with their superstitions about Great Mother Laera. Desolum employs metal weapons and boasts a strong military, while Itieri villages are ruled by democratically chosen leaders and everyone is treated by and large like a working person. Not to mention the five year age difference between Y'deviuna and David that L'teria will almost certainly point out at every opportunity to tease her sister. In terms of culture they are hilariously mismatched even if they would not themselves be aware. I expect it to be entertaining and very explosive.

I don't know I'd go as far to say as "it will work out" or "it would be Itieri's first choice" but I am amiable to any changes the majority want to make... save making Y'deviuna a lesbian that can magically get pregnant by another woman. I would not support that choice.

I hope at end at least one heir in the RP abdicates the throne or doesn't go along with the arranged marriage and runs off with someone else! I'll be disappointed if everyone is a dutiful monarch without some hidden agenda or tryst.
Kathleen will probaly not go with Silas

xD she's too much of a hyperactive, restless kid to deal with someone who is more of a military and calculated one.

And she is in general only doing this thanks to her sister.

Melody idk with yet. She tends to be dutiful.
Y'deviuna will either develop some sort of substance abuse or have a tryst with a handsome prince I suspect- unless David is secretly charming!

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