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The Silent Z

Just Here
Yo! I open a lot with those two letters…

I’m Z and looking to try another venture into writing and consistent responses in order to have some fun rping, creating something great and sharpen my rusty writing abilities. However my mind is all over the place with RL craziness and ideas are all over the place, so looking to try a 1-1 style rp with a Co-Writer.

Some details about me? I think that’s how I’ve seen folks do this style of thread: Right; A aging millennial approaching 30 but not there yet so a partner of similar or least adult age is preferable. (No special reasons, graphic intent or other rule breaking/line crossing ideas in mind.) just figure this would be the best route in a 1-1 style rp and most comfortable partnering with for a 1-1. I typically would write atleast a few paragraphs per post but can do more when the mind is focused on rp and not other things like stress/etc and creative flow/juice is there. I’m working full time for the most part so not a daily poster too often these days but will remain active for as long as both sides desire to continue or nothing comes up that changes matters and plans.

I’m basically open to almost any genre and form of ideas, multiple characters when and if needed. Though I’ve less experience writing from the woman’s perspective (unintended but true nevertheless) So a partner open to taking such roles or the main role? would be cool. I’m thinking of this being a real story, so multiple characters, perspectives, a variety of ideas and diverse range is what I’m hoping to bring to life with a interested Co-Writer.

Slice of Life
Fandom (OC’s/AU)
Basically pretty open…

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