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Fandom A Game Called Life (Accepting)

Loki unsheathed his elemental blade from his back and extended his non-dominant hand. Drawing power from the bracelet charm on his hand he began to chant, "Earth, manipulate, bullet." with those words a relatively large rock was flinged at the creature's head. This was to get its attention and hopefully knock it over. The rock hit the creature's head and it hit with a satisfying thud as it was stunned. If this didn't get its attention, Loki didn't know what would.

"I don't care what this thing is but it looks like fun!" Loki said as he grinned ear to ear and waited for the creature's response.

@ G r o u p 1
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Born in Darkness; The Hunt

Extra Arc: Enigma!? It's a Cameo!

@ G r o u p 1

There was no hesitation, the Adventurers rose to the challenge before them and took to engaging the creature! Roku was first to act, releasing a healing magic to aid the injured Adventurer. The spear wielding girl was quick to notice this, ironing her stance as she took to the defensive, refusing to leave the area of healing. A sweeping motion broke the creature's approach, bringing the battle to a stand once more. It was during this moment that the Katana wielder made his approach, ambushing the creature from behind. His attack successfully removed the creature's bladed whip of a tail, which flailed even ever dismemberment for the following moments. With a hissing snarl it faced the boy, obviously enraged by the attack. And then, a smaller stone from the broken wall was sent flying by means of magic. The thoughtless Earthen magic did little more than forcefully nudge the creature's head, as if attempting to draw aggression.

The creature was annoyed by this interference. With eerie clicks, it bared it's dagger-like teeth to Orlando. Judging from it's center of aggression, the tail was probably a heavy means for it's offensive patterns. However, one could not simply lessen their worry with it's absence, as that disturbing miasma seemed to leak from it's wound. Without even a cue from it's frame, the creature lurched forward to pin the boy with it's frame. However, by this point Roku's healing magic have completed their cycle. The steel pole from the spear quickly caught the beast's hind legs, forcing it's momentum to falter and collapse. From this point the creature showed it's acknowledgment of the disadvantage of being surrounded. A wider range of awareness could be shown, as if an individual were to approach from it's back it would force the remnants of it's tail to spew the miasma in their direction. If the creature remained trapped, then the end outcome would be predictable. However, one can not forget that this creature's foothold was not limited to the flooring.

Taking to the walls, and then the roof, the creature breaks past Orlando. And so now the creatures charges to the back lines, attempting to greet the three taking point from afar. This beast was no prey to 'aggro', there was nothing to force it's focus away from the building threats!
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Orlando had noticed that with the successful removal of the blade of the tail, the creature was obviously very angry with him and looked to want to take vengeance. However, their earlier action of helping the adventurer proved to be fruitful as with Roku's healing spell rejuvenating the adventurer, she came to his aid by halting the creature's momentum. All looked to be well, except for the momentary lapse in remembering that the creature could climb on the walls and ceiling. "OH NO YOU DON'T" Orlando bellowed as he ran after the creature whilst throwing one of the daggers he carried on his person lodging it in its' throat while he simultaneously moved to guard Roku and his new arrival alongside Deren.

@Kel Vas

@Lana Valentine

@Silver Wolf

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For a long second, Kala couldn't believe that she had actually laid a cut on the iron hided man. Not only was it a cut, but the pink flesh below had been shown..she had cut him fairly deep. Kala thrust a fist in the air, proud of herself fir being able to do it. Then he spoke of higher expectations. "Good! Raise them high!" She yell back to him, a grin from cheek to cheek under her mast had formed. Her small victory did not last long though, for he began to change form and position. The ground rumbled under her fee and her eyes landed on the massive man. He wasn't going to take it easy on her..and that is exactly what she wanted. Once the man was done with his movements and making the arena tremble, Kala moved back then charged forward once more with Anguish outstretched. Once close enough to Rok, Kala thrust her mighty weapon then swung out to the left on the lower part of the man's legs.

@Kel Vas

((Well.. this was rather poor..I blame college for killing my brain.))
Roku continued to chant her spell underneath her breath unfazed by the creatures charge towards Her direction. At least it isn't coming out the vents... Where did that come from? Roku asked the emptiness of her mind. She shook her head and began charge a mess of her mana into the word Pierce.

She gestured her free hand outward, the palm fully visible as if she were giving a slap to some ones chest. Ice formed around around her in three large tubes, they jettisoned from the ground and launched towards the creature.

Roku didn't care how obviously flashy this spell was nor did she care about the spectators noticing. It was about defeating the creature in front of them. Explanations and consequences could wait until after the beast lay dead and hopefully became exposed from it's hidden form.

(Sorry for the short post... >~<)

@Kel Vas @revior @Clockwork Syringe @xEmoBunnehx @Vulpes @Silver Wolf
Deren used the opportunity opened by Roku to charge at the onyx black beast. Grimaced as he sprinted past Roku, following the trajectory of her ice projectiles. Deren hoped that the spell would be enough to make the thing flinch. Once he was two meters away from its face he drove his weapon into directly into the smooth forehead of the thing whilst jumping, he hoped to use his weapon as an aid to jump on top of the thing. Whether he would be able to do that depended on whether it had been perturbed by the previous attack.

@Lana Valentine @Clockwork Syringe @Silver Wolf @Kel Vas
It is an odd thing. One thinks of one self as a whole, the mind and the body, and maybe the soul if one believes in such an existence. Therefore, it may certainly be strange when one thinks of one's body as a separate object than the rest, like perhaps a vessel, or perhaps even more terrifyingly, a prison. For Joshua, it is more akin to an iron maiden, with the pain form his body constantly assaulting him throughout.

From the moment Joshua had woken by a strange tremor, pain was the first thing he realized. He opened his eyes in panic, only to result in more panic when he realized he can't see. He tried to move, but his body wouldn't give him the time of the day. And he tried to listen but there was nothing, only silence. For a moment, he thought that he was dead, but his body is quick to tell him otherwise, with pain clearly felt from his bones, muscles, skin, limbs, and his nose quite happily informs him that he is not quite dead. In time, he remembered, that he had tried haphazardly to perform magic beyond his understanding and immediately felt all of his being consumed as if to fill what was lacking. What was it that I did wrong? He began wondering. But there was no answer, he simply didn't know. That was his first mistake, one would suppose. But despite the lack of answers, he continued to thought about it, for it was the only thing he could do. The pain was keeping him awake, and for all he knows, he may be laying in a coffin, deep underground, heck, perhaps they didn't even bothered to get him a coffin. Then again, Adventurers don't really leave behind a body when they die, do they, nor do Denizens... What's a coffin?

It was certainly odd, his body felt like a completely separate thing now, like an iron maiden entrapping his mind, the pain it's constantly sending being a constant reminder that he is trapped. To distract himself from the pain, is thoughts turned else were, to the spell he was trying out. What happened to it? He didn't know, his senses had already blackened out before it fully took form. Did it hurt anybody? What did it do? Did it do something to me? Did it do the same to someone else? His imagination took flight and he dreamt of horrible things. In time, his thoughts and dream began to meld into one, not knowing which are his thoughts and which are his nightmares, which is real and which is false. Every time he returns, only darkness and silence, nothing to confirm which is reality. And so he floats within the darkness, dreaming and waking, unable to tell which is which.
After leaving the "couple" alone to have their quality time together, Anna lay down on the deck to enjoy the cool sea breeze and gaze at the sky. The night always comforted her. The darkness was like a cool security blanket and her constant companion. One could say it was one of her true friends. It helped hide her from the savage Denizens who were out for Adventurers' blood, it kept her cool as she strolled the forest path with her cloak and traveling pack and best of all, sleeping in a dark place will always be better then napping in the sun.

So there she was, lying on the deck, creeping out the occasional sailor who walked close, staring at the sky. The sky was a another one of her companions. Be it the clear blue or the purplish-black as it was now. The sky was always there, unless she went into a cave or dungeon of course, then it would be the ceiling. Anna liked how the sky would always change with time. Nice and sunny, dark and cold, radiant reds and pinks. It could be clear one moment and cloudy the next. But her favorite would be the reddish-pink of a dusk sky as it signelled that her favorite darkness would follow.

Then there are those two. He was a big, mean-looking man but with the meekness of a mouse while she was an energetic, spunky and overall nice girl. He taught her to use her size as an advantage and that it was okay to feel afraid. She taught her how to mix magic and arrows for creative results and that speech isn't the only way to communicate. And all for what...?

"Listen Annie... Its okay. I just need you to run as fast as you can alright?"

"A-Alice... I-I don't want to be alone anymore..!"

"Its alright, Anna. We'll always be with you in spirit."

"G-Gregor.... B-but..."

"There's no time! Just go!" "GO!"

Anna slowly reached up to the sky. She wonders if fate played a hand in her being stuck with Alexander and Ashelynn. Was it being cruel? Or is this another chance?

"Alice... Gregor... Are you two behind this...?" Anna muttered to herself, a sad smile upon her lips.

@Kel Vas @Exanis

Born in the Darkness; The Nightmare

Extra Arc: Enigma!? It's a Cameo!

@ G r o u p 1

(Part One; Because screw putting it all at once. Toy with this for a little while, haha.)

And so the creature charged for the back lines, by use of the roof. Orlando, refusing to release the creature with ease threw a dagger to it's throat. The beast hissed in pain, it's movements faltering as it took a moment attempt a defensive action. However, this perhaps a vital mistake in judgement. Next came Roku's barrage of ice magic, one empowered by far too much mana in it's piercing attribute. The blocks of ice easily greeted the creature, as it's movements were previously hindered. Easily crushing the creature's limbs and frame as the ice continued even further. Through the roof it went, soaring into the skies above before finally losing velocity, falling somewhere within the mountains. With a few limbs missing, and the creature itself severely weakened, it fell to the ground. It flailed about the floor, so very obviously in pain. And then, Deren intercepted the downed creature, finishing it off with a final plunge through the creature's skull.

The creature was dead, it's length still twitched as if attempting to escape the grasp, but there was nothing to save. Before Deren couldn't even leave the corpse's side, it began to quickly erode into purple miasma, spreading across the flooring as it drained energy from those caught within. Finishing it with a melee action was a mistake, one that would need to be noted. However, at least this miasma did not prove instantly fatal to the Adventurers at least.

The disturbing nature of the miasma rose when the Adventurers fled from it's ring of expansion. It crawled upon the walls, forming a barrier that made the hall impassible without diving through it. The spear wielding Adventurer still stood on the other side, alone seeing as Orlando charged to his friends' sides prior. When this blockage of miasma reached the ceiling, it's form only darkened, growing more powerful as the remnants of the creature were consumed. Our party of Adventurers could no longer see through the torrent, this entity itself began to wail much like the creature's howl. And then,
a pair of red glowing eyes appeared within the swirling purple mass, figure indeterminable from within the miasma. However, there was no hatred present within these eyes that stared at the Adventurers. They were too unbelievably cold with death to hold any other emotion. Before them, without a doubt, was nothing more than a void consisting of such death and despair.

Mortals capable of perception?" Every word she spoke should have spread warning flags to the Adventurers. After all, even the tone of her voice seemed so disassociated with the world. She was the first being to name the Adventurers mortals, a term that indicated that she herself was something beyond understanding. However, at the same time it shows that she knew little of the world, incapable of telling the difference between it's inhabitants until now. Further beyond that, she was interfering in a world, holding such power within it, without even understanding the basis of it's creation. "So the chosen exist within this plane as well.." With her words came no emotion, a frightening thought seeing as the miasma licked into the air, uncontrolled even if for a moment. For one to be consumed by a thought without showing emotion to back it's air. Were the 'Chosen' she spoke of an object of Anger, Sadness, Regret, Happiness? She was unpredictable, then again, even the creature seemed to target certain individuals rather than the general mass. "Very well, I shall show you as well, the darkness that awaits a world that goes unbalanced. " These words bit with a sharper coldness, her tone unchanging, but the words themselves held such a foreboding characteristic due to the individual that spoke them. More so, when a mechanical grind breached the air. It was an eerie sound, one that did not belong within this world. Within the purple mass red orbs could be seen floating above the crimson pair of eyes. Multiple smaller resting around a single massive one.

Restriction 666, release." The mechanical grinding became that of soulless scream, the twisting of unseen mechanisms crying as the fabric of the world was forcefully being ripped by unholy energies. It came like an explosion, the Miasma's instant empowerment as it turned into a glowing crimson. As if blood became a torrent of energy, the miasma's shape altered. From within this torrent, the creature could be heard, amplified and infinitely generated. Without a doubt, this figure was the incarnation of death. An entity that very well ripped apart the unbeatable image of the heroes. This being held no alignment nor rules that imprisoned it. Sure the Adventurers had moments where they thought something was out of place. But this, this was something that felt completely foreign, it's presence obviously did not belong within this world. And furthermore, it was controlled by her.

Limit, Break!" The crimson miasma spread, it's growth unyielding to anything within this space. The walls it consumed faded away, tearing apart the realm that was reality. Within a moment, the Adventurers found themselves standing in a separate plane. Light existed, coming from every direction, but engulfed in darkness. To see everything so clearly when no source could truly be seen. An eternal eclipse rested above this place, the red miasma coating the lands, as well the sky. If one were to check the ground itself, they would be greeted by endless corpses. Within the unseen distance, the howls of the creature could be heard. Their source surrounded the Adventurers, signalling that there was in fact a horde of them waiting within red Miasma. This place could be described as nothing else, it was a Nightmare. However, this was so much more.

This plane existed beyond the realms of time and space, a power that was perhaps due to the unknown number of creatures within this domain.
Uncontrolled, limitless energy was the foundation of this domain. And standing in the center of this place, a lone female that felt so natural within it. Her head, adorned with untainted silver despite the overwhelming darkness that surrounded her. Her body, frail but clad in black as if strength wasn't even needed. But, in her hand remained a single entity that practically commanded attention. An elongated blade, twisted in grooves like some disturbing ritualistic artifact, strikingly similar in design to the creature's tail. Consumed by deep purple energy that danced along it's lengths. The girl stood slightly shorter than the average female, but her glowing red eyes instilled a fear that would allow none to comment. The energy within this realm was generated by her alone, unlocked by that mechanism which chained her prior. It was unwise, foolish even to attempt to approach her.

Within this place it was only the Adventurers and the girl, standing atop countless corpses as the army of creatures howled around them. Amongst the Adventurers, the normal cast could be found, save Kala who appeared absent, probably due to her presence within the Denizens. However, there were also additional Adventurers, those who were caught within the miasma including the girl holding the spear. And yet the concept of outnumbering the individual still felt slacking, despite the energy that could be felt massing within. "
Within the darkness, all lives are held against the balance." The girl continued to speak, voice unchanging, as the red mist surrounding her was visibly swarming unto her arm. And with this bloody energy, a number of bodies began to rise. Soulless eyes left black, they were no longer who they once were. The Adventurers could note these individuals, as those within Rok's domain. "Strangers, Enemies, Allies, they are all equal. Even the titans. " Amongst the corpses, even though buried one rose. Rok within the rising army, sharing their dead gaze. "Rage, Despair, and even Anguish. They live in all things, feeding that darkness. Even your friends can be consumed." With her words, another stood upon the corpses. The appearance of the entity was perhaps more torturous to those who knew it well. Amongst the rising dead stood Kala, wielding none other than her favored blade. The only comfort that rested within this scene is the fact that it was separate from the realm they deemed reality. Kala and Rok still lived, fighting within that arena apart from this world. But the message was disturbingly clear. They were a risk if darkness consumed them, not a single living being could be completely trusted against it. And, if the time came, would they allow the being to be consumed by nothingness? Or, was it better that those consumed find peace by being put to rest? Which did they find more calming, the soulless vessel, or the corpses upon the floor? It mattered not, for the choice was forced upon them

With a snap of her fingers, the ghoul's eyes burned a glowing red. Their screams piercing the air in twisted pain and rage. All of the walking dead charged towards the Adventurers. Here they could note the blades of the lesser Denizens could not scratch their forms. The energy that freely roamed the air instilled them with power, removing their chains. With even the lightest of swings, bloodshed sprayed far with the utmost ease. Their reflexes were tightened, allowing no swing to go unseen. Furthermore, the overwhelming energy bestowed upon them supplied limitless mana. When the mood had been set, and the Adventurers could get an accurate reading on their new found strength within this plane, hell began. The dead began to rise endlessly, forcing the Adventurers to fight or die. And now Kala and Rok joined the mix to attack the empowered adventurers, their own skills seemingly increased but a level far lesser than those attempting to survive.

And, to make this war-sized battle worse, the creatures broke free of the mist. These beings brought bewilderment to the battlefield, as their change in power seemed not to matter against them. Their flesh was still equally difficult to cut through as the first, as well their attacks still ignore whatever defense you hold.


For this arc alone, your character is imbued with god-like stats. This is your time to be OP, and kill to your hearts content.

However! There are two rules.

1: You can not auto hit the silver haired girl.

2: At the top of your post, put three Stats. This will be your stat focus, the core of your character, and what it is that is greatly heightened. For Example; you have Speed, Stamina, and Cooking... For some reason. This states that your speed will be the max possible stat, followed by a slightly lessened stamina buff, and then.... cooking. This also means that your defense is significantly lower than a defense Stat Focus, so be sure not to get hit too much.

(This will basically let us know roles. Tank, DPS, Support, Other.)

As well, you should go look at the character sheets below Ashelynn, that will tell you a little more about the Adventurer you saved from the first creature.
1. Speed

2. Stamina

3. Strength

As the creature fell to the ground, a new more sinister enemy rose to take its' place, one covered in purple miasmic mist, and controlling it as if it were an extension of their own being. "Mortals capable of perception? So the chosen exist within this plane as well.. Very well, I shall show youas well, the darkness that awaits a world that goes unbalanced. " A mass of purple red orbs began to form en mass, as they seemed to be transported to another world within this space."Restriction 666, release." The group as indeed transported to a new plane within the space they fought the snake, however, when Orlando looked upon the ground, he was greeted with corpses as far as the eye could see. "Limit, Break!" A multitude of creature howls could be heard in the distance as the individual's appearance was finally revealed. It would not be wise to approach the woman alone and at this time, he would need his allies' help to do so. The corpses on the ground began to come to life as they crawled unnaturally up into a decrepit and shambling mass of enemies. "Within the darkness, all lives are held against the balance. Strangers, Enemies,Allies, they are all equal. Even the titans. Rage,Despair, and even Anguish. They live in all things, feeding that darkness. Even your friends can be consumed." Kala and Rok could also be seen amongst the shambling horde, but it was not them just a representation, a representation that could still inflict damage.

Orlando then began to see the reality of his situation, it would take a miracle in order to stand a fighting chance in their current state, at least for him. Orlando then realized he still held the tome of enchantment from when he defeated Gleamfang. He had been waiting for the right time to use it, but as he reached for it Noranth's voice echoed in his head. WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! Noranth began. You should not rely on magical spells and armaments to combat this enemy! Rely on your own strength! Rely on the strength of your Friends! Rely on your own inner power!

~But how do I do that? You told me my power was sealed.~

Sealed, but not for long, as I have finally realized how to undo the restriction that kept us from accessing your power, the power that you will use! In times of great need the seal may be broken and the power accessed! Cast off the worries, fear and doubts that bind you! Release your inner power so that we may win! Remove the Eyepatch and chant with me!

Orlando turned to his allies, both new and current and cast off the eyepatch with a fervor of determination exposing that which slumbered beneath. "Friends, comrades, it is time that we fight with all we have to survive, for this is not a battle to win, we ourselves are at stake!" He held his katana outstretched in front of him and began to chant. As he chanted an archaic circlet began to encircle the blade.

Power sealed within I beg of thee to heed my cry!

Unseal thyself from deep within so these monsters may not win!

Grant myself the power of Fire, to send these creatures back to mire!

But first I call thy name!


The archaic seal around his right eye broke and the letters erupted in a magical swirl away from him allowing his closed right eye to finally see the outside. What emerged was an eye of jet black darkness with a yellow scalera and pupil. His sword started to glow orange and red and an aura of heat began to radiate from the blade. Orlando also experienced an unexpected change as well as his arms, the back of his hands, and portions of his face began to become scaly.

~What is this power?!~

Orlando, this is the power, your power, that was sealed for so long. The blade of a fire swordsman is not one to be trifled with. However, I warn you, because this dimension is brimming with magical energy we can use, it is the only reason your powers have been magnified to this degree. Normally, your blade and your eye would be the only factors affected. However, the energy seems to have tapped into more of what you should be capable at this stage. Once this battle is over, the aforementioned normal effects will only occur. But with training, time, and effort, this power can be used to this degree again. Enough of explaining, now go! Use this power to protect and to win!

Orlando then set to work slicing through enemies with relative ease none able to land a hit due to his speed and any enemy he sliced was set aflame before collapsing to the ground.

@Kel Vas @Silver Wolf @Lana Valentine @Vulpes
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As the rapier went into the creature's head Deren grinned and pulled on the handle to further increase his upward momentum as he attempted to land on top of the demonic abomination. Suddenly, his sword slipped down, he could apply no more upward force. Deren let out an incomprehensible yell as he flipped out of control, feeling helpless during the fall that felt much longer than it was, the ceiling, floor, Orlando, Roku and Loki seemed to steadily orbit his vision, coming in and out of view. Deren hit the floor on his right side, rather than shouting in pain he gasped as his lungs were compressed. His pain spread along his side like a wildfire as his head followed the fate that his body had faced. There was a loud knock, before Deren's hands clasped his head and he curled up, breathing heavily through his tortured grimace.

The gas engulfed him, and although his mind was a bit hazy and fragmented in its processes, he knew it was from the corpse of that thing. The gas sucked energy from his skin and felt like a curtain of leeches had been dropped upon him. Deren's heavy breathing slowed down as his consciousness went even darker, he felt distant, like he was isolated within his mind, he could only feel as he struggled to control himself. Deren felt like he was in a dark void, watching what his eyes were seeing as if they were large projections in front of him, like his sentience had been disconnected from his physical form. "mortals cap...a...." his vision faded, as his wide eyes closed, their final picture of the red lights from beyond. The grinding tormented his hearing as his final sense began to shut down, the purple medium had weakened him to nothing.

His eyes shot open, his back was resting atop some sort of bumpy surface. He rolled over, only to see a scared, face, with vacant pale eyes staring up at him. Deren yelped as he launched himself into the air and landed atop more cadavers, he stared down with petrified eyes, stepping backwards in denial of his situation. 'It's a dream....' He though, in deep panic. The red eyes taunted him in the distance, reminding him of his futility to many powers of the unpredictable universe that he inhabited, 'just a nightmare', he felt weak, regardless of his empowerment. The figure voiced multiple commands, as the corpses steadily rose, staring inhumanly at their prey. Deren's mouth dropped as the dead were amassed, everywhere, endlessly.....

Deren was being used as a toy, to the darkness.."it's a nightmare." His broken voice muttered as he tried to convince himself, but it felt so real. The girl continued to harrow him, speaking of the darkness with her omnipresent voice, attacking him from every direction. Deren took off, not knowing that the others were here with him, he hadn't seen them. His long strides carried him further and faster than they normally would, he dodged bodies as more arose, he was constantly trapped within the horde. 'Keep running' he hoped to wake up soon in the halls. He had run very far away from his counterparts before he heard a faint shouting, was that Orlando? He turned as his feet pounded on the bed of bodies, still isolated in the darkness, following the voice like a lamp in the distance, as the gas parted around him, revealing only immediate objects, stepping, leaping and strafing to avoid the reanimated army. He desperately suppressed his overwhelming fear, knowing that it would not help him through this real nightmare.

@Kel Vas @Clockwork Syringe @Lana Valentine @Silver Wolf
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1. Agility

2. Perception

3. Magic

Loki grinned at his newfound strength. He felt it, a near limitless supply of magic, but he could see more changes. He could see in crisper detail, his body felt light as a feather, he could smell many smells, he could also hear even his quiet footsteps. He could even feel presence. So he was given power that magnified his own strengths. Great! Time to test it.

Loki lifted his hand to the sky and began chanting, "Fire, project, bullet pierce, chain, fire, create, erupt, disperse!" with those words, putting emphasis on the power of the second command, spears of fire came raining down from the sky upon the enemies. They pierced the ground, heads, limbs, torsos, groins, and whatever you can think of on a creature. They pierced the enemies, but they were no killed. Most of the fire spears were stuck in the ground when they began to explode. The dead began flying everywhere. Split, burned, or destroyed altogether, a rain of everything imaginable came raining down. but that simply wasn't enough. Loki then held his elemental blade and chanted, "Air, manipulate, remain, PIERCE!" Emphasizing pierce, his blade was now enchanted to slice through things with little difficulty, even more so than a katana. He could probably chop a person in half vertically now.

Loki grinned as he heard one of the creatures trying to sneak up on him and leaped into the air, escaping its grasp as he did a flip and performed several slices unto the creature, chopping it into several pieces and then he then turned his attention to a horde of the dead as he sliced them to bits in every way possible. When on one was left it looked around for Loki constantly until it was tapped on the shoulder. It turned around only for the last thing to see be his head flying off his body. Loki waved to the head in the moment it went flying and said with a smile, "I hope you enjoy your flight."

Then he turned his attention to the horde of undead once more and began jumping on their heads one by one until he stood on the shoulders of one and launched himself as high as he could and chanted, "Fire, project, remain, consume." A ring of fire appeared around them and any of the undead that would try to escape were instantly vaporized in the fire. For a moment, Loki began chanting and summoned a pillar of earth that stood above the dead. He then stood on it and held his hand in a ninja sign. He was beginning to show off, he knew it and then chanted, "Ice, project, remain, pierce!" With that spikes of ice project from the ground and pierced each of the undead within the ring of fire. Then everything collapsed as Loki left a circle of corpses when the ring of fire vanished.

Loki laughed gleefully as he performed this carnage onto the armies. He was enjoying this. He just enjoyed being such a trickster. Within a brief moment he quit laughing and began slicing with his sword against the armies of creatures and undead. He was not tiring, his mana wasn't running out, this was quite literally the most fun he had as far as he could remember. He didn't enjoy the carnage he just loved being a trickster and making these flashy spells. It overtook his uneasiness and he decided to live this experience out to its fullest ignoring everything grim about it.

@ G r o u p 1
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Roku looked around calmly into the darkness of the ever expanding void as the silver haired woman prattled on. She listened barely but, something felt off about herself that she couldn't place. She felt not only stronger but, taller, slimer, her hair was elongated. She looked at her hands, which now had faintly glowing runes on them. "The Hell?" Even her voice was different, it sounded more mature and familiar to her though she couldn't place it.

She shook her head as her now golden hair settled itself. The approaching army became more of a concern to her, the power she felt bubbling inside of her erupted outward the instant her right hand moved. She moved her hand in a sweeping motion and as she did so water was created from nowhere, it formed into a tsunami washing away a section of ghouls before freezing them in place like little ice sculptures.

Roku flexed her hand and became acutely aware there was something very strange going on. As if the darkness and the crazy woman wasn't enough but, why would she and probably the others get powered up as well? Why would their enemy allow such a thing to happen? Too many questions that the void of her memories couldn't answer.

Roku bit her lip hard and stated at the mysterious woman. She began to walk towards the silver haired dark witch, her right hand occasionally swiping away anything that stood in her path. The one who drew power here could have any number of answers about something. It didnt matter that she lacked knowledge on what they were but, could she reach into the void of Roku's memories and pull something out?

Roku dared to hope in an area which seemed to contain little but, pure darkness. She stood a distance away of the witch and looked her up and down studying her from her position. "Tell me Witch why bring us here? What reasons do you have to show us this?" Roku asked her as she clasped her hands together in preparation for some type of counter attack.

@Kel Vas

@Clockwork Syringe



@Silver Wolf

Orlando began to reduce the enemy horde one by one as he sliced and sliced the weak, but seemingly endless horde of monsters. He himself had begun to realize his own power, but what of the others within his party? Orlando backed up a bit and quickly glanced over at his party to analyze their reactions to the near limitless energy of this dimension. He could only see three of his group as Deren was probably off fighting elsewhere in the midst of the mass of enemies. Both Roku and their new arrival had their magic powers swell immensely as their new ally began to mix magic and swordplay in such fluidity. However, Roku was the most affected, or if that was even Roku still. Standing in her place was a taller and golden haired woman who sounded nothing like Orlando had heard previously. Was this her hidden power, much like how Orlando had a hidden power? He would have to ask her later about that as he went back to cutting a large swath in the enemy forces

@Kel Vas @Silver Wolf @Lana Valentine @Vulpes
@Exanis @Wandering Hollow @Kel Vas

Event: Pirates or Sky Pirates? : Battle on the high seas part 1

Time advanced for Adventuerers sailing upon the sea, They are hit by random bouts of storms and heavy rain as they continue to head towards their destination. The captain of the ship they are using puts the three to work assisting the sailors in their tasks.

The work helps the small group create stronger bonds between each other. Their own skills are also honed during this time naturally, the sea starts to feel less like a never ending expanse and more like a never ending adventure on it's own.

The first two weeks aboard the vessel goes by quickly, between their exhaustion at working on the ship and their desires to help their disabled comrade, the group starts to get on edge as time passes even further.

The third week the waters become rougher and harsher to traverse. Storms seem to rack the ship almost every day and some sailors are lost to the depths of the ocean. The three survive with some close calls and arrive to calming waters and the promise of landfall by the end of the month.

This unfornately is a promise that can't be fulfilled by the ship's crew. Their twenty eighth day at sea brings the sounds of cannon fire to the ears of the Adventuerers. Smoke, powder and flame full the air as the Captain shouts out the words, "Pirates! Defend yeselves ya sack of filth! We fight for we die!"

A round of chain shot from the pirate ship has removed the mast of the ship the Adventuerers are on, the pirates are moving in close to board their vessel and their black flag flapping in the wind is that of a Skull with a pair of demonic wings behind it. What will our three Adventuerers do? Will they fight and survive or are they cursed to spend the rest of their lives trapped in the depths of the sea?

Event details: It should be straight forward for you all for now. You are about to be boarded by pirates, defend yourselves and protect your ship. However those who probably know a few things about this will realize that your ship isn't going anywhere quickly even if it does survive.

It may be smarter for your group to fight the pirates back and take their ship instead. Just be careful for Pirates are cunning even when you think you may have the upper hand.
@Clockwork Syringe @xEmoBunnehx @Vulpes @Silver Wolf @revior

Group 1: Clues in the Gaping Maw: Arrival part 1

The twin battles were fought fiercely. The God like powers of the Adventuerers trapped in the witches void struck down many a for and yet the witch herself took little damage from their attacks. She studied them and their powers and without even a word of ending the Adventuerers, including the one they had tried to aid woke up dazed and confused her what has happened.

Within the arena Kala and Rok had remained focused on their duel ignoring the influence of the areas outside their battle ground. Rok eventually came out on top as was expected of a being of his power and though Kala had lost herself to her inner rage during the fight, She came out of the duel feeling exhausted and in pain yet pleased to have held out against him for an almost one hour.

The Adventuerers joined up with their new allies, the group still being led by Orlando. The group formed new bonds with their allies and similarly strengthened those already existing. They stayed at Rok's place for nearly a month now, training and doing random jobs for the giant of a man.

However, towards the end of their third week there Rok sent the group on a special mission, "We recently discovered a large crack formed into the mountainside, large enough for a group of people to for into. The crack seems to lead into a huge cavern and dungeon according to my scouts reports. I want you adentuerers to head there and Investigate in my place." He said with a gruff smile, he had gained respect for their team while they had worked for him during this time.

The Adventuerers would set out on the following morning and rising their collective mounts hard they would arrive at the Crack in the mountain side. The crack was huge and was somehow caused by some earthquakes that struck the mountain during the day of Kala and Rok's duel. The dungeon goes deep into the earth, how deep the men stationed there cannot say for certain.

The Adventuerers stepped through the Crack and into the dungeon aptly named the Gaping Maw, for the darkness that seemed to ever end going down seemed to desire to swallow them all whole.

Event Details: A bit tricker than the other Event, This one is focused solely on this mysteriously appearing dungeon. It will lead you deep into the earth and the darkness of this cavern. As the events name suggests you will find clues.... Clues to what you may ask? Well that's for you all to find out and discover.

This event should hopefully last awhile and we'll be tossing up mini events during this depicting hidden traps, random cave ins and things of that nature as you move ahead.

If you have any questions my dear group one members please toss them up on OOC chat thank you ;3
Orlando had become confused as to what happened when he suddenly appeared back at the temple. He almost had no recollection, but Noranth on the other hand had not seemed to been affected. Although Orlando was filled in as to his powers, what he was up against, Noranth did not mention the woman that had summoned him. Needless to say, Orlando was content by the explanation, and asked no more of what had occurred before reapplying his eye patch over the right eye. Over the next few weeks, Orlando trained and trained and he could feel his strikes getting quicker and stronger. However, when Rok mentioned a new area that had been discovered, Orlando kept at the chance to explore. So the following morning while riding Asgar, he was a little excited to say the least.

Orlando, calm yourself, this is no time for games, we have no idea what that cavern holds

~Relax Noranth, I have my comrades with me and besides, I can still use my powers, just not to the degree we had before in that area right?~ Noranth replied with a sign,

Fine, just be careful will you? As the reached the entrance and stepped within, the gaping maw seemed to swallow him whole, or at least that was the intention. Orlando lit a torch and then turned to the rest of the group, "well, I guess we'd better get moving."

@xEmoBunnehx @Vulpes @revior @Lana Valentine @Silver Wolf @Kel Vas
Damien was traveling through the world and come across may interesting people and after learning about the the earthquake he began training to control his magic and use his blade skills for his scythe on monster spawn hordes to keep practicing his crowd control techniques as he likes to call them. When he learns that a man was sending a group heading to the crack in the mountain he begins so stalk the route that he found that would be the best way of travel. As he stalked the route he found the group and began following them Hiding in the shadow of their travel as to not cause him to me found since he would not need to fight much but would pick up what he found interesting that was left behind since they would take out the monsters for him they wouldn't be much problem later on so he followed and watched studying them learning their skill levels with a blade and magical skill power.
Joshua rides along behind Orlando and the rest atop of Sleipnir. He had switched out his set of leather armor for those padded with fur, keeping him warm during the stay in the mountains. Especially now when he had lost so much weight that he's little more than skin and bones. In his hand, is his diary. Or perhaps now it is a notebook? Or perhaps a journal? It seems like it no longer held only a singular function by the time he had realized it, he had already recorded so many more things than he had intended to.

On this book of Joshua's, his eyes are set intently on one particular page fill in with some peculiar pictographs, newly drawn and neatly lined up in four rows. The first row consists of what seems to be fire, a droplet, spirally lines that looks to be a hurricane, a pair of triangles appearing to emulate mountains, a black skull, and a ghost with line radiating off it.

The second row consist of imagery that are harder to contextualize though they all have a central theme of involving a stick figure. They are, a stick man with its stick arms out stretched, arrows pointing towards all directions away from him, next one is the same stick man, this time arrows only points away from its outstretched arms, the one after is the stick man touching an orb and arrows points away from the orb towards all directions, the last one of this row is mostly the same, with the difference being the stick man isn't touching the orb, but his arms are still outstretched and arrows points away form the orb towards all directions. Quite difficult to understand indeed, one wold suppose such is the limit of pictographs, but there is little to be done about it.

The third row consists of dots. The first is a single dot with an arrow pointing away from it in one direction. The next one is a dot, with three arrows spreading out towards three separate directions with a fifteen degrees angle from between each arrows. After that is a dot with a circle surrounding it instead of an arrow as if locking it in place. The last is a dot for some reason had action lines drawn around it instead of arrows.

The fourth row seems to feature a creature that is circle, but has a missing a few degrees from completion, leaving a triangular shape for a mouth. The first has this creature gobbling down some dots. The second had an arrow going right through the creature, skewering it. The third had the creature broken into square pieces, and dispersed all over the place, as indicated by the action lines. It all seems to be a tad bit cruel to this yellow creature, perhaps it had eaten one too many dots.

Absentmindedly, Joshua continues to stare at this page, remembering what one of the instructor back at the village had told him, about how his haphazard casting could have gone much much worse. What he was told frightened him terribly. To think one could so easily destroy oneself in such a brutal manner with just a few misplaced words. Frightening, it really was, so much so that Joshua would never want to touch it again. But somewhere in him, there is an obsession. After all, he had already picked it up, to drop it just after one mistake, somehow, he'd felt rather defeated, like he had lost against something. Such a terrible feeling. Yet, despite his heart, his body and mind disagrees. Again, he felt like the one named Joshua is made out of separate pieces, his body, his mind, his heart, and his soul. Unlike last time however, it wasn't the imprisonment of one by the other, this is worse, this time it's war.

Each time he tried, he was denied. His hand would tremble if he were to hold a staff in his hands, violently so if he tries to cast a spell. His body remembers well, what had happened to it the last time. And if he were to try and remember what had happened last time, his stomach would turn. But even as his body rejects him, the more it rejects him even, he thought about it more, what on earth had he done so wrong that it messed him up so. Even now, he begins to think about it, tracing the details of that event in his mind, but soon he had to stop, his was getting nauseous and he can feel an acidic sensation at the back of his throat. Reflexively his body curled down, ready to hurl, but he stopped himself, fighting back the urge with a hand on his mouth. In theory, it shouldn't be difficult to stop, after all, he had already thrown up his breakfast earlier today, there shouldn't be anything left. But in the end, he couldn't fight it back. He promptly dropped off of Sleipnir and onto the cold ground, throwing up stomach acids with a pained grunt.

@Clockwork Syringe @xEmoBunnehx @Lana Valentine @Vulpes @Silver Wolf @Vlad Dracul lV
(I'm tired and I have little to work with, so sorry for the short post.)

Loki grinned and said, "Oh boy, I have a good feeling. You think this'll be fun? When we were trapped in that crazy dimension, I powered my charms with as much magic as I could. If need be, I could probably recreate only one of those fun spells. That wouldn't be very smart though."

Loki was excited, he wondered what he would get, that was always the most exciting part. However, he was a little bit more interested in some ideas he had earlier. Not for spells, he thought about adding some new weapons to his arsenal. It would always help to have a bigger advantage when he needed it. However, learning a new weapon would always take time.

@ G r o u p 1

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Perfect. JUST perfect. Things can't get worse. For starters, Anna was exhausted after mopping up the deck and picking up scraps of Matcha's shed skin. The past few weeks were tiring sure but the storms were horrendous. The ship was rocked, no, tossed around in the waves while Anna clung onto the closest stable thing for dear life. The scariest would be the short, barely audible screams of a sailor being tossed off the edge and vanishing into the churning surf. Denizen or not, watching someone just... die was tough. But of course, Anna's priority then was to keep a close watch on Ashelynn. Which she did by staying just outside the door to their shared quarters while trying not to hurl chunks onto the floor. The floor she was conscripted into cleaning as part of their "payment" for passage on the ship.

So the respite from the constant storms and calm waters were a welcoming sight for Anna. She was almost glad enough to whoop for joy if she weren't so tired. Although, watching Alexander do his tasks will always be fun. Him trying to keep a straight face as Anna just stared at him do menial labor would entertain her for hours on end. But despite that, Anna did try to socialize more and Alexander and Ashelynn are now one of the few people she felt comfortable talking to. Not to mention that Anna had to keep the trust Alexander gave her.

"Protect this ship..." Anna muttered as she
gauged the distance and wind direction, peering at the approaching pirate ship. She quickly set up her longbow and notched an arrow onto the drawstring. Taking careful aim, she drew back the string and focused. She aimed for a particularly enthusiastic, scrawny pirate who stood on the railing of his ship, twirling a grappling hook while yelling some colourful insults. Anna took a calm breath, exhaled and let the arrow fly. The arrow gracefully sailed through the air and managed to fray the rope connected to the grappling hook. This caused the rope to snap, sending the grappling hook flying off from the momentum before striking a burly pirate right in the noggin, knocking him unconscious.

"One down... About... 40 more...?" Anna muttered as she notched another arrow and took careful aim.

@Kel Vas

The encounter with the witch had been hazy for Deren, as much as he compelled himself to think that it was a dream, the emotions were so memorable, the fear, the confusion. He hadn't talked to anybody about it, for the worry of being considered crazy. It definitely wasn't an epiphany, he hadn't learnt anything, apart from that darkness isn't only scary to little children. The majority of his time had been spent earning money, and he'd accumulated a commendable amount of wealth, enough to buy a decent weapon, but he wanted better than just decent. Through his small tasks, he'd also improved a little bit in fighting, it was almost unnoticeable, but his reactions felt slightly better, he knew how to react to attacks more, alongside being more fluid.

Deren lay down nonchalantly on Baron as the loyal dog trotted through the mountains. Deren shivered a good amount, but made no complaints, buying fur clothes was a waste of money, swords and light playing were what he needed. He was relatively excited, going to explore something unusual, however, these anomalies were no longer anomalous, it was normal for weird things to happen. He skilled slightly as he awaited his next adventure, stroking Baron's flanks impatiently.

@Clockwork Syringe @Silver Wolf @revior @Lana Valentine
The past few weeks were nothing special for Alexander, though he did enjoy his time at sea, with it's ups and it's downs. He was especially glad for any work to keep his mind off the mainland and it's troubles. He was especially thankful for Anna now, as he couldn't always be with Ashelynn to keep her safe and she picked up that slack. As he was absently staring out at sea on deck, he heard shouts and explosions behind him. Whirling around, he couldn't help but growl out in barely restrained anger. With the mast destroyed, this ship was as good as a sitting duck. He noticed Anna a bit away, and called out to her.

"Anna! Find Ashelynn and make sure she stays safe!" With that little piece said, he unclipped his claws from his belt and put them on. Looking around, he found a board long enough to reach the pirate ship as it steadily approached. Picking it up and hefting it to the side, he dropped it down and watched the other end land on the deck of the pirate ship. He could vaguely hear them laughing and jeering about how he was simply bringing his death a bit faster. Smiling hungrily at them, he crouched down and darted across the wooden board, taking the first pirate by surprise and disemboweling him as a result. Seeing one of their crew so easily killed shook the others mildly, as seen by how they took a step back while warily glancing at the already blood covered Alexander, but soon they remembered that they had numbers on him and charged forward with a myriad of battle cries. With another predatory smile, Alexander also rushed towards them, claws gleaming and a bloodthirsty battle cry from within him.


@Wandering Hollow

@Kel Vas
After her fight with Rok, Kala had been injured quite bad. For several weeks she was unable to move, and while the others came to see her..she did not speak much. One could say her pride was hurt, as that's what everyone else was to believe, but her personally..she was upset and the sheer fact that she couldn't contain herself. She had gone absolutely crazy and the only way Rok could control her was to knock her unconscious. She had no idea what her friends had been up to while she was fighting..but she was glad that they were not there to see her..in the last twenty minutes..lose herself entirely. It was tearing at her to know the same could happen in a normal battle..that she could hurt them. Gods..maybe she could travel alone? Would she even be able to travel by herself? Would they let her slip away like that? Probably not. Regardless..it was best if she stayed in the back and became as small as possible. Maybe then..when they forgot about her..she could slip away and never hurt them.

Even know as they traveled through the mountains to do the quest Rok had given them, she stayed in the back. Actually she insisted on being rear guard. Kala could keep to herself back here, and never bother anyone else. Maybe she wouldn't even have to fight..their numbers seemed to be growing..and everyone here was very capable of fighting on their own. They wouldn't need her..and if they did then she'd just have to hope she could kill whatever it was fast enough. The whole trip there, Kala had not said a single word, actually she had never told any of them what happened with to Rok fight other than she lost and lasted a good bit of time. They seemed proud of her then..but how long would that last? She didn't know..and really didn't want to find out.

@Clockwork Syringe @Lana Valentine @revior @Silver Wolf @Vulpes @Vlad Dracul lV
Clues in the Gaping Maw: Arrival part 2

The group's myriad of feelings over the past few weeks seen to be much of the group's focus as they entered the cavern. As they examined the darkness of the Cavern, a voice called out to them. "Your attention please, This is your captain speaking, please don't forget all your traveling gear!" The male smiled at them happily and tossed a huge bag effortlessly at their feet. "Extra gear, torches, rope, Climbing tools, and various other things for setting up a camp and all. Take what you need, hell take it all I won't need it."

Roku digged into the bag herself taking out a set of climbing tools, rope and a bedroll for sleeping. "The dungeon must be pretty large," She said to the guy whom shrugged his shoulders as if to indicate he had no clue how deep the cavern was. "It's big and would be suicide to travel on your own even if you were prepared for everything. I bought these tools for you guys because I was told to." He explained before watching the others in curiousity.

Roku looked into the darkness of the cavern and as she did so, She became rapidly overcome with a feeling of fear.
"Don't stare into the abyss or else it may just stare back at you..." Roku said to herself shivering in mild gear. She pulled out her staff and rapped it upon the ground. The staff ignited with light similar to that of a torch. Roku waved the light around in the dark cavern entrance and tried to get a feel for what may happen later.

@Kel Vas @Clockwork Syringe @xEmoBunnehx @Vulpes @revior @Vlad Dracul lV @Silver Wolf

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