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Fantasy A Guild of Heroes (Temporarily Closed)

Azazel Rofocale
Fort Black - Dungeon

The Guildmaster approached the cell, and with the flick of the wrist, the cell doors opened. With another movement of his wrist, and Pandora was free of the Anti-Magic field. "I've decided to let you out. Now that the angel is gone, you are much better to atone for any mistakes by helping others." Azazel entered the cell, approaching Pandora. "Have the rumors reached you in here? Do you know that I intend to step down from my position?" he asked. Azazel might not have shown it too warmly, but he cared a great deal about Pandora; Much like him once upon a time, she had her heart in the right place, but eyes set on the wrong path. He wanted her to be able to make the right choices in the future.

CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse
Iris Galvor
Location Fort Black

Iris need to go to Fairfax, the place she grew up in. She had to figure out who had bound them self to the crystal. Though, to be truthful, she probably already knew. But it was a good idea to bring someone with her.... who was the girl she followed earlier? Was it Reina? Iris walked around Fort Black looking for Reina hoping to force...I mean, invite her to join her journey.
Hanarei Hanarei (if you want to officially do something)
Location: Bowerstone

Finishing his deliveries, Remoe heads to a bar into a somewhat well know a bar.Heading straight for the barkeep looking at the old man he smiles ."You know you could just set at home and relax right."All Remoe gets back is a grunt he laughs at the old man ."I don't think that type of life would work for me.At least here I get to meet interesting people.Anyways here you go don't get yourself killed out there ." handing a drink with a letter(1), Remoe reads it. "Are you serious this is a wired job but at least the pay is good, so I can't say much. I'll head over there now unless there's another quest for me." He's handed an envelope(2) with a magic seal on it this time ."Seems this for my eyes only well I'll see you at home pops. " Seeing it was from one of his underworld contacts Remoe decided to read it later and headed to a noble's mansion.

Walking up to the gate he showed the first letter, and he was let in.Afterward, he was given a case and let out of the back before going home. Once at home Remoe opened the case first where there was a name of a monster and a lot of Crowns.He had been asked to capture it, and bring it back Then breaking the seal on the envelope and going over the contents.He crushing it in his hand, and burned it ." Well, I guess things are going to start heating up soon .".Looking at where the Guild building is." What's your move going to be ."
Azazel Rofocale
Fort Black - Dungeon

The Guildmaster approached the cell, and with the flick of the wrist, the cell doors opened. With another movement of his wrist, and Pandora was free of the Anti-Magic field. "I've decided to let you out. Now that the angel is gone, you are much better to atone for any mistakes by helping others." Azazel entered the cell, approaching Pandora. "Have the rumors reached you in here? Do you know that I intend to step down from my position?" he asked. Azazel might not have shown it too warmly, but he cared a great deal about Pandora; Much like him once upon a time, she had her heart in the right place, but eyes set on the wrong path. He wanted her to be able to make the right choices in the future.

CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse
Pandora Ambrose

Fort Black Dungeons​

Pandora raised her head when she heard someone descending the steps. A sad smile on her face appeared when she saw Azazel. She heard of rumors about his stepping down as a guild master from the guards. Well, they didn't exactly say all that to her, she just happened to overhear them talking.

"Where do you plan to go?" She asked the guild master. When she first heard of the news, Pandora blamed herself entirely. She was heartbroken at the thought of breaking his will, one of the only good men, well demon, in this world. She has no doubt that this was her fault and she was plannin on convincing him to stay, that she was ready to suffer any punishment just so he would stay. But as days go by and she had the time to mull over things, she had an epiphany.

This wasn't about her. It was not about what she wanted nor about what she could do. This was his decision, a decision that he came up with after a, no doubt, long while and surely this was nit easy for him as well. To beg him to stay was not only pathetic, it was also selfish on her part. And after all that she has done, after all the sins she has comitted, she has no right to impose her own will upon him.

"Before it is too late, and I hope that now is not too late as well, let me just say thank you. You gave me purpose, and yet all I gave you was spite and disdain. I had hope that we could reconcile, that you could forgive me for all the things I had done, but I understand if you cannot. Truly, I can understand it."

Birdsie Birdsie
Azazel Rofocale
Fort Black - Dungeon

Azazel laughed heartily at her remarks. "Pandora," he started, and stopped laughing, but still in a very merry voice. "I've already forgiven you. Holding others in contempt for their wrong-doings is a sin that is far worse than anything they could ever do to you. If you take part in a cycle of hatred, all you will do is further it. The only way to work toward a common, greater good - not out of glory, but altruism. The only way to work toward it is to forgive and break the cycle of hatred. That way: Others will forgive themselves and stop focusing on each other's flaws and mishaps, and instead work toward a better future together."

Azazel looked out the corridor of the dungeon as he explained his stance on this philosophical view. "You see, everyone does what they do for a reason. I help others because I find it the goal of my life. It is a way of saying 'thank you' to the priestess that saved me. She saved me because she wanted to prove a point, so now I want to thank her by proving her point, or rather helping do so. Just as I do this, so do many bandits rob because they need gold, or because they lack a moral compass. Just because they need money and haven't been taught what is good and evil is no reason to end their lives. Everyone can change, no matter who, when, or where they are. Of course, some will be almost impossible to teach, and special circumstances must be used to teach others, but that's no inclination to give up. Communication is the foundation of all civilization. Use it wisely, Pandora. I would be willing to forgive you even if you killed a hundred innocent people if I didn't use lethal force to stop you from doing more of it. That's the only way, Pandora. Forgiveness."

"Also, I wanted to apologize for my berserk state. I let go of my inner beast for a moment. Of the demon that dwells inside me. Fortunately, I was capable of restraining myself quickly enough after." Azazel took a deep breath. "As for where I'll go: I guess some quiet place, with a stream, maybe in a forest. I want to live out my days there in peace, perhaps help people that pass through every now and then."

CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse
CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse LostHaven LostHaven Kylesar1 Kylesar1 Captain Gabriel Captain Gabriel SP3CT3R SP3CT3R Alteras Alteras Swire Swire Hanarei Hanarei NUSKI NUSKI Wilted Wilted Stern LuLuLu Stern LuLuLu IamNotLoki IamNotLoki

Several days after the dragon hunt, Azazel has called all local guild members and declared his choice of Guildmaster. Quickly, the rumors spread across Albion, but as Azazel was making the declaration that today was the day the Guildmaster would be given their title, another, more deadly rumor spread across the land. They say of the Sabbat, and its leader planning to assassinate the King of Albion. These are just rumors, but if they are flying around, there must be some truth to that, right? It's not like someone just started spreading them for no reason... Then again, that's none of Azazel Rofocale's concern.

People look toward a bright future under the new Guildmaster: Artoria Adamant.

CHAPTER 4: New Light

Date: 521-05-08
Time: Noon
Weather: Sunny weather

  • Character Development
  • Side-Arc Time. Go do missions. Go to the capital of the country! Go on a vacation! Go save a girl from a dragon! Damian's not gonna do anything too malevolent behind the scenes... just kidding: He always is.
  • Report to Azazel Artoria for side-missions

Azazel Rofocale
Fort Black - Courtyard

Standing in the very middle, at the very end of a long, red carpet was Azazel Rofocale, the previous Guildmaster. In his hand, he wielded an ornate sword that he would use to pass down the title of Guildmaster. A very long, slim, straight blade of steel-white metal held by a grip wrapped in extravagant wolf leather. The sword has a small curved crossguard that didn't add too much protection to the wielder's hands but added balance. On each side was a piece of decoration shaped like a golden lion, with small rubies for eyes. The golden pommel was adorned with a few noble gems; fancy decorations for a fancy sword. The words 'Vixere Fortes Ante Agamemnona' were engraved onto the blade in an ancient language.

Before him, was the once and future Guildmaster, kneeling and prepared to take on the oaths that each Guildmaster had taken before her. The Guild existed for a good 300 years, but due to some Guildmasters' longevity, there were in fact very few that ever held the highly esteemed position.

Azazel gently lifted the blade and then prepared to give Artoria the title, but first, the oaths she had to take. Azazel asked one after another, giving her some time to answer to each oath.

"Do you vow to never harm an innocent person, and to never harm a person that wronged you, as long as they do not pose a serious threat to your, or others well-being, and can easily be neutralized without lethal force?" Azazel said, then paused for several seconds.

"Do you vow to bring help, whether to those innocent, or those that have wronged you or others?" he said.

"Do you vow to always attempt a diplomatic approach when reasonably practical?" he asked.

"Do you vow to give your life and live it in devotion for others for as long as you are the Guildmaster, and do you vow that once your time comes to go away, that you will give this title to a person you consider worthy?" Azazel asked.

"And lastly, do you vow that you are prepared to guard power you take away from those unprepared to have it and that you will not give it to those unprepared?" he asked.

"Besides that, do you have any personal oaths you wish to make at this time?" Azazel asked. His voice was slowly retreating, meaning that this was truly the last question and as soon as she answered, he would declare her new title.
Azazel Rofocale
Fort Black - Dungeon

Azazel laughed heartily at her remarks. "Pandora," he started, and stopped laughing, but still in a very merry voice. "I've already forgiven you. Holding others in contempt for their wrong-doings is a sin that is far worse than anything they could ever do to you. If you take part in a cycle of hatred, all you will do is further it. The only way to work toward a common, greater good - not out of glory, but altruism. The only way to work toward it is to forgive and break the cycle of hatred. That way: Others will forgive themselves and stop focusing on each other's flaws and mishaps, and instead work toward a better future together."

Azazel looked out the corridor of the dungeon as he explained his stance on this philosophical view. "You see, everyone does what they do for a reason. I help others because I find it the goal of my life. It is a way of saying 'thank you' to the priestess that saved me. She saved me because she wanted to prove a point, so now I want to thank her by proving her point, or rather helping do so. Just as I do this, so do many bandits rob because they need gold, or because they lack a moral compass. Just because they need money and haven't been taught what is good and evil is no reason to end their lives. Everyone can change, no matter who, when, or where they are. Of course, some will be almost impossible to teach, and special circumstances must be used to teach others, but that's no inclination to give up. Communication is the foundation of all civilization. Use it wisely, Pandora. I would be willing to forgive you even if you killed a hundred innocent people if I didn't use lethal force to stop you from doing more of it. That's the only way, Pandora. Forgiveness."

"Also, I wanted to apologize for my berserk state. I let go of my inner beast for a moment. Of the demon that dwells inside me. Fortunately, I was capable of restraining myself quickly enough after." Azazel took a deep breath. "As for where I'll go: I guess some quiet place, with a stream, maybe in a forest. I want to live out my days there in peace, perhaps help people that pass through every now and then."

CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse
Pandora Ambrose

Fort Black Dungeons​

Pandora smiled once more as she listened to Azazel. "It's so easy to pin the blame on the Angel for everythjng that I have done. However, I won't. After all, the first step in fixing something is admitting that something is wrong in the first place." She said to him. "And I know that the Angel was notthe only one to blame. I had let it drive me, I had listened to it without even doubting it. I had believed its lies and became its puppet. I had been so clouded in my quest for justice and order that I fail to see that what i was doing was the exacr opposite." The Paladin said with a look filled with regret. "Innocent lives may have been spared had I been strong enough to resist."

"And please don't apologize for your outburst. It made you appear more human to me and besides, it wasn't your fault. I had a part in it as well. However, please take my words into consideration. Please do not try to keep everything to your self. Find a confidant or write it in a journal or shout it in the wind. Keeping all of those pent up may trigger an outburst much like that one in the future." Pandora said to Azazel. "In any case, I hope that you find peace wherever you go and I hope that your successor will be able to do as much as you have done."

Birdsie Birdsie (sorry for the late post)
Lucina Waesmor
Fort Black- Courtyard

Lucina sat in the courtyard watching the ceremony with a somber smile on her face. Twas a bittersweet ceremony. On one hand, a new guildmaster was always a joyful ceremony. On the other........Azazel was stepping down. She was in an internal struggle between which feeling was greater. She felt that if anyone deserved the title, it was Artoria..........but that could've just been bias due to the fact that Azazel himself chose her.

Owls flapped their wings silently around the courtyard, giving her what was essentially a multiple camera-view of the ceremony. Her Longsword was strapped to her waist as per the usual.

Isabella Coleman
Fort Black- Courtyard

Swords Equipped: Moonflower and 6th Sense

Izzy kneeled on the ground, her sword stuck in the courtyard floor, taking in the entire ceremony with a righteous, ritualistic, serious attitude that could only be admired. Not a smile on her face. A poker face
Faust Windfallow / Grimoire Necronomicon
Fort Black- Courtyards / Sabbat Castle

FAUST kept his hands in his pockets, as Azazel was making Artoria take all these oaths. To be honest, he would never be able to stand being Guildmaster. Too much work. He looked at himself. He was dressed in the worst possible attire for such occasion. His usual, casual black coat and pants. To top it all off, he was wearing PINK SLIPPERS and BEARFOOT no less. But it wasn't like Faust gave a shit. He'd always found the formal dresses quite uncomfortable. Especially those suits. Too hard to walk around in. Especially in a fight. It restricted movement. To be fair, pink slippers weren't decent footware for dodging attacks either. However, he had at least bothered to show SOME formality... Or not... Behind him, twelve of his draconic skulls made an arch above him. However, they were more than just decoration... Faust could fire them any second someone tried to murder the former or new Guildmaster. Or anyone at all. Too bad he didn't know he'd end up being that murderer...

GRIMOIRE looked through the eyes of the draconic skulls. He smiled. At any moment, he could open fire. It was perfect. Using Faust's own mana to kill some people, and get Faust framed for it. Technically, the blasters were undead creatures, as they are maintained through necromancy. Grimoire figured that if that were so, he would have authority over them as well. Though in this mortal shell, his abilities were weakened, but it seemed that he could still dominate undead. He just waited for the moment. And then, he'd command them all to open fire. 'Well, it's been fun, old friend.' He said, smiling. 'It's time you got the taste of being blasted to hell with these things.' He was referring to the time Faust incinerated Grimoire's body with those blasters. Now, he just needed to wait for the perfect moment... Preferrably with the Cult Headmaster somewhere else so that he wouldn't get blasted to hell...

CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse LostHaven LostHaven Kylesar1 Kylesar1 Captain Gabriel Captain Gabriel SP3CT3R SP3CT3R Alteras Alteras Swire Swire Hanarei Hanarei NUSKI NUSKI Wilted Wilted Stern LuLuLu Stern LuLuLu IamNotLoki IamNotLoki
Artoria Adamant
: Fort Black - Courtyard

The kneeling girl's eyes were full of joy as she was kneeling down in front of Azazel. "I vow to never harm. I vow to help my neighbor. I vow to be diplomatic when possible. I vow that I will put my life on the line for others and I vow I will give my title to someone worthy when my time is due...and I vow that I will keep power from those that would abuse it." Artoria responded to all of Azazel's questions, smiling proudly as she stared at the ground. Her expression was joyful but also full of pride and honor. "But I do have a personal oath to make. I solemnly swear upon my honor as a Knight that nobody will be left behind...ever." She stated, as her expression turned a little darker for a short moment. But soon after that, her expression returned to her previous one. She then waited for Azazel to bestow upon her the title of Guildmaster, after which she'd get up and face the crowd, slamming her fist on her chest. Her metallic glove clanked against her armored chest piece, after which she turned back to Azazel and smiled proudly. She bowed her head slightly, letting Azazel speak if he did want to.

CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse LostHaven LostHaven Kylesar1 Kylesar1 Captain Gabriel Captain Gabriel SP3CT3R SP3CT3R Alteras Alteras Swire Swire Hanarei Hanarei NUSKI NUSKI Wilted Wilted Stern LuLuLu Stern LuLuLu IamNotLoki IamNotLoki
Azazel Rofocale
Fort Black - Courtyard

"Thus, this guild permits your promotion. Carry with pride what He had started," Azazel referred to William Black. He swung the blade down at moderate speed toward Artoria's shoulder and paused just above it. "Let it commonly be known, that it is your duty now to manage all resources of the guild, to manage all members of the guild, to be the maker of all decisions that are within the guild's influence, and that thou must be the middle ground between the people of Albion and thou guild's members. Thou shall be the voice of justice, always to be heard, whether in day, or in night. In life, or death," he said. Azazel then moved the sword above Artoria's head and onto her other shoulder. "You, Artoria Adamant, are the Guildmaster." Multiple people started clapping their hands in applause, then stopped shortly after. Azazel detracted the blade back into its scabbard and handed the ceremonial sword to an assisting member next to him. "Rise," he commanded.

Time for the speech. All new Guildmasters were to give one. Such is the tradition.

CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse LostHaven LostHaven Kylesar1 Kylesar1 Captain Gabriel Captain Gabriel SP3CT3R SP3CT3R Alteras Alteras Swire Swire Hanarei Hanarei NUSKI NUSKI Wilted Wilted Stern LuLuLu Stern LuLuLu IamNotLoki IamNotLoki

Damian Vi Lasombra
Fort Black - Courtyard

Standing in a darker, obscured corner, just under a tree was Damian. With his arms folded and a deep smile carved onto his face, he watched the ceremony. He was feeling genuinely happy, but not because Artoria was the Guildmaster, but rather because now he would get to end Azazel's life. As soon as Azazel left the Fort, Damian would have several agents of the Sabbat tracking him down.

'Hmph,' he thought, as Azazel mentioned her duties. 'What a useless function. Heroes, they call themselves. Useless, useless. This fortress of theirs will be scrap metal and burnt twigs before the month's end.' As long as Damian had a track of Azazel, he could kill Azazel. As long as he could kill Azazel, he had his father's support. And with that, he can destroy the Guild. And with them gone, he might as well rule the world.

As expected, he clapped his hands when Azazel declared her name now carrying the prestigious title of Guildmaster and stopped when he told Artoria to rise. 'This whole gathering is such a drag. Nothing but a tremendous pain in my ass. I want to just... just go on a rampage and kill everyone here, but I can't. I'd be subdued. It'd be so cool, though,' his smile widened. 'Just lose control of myself and kill everyone here. And as soon as I woke up, nothing but minced meat and pools of blood,' his eye twitched in ecstasy. Damian stopped and returned to his previous expression, not wanting to attract attention. Then again, no one could read his thoughts thanks to the amulet provided by his father. Still, better to be safe and not indulge in pleasant dreams when the stark reality of his goals is just before him. He listened to the speech.
Artoria Adamant
: Fort Black - Courtyard

Artoria nodded, slowly rising to her feet. Hearing all the people clapping their hands made her smile. The woman's smile slowly faded to leave space to a serious expression. "Heroes of all kinds. Archers, Knights, Rouges and everything the world has to offer. You're all Heroes. But, before that, you're all men and women under that thick armors, or behind your bows. That means you all have feelings, families to fight for. And with that, I understand that some missions can be dangerous or scary. Everybody has the right to turn down a contract if they feel they're not up for the challenge. We do not need magic to change the world, we carry all the power we need inside ourselves already: we have the power to imagine a better world and, through our actions, we can rid it of all evil." She monologued, bringing her hands behind her back and keeping them there, starting to slowly walk back and forth on the red carpet as she spoke. Then, she resumed talking, after clearing her throat. "As expected of everyone with a heart, there will be a time when you will feel empathy towards an adversary. What if they gave up and are now pleading for mercy? Kill them or spare them? You'll ask yourselves. Empathy is a choice, and it's a vulnerable choice. Because in order to connect with you, I have to connect with something in myself that knows that feeling. What would you feel if you were in your enemy's situation? Put yourself in your foe's shoes and remember...we're not soldiers. We're Heroes." She finally ended her speech, smiling at the crowd before her warmly.

CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse LostHaven LostHaven Kylesar1 Kylesar1 Captain Gabriel Captain Gabriel SP3CT3R SP3CT3R Alteras Alteras Swire Swire Hanarei Hanarei NUSKI NUSKI Wilted Wilted Stern LuLuLu Stern LuLuLu IamNotLoki IamNotLoki
Lucina Waesmor and Isabella Coleman
Fort Black- Courtyard
Izzy's Swords:
Moonflower and 6th Sense

They both clapped at Artoria's speech, Izzy a lot more enthusiastically than Lucina was. Lucina was definitely happy for Artoria, but could seem to shake the feeling that something was off about the entire thing. He was probably the first in ever to just step down. Nevertheless, she stood and clapped along with the rest. She was there, but her mind was really 1,000 miles away, not even thinking about Artoria

Izzy, however, didn't have such feelings. Her brain was one-mindedly focused on the ceremony. She wasn't thinking about anything other than what type of leader Artoria would be. She hoped that Artoria would be a good one, not to send them on missions to go die.

When the ceremony concluded, a feast was usually in order. Lucina walked a bit slowly to the Cafeteria, her mind still deep in thought. She was barely conscious of where she was going. Grace sat on her shoulder and guided her with small chirps. Lucina didn't eat all that much, as the entire ceremony left her feeling a bit uneasy. It built up in her stomach. Worry was her lunch

Izzy ate like an absolute machine. Magic burned a lot of calories, and since she used her sword a lot as well as her magic, so her daily calorie intake to remain healthy were about 6x the normal human intake.
Location: Fort Black Courtyard

Reina stood further back from the rest. While excitement filled most of the others. Donning her normal black dress, she naturally fit the more 'formal' occasion although completely by accident. The perks of wealth and her accustom nature to it meant she was more then liking going to be wearing such clothing. While bubbly, she had grown to love wearing nice fancy outfits around. Casual clothing for Reina wasn't something she put much thought into. She might not general hang out with high society but it did act as an influence on her.

she was oddly one of the few who seemed to lack such jubilation. It wasn't as if Reina disliked Artoria, she actually liked her quite a bit. She really had no problem at all with her becoming the Guild Master. It wasn't as if Reina sought such a position (nor would she be a very good candidate given her general bubbly and 'in the moment' decision making) and truthfully she didn't really have any preference about who would lead the Guild. To her Azazel was the only one she saw fit to be in the position. She didn't want him to leave.

She heard Artioria give her speech, her eyes shifting over to Azazel. Her efforts to keep him as Guild Master had failed, but she wasn't completely ready to give up on him yet. I can convince him to not leave and stay around, I know it! I just need to stop him and convince him to stay around. No way am I letting Iron-zel slip out of my grasp. She looked on, her general upset look filling with some optimism. She had a mission of her own and she wouldn't fail it!
Fort Black - Courtyard > Stables > ?

"Tch." Malcolm said to himself as everyone around him clapped. He wasn't upset, he shouldn't have been. He had performed poorly on the only mission he was on with Azazel and he hadn't been able to take up another one since. Plus, he had his own place to take care of-- the monastery. With Artoria as the new Guildmaster, it would be quite hectic around so he would need a break. Malcolm slipped away and headed toward the stables to borrow a horse. He already had his stuff with him but it wasn't like he packed heavy either. He carried a small satchel which contained water, a compass, and some bread. He needed some time to clear his head, find some tranquility. The best place he could do that was at the Monastery of Sabbas. How foolish of me to think I could stop Azazel from leaving, Malcolm thought as he motioned for one of the stable-persons to come forward. He pointed towards a black horse who was currently being fed.

"His name is Femeron. Good choice actually, one of the fastest horses we have here. If you'd just wait a bit we will prepare him for you. May I ask where you are going? I would think that you would like to stay and congratulate the new Guildmaster. Her name is Artoria right?" Malcolm snorted but realized how arrogant it made him look so he forced himself to smile. He was disappointed, truly. In himself and Azazel. Malcolm imaged things going so differently. Azazel was supposed to read his letter and thank him, then make a big speech about how he found a new light and would keep his position as Guildmaster. He didn't even really mind that he wasn't given the position himself. "I'm going to be visiting home for a little bit. I'm pretty sure Artoria will have a lot of people to speak to. Now please, hurry... I would like to reach my destination before he morning light." The stable boy nodded and ran off to tend to Femeron. Malcolm heard a cough behind him and turned around to see it was that girl that was at his door before. Elizabeth was her name. She seemed to be more exhausted than before but her hair were in two tight buns it almost looked like it hurt. Her hands were caked with dry blood which made Malcolm think that she was possibly hunting or just returned from a mission.

"Jealousy does not look good on you. Neither does anger. Have fun though... Headmaster of Sabbas. I have to go now, but I thought I'd just say bye to you. Out of everyone here, you seem the least crazy." Before Malcolm could ask how she knew who he was she ran off in excitement even though the bags on her face contradicted her actions. He shook his head in confusion as the stable boy brought Femeron up to Malcolm. Malcolm said a quick thank you and leaped on Femeron. He had gotten quite comfortable horses now, they were such beautiful creatures. He pulled on the reigns and the horses zoomed past the Fort Black gates.

IamNotLoki IamNotLoki wheres the drifter? we could meet up halfway
Remoe Verlin (in casual wear)
Location: Fort Black- Courtyard

Off in a crowd of people, Remoe decided to show up to see who the new Guild Master would be. On the behave of the merchants to show that they will support the Guild.As it turned out to be someone named Artoria .In which he did not care about as long as she was a reasonable person who would do businesses with him and the other merchants now an then? He clapped along with everyone else putting on a happy face.
While thinking about the old leader, and why he stepped down. Maybe he tried, or something happened like blackmail.Well, he can't dwell on someone's else's reason for quitting he didn't even know the guy.All he had to work on was what he was told about Mr.Azazel from the tells of his seniors. Thinking about himself "I wonder how the other members will deal with this I'm sure not everyone is 100% on bored. A what of the external forces no doubt some people will make some moves ."Listening to the speech he laughs."Well, I hope this new leader is will make things peaceful ."

Before talking to some of the random heroes around.He never did use them after all.So this was his first time at the Fort and seeing all the heroes.
But once the touch was passed he wouldn't stick around too long.He would just watch awhile longer to see if the rumors about an attack were true.

CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse LostHaven LostHaven Kylesar1 Kylesar1 Captain Gabriel Captain Gabriel SP3CT3R SP3CT3R Alteras Alteras Swire Swire Hanarei Hanarei NUSKI NUSKI Wilted Wilted Stern LuLuLu Stern LuLuLu IamNotLoki IamNotLoki
Artoria Adamant
: Fort Black - Grand Hall (Where the feast is taking place)

After everyone had moved to the Grand Hall, her expression showed great happiness. "Let the feast begin!" She exclaimed so that everyone could hear her. While everyone was eating, she headed towards Azazel's old office. As she entered, she placed her hand on the door's handle, slowly lowering it to open the door. It was now decorated with everything Artoria had back in her room. A small door in the office led to a small bedroom with a palanquin-like bed. She smiled calmly, heading inside and placing her head on the mattress. It was incredibly soft to the touch. The armored woman then slowly sat down on it. Her eyes widened as a childish smile of good shock appeared on her face. Oh...my...god! This bed's amazing! She thought, letting out a giggle. Soon after, she cleared her throat, getting up on her feet again and nodding to herself. She headed out of the small bedroom and then out of the office, walking back to the Grand Hall at a quick pace. As soon as she arrived in the room, she gazed around the room to search for Pandora. "Good heavens, where is she?" She whispered to herself as she frantically looked around the room.

CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse LostHaven LostHaven Kylesar1 Kylesar1 Captain Gabriel Captain Gabriel SP3CT3R SP3CT3R Alteras Alteras Swire Swire Hanarei Hanarei NUSKI NUSKI Wilted Wilted Stern LuLuLu Stern LuLuLu IamNotLoki IamNotLoki
Faust Windfallow / Grimoire Necronomicon
Fort Black- Grand Hall / Sabbat Castle

Faust sat down on a chair, and put his hands on one of his draconic skulls, stroking it lightly on the head as if it were his pet. He couldn't really eat, being undead and all. But he figured it wouldn't hurt if he had stayed a while longer. It's not like he had anything better to do. He tried to dismiss his draconic skulls, but realised he couldn't. That was strange, as summoned undead usually followed orders under any circumstance. Unless... 'Nah, can't be...' He muttered. It was extremely difficult for a normal necromancer to steal undead from an Elder Lich, and he doubted that any other Lich had bothered to steal his undead. They weren't even that practical...

Grimoire's grin widened. He looked through the eyes of those draconic skulls. They were in a banquet hall of sorts... Good, somewhere people would be busy celebrating... His mouth opened to issue his one, and only command. 'Open fire...' He smiled. He was only getting started...

Faust looked around, as all the mouths of the blasters opened. It only took a second for him to realise. 'Holy sh---' His sentence was cut off, as streams of flames erupted from the skulls, firing with no particular target. Probably to cause mayhem, and kill a few people. Faust stood there, speechless. 'Oh. My. God... What in the world---'

CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse LostHaven LostHaven Kylesar1 Kylesar1 Captain Gabriel Captain Gabriel SP3CT3R SP3CT3R Alteras Alteras Swire Swire Hanarei Hanarei NUSKI NUSKI Wilted Wilted Stern LuLuLu Stern LuLuLu IamNotLoki IamNotLoki

Pandora Ambrose

Location: Fort Black Courtyard -> Grand Hall
Throughout the entirr ceremony, Pandora had kept a watchful eye over the crowd. It may be paranoid of her but she wanted to make sure that none of them tries anything funny. After all this would be a perfect moment for anyone who wishes to cause the guild harm to cause the most chaos and mayhem. This is by no means her trying tk ignore the fact that Azazel is handing the position of guild master over tl Artoria. Yes, not a chance.

Well she doesn't hate Artoria, well she doesn't really kniw the woman well but by no means does she hate her. In fact Pandora thinks that she's worthy of becoming the guild master. However, deep in her mind she still feels that it was her fault that the guild master had stepped down. Sure she has managed to supress that thought, but it still lingers somewhere in her mind. Which is why it is very awkward and painful for her to watch the ceremony. Yes, she knows that it is petty and selfish, but at least she is doing something productive unlike before.

She clapped her hands as the ceremony was finished, feeling happy for Artoria but still a bit guilty about the entire situation. Anywho, Pandora went towards the Grand Hall for the feast. She's never been to a feast before to be honest. The Order does not really do feasts, the food there is really bland and unappetizing and is really just focused on giving the trainees a full stomahc rather than a satisified taste bud. So she was quite excitedabout the feast especially since it seems like it is even grander than most feasts. Of course she tries not to be noticed by Artoria since it still feels awkward. Maybe she'll apologize to her tomorrow, and while she's at it she could also swear her jndying lpyalty towards the new guild master. Yeah, that'd be nice.

Just as she was about to partake in the feast Pandora felt a chill down her spine. Someone is using a foul magic, either dark magic or necromancy by the looks of it, in the Grand Hall. She only knows of one who uses it, well to be honest she's only familiar with one person who uses it since she usually kill those who uses such magic. Pandora frantically scanned the crowd as she looked for him. Turns out that it is much easier since people started screaming and smoke starts rising.

"Divine Intervention!" She shouted as a golden barrier envelops the source of the attacks. "Faust! Stop this madness and drop your weapon!" She said to the youthful looking lich as she ran towards him. Had she been the Paladin she was before, she would have definitely used 'Heaven's Wrath' instead and just incinerate the fool. She's a changed woman however and she will at least try to talk reasonably with him. This method, however, would drain her of strength and make her useless if a fight was to happen. At the very least Faust would not be able to hurt anyone as long as the barrier stays up.

"Cease your attacks at once!" She said once more as her hammer was held in her hand. Its an empty gesture really, nothing more than a threat since she can barely swing yhe hammer. It was very heavy in her hand and she could just barely hold it.

Hanarei Hanarei NUSKI NUSKI Alteras Alteras Swire Swire IamNotLoki IamNotLoki Wilted Wilted Stern LuLuLu Stern LuLuLu Birdsie Birdsie LostHaven LostHaven Captain Gabriel Captain Gabriel Kylesar1 Kylesar1 SP3CT3R SP3CT3R
Lucina Waesmor
Fort Black Grand Hall

She was up immediately as the skulls opened fire. "Divert it!" Her owls appeared in swarms around the skulls. In a massive Wind spell, they diverted the flames with hurricane-like ferocity. If Faust planned on causing damage, he'd have to do a hell of a lot better than this. They were experts at their jobs. She drew her Longsword. "Listen to Pandora. Stand down and we'll give you a chance to explain yourself."

Isabella Coleman
Fort Black Grand Hall
Swords: 6th Sense and Moonflower

In Hand:
Name: Moonflower
Element: Arcane
Special Ability: Anti-Magic spells; Sword is immune to Magic-Based attacks
Weakness: No Magic; Only Anti-Magic
Special Skill: Sprouts crystals to absorb any incoming spells with immense strength; Makes her temporarily immune to magic

Name: 6th Sense
Element: Arcane
Special Ability: Telekinesis, Telepathy, and 5 second Clairvoyance (recharge)
Weakness: Dark and Holy
Special Skill: Sees everything; Reads moves and spells, 5 second clairvoyance with a 5 second recharge

6th Sense kicked in right before the skulls shot their flames. She got out Moonflower and jumped into action. "Special Skill: Moonflower." The flowers on her sword disappeared. Blue crystals sprouted around the skulls in the form of a flower, the owls having to avoid them. When they shot the flames, they disappeared immediately. Moonflower was a powerful Anti-Magic sword. At the expense of not being able to cast spells other than anti-magic ones, she put any and all types of magic in check The only way these crystals would get destroyed was if it was done by hand. They were immune to magic

She pointed to Faust. "Are you trying to get yourself killed?"
LostHaven LostHaven
Faust Windfallow / Grimoire Necronomicon
Fort Black- Baquet Hall / Sabbat Castle

Grimoire couldn't help but laugh to himself. Flames fired from the draconic skulls could incinerate a person with ease, and yet the guild members had negated his first attack like they were nothing. However, Grimoire wasn't even getting warmed up yet. He grinned to himself, as he thought of ways he could kill the people. He had grown sick and tired of waiting. He'd have his fun today.

Faust lifted his hands in the air. His facial expression was blank. You couldn't read anything from it. Was he faking his emotions all along? Or was he just so baffled he didn't know how to feel? 'What DO you want me to do? If I wanted you guys dead, I would've just summoned everything I had and then fired it all at once.' He looked up at his draconic skulls, all of which were surrounded by Pandora's spell. 'It's not like they take commands from me anymore. Somebody's done something to them. Anyways, we know one hit's gonna end me for good. I'm not stupid enough to do this.' He was telling the plain truth, and yet, it seemed like a desperate lie, told by somebody who had obviously been caught. Anyone with any knowledge on necromancy at all would know that stealing undead from an Elder Lich's control was no easy task, and was impossible for any mortal necromancer. 'Welp. Talking it out isn't an option here. It's not like---' His sentence was once again cut off, as several more skulls appeared in the room. Right now, he was way over the safe limit of skulls, and not to mention... They were about to fire a much more dangerous spell... 'WHAT THE FU---' Twelve more skulls opened fire, as streams of focused arcane energy rushed out of their mouths. Strangely enough, even though Faust had only summoned twelve, the dozen that had appeared was not summoned by him, and yet was still drawing from his mana. That made the culprit seem even more likely to be Faust.

Arcanum Skull: Another variation of the draconic blaster, and by far the most dangerous. It fires a focused stream of arcane energy, incinerating anything in its path. Although devastating, it drains mana incredibly quick. Ten seconds of continuously firing with twelve blasters uses up mana equivalent to the amount of mana required to mass teleport a small team of about 30 people. (aka, alot of mana.) For comparison, Faust can continuously fire using twelve Inferno Skulls for almost 30 minutes straight.

Hanarei Hanarei NUSKI NUSKI Alteras Alteras Swire Swire IamNotLoki IamNotLoki Wilted Wilted Stern LuLuLu Stern LuLuLu Birdsie Birdsie Captain Gabriel Captain Gabriel Kylesar1 Kylesar1 SP3CT3R SP3CT3R CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse
Iclyn Hajnal Holmström
Guild Hall

Iclyn was exerting the full might of her runic spells. She summoned Realm of the Ice Queen and Pillars of Ice started to form, blocking the firing paths of the skulls. As people began running for cover, she created walls of ice to use for cover. She was primarily focused on protection before summoning her own set of ice lances, tossing them at the skulls.

(OOC: Aureliana and Aslan are not in the hall, busy doing other stuff)

Faust Windfallow / Grimoire Necronomicon
Fort Black- Baquet Hall / Sabbat Castle

Grimoire couldn't help but laugh to himself. Flames fired from the draconic skulls could incinerate a person with ease, and yet the guild members had negated his first attack like they were nothing. However, Grimoire wasn't even getting warmed up yet. He grinned to himself, as he thought of ways he could kill the people. He had grown sick and tired of waiting. He'd have his fun today.

Faust lifted his hands in the air. His facial expression was blank. You couldn't read anything from it. Was he faking his emotions all along? Or was he just so baffled he didn't know how to feel? 'What DO you want me to do? If I wanted you guys dead, I would've just summoned everything I had and then fired it all at once.' He looked up at his draconic skulls, all of which were surrounded by Pandora's spell. 'It's not like they take commands from me anymore. Somebody's done something to them. Anyways, we know one hit's gonna end me for good. I'm not stupid enough to do this.' He was telling the plain truth, and yet, it seemed like a desperate lie, told by somebody who had obviously been caught. Anyone with any knowledge on necromancy at all would know that stealing undead from an Elder Lich's control was no easy task, and was impossible for any mortal necromancer. 'Welp. Talking it out isn't an option here. It's not like---' His sentence was once again cut off, as several more skulls appeared in the room. Right now, he was way over the safe limit of skulls, and not to mention... They were about to fire a much more dangerous spell... 'WHAT THE FU---' Twelve more skulls opened fire, as streams of focused arcane energy rushed out of their mouths. Strangely enough, even though Faust had only summoned twelve, the dozen that had appeared was not summoned by him, and yet was still drawing from his mana. That made the culprit seem even more likely to be Faust.

Arcanum Skull: Another variation of the draconic blaster, and by far the most dangerous. It fires a focused stream of arcane energy, incinerating anything in its path. Although devastating, it drains mana incredibly quick. Ten seconds of continuously firing with twelve blasters uses up mana equivalent to the amount of mana required to mass teleport a small team of about 30 people. (aka, alot of mana.) For comparison, Faust can continuously fire using twelve Inferno Skulls for almost 30 minutes straight.

Hanarei Hanarei NUSKI NUSKI Alteras Alteras Swire Swire IamNotLoki IamNotLoki Wilted Wilted Stern LuLuLu Stern LuLuLu Birdsie Birdsie Captain Gabriel Captain Gabriel Kylesar1 Kylesar1 SP3CT3R SP3CT3R CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse
Isabella Coleman
Grand Hall
Swords equipped
: 6th Sense and Moonflower

"Split!" The crystals shot off in many directions, implanting in walls and floor. They continued to absorb the spell from all over the room, but a little weaker since they were smaller

The crystals absorbed much of the spell, heavily weakening it. Magic was damn near useless around her while she had Moonflower. She ran up to Faust, Moonflower drawn. 6th Sense made dodging the weakened magic beams very easy. That and the fact that she could literally see them. "How about I disable your magic then?" He couldn't use the skulls if his magic was disabled. With Moonflower, magic against Izzy was like using a conventional hammer against a brick wall. Possible but highly ineffective. To Izzy, this was a test to see if it was really him or someone else launching these futile attacks. If he tried to defend himself, It'd mean that he was guilty. If he took the disabling, It'd mean he was genuine.
LostHaven LostHaven
Faust Windfallow / Grimoire Necronomicon
Fort Black- Grand Hall / Sabbat Castle

As the anti-magic crystals were planted throughout the room and began weakening the blasters, so did Grimoire's ability to control them. He lost his control over half of the blasters, as they disappeared, just like the way they had appeared. 'Dammit. Anti-magic... Always gotta ruin the fun.' He muttered...

Faust watched Izzy dash at him with Moonflower, trying to 'disable his magic.' However, disabling all of Faust's magic would probably kill him, or if not, immobilise him for some time. Faust wasn't taking any chances with that. Unlike a regular lich, Faust's soul lacked a phylactery to inhabit, so it was rather bound to his own body, permanently. Basically, his soul is bound to his body through magic. Although regular old anti-magic won't fully disable the necromancy, fully disabling Faust's magic would probably cancel the necromancy as well... This was only in theory, but Faust wasn't taking any chances, especially when he's in a legtitimate fight. He could see if he was correct later. 'HELL, NO, YOU'RE NOT DISABLING MY MAGIC!' He said, as he jumped over Izzy, by leaping onto her shoulder and using them as a platform of jump off. 'Godammit, can't you just use anti-magic to get rid of the blasters? Half of them just disappeared!' He commented. If somebody had stolen his blasters with Necromancy, then anti-magic would probably either loosen their grip on Faust's weapons, or disable it completely.

Kylesar1 Kylesar1

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