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Fantasy A Land Called Var


Picked Clean

Current War Phase: Preparations

Within Lastfair...

Lastfair is currently running as it always has, oblivious to the certain war looming above them. Everyday life and school is undisturbed, magical homes and objects surround it's citizens as part of normality.

At Lastfair's Academy of Foreign Matters...

The document has been declared and all heads of power within each district are currently filing through scrying reports and student identities for possible ample mages for the offensives.

Alderfold's nation...

All of Alderfold's cities and villages have begun their propaganda and recruitment, pamphlets and posters stating 'A war is coming. Who will you let get hurt, your enemies, or your families?' and various other recruitment phrases. Rumors of both excitement and worry spread through every street and town, that battle is to approach.

Inside Alderfold's Military Management...

Issues for mass production of propaganda and pamphlets are successful. The various tools for all battlefronts are being aligned, from military troops to mechanized weapons of terror. The bellowing of escaping steam fire from all sorts of busy transport, delivering specialized automatons and troop deliveries.
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Hood raised high. Potions close on hand. The darkness filled this alley on all sides. The winds where shockingly still, and sounds begun to creep everywhere until... "Welcome to the- Oh it's you." The water started soaking in the wooden floorboards and the outside rain picking up even more. "Did you manage to get anything to eat? I'm famished. A Pegasus has got to eat." The hood figure begins to reach under his cloak... a bony skeletal hand revealing a bag stained with blood. "Of course! This one was a bit frightful, but it was short work." Edward D Black had finally pulled his hood back, revealing his skeletal remains of a head, and outstretching the sack. "Do you have to make that pun every time you capture a leprechaun? Sigh..." Moments later the bag vanished, the talking Pegasus along with it, with loud munching heard in the back room. "It feels good to be out of that rain. It was cold as the grave out there."
Black clouds swirled overhead, blocking the fragile light of the moon as rain and lightning crashed down. Kurjack stomped through the dirt path, splashing through puddles as he did so. His bear skin dripped with moisture, and the conglomerate of axes at his side and on his back jangled as he walked. As he made his way up a much more hill - like part of the path, he raised his head to look out. Not too far away, a town glowed with energy and warmth, as if the storm had not even affected it in any way. Lightning flashed once more, and Kurjack began to make his way to the town.
Trifling through the empty bottles, the Doctor begins to hum a mess of notes, not really creating anything melodic in the lightest. After picking up a oddly shaped, square, flask he spins round and begins to yell "JEEVES!" with excitement written all over it. A few moments later, a side hatch opens up. A dizzy looking figure stumbles out grumbling words so low it was impossible to hear. "W-what is it- Oh no. It's you." Quickly grabbing the goblin from behind, he almost sings into his ear "Yes! It's me! I've found what we're going to make today!"

The little figure seems to be squeezing from his grasp, desperately trying to run as it is lifted from the ground. "First step! WORKSTATIONS!" The goblin was flailing like a leaf in the wind, but before it could even finish screaming, it was already half way across in the room in mid air, aiming straight for the door. "AAAaaaahhh-" Bang! The door collapsed, the drafty cold wafting in and the Doctor running out after it with yells of joy.
(Herus`s POV: )

I was wandering through the hills, watching the little bits of dust, blow little by little by gust of wind. Like a man alive, they each dragged themselves driven by the winds, through the sidepaths, never really finding the main road for more than a few moments. I took a gulp of air and turned my gaze to the horizon.

Lightning flashed ahead. I waved at it.

Lightning was one of the basis of the arcane. Our process was very similar, our nature just as mysterious and enlightening. Or at least, so I had been told. And tried to be. Taking pupils was no easy task, and one that rarely lasted how it should for me...

I saw a drop of rain fall. It`d start soon. It was a rather large hassle, cause I had no intention of taking my clothes off, even if they soaked: Not only were they my only ones, but they`d expose my face. Expose ME.

I witnessed a couple more raindrops land and sighed.

"Why didn`t I summon the mantra again?" I inquired myself, unsure...I probably had a good reason, but at this point, I couldn`t recall it. And I needed to get away from the rain, before it was too late. I placed two fingers over my forehead, they lit up. After a moment of soundless focus, I pointed them both at the ground and gently lifted them. At first, a large blue circle appeared on the floor, and then slowly my mount began to rise from it`s depths.

The mount:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/upload_2016-1-18_21-22-26.png.4889b766dff51040a97530b49feab7fe.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="99899" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/upload_2016-1-18_21-22-26.png.4889b766dff51040a97530b49feab7fe.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

@Knight Nate

(Griva`s POV: )

There was a large field of flowers, all of them bright red roses. Not the typical red, though. Blood red. And they grew around bones.

Above me was a nice, strong man. He smiled down at me, I smiled at him, and pulled the leash. The man fell to his knees and kissed the ground in front of me. I laughed, as three more man came, skinny ones, each with their tongs out...

My eyes opened and I growled with frustration, tossing aside the drooled pillow.


Why was there all that noise upstairs? Couldn`t they understand I was SLEEPING? And such a wonderful dream at that... I knew I shouldn`t have stayed in such a cheap place, they were always trouble. I growled and pulled myself out of bed, adjusting my pink silken pijamas. I opened the door as I yawned and climbed down the stairs to see what this was all about.

I followed the noise to a door that led...somewhere...and knocked, pretty angry.

"Is anyone in there? Could cut down the noise?" I yelled.




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Kurjack continued to stomp through the storm, focused only on reaching the town. His steps were loud and menacing, much unlike the man they belonged to. He arrived at the gates of the town, and raising a giant fist, pounded on it thrice. He then stood in the rain, head down, waiting for the gate to open.
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Blood smeared lips and a half eaten green jacket hanging from its lips, the pegasus answers the restless knocking by somehow unlocking the without hands. "If you're looking for the rowdy professor, you just missed him. Also, next time use the front door... even though there isn't one right now." abruptly shutting the door, the sound of crunching is soon heard again from behind it.

On the other hand, the Doctor was busy chasing after his goblin servant, only to become distracted by the monstrous pounding on the gates. Slowly approaching, his servant far and gone by this point. "Who's there?" He shouts over the gate, waiting with arms crossed.

@Knight Nate

Kurjack sighed as he lifted his head up and shouted back, his gruff voice making sound more annoyed than he really was.

"A weary traveller, looking for shelter. Can you assist me?"
"..." The Doctor stood there in silence, well after hearing the response, a skeletal hand rubbing his non-existent chin. "..." Continued silence fills the gap between them, before the professor steadily approaches the gate, knocking on it with a steady few beats of his own. "That is a really long and complicated name to remember!" The rummaging of potions and clinking glass over flows from his actions, even as he speaks. "Well, just hit the gate with magic! Or a bottle. Or a goblin servant. all of them seem to work, really. In fact, just hit the thing and it should open A weary traveller looking for shelter can you assist me."

@Knight Nate
Kurjacks eyes narrowed. If he wasn't looking a place to get out of the rain, he would have left right then and there. He pounded on the gate once more and it slowly creaked open. He stepped inside, his hulking figure easily towering over a normal man, and looked around. The first thing he saw was...a skeleton. He shrugged internally; it wasn't the weirdest thing he saw.

"Where can I find hot food?"
(Griva`s POV: )

To say I was offended was a terrible shortcut. I knocked on the door again, much harder this time.

"YOU PEOPLE BETTER CUT OUT THE NOISE; PEOPLE ARE TRYING TO SLEEP HERE." I announced, before turning around and walking back to my room. I opened the door, got in, and closed it behind me, before lying on the bed and pulling the pillow to myself, cuddling it tightly.


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Tapping his non existent chin once again, the Skeleton lowers the black sleeves to reveal more of his fragile bone arms. His neck tilts slightly to the left, giving the fake impression of him staring into the distance even without eyes. "Food.. food...hot..." after a few moments of illegible chatter amongst himself, he perks towards the new figure, handing him a bottle of a green smelling liquid. "Ah! Food! I have no idea!" He continues to shake the bottle, swishing the liquid around more. "I can make it hot though! As a Skeleton, food tends to... go right through me. How about this, should make it flare up nicely! You'll feel it in your bones!"

@Knight Nate
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Kurjack sighed and shook his head. He made for the nearest corner and sat down in it, his many axes jangling with him. He reached into a pouch by his side and rummaged through it, pulling out some strip of dried venison. He began munching on it heartily.

"I'll feed myself, then."
The professor followed the hulking man, still holding the green liquid close in hand. "Have you seen a goblin anywhere? Small, green, big nose, looks like a goblin, speaks like a goblin, looks like my neighbours mother?" He seemed to become even more enthusiastic with question, leaning close to the man as he sat down, a bony hand reaching for his shoulder and hunkering over to whisper "Hey... have you... heard of Wildfire?"

@Knight Nate
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Kurjack raised an eyebrow as he ripped the meat to pieces as he ate. He made a bad decision coming here; this skeleton thing was really getting on his nerves.

"Haven't seen your goblin. Killed a few on the way, though. I'm afraid I don't know what wildfire is."

He continued to tear into his chunks of venison, trying to focus on eating.
Leaving the bottle on the bench beside the hulkish man, one could probably imagine the skeleton grinning if he had lips. "Well... you should take it. Someone like you...might just need it." Slipping back into a perked form, he frantically looks around, waving innocently to the barbarian as he leaves shouting "I'm going to go look for my servant now! Good luck in Lastfair, A weary traveler looking for shelter can you assist me!"

@Knight Nate
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Kurjack rolled his eyes as he continued to eat. His eyes gradually found their way to the bottle next to him, and they narrowed. He had no idea what this stuff was, but the skeleton had said to try it. He picked it up in one giant hand and swished the green contents around. He stared at it, considering if he should take it. But it was a risk; it could be poison also. Hmm...
Covered by the seal of darkness, the armored figure of the Roguebreach guild Mercenary remained concealed as it was. His feet kicked up onto the table, the silhouettes of his mud-stained sabatons could be seen from the sparsely illuminated booth. No sound emitted from the man aside from the quiet gallop of his metal fingers drumming against the table as he watched the brouhaha from the undead abomination and the seemingly barbarian warrior. When the skeleton had finally left, Silar kicked his feet off the table and let them slam against the ground with considerable noise. Sliding closer to the Barbarian Warrior, Silar twisted his body to get a small glimpse of the barbarian examining the liquid.

"You're not going to take advice from an undead, are you?" he said, his voice quiet, relaxed, and muffled by the full helmet that concealed his identity. Silar stood up from his table and retrieved his sword from the dark corner of the table, throwing it over his shoulder and tying it's scabbard onto his back once again. The man took a few steps towards the Barbarian's table and leaned one arm onto the table, illuminating the introcate design of his armor, perhaps revealing his Guild background.

"You'll need to be careful in a place like this, warrior. Magic, cryptid abominations among other cancers are numerous here. I suggest you take your shelter and move on." He warned, placing both his hands on the table and leaning closer to the Barbarian, his face entirely concealed by the shadows of the helmet. "The kismet has decided that providence will not protect the cancers here. Their fate is sealed within my sword."He spoke quieter than before, as if he didn't want to alarm anyone else nearby. When he was finished talking, he pushed himself off the barbarian's table and reached into a small purse latched to his belt. Silar fished out a singular coin and flicked it towards the barbarian with his thumb.

"Rent yourself a soft bed, warrior. Hard times are ahead." He said louder so that others could hear. With that, the Mercenary stomped towards the exited halting only to secure the leather covers of his sabatons.

@Knight Nate
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Clear skies, calm winds. It was the perfect day to be up in the skies. Of course, Vera already was flying the huge cargo ship that was making its way to Lastfair. She sat back behind the big steering wheel, her feet flopped up on the control board as the woman lazily kept a single finger on the wooden steer. The ship could pretty much fly itself, leaving her to enjoy the never ending blue in front of her. This area was already considered safe, no turbulence nor air pirates, so she took a moment to relax before preparing the landing. “We are almost at the port” An older looking man that sat besides her in the control room announced, making the woman nod. “How does everything look so far?” He flipped some switches and leaned forwards “Pressure levels are good, altitude is good, we have enough gas to make a trip back, and…Yup, everything looks good” Those words always brought her a wave of relief; “Perfect”

Unlike Alderfolds’s docks, Lastfair’s were smaller and the spots for cargo airships were sometimes limited. Vera wasn’t particularly bond of this nation, but jobs were jobs, and if she was sent here to deliver goods then the woman had no place to refuse. She had nothing against Lastfair, it just didn’t feel like she quite belonged there. Everything was just…Too magical for her. Yes she did have some magical skills but the woman always loved the great inventions that men could produce themselves. And so she had claimed Alderfolds as her home. Its technology was just amazing…

“Alright, let’s get this baby down” Her co-pilot nodded at those words, replying with a ‘Roger’ before the two begun their landing routine.

Vera sighed and let out the usual sigh once the airship’s engines slowly shut off, turning off the controls. “Another successful flight” Her co-pilot commented as the man stood and patted her on the back, walking back to where the door was. She followed him out of the control room and down some long hallways before her hairs slowly started to gently flowed about. The wind came through the open cabin’s door that revealed some long, metal steps down to the dock. “Welcome!” The two heard a voice exclaim from below, seeing another man wave at them in greeting.

Once the two were down she gave the airship’s key to the keeper so that he could move it once all the cargo had been unloaded. As for Vera, she was going to get some rest. “Hey—“ But she stopped when the blue haired woman felt a hand grab her wrist, moving her head to the side to look pass her shoulder; It was her Co-pilot, Michael. “Try to enjoy your time here. Get some good food, get some new clothes, get laid. Enjoy your week!” His words made Vera chuckle and roll her eyes, pulling her arm away, “See you in a week, Mike”

“See you in a week~”
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Kurjack didn't like the man who had approached him. Despite him being covered in armor, he wasn't intimidated. He kept quiet and waited for the man to finish speaking before watching the gold piece fall to the table. His eyes narrowed and his anger flared m; does it look like he needed charity!? He picked the gold up and flung at the man, watching it bounce off his armor.

"I don't require your charity."
Indeed the coin pointlessly bounced off the armor with the satisfying ping of metal on metal. The Mercenary didn't flinch, didn't respond to the insult whatsoever. He let the coin drop to the floor and the helmet cocked down as he watched the coin roll around on the floor before coming to a subtle halt. A sharp breath was heard from under the steel visage and the helmet returned it's gaze to the Barbarian.

"Suit yourself, warrior. " was all he said, wrapping a treated leather cloak around his shoulders and pulled up a hood over the helmet. Drawing the cloak close around his body, Silar exited the building and entered the darkened alleyways, the torrent of rain assaulting his ears. Tucking his chin down to protect the metal from the rain, he now walked off into the streets of Lastfair.


Name: Isaac Orcus

Occupation: Druid

Age: 24

Isaac who was sitting on a bench, out in the raining weather of Lastfair. Although it was raining, he didn't seem to get wet. The droplets of rain that is suppose to hit the green haired man's head, turns on another different direction just an inch closer to his head, the rain droplets seems to avoid getting the man wet. To other's that may seem weird, but in Lastfair, it is perfectly normal.

Using his elemental magic to avoid himself soaked, people would wonder why he is staying outside in this inclement weather, if he can just stay in his home. Right now, he got nothing to do in house, he was extremely bored. And he got the feeling that something maybe later.. or sooner. An event will arise within Lastfair, may it be catastrophic or what, he just feels that something is about to happen. And he would like to be the first one being there.

He may or may not have, received the news of the current war that is about to happen within Lastfair and Alderford. But his instincts, yeah, just his instincts that let him feel the change of mood within Lastfair,that some may not see. Sitting on a bench, in the town square, Isaac Orcus is bored out of his mind, and waiting for an event to happen.
Kurjack shook his head and refocused his attention to eating the scraps of meat. His eyes would occasionally look down to the potion by his side and sigh. He set the neat down and grabbed the potion, quickly uncorking it and downing it. It burned a little as it went down and tasted strangely of lime, but he didn't feel anything. Strange.
“So you heard about that war?”

“Yeah…Scary right?”

“Mmh. I hope its only rumors”

“No I’m pretty sure its legit, you know how these governments are these days. They only seem to want trouble...”

“I heard that they even WANT it to happen!”


Not so far away from the three gossiping individuals sat Vera, boredly looking down at a newspaper as she took a sip of her beer. It had started raining all of the sudden and the woman had decided to take shelter in a tavern not far away from the ports. So far, her day in Lastfair had been dull and uneventful—Just like every time she came here. Seriously, what was she supposed to do here for a week? The woman had no interest in magic nor in anything that this town could offer. It’s not like she was a new visitor in Lastfair so she couldn’t say she was going to go sightseeing. Even the beer here tasted different…Not as pleasant as the beer from her dear Alderfold. Though her blank, blue eyes slowly glanced up when her ears caught the words being spoken by that annoying group sitting some tables behind her.

That’s right…The war…It’s not like she cared about it anyways. If some ridiculous war broke out, she could just take one of her airships and fly back to her continent. She was just a mare cargo pilot doing what she loved, flying ships.

The fire from her lighter flickered on as she leaned the little flame closer to the tip of her cigarette, huffing in before removing her finger from the small switch. Maybe the beer would taste better with its help.
“Serve me another one” The bar tender nodded, grabbing the empty glass when Vera slid it across the table. Her eyes closed and she took a minute to inhale. At first she didn't even inhale, just sucked some smoke in and held it in her mouth then blew it out. It felt hot when she drew the smoke into her lungs—it's air moving past a fire, after all. Sometimes she enjoyed looking at the thin fog of smoke that escaped from her mouth; the exhaust would spiral around for a few seconds but then gently disappear into the air. But as the woman opened her lips and released the smoke a second time, the swirling cloud begun to surround her head, bouncing around it as they took form of little, blackened bunnies. They jumped and floated up above her head, playing with one another before their bodies disintegrated once again.

“One beer coming up!” The voice of the bar tender called out, snapping Vera out of her trance. She opened her hand and grabbed the sliding glass that was sent her way, looking up at the man to flash him a grateful smile. “Keep them coming”
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Name: Isaac Orcus

Occupation: Druid

Age: 24

Completely bored out of his mind, Isaac decided to spend some time drinking. And might get some information from the people of the town. And where's the possible place that may get him what he want? A tavern. Standing up from his seat, Isaac casually walks to the most popular bar in the town. Where he knows there's a lot of people talking and gossiping about things. And he got nothing to do, so why not drink? He's not a heavy drinker though.

Walking inside the tavern, he caught the attention of some. Because of his looks, possibly.Some girls whispering not far from him, squealing some. Isaac sighed deeply, as this was a normal scene, every time he goes to a crowded room this always happens. He's still oblivious on the reason why, or he just doesn't care. Might as well scare them off.. he thought, as his canine tooth soon grew bigger, revealing a nice big fang, and his golden eyes soon turns into a deep red, then he turned his head as he look at the girls. Causing them to stop what they're talking about and hide in their seat.

He almost laugh at the sight, but he's never the type to laugh. He walks to the bar area, sitting on the wooden chair,just in front of the bartender. "Coffee, please." he ordered in his deep voice, his voice were so deep that the bartender flinched in surprise. And he just ordered coffee, which was weird. Scratch the 'not-a-heavy-drinker' part, He doesn't drink at all.
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