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A Demon Crossover

"It's not the worst thing in the world. At least you're alive and well now," Liz says to Roy. "And if Maven likes your scar, all the better."

Mason shrugs. "I don't know. More importantly, how and why did they do it. Do they know who we are?"
Roy chuckled. "Yeah, took me long enough to get a visible one. If I'd have known she'd like it so much, I'd have gotten killed sooner."

Daniel shrugged. "I have absolutely no idea. For all we know this could be someone from your realm trying to make us forget. Last I recall, your father wasn't exactly fond of us, and neither were his friends."
"Oh no, that's not necessary," Liz says with a laugh.

"Let's hope that's not the case, I don't need to keep fighting with my dad," Mason says with a sigh.
Roy chuckled and put his hand over Maven's again. "So, do you guys know where Sybil is? I figure if Hail is here you plan on visiting her."

Daniel said sarcastically, "Keep fighting? Oh fun."
"We're not really sure where she is but we will track her down and visit her later, since our little lover boy misses her," Liz teases hail.

Mason sighs. "Yep. Very much so, Danny boy." Mason says sarcastically.
Hail didnt tell them that he had been speaki,g with Sybil and occasionally bringing her to other realms whenever she liked. She was shopping around for a new possible realm to call home. Still, he wanted to see her.

Roy smirked. "Let lover boy be a lover boy, nothing wrong with it."

Daniel rolled his eyes. "Yeah, well, makes me glad I didnt even have a dad to fight with. That would have gotten messy."
"We see her pretty often still, though. Hail takes her to other realms all the time, he's getting really good at teleportation," Liz explains, smiling over at Hail.

"I can imagine. Two giant brutes and a hissy fit can't turn out well," Mason chuckles.
Hail blushed. He hadnt been aware that Liz knew.

"Well I'm glad to hear they keep in touch," Roy said. "We haven't seen her in quite a while."

Daniel chuckled. "Actually, my dad was a pastor. Probably not much physical fighting there."
"She is, and she might pick a home realm soon. One where she feels... Safer," Hail said. After being kidnapped, Sybil never felt quite as safe in Trulane.

"Yeah, probably would have been endless lectures," Daniel said with a smirk. "But hey, he was a travelling pastor, I'm a travelling demon hunter. Apple doesn't fall far from the tree, right?"
"That's good, at least she won't have to be as paranoid anymore," Maven says. Liz nods in agreement.

"And Hail will probably move on into the realm with her," Liz says. Hail looks down shyly.

"Guess not, but I can't say I approve of either of those occupations," Mason says.
"Hey if it's a nice place, that's just fine," Roy chuckled. "

"Maybe not in your realm, but as you have seen, at the very least, my job is necessary," Daniel said.
Liz nods in agreement. "And as long as it's safe. It would do Hail some good to have distance from his father more often," Liz says.

"If that'll validate you, keep thinking that," Mason winks and pats Daniel on the back, just giving him a hard time.
"Oh dear," Conroy chuckled, having caught the Satan-is-a-bad-dad drift.

Daniel raised an eyebrow at Mason. "Sure, ignore the time a demon from this world summoned down lightning and fried you. I won't forget that."
"Can't really make someone so evil any more compassionate," Liz says, chuckling and turning to pat Hails arm. "We all need a break from our world."

Mason shrugs. "I could've destroyed him if I had a minute."
"I hear that," Liz laughs. Hail closes his eyes and they glow behind his eyelids as he tries tracking down Sybil.

Mason scoffs. "Don't underestimate me, you're just a half human who's far weaker than me," Mason sticks his tongue out like a kid.
"Vacations are nice. Then again, this is your vacation technically, isn't it? I'm sure we can find something interesting here for you." Roy said.

Daniel said, "Mason, we're matched in strength." They had drunkenly tested it out once and Daniel still remembered.
"Okay yeah, let's do it. Is there something you guys have been wanting to do for fun?" Liz asks.

"Weak!" Mason says. "It's been awhile, Danny. We might not be so even anymore."
Roy looked at Maven and shrugged. "Not really. There isn't all that much thats interesting to do around here, honestly."

"Well I don't want to test that theory," Daniel said.
"Then let's go to a region that has some beaches," Liz says with a smile.

"Like what? Drink even though you can't get drunk?" Mason raises an eyebrow.
Roy looked at Maven and quietly asked, "Would you like that?" He figured she would, she loved summer and sun. The one time they had been at the beach they hadn't had time to enjoy it.

"Harsh," Daniel chuckled. "Actually, more like finding out who tried to make us forget you."
Maven nods, looking pretty excited. "Yes, Id love that," she says and holds Roys arm. "Let's all go and have fun. And we can get Sybil too."

"Does it matter?" Mason asked, but he figured it did in case the person came back and did something worse than wipe memories.

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