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Fantasy A Guild of Heroes (Temporarily Closed)

Artoria Adamant
: Fort Black - Grand Hall

Artoria was still searching for Pandora when she heard a terrifying noise.The sound of the blasters going off made Artoria jump in fright. She quickly unsheathed her sword, slashing her sword at the blasters. Her sword released six magical blades that flew at sound-speed towards the blasters. As (and if) the blades hit, the blasters would be turned to dust. Then, Artoria sprinted towards Faust. Her movements were swift and precise, but more importantly, they were quick. She placed her sword's blade on Faust's neck, ready to slash the traitor's neck. "Explain yourself." She commanded in a threatening and emotionally neutral tone. "If there is a thing that I do not accept, it is traitors. Those men and women trusted you...and you repay them with this? Disgusting." She muttered threateningly, her expression being a simple and blank poker face. Her sword's blade pressed against his neck pretty hard, however, it didn't cut into Faust's neck.

Hanarei Hanarei NUSKI NUSKI Alteras Alteras Swire Swire IamNotLoki IamNotLoki Wilted Wilted Stern LuLuLu Stern LuLuLu Birdsie Birdsie Captain Gabriel Captain Gabriel Kylesar1 Kylesar1 SP3CT3R SP3CT3R CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse
Last edited:
Faust Windfallow
Fort Black- Grand Hall

Faust put his hands back into his pockets, as Arotria pressed her sword against his neck. There wasn't any point in trying anything now. It was either die, or die. The faster he made a dumb move, the sooner he'd die... And he hadn't even cleaned out his bedroom yet. 'People trusted me? Bullshit, since when do you ever trust a Lich, at all? It's like people say. There is no cure for undeath, but pruification by fire.' He smirked at the new Guildmaster. 'If you really want to know, somebody rigged my weapons. That's my only explanation, you don't have to believe it.' For a brief moment, the idea of teleporting away flashed into Faust's mind. But then, if he did that, he'd undoubtedly be branded as a traitor. And then have his ass hunted down. 'I'd appreciate it if you pulled the sword away from my neck, kiddo. My weapons are gone anyway.' He pointed toward the last draconic skull, which faded away into nothingness. He had teleported them away, back with all the others he had stashed up.

CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse Captain Gabriel Captain Gabriel Kylesar1 Kylesar1
Artoria Adamant
: Fort Black - Grand Hall

The woman heard what Faust had to say and then spoke, "Good heavens." She murmured, pulling the sword away and sheathing it. "If what you say is true, don't use your weapons until you discover who did this and how you can stop it." She ordered. She walked away and a couple of workers rushed in the room, beginning to fix the damage Faust had accidentally done. She turned her gaze back to the crowd and raised her hands, "Everything is good, lay down your weapons and resume the feast." Artoria stated with a calm and reassuring smile. However, many thoughts crossed her mind. Who could have rigged Faust's weapons? Why now of all times? After that, she grabbed a metal cup full of wine and took a sip, walking towards Pandora. "Can I talk with you for a moment?" She asked curiously, looking into Pandora's eyes with a serious expression.

CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse LostHaven LostHaven
Pandora Ambrose​

Fort Black - Grand Hall​

Once Pandora's barrier was down she was barely of any help in yhe ensuing confrontation. She can't be blamed for it however, not entirely. The spell 'Divine Intervention' would be able to block any form of attack regardless of its attribute and strength as long as the barrier is up. So of course its no wonder that the cost take a heavy toll on the caster's body. In fact Pandora is actually admirable due to the fact that she did not immediately collapse after the spell has been casted.

Of course that doesn't mean that she had done nothing during the confrontation. She kept the agitated crowd from panicking even more while the others handled the situation. Thankfully they managed to do so without any more further casualties and injuries, even Faust managed to avoid getting maimed or injured. Apparently someone has been trying to sabotage his weapons, and Pandora could only shudder at the thought of a being strong enough to take control of an elder lich's weaponry.

After the small scuffle had ended, Pandora had been quite surprised that Artoria had approached her. And to think that she'd been avoiding her all this time, it'd probably be best not to mention that yo her. "Of course Guild Master." Pandora said with a small smile. "I hope you don't mind if we talk while sitting down? That spell drained me of strength and it'd be embarrassing if my legs gave out while we talk." She said as she sat down on the nearest chair.

Captain Gabriel Captain Gabriel
Azazel Rofocale
Fort Black - Grand Hall > Courtyard

Azazel approached Faust then took him by the collar with his both hands. He moved him near the helmet, seemingly sniffing. "Not him," Azazel declared, taking his hands off of Faust's neck. "The aura of the black magic is a little different. Whoever that was is utterly corrupted. Whilst Faust is a Lich, he has good intentions, which makes his aura very distinct. It stands out." Azazel adjusted his helmet and sighed. "Then again, this is not my business anymore. I'll be packing up in an hour or so," Azazel explained and walked out toward the Courtyard. He sat down cross-legged by a tree and calmed down after what happened. Keeping the demonic nature at bay required self-control. If Azazel didn't do this after every major act of violence his eyes laid themselves upon, he would go into a frenzy, or rampage every second. He needed to cling to whatever humanity he had let as a demon.

Peeking from behind the parting clouds, almost like a torrent light rains down.

NEW SKILL: Aura Reading: Azazel can read people's auras through his natural senses. Smell is the predominant one, and it even allows to track others by their aura. Different auras have different colors that represent different emotions. (And yes, I am just inventing new powers as the plot wills it. What can you do to stop me!?)

CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse Captain Gabriel Captain Gabriel Kylesar1 Kylesar1 LostHaven LostHaven

Damian Vi Lasombra
Fort Black - Grand Hall

'Hmm, the attack failed. A shame, but that doesn't matter. One hour, eh? One hour and you're mine, big fish,' Damian beamed with a smile. The sooner the demon left, the easier it'd be to kill it. Damian closed his eyes, keeping the smile on his face and stood at the corner of the room, taking the support of a pillar with his back and with his arms folded. No fucks given about the attack. He looked at his hand and examined the ring on it. "Huh? No, no need for that," he said as if answering something it said. Soon after, he closed his eyes again and returned to his posture, not having anything better to do than wait through this.

(Open for interaction.)
Iris Galvor
Location: Fort Black - Grand Hall

Iris didn't really wanted to attend the ceremony, not that she didn't have a reason to. After all she was there, mostly, with Artoria to kill the dragon. She was just tired, she had spent all night trying to find who the Fabrication Crystal was bond to. Finally she found the mana signature in Fairfax, but after that she pretty much collapsed from exhaustion, apparently a thing people do know a days. "I have a little bit of time before I need to leave for Fairfax. Perhaps I will wander around." Iris left her room and walked around Fort Black, she passed by the feast but paid no attention to what was happening. She went to go sit in the court yard when she saw someone she had, surprisingly, never met. So Why not? Iris walked to Damian, as she got close she could feel something familiar about him....."Hello" She said curtsying. "I do not believe we have ever officially met. I am Iris, it's a pleasure to meet you." She said smiling.
Birdsie Birdsie
Artoria Adamant
: Fort Black - Grand Hall

Artoria nodded at Pandora's request. She had seen how much energy the paladin had expended during that battle and it was only reasonable that she'd want to sit. "Yes, let's take a seat." She spoke calmly, walking over a table and sitting down at one of the numerous chairs around it. She looked at Pandora straight in her eyes and began speaking, "I want you to be my advisor. If I ever have to leave, you'll take my place. If something ever happens to me, you'll take my place. Whenever I leave the change will take effect immediately and you'll be in charge. Is that alright with you, Pandora?" She asked, tilting her head to the left, leaning it on her hand. She knew Pandora was up for the task and she was extremely confident in her accepting her proposition.

CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse
Damian Vi Lasombra
Fort Black - Grand Hall

Damian opened his eyes, his smile briefly taken away from his face. "Damian Vi Lasombra," he introduced himself rather coldly. This charade of being a nice person would not be required for much longer, after all. 'She went out of her way to make my acquaintance. What does this incur?' he thought, raising an eyebrow. 'Purple glowing eyes, white hair, fingernails as sharp as those of a predatory bird, black lips. Yup, she's an evil witch. Things you learn from your parents, I guess... or maybe the rule of 'takes one to know one' applies here? Wait, no. I'm not a witch like that wretched mother of mine! I'm a sorcerer. Yes, that's right,' he comforted himself. 'Question is. Is she evil, or just evil-gone-good, like that hopeless uncle of mine?'

Damian kept quiet. Assuming she started the conversation, she was the one that wanted to speak with him.

Swire Swire
Iris Galvor
Location: Fort Black - Grand Hall

Iris leaned up against a pillar, "Damian? Your Azazel's relative right? Didn't someone say you were like half demon or something." For a moment you could see a bit of annoyance in her face, like something bothered her. Iris was playing a little, she had been around demons a lot in her life. And boy could she tell if someone had a demonic presence. Her mother always called it the "Smell." Her mother was really creepy in that way. She was obsessed with demons, Iris found passion in other things. Either way, "If you have any relation to Azazel, shouldn't you be at the ceremony?" Iris asked, somewhat genuinely wondering.
Birdsie Birdsie
Damian Vi Lasombra
Fort Black - Grand Hall

"Yes, that's correct, my father was a demon," he replied to her first question. He observed her body language closely, making note of her facial expression. He frowned briefly, then returned to a more laid-back look. He was reserved and withdrawn in tone and in gesture when he replied to her other question. "I tend to abstain from social events," he said. Damian didn't want anyone to find out about his plans. It'd be very bad if anyone even found a hint. If Azazel was warned of his impending doom, then Damian would be forced to speed up his plans. "Now, a little about you. Where do you come from?" A classic move. Diverting the conversation toward a different topic, often involving another participant than oneself. Used to take control of the social interaction and ask safe questions. Damian intended to find out why someone he suspected to be a witch would want to talk to him like this. Surely, no one would make friends with him just because. "Say, are women in your family magically inclined?" he inquired.

Swire Swire
Iris Galvor
Location: Fort Black - Grand Hall

"I am from Northern Fairfax." Iris said, not adding too much more on to it. She didn't really like to talk about her home. Despite having to go there soon. Iris put her hand just below her mouth, letting her fingernail touch her lips. "Hmm, I don't know if I would say that, my mother did have magic, and my father was a warrior. He died a long time ago." She said looking down, as though to give the impression she didn't want to talk about it. "However family members farther back then my mother had had magic, so...." There was a lot more to that but Iris had given her share of information. "What about you? You said your father was a demon, What about your mother?" she said doing a similar thing he did, just back at him.
Birdsie Birdsie
Damian Vi Lasombra
Fort Black - Grand Hall

Damian directed some of his willpower to dampen the wish of saying so many things out loud. Such a diverse plethora of hateful thoughts of his mother filled his mind at her very mention. He quickly said as much as he could. "A noblewoman that fell in love with the wrong person at the wrong time," he said, barely capable of keeping his frenzy in. Although he seemed very composed on the outside, several marks of his anger were visible; slightly curled eyebrows, a drop of sweat going down the right side of his neck, slightly red skin as an effect of faster blood flow. Seconds after, he returned to his normal balance, knowing that she was, in fact, a witch after all. "How long are you with the Guild? Why did you join?" he asked. The first question was slightly obsolete; just a part of the performance, but the other one was the breaking point. She'd either tell him some gruesome truth, or lie straight into his face, and if it was the latter, Damian would know. That is unless she was not an evil witch.

Swire Swire
Iris Galvor
Location: Fort Black - Grand Hall

If you want cool music -

Iris saw his slight change in image at the mention of his mother. She mostly just brushed it off, assuming he didn't like his mother, just like she didn't like her home city. So far Iris was really interested in his intentions, and if they were similar to her.
Iris had a strict belief, 'Demons are evil' There are no exceptions, even Azazel. Despite acting good, inside is the will to do evil things. He may try to fight it, but to the core that's who he is. Or at least Iris believed that, true or not.
So she would make a point to tell him without breaking character. She could lie, or even tell the truth and hide the fact, but something said that it was time for the glass to fall, and the mirage to fad away. "I have been her for about 7 years, I left my school, that unfortunately taught me very little. I came here because of Azazel." Mainly because he was a demon. "I couldn't believe that he was really a good demon, so I came to see for myself. The other reason, is that I've always owed my mother something....And I thought with so many heroes that the guild could help me complete my task." A beautifully crafted sentence, everything there was true. And had anyone heard it they would think good of it, but only someone looking would see the faults. So...'Was he looking'
Now it was her turn..."What about you? You came here recently right? Why come here? You wouldn't have stayed this long if it was just to see your relative." Iris said smiling, with a small playful look.
Birdsie Birdsie
Damian Vi Lasombra
Fort Black - Grand Hall

He tried to look through her tongue and hear her lies, but he saw and heard nothing of suspicion. Her eyes didn't twitch, her lips didn't waver. No normal ticks that people make when they lie. Either she was using magic, or just a damn good liar, or... yes, that had to be it. Damian set his paranoia aside. "At first, I wanted to visit my uncle, but when he declared he'd be choosing a new Guildmaster and leaving, I made that same choice. I'll be going home today, if not tomorrow. Maybe I'll stay a few more days, who knows?" he replied. It all depended on how his plan went. Of course, what he said was a half-truth, depending on how one looks at it. Technically, he didn't lie, but he didn't say everything exactly how it was.

Swire Swire
Iris Galvor
Location: Fort Black - Grand Hall

Iris decided he either, didn't understand her hints, or didn't care. Either way it was clear that he wasn't too interested, or at least from her perspective. So it would be time to call a close, Fairfax awaits. "Well I'm sorry to hear to that, I'm sure the guild will miss you." making a separation between her and the guild. "I will also be leaving soon, the last of what I need is in Fairfax, and after some preparations, I will have completed my promise. After that......I have no idea what I will do." She said smiling, truth was she wouldn't need to know what she was going to do. But she was excited either way! "I hope we can see each other again..." she said bowing and showing that she was about to leave. "Before it's all over." she said, as she began walking away, she could hear her mothers voice in her head. 'All demons are evil.'
Birdsie Birdsie
Aslan Valerian Wolff
Fort Black - outside the office

Wolff walked into the guild with a servant behind him carrying several documents. Sounds like the celebrations are underway. Wolff walked toward the guildmaster's office. With him were documents that needed signing. A new guildleader huh, haven't had to take out these records in a long time. It was a long standing tradition for new guild masters to sign their own documents and records from when the guild was created. Well, it use to be. Now it is out of formality and respect fro the old guild. Wolff stopped out of the office, hearing voices inside. He could hear the conversation, but it wasn't so much intentional eavesdropping as it was by accident.
Captain Gabriel Captain Gabriel CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse
Aureliana Hrodohaidis
Library - Chamber of Trials

Aureliana had spent the days working on he device that Iris gave her. However, everytime the mana was given to it, it would begin its attack, so the library had been suppressing the attack with its own magic. This time, it would be different. Aureliana had completely rewritten the device and imbued the mana that was given with more specific instructions. The library had provided the knowledge necessary, and Aureliana had her shadows keep it safe. Aureliana sent mana to the device, "This better work..."
Swire Swire
Pandora Ambrose
Fort Black - Grand Hall​

Pandora's eyes went wide when she heard what Artoria had to say. To say that she was not expecting this was a great understatement. In all honesty she was actually expecting the opposite, that Artoria would banish her from the guild. Pandora's mouth kept opening and closing but no words were coning out, she was too shocked to frorm coherent speech.

That's not to say that she eas unhappy about it. She was overjoyed by what she had heard. Artoria was showing enormous trust in Pandora by offering her such a great position and she was elated beyond comprehension. "I-It, I mean, *cough* It would be an honor Guild Master." She said, a smile forming on her face as she trues to ignore the awkward way she started her response. "I will devote my life and soul to this guild! I will not let you down!" She said as she bowed her head towards Artoria.

Captain Gabriel Captain Gabriel
Artoria Adamant
: Fort Black - Grand Hall

The woman let out a soft, light-hearted chuckle. "There is no need for such formalities, call me Artoria when we're in the Fort." She said, smiling at the happy girl before her. She placed her hands on the table and then nodded, "Alright, it's time I get to work. This feast lasted way too much." She said, getting up on her feet. She waved at Pandora and at everyone else in the room, heading towards her office. Upon arriving at the door, Artoria could see Wolff. "What are you doing here?" She asked inquisitively, staring at the document carrier and at Wolff. Good heavens...She thought, rolling her eyes. She opened the door to the office and walked in, "Take a seat." She stated in a neutral tone, keeping up a serious expression. "What does the King want from the Guild?" She asked, staring into Wolff's eyes as if she was staring down his soul.

CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse Alteras Alteras
Aslan Valerian Wolff
Fort Black - Office

"No need to be so harsh," Wolff said as he sat down. His servant stood by the side, holding the documents. The servant was visible shaken by the new guildmaster's sudden fierce eyes. Wolff himself looked like he wanted to fire lightning eyes back at her, but stopped himself halfway. The servant realized what kind of relationship the guild had with the kingdom at that moment.

"Former Master Rofocale's reply to the court was heard loud and clear, and while they did try to slip in some more binding documents, I took the liberty to move them to a separate pile for you to go through at your leisure." Wolff stretched out his arm and took out about 3/4s of the stack of paper from the top and placed it on desk. He then pointed to the remaining quarter. "This is all that really needs to be done to officiate your position." A wave of the hand and the servant placed the rest on the desk in a separate pile. Wolff then patted his arm, while sending a bit of static shook to the servant, telling him to leave. A look of relief went across the young man's face as he briskly walked out of the door.

"My apologies if the documents are out of date, but this guild is an old one and well, the previous documents had a lot of space." He took off the first page from the top and slid it forward. On it were the signatures of William Black and Azazel Rofocale, the two previous guildmasters. "300 years ago, the custom was that the masters would all sign the same sheet, but I doubt anyone expected an immortal demon to become one. I found this hidden deep in the archives." Wolff relaxed back and made himself comfortable in the seat. "I may be a bureaucrat, but I at least have some dignity to let the new master of the most powerful guild place her name among her predecessors. If you want to sign it in private, you're welcome to, it's not a document that's required, just thought it would be a nice gesture. I'm just here to represent the court and authorize your signatures in the documents." Wolff pulled out his own pen and placed it on the table.

Captain Gabriel Captain Gabriel (We can let the signing of the other documents be a fade to black.)
Artoria Adamant
: Fort Black - Guildmaster's Office

Artoria heard everything Wolff had to say. Then, she nodded. "I see." She spoke out, grabbing the pen and starting to sign the bigger pile of paperwork. "I also have a request." She said with a neutral tone as she went through the many documents. "I would like a dead Wyvern specimen if you have one. Bring it by tomorrow noon, if possible." She requested, compiling paper sheets one after the other. "Purpose of the request? Research. We need to know how to take them down efficiently and I want records within the Fort for how to do so." She spoke out calmly, explaining why she would make such a request. Being done with half of the pile, she yawned. "This will take a lot." She remarked, muttering.

Some time later...

Alteras Alteras
Aslan Valerian Wolff
Guildmaster's Office

Wolff was pleasantly surprised with how efficiently and how confidently she went through the pile of papers, even choosing the right one without looking at it. It seems we'll continue to have our era of peace. With the signing complete, Wolff snapped his fingers, letting some sparks fly out under the door and to the servant. The servant came in and pick up the signed documents. "I'll see to it that you get the latest from the Royal Society of Researcher's notes, but do make use of the Library that this fort protects. It's something that even the most closeted of researchers would kill for." He paused for a moment to rethink what he said, but then decided to continue his way out the door. He didn't want to make it sound like a warning, but with how long he's been at it, its difficult to change his tone. Standing at attention and facing Artoria, he took of his top hat and bowed. "On behalf of the Kingdom of Albion and his Majesty the King, I, Aslan Valerian Wolff, Court Magistrate of the Royal Court of Albion, am proud to say that under the law of the land and in the eyes of the court, Artoria Adamant, successor of Azazel Rofocale, is officially the Guildmaster of the proud and righteous Guild of Heroes. May she continue the great work that her predecessors have done and ever more."

He left the office and headed out of the fort and back to the court. Notes from the Royal Society are easy to access from his position, He'll send his own trusted couriers to relay the accurate information before the sun rises. He wanted to become Artoria's ally in the court, just as his great great great great grandfather was to William Black.
Captain Gabriel Captain Gabriel
Remoe Verlin
Location: Courtyard
Remoe is walking in the Courtyard heading toward the exit. Taking one last look at the place, seeing that it is very well built and fortified. While roaming around, he sees the old guild master. Figuring while he is here, he should say something to him out of obligation. Walking up to him Remoe bowed while letting his gem to show. "Hello Mr.Rofocale it is nice to meet you I am Remoe Verlin.An on behave of me, and the other merchants. We thank you for your years of service. It is sad, to see you go, I wish you the best in your retirement.Well if you will excuse me."Remoe said with a smile while keeping his eyes closed because his eye had no emotion to them at the moment.As he walked away he from him."You were a good hero."

Birdsie Birdsie
Azazel Rofocale
Fort Black - Exit

Azazel had packed his traveling gear into a small leather bag that he carried by his side. He took a rod of wood with him that he would use to help himself travel in the mountains, as well as some trading goods he had picked up when adventuring. He could sell them for enough money to get a small house at the very least. This was the beginning of a new adventure for this demon. Azazel looked forward and faced the horizon where the sun was yet to set, as it was noon. The sun would be his guide on this adventure. So many dungeons to explore, people to help. This would be refreshing.

The demon briefly looked back at the Guild behind it.

(If anyone wants to say goodbye, this is a good chance. Hanarei Hanarei CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse )
Remoe Verlin
Outside Fort Black
As Remoe was walking away he, thought he should get a kind of autophagy or something along those lines.Walking back to Azazel, Remoe decided to ask him a something. "Excuse me Mr. Rofocale but would you like to make a deal or rather a contact.That is if you can spare the time."Holding up his gauntlet toward him.I would like to see if you can give it the ability to use some type of fire. I'm more of an earth guy, so fire is kind of beyond me ."With a light-hearted laugh. He would rather have someone well known do it than anyone else.An if asked he would say that." But I do realize this is an odd request before you retire. So I will understand if you say no."

Birdsie Birdsie

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