• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy A Gift Hidden By A Mask OOC

That's perfectly fine. Well it looks like you guys seem to be fine with ordering, so shall we just keep replying in the order we're in now?

But as Cloud suggested, if someone hasn't replied for quite awhile the next person goes
So sorry, a few things came up so I had to hold off on whether I was actually joining or not. The sheet should be finished somewhat soon, I look forward to joining the actual roleplay. <3
Yum3ko Yum3ko
Otherwise, it's great to see you again Blackrose7 Blackrose7
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"But you could've just checked right" I hear you say
Well yes, I did and it should be fine but me being cloud I just need to double check
I said slums. ( When Mira is living in the poor area of the city, and you forgot that the name of that area is called the slums. )

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