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Fandom A Game Called Life (Accepting)

Roku looked at Mira and Orlando with a large smile raising her hand up into the air. "Yeah let's go kick some booty!" She smiled please to have two new people to talk to besides that imaginary voice in her brain. She smiled as she pulled out her own map. "Do all of our jobs meld together? Like we all share our tasks now?" She knew she still needed to hunt down the skeletons but, it wasn't clear to her if the others got credit as well. She tapped her foot before leaping the way her face upon the map.

@EXPMIRACLE @Clockwork Syringe
"Not right now, but if we are in an official party, then we will share tasks, like if all of us combined collect the required elements, then we'll all get the credit. I'm all for creating an official party, but I think we'd better make it official, like I suggested." Orlando swiped his hand across to bring up his menu, then scrolled through and scanned the options until the party menu appeared. After the option to form a party came up, he sent one to Mira and Roku with a press of a virtual button. "Now you just need to accept the request and our first ever party will be formed," Orlando explained with a grin on his face.
Roku looked at Orlando as she did the same action, she smiled happily as she accepted. "Yesh! Let there be parties! Is there any Cake?" She asked looking around them curiously as if expecting a cake to magically appear before them.

Roku upon seeing the lack of appearing cake sighed sadly. "After we complete our missions lets celebrate with Cake sound good?" She placed her hands on her hips grinning happily at both Mira and Orlando.

@Clockwork Syringe @EXPMIRACLE
"Cake does sound gooooodddd, but I'd rather have meat if possible, or hot peppers, but cake is good," Orlando explained. "However, lets get going, those monsters aren't going to slay themselves! I'll lead the way!" Orlando stated. Orlando unsheathed his katana and began to walk towards the destination.
"Right!" Mira looked at the virtual message sent to her. A party request which has the options of Yes or No. She tapped the Yes button and another message showed up, "Congratulations, you are now in a party! +Orlando +Roku ". She then smiles again, this is the real first time she's ever been in party. And with the shared tasks, their missions may be much more faster than before. Mira raised her fist into the air, "Great! Now to go to that den! Lead the way you two, I'm not really much of a map-person" she declared, as she marched on forward. Well, the opposite way of which they were supposed to go. "E-Er... That way?" she asked, pointing at the direction she is heading. "Well, yeah! Cake!"
Roku raised her fists and pointed in the direction they needed to go. "This way!" She said proudly as she led the way. She was somewhat good with maps as she started to walk backwards to look at her two party members. "So what Cake do you guys want to get?" She asked already knowing they'd be awesome at their quests. Though this was more of her confidence at it's highest point so far.

The Sun in the sky over the highlands is beginning to set casting a pale orange and purple glow over the area. Most of the city's inhabitants are getting their dinner and such ready as most regular shops seem to be closing down. The guards are also switched as the shifts are changing as well.

(Just a short note there for timing @EXPMIRACLE @Clockwork Syringe @BlackFlame @Exanis @Kel Vas @Edward Valentine
"Although I'd want chocolate cake as I'm a bit of a sucker for sweets, don't assume it will be so easy," Orlando cautioned. "This is our first quest after all and we'll use it to gauge our own and each other's fighting styles for future use. Still I wouldn't read too much into it," Orlando grinned.
Panoplia looked at the group and saw that more was coming. "Maybe I'll just wait till they come back." She fished out her map and went back to finding the blacksmith. She eventually finds it an the blacksmith took her in. She worked hard with menial tasks and impressed the blacksmith with her strength. "Watch and learn" the smith said and Panoplia looked on intensely. She herself began working on small repairs such as refilling durability on low class items. "When they come back their equipment'll be worn down. Hopefully not too much so I can fix it." Panoplia stopped as she was confused. Why would she want to help so much. She went quickly back to work as the blacksmith scolded her on daydreaming.

As afternoon came and the blacksmith shop was closing the master blacksmith came out and gave her a small amount of money. It was her wages and though it may be small she is provided a bed. Using the money she only bought a loaf of bread and saved the rest. Panoplia sighed as she fell down into the sack of a bed and looked out the window. "Why am I so anxious to see that group return?" She wondered. She groggily got up and leaned out on the windowsill while eating her bread. She stared out into the horizon and just sat there content with what she is doing. "At least I'm making something of myself"
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A voice arose within the Library, one that Ashlynn was unfamiliar with. There were no denizens that frequented this place other then Serena, far less ones that would approach idly. She chose not to turn and meet the individual on approach, instead listening to his words from within her current position of sitting, whilst she viewed her journal. The thought of another adventurer taking interest within the histories of this world was certainly new. With an audible growl from her stomach, she only now chose to turn and meet the adventurer, rising to her feet in the process as she once more stored the journal. "For the price of a loaf of bread, my thoughts are yours." She spoke without hesitation, seeing little need in hoarding her notes to herself.

Without delay, Ashlynn moved for the door, not allowing an opportunity for verbal rejection. Organizing thoughts were easiest when verbalizing them, as well it would prove helpful on seeing how much was already integrated into her mind. "This world," she began without looking back, almost as if expecting the individual to follow due to curiosity of the knowledge she held, "is filled with many secrets." Opening the door, she took one short glance behind her, noting the individuals position before continuing more so to herself. "Within the texts, it hints at many things, including both divine and unholy interventions. However, in the end, all stories relate to those of us labeled 'Adventurers'." Descending the stairs, she finally came to take note of the darkening skies, forcing her footsteps to quicken.

"To our common knowledge, we 'Adventurers' first arrived here a matter of days ago. However, within the stories we have come at least twice before." Regardless of the motions carried as well the length of her speaking, exhaustion showed no signs of taking effect upon the girl despite her fragile air. "The last time we appeared is somewhere near two hundred years ago, in which this very town was created. However, what is peculiar is that between our first appearance nearly a thousand years ago, and then, nothing had changed. " Now walking upon the streets she came to pause and look around on occasion, as if to gain her bearings. For certain one could note that she did not travel within the town itself very much, but at least she showed a general knowledge of it's design. "It is almost as if the common Denizens are incapable of developing themselves, bound by some rule or code. Only by the hand of adventures can 'life be birthed anew'."

Again she paused, looking to the skies once more before quickening her pace once more, a hand resting on her stomach as she proceeded. "What should be noted, is that it never mentions where the Adventurers go. They are established as immortal beings that will rebirth if slain, however they make note to scribe when a flock of Adventurers appear, which is followed by an economic boom. So what of the old adventurers? What if they returned to that peculiar void of color? Were their memories also taken upon their arrival? This world is full of too many secrets, that I will break." The female came to a sudden pause, hand already outstretched towards a bread stall as if to say 'go ahead'.

@Edward Valentine
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Luna could feel a vein popping on her forehead. She wasn't used to be beaten like that. Turning to Alex, she could feel the urge to kick him in the shin. "Have you ever been-" Luna cut her sentence. She might have ended up just punching the guy, something she didn't want to do. "Lead the way, Oh great sir" She mumbled loud enough for Alex to hear. She hated following orders, but this guy seemed to have some valuable information, besides, the fact that he outsmarted her, in a way, made her respect him. Following Alex, Luna began to feel awkward with the silence. "So... Why'd you join this game?" She asked curiously. She expected an answer like "I joined this game for fun" or "I wanted to try it out". It was what normal people had said. Although Luna's reason, was a bit strange. She had joined this game, to find a person. Letting her thoughts wander around aimlessly, Luan didn't notice a rock in front of her feet and tripped on it. As if reality had happened so fast, The impact had quickly gotten to her. "Damn it, thats the second time" Setting another case of curses, Luna let out a sigh and stood up.


From this point forward, regrettably, NightFlame's character will be frozen, and rendered unplayable until further notice. Please take note to disregard the latest post.

@Exanis I do apologize to you, seeing as your character was previously caught in interaction. I would like to ask that you proceed without this character, and I hope for your continued participation!
Lloyd looked at the sky, following the clouds that lazily sailed through the limitless expense of blue nothing and void. No, void would have been wrong: there was air.... and light. This world was there, and he was in it, but what was this world, and who was he really? Those questions made no sense to him: this was the only world, the only reality that could be, and he could only be no-one but himself, could he? With an hand resting on the pommel of his elemental blade he sighed heavily. No matter how much he tried to extend and stretch the arms and fingers of his conscious mind in the deep recesses of his subconscious, the only things he could grasp at were nothing but scattered and damaged images, sounds, smells and sensations. The very presence of something like that inside was a taunt, a sign that, before waking up in that temple behind him, he existed as someone else. As his eyes settled on the bustling life of the little town, tough, a slight smile appeared on his face, and he started walking to the quest board he heard about from the various merchants. After a couple of minutes of moving and swimming through the flow of people, he started looking at the board. Few quests remained, at least to his tastes, and they all required a party to be completed safely. "Time to unleash my irresistible charm." He said under his breath, then, slowly starting to spin around, he screamed: "WHO WANTS TO FORM A PARTY?! I THINK I KNOW HOW TO HEAL!" at the top of his lungs. Irresistible. Charm. Oh Yeah.
Roku followed her two new companions with a large grin, "I love any kind of cake, it is super delicious." The sky around them had grown darker just as they arrived near the area where the den was. Roku pulled out her bow and began to prepare a couple of quick incantations putting them into the arrows themselves. "Fire, Project, Bullet, Pierce, Chain, Water, Project, Bullet, Pierce." She said prepping three of these types of arrows lowering a portion of her magical energy pretty quickly. "Hehe these should welcome really well I think," Roku smiled before moving up a hill that overlooked where her skeletons were to be hunted down and prepped to fire an arrow at the group.

(@EXPMIRACLE @Clockwork Syringe @Kel Vas - now I probably screwed up the incantation. However it was mostly on purpose because she isn't very clear thinking as I mentioned in the CS •+• Hopefully something will happen but, I leave that in your capable hands Kel )
Mira looked at the sky, it was definitely going to be night. She looked at Roku as she started preparing her arrows and a bow, surprisingly, she was actually a magic-bow user. "Nice types of weaponry you got there!" she said, complimenting her as she herself prepared to use the incantations herself. After Roku decided to move up a hill, Mira looked at Orlando. "A mage like me needs to stick with a melee class, even though I don't know any healing spells for now." she said, trying to help him watch his back just in case. You wouldn't know if a secret monster attacks you, respawning can be quite the pain. She hasn't died yet, so the feeling of rebirth isn't really on her mind.

@Lana Valentine @Clockwork Syringe
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"Of course Mira, but I don't use the katana exclusively as it may seem," Orlando explained. He pulled up his menu and equipped a dagger in his left hand. "I dual wield mostly a katana in my right hand and a dagger in my left hand allowing myself to attack quickly. I can also use earth magic to literally shape the battlefield as I wish provided I have the mana to do so." Soon, the group had arrived at the entrance to the GleamFang den and in Orlando's screen, !s appeared over a group of skeletons in front of the den. Orlando pointed towards them and said, "You see those guys over there? They're the ones we're supposed to hunt. I'm going to go in and start getting to work." Orlando readied himself and moved forward carrying a dagger in his left and and his katana in his right preparing to attack the group.

@Lana Valentine @EXPMIRACLE
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Roku looked at the two others and smiled, "Well I want use pure magic but, I wanted to try using some of these cool looking magic arrows!" Roku stood and fired one of the arrows she had prepped not even waiting to check to see if the other two were ready. The arrow flew quickly through the air, then after a few feet ignited into a burst of flame creating a large fireball. The ball smashed and pierced into two of skeletons then a split second after it disappeared another shard of ice was created and became impaled into a wall.

Roku scratched her head, "Huh that wasn't what I wanted." She pouted before peeping another spell chanting out a new set of incantations, her hand switching to a staff instead.

@EXPMIRACLE @Clockwork Syringe @Kel Vas

The skeletons which grouped in amass like the party was, turned their attention directly upon Roku after the near destruction of their two allies. Totaling about ten of the skeletons, their focus turned mostly on Roku as she had led the attack upon them.

The sky around them turned to night and clear skies, the stars shining bright above. Most places within the city are closed and only important places like the Library and the Taverns and Inns were open. A howl was heard loudly everywhere as well almost as if signaling the time of day of night as it were.
"ROKU WATCH OUT!" Orlando yelled as he charged into the fray swiping left and right attempting to redirect the aggression of the skeletons to himself. Roku was a magic based class and would not do well against melee characters, unlike Orlando himself, so she couldn't take very many hits. With katana and dagger working in unison Orlando took out 5 of the skeletons while their attention was briefly focused on Roku suddenly turning their attention to himself. As they did so, He jumped backwards while brandishing his katana in front of him while holding his dagger behind him in a stabbing position. "For future reference Roku let me start by gaining their attention so that you can go to town on them without fear of reprisal."

@Lana Valentine @EXPMIRACLE
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Roku looked at Orlando surprised as she finished up her spell incantation, "Water, Project, Bullet, Pierce," Roku said in rapidity charging a bunch of her mama mentally. She gestured her staff forward as a large shard of ice flew forward and smashed into three skeletons including one of the ones she had previously weakened, and destroyed them as they crumpled into a pile of bones.

Roku's breath grew slightly heavier having not really paying much attention to her mama output. "Oh man is this a bit tougher than I though," She said blinking as she took a step away preparing to fire her bow again.

@EXPMIRACLE @Clockwork Syringe
Noting that there were only two skeletons left and Roku herself was not looking good, Orlando decided to try to end this as quickly as possible. He stashed his dagger in his inventory and then gripped his katana with both hands charging forwards. The final two skeletons themselves were holding swords so he needed to be precise, quick and efficient with his strikes. The first skeleton swung its sword at Orlando who in turn responded by blocking it and swiftly moved the sword to his left and swung it to the right bisecting the skeleton in two ending its life. The second skeleton possessing the same intelligence that the first one did, attempted to to the same, but Orlando decided to change it up a bit. As the attack loomed in, Orlando blocked it and then seeing its exposed neck, beheaded the skeleton causing it to crumple to the ground while its remains disappeared. Seeing that there were no more skeletons to fight, Orlando swiftly sheathed his katana and spoke to Roku, "I guess that's that, I suppose."

Valentine followed along full of amusement and glad he could avoid the actual task of reading. Plus Valentine enjoyed to listen to people telling stories instead of reading them. He felt there was some sort of life that paper lacked. He would wave at the girl when she glanced back to make sure he was still there. He would pause when she needed to recover. He was more than patient. He then looked at the closing bread stall as the moon set of the horizon. He then looked to the girl.

"Lets head over to an inn. That way I can get a you a real meal and you can answer my questions."

Valentine looked over to the girl and then began walking himself. Valentine glanced up once at the road they were one before looking down at the cobble road in thought. He gazed never leaving the historical village's pathway.

"So we came twice before but the first gap between then and now is eight hundred years....do you know why it was eight hundred years? Also why was this new gap two hundred years? And let me ask about the NPC's. They seem to be sentient in away, but only enough to fulfill their purpose. They don't lack desire because then their would be no quests, what they lack is ambition. So when the "Adventurers" are reintroduced into the world for over a thousand years, the NPC's have either no need to evolve or they know that the "Adventurers" will once again return. Now would do you think would happen if a guide book written by an adventurer to make a sword was left behind? not just any sword. A good sword. An uncommon sword, one sword that takes skill, experience and effort to create. Would the NPC's react to ambition there?"

Valentine held the door open for the girl. As she entered the inn, Valentine followed without another world. He walked her over to a booth near a window to watch the night life pass them by just in case things calmed down. He looked over to the waitress who quickly appeared and Valentine spoke up.

"Two soups and Two sammichs. Also bring two cups of...."

Valentine looks over to the girl from the Library wondering what she wants to drink.

@Kel Vas
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Alexander sighed as he noticed that Luna seemed to decide to go further into the bear cave. Oh well, he hopes she doesn't get killed. That would suck. But nonetheless, he had a mission and a goal. GleamFang was going to die today, and he was going to damn well make sure of it. With a determined gleam in his eyes, he marched onward to GleamFang's Den.

Stopping in front of what he could only assume to be the entrance to GleamFang's Den, he took a deep breath, and then let out a roar as he charged into the cave.

(@Kel Vas @Lana Valentine So I have no idea what you want to be done for GleamFang's Den so, I'ma just leave it at here.)
Like a true man, he charged straight down the dungeon, claws clipped to his belt and his scythe out, being swung from side to side as he screamed. He was sure that all the elite wolves were confused as all hell as he, in essence, rushed the boss of the dungeon. He thought he might have gotten a few good hits on the wolves, but in all honesty, it was a good hit as long as it got them out of his way. Which it did.


He was sure that he would make it to the boss. Eventually. Probably. Hopefully. Really soon hopefully. Especially because the wolves were gaining on him. And they didn't look happy in the slightest. He could understand that feeling. But he had a mission. A suicide mission in all likelyhood, but a mission nonetheless. He would kill the beast and come out on top. Or die. Killing the beast and dying works too. But he had to kill GleamFang, no matter what. He would take his fangs and use them as his claws. He would bath in his blood. He would become the king of the wolves.


In his mental hyping he had apparently made it to the end of the dungeon. And now he was staring at GleamFang. And he had finally noticed how much stronger the elite status wolves looked than their normal counterparts. But GleamFang. He was bigger than he imagined. And... Tougher looking too. "Uh... Quick headcount if you would. One, two, three, four, alot. Hrm." He was in a dire situation. A very bad, very deadly situation. But he had come this far, and he was at least going to hurt, if not kill, GleamFang before he left. If he ever left. A fight to the death, in which he would die as they ripped him apart, seemed quite likely.

"You know what... Screw it. FOR! GLORY! AND! HONOOOOOOOOOOOOOR!"

And with that short war cry he charged at GleamFang, once again swinging his scythe around without a care in the world, just wondering how long he would last before he got killed. Oh well, he'll take some of them down with him. Probably.
Roku heard the sounds of shouting her eyes twitching slightly as she looked up and dashed towards the entrance. "Sorry guys! Someone needs our help!" Roku pushed into the entrance of the dungeon completely ignoring an arrow she had received in the shoulder from one of the remaining skeletons. Roku's pure air headed self grabbed the Arrow and yanked it out as she shivered from pain. She then placed it in her bow's quiver.

Roku began to chain a strange series of incantations as her body similarly glowed with the ancient script flowing around her. "Fire, Project, Bullet, Disperse, Chain, Water, Project, Bullets, Disperse, Chain, Fire, Project, Bullet, Pierce, Chain, Aether, Project, Bullet, Disperse." The words wrapped around her as sweat began to drip heavily as she fired the spell chain into the cave and promptly collapsed to her knees afterward.

The spells launched forward in a strange series, a fireball that struck a wall and exploded in a Nova of flame, followed by a similar Snowball like object bursting into a freezing Nova. Another two spells went off, a cone of intense heat bursting into the chamber from her staff to kill any charging at her and finally a ball of light the struck and healed any friendlies slightly as well.

Roku looked up and saw she had merely killed two already weakened by someone else whomever else it had been.

@Exanis @Clockwork Syringe @Kel Vas @EXPMIRACLE
Kala had only been moving since the afternoon-ish times, begrudgingly moving. She wasn't a daytime person but more of the night, when things always seemed to get fun; however, as personal punishment for being up so late..Kala decided to train hard with her beloved weapon Anguish. She wasn't sure what it was about the blade she loved so much. Maybe it was the runic look, the size, the shape, the height, who knew! Certainly not her. The minute she'd seen the weapon she had to have it, and she did. She cared not for the looks she got when using it or how impractical it might look for a tiny female to be using a blade meant for a 'big strong muscular man.' Regardless though, she was good with it. For some reason her and this blade were meant for one another, and she wouldn't sacrifice that for anyone or thing.

Kala had been out walking, heading for some dungeon that was the 'talk of the town' so to speak. Along the way she'd fraught very minor beast, sometimes stopping to keep fighting on until there was nothing; though most of what came along wasn't in big packs/groups. Eventually night fell and she pulled her mask and hood up, the red eye of her mask glowing as Anguish sat on her shoulder. The sword was heavy yes, but she preferred to carry it by balancing it on her right shoulder the best could or strapped to her back. After more traveling in the dark she'd reached Gleamfang's Dungeon. From inside she could hear fighting taking place as well as yelling of a boy? Kala wasn't sure what to expect as she walked inside.

((Sorry this kind sucks x.x But I didn't know what to post!))

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