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A Charmed Life *PRIVATE*

"You know me..." He smiled little bit of blood spitting out of his mouth. "I am quite the party crasher." It hurt like a bitch, and he already felt light headed from the blood loss. "Is your sister going to charge me for the carpet cleaning?"

Kate then lied down next to him, he coughed still pressing his wound in. "Cops help strangers. That's our job." It felt as simple as that.

Morgan had come down with a first aid kit and bandaged him up, but he would still need to see a doctor or do the stitch work himself. Closing his eyes he tried to breath to calm down his pain. "How do you and your sisters want to handle this..."


When Morgan ran down stairs everything in the attic began reaaranging itself back to how it was. She walked over and saw the ashes from whoever attacked them...the answers were in that book...but it barely gave anything important. She sighed running her fingers through her hair. "You've officially lost your mind Robin....time to wake up now...."

But Morgan had come up again, holding the first aid kit. Tears were in her eyes as she apologized. Robin didn't say anything. SHe just walked over and held her sister close in a tight hug. "All that matters is your're ok. I should have believed you with Natalie from the very beginning."
Kate stared at the cop a moment. This was all confusing. So while Morgan patched up the cop a little she let herself think about it. Why would a cop, who didn't seem to like her all that much and didn't know ANYTHING about her or her family, risk everything to help. Even get stabbed in the gut. One of the most painful wounds, she was told.

When Morgan was done she sat up, pulled her knees up and rested her elbows on her knees then shoved her hands through her hair. "It's not their job when none of this makes sense. When the perp doesn't even flinch when getting shot." Sighing she stood up and looked down at the cop lying on her sisters floor. "We need to get you to the hospital. You are going to need stitches and none of us can do that. Now stay here and try not to bleed on the floor anymore." Walking away from this so damned confusing cop she walked over to find her sisters.

Finding them she walked over and waited until they let go of each other. "Robin, do you still have your car? I am going to take the cop to the hospital. It would look really really bad on us if he died here since he's basically bled all over the floor." It was her way of coping, dealing and masking what she really felt.
Two weeks and he still had the stitches in his side. Logansport walked into the precinct and the mountain of paperwork at his desk.

He thought about the Whitman sisters as he sat down. He already knew he couldn't tell anyone about them. It was an awkward conversation between the oldest whitman. He knew no one believe him but when she asked him to keep their secret he could see in her eyes that if he refused there was going to be no hesitation on her end to flipping him out of the hospital bed and out the window.

She was terrifying. He hated to imagine her when she was around people she wasn't trying to pass pleasantries to. She had nothing to worry about. He cared about moran and Kate. Hell...she was probablyrics running from a monster when he arrested her.

His bad.

Logan gasped in pain his body jerking in a spasm as detective Nathan dug his hand into the side where the stitches were. "welcome back grunt. You have work to catch up on."

Logansport only response was a squeak as Nathan still kept the pressure there.

"I want a full report on what happened at the whitman house by the end of the day today." releasing he sipped his coffee and walked off.


Robin had skimmed the book of shadows the past two weeks. She was pushed into a decision by a partner at the firm and was still on the fence about it.

As whedon put it....she was too good to be a paralegal. She had worked there for years and if she wasn't going to advance her career on her own they would. Or let her go. Go to lawschool, work her job and intern at cases.

All while being a witch.

She needed a few days. At the manor now there several missed calls from wheDon and Wolf and are in employees. But she sat writing pros and cons as the vacuum cleaned on it's own and the windows washed themaelves. Dishes were being done in the kitchen and the floor being mopped.

Cleaning helped her to think. One benefit of being a freak....she finally got to clean the ceiling the correct way...

"I'm going to be fine. one of them escaped here, he probably already has made a nice nwst...And then you have that big power reading thar came out of nowhere two weeks ago. Yeah...uh huh....sure. I'm not being recklace."

A young woman no older than eighteen hopped off the amoral bus at the station. Terminal in chicago. It beat going to the ohaire airport. Phone in one ear and bag slung around the other shoulder she wore ripped Jean shorts, a grey tang top and red sweatshirt tied around her thin frame. Blondwith hair tied up in a messy bun.

"You looked through your little library, didn't find anything. I think it's better to see what we are dealing with. Better now than later when it decides to come to us. Calm down. I'm a big girl, I can handle myself. fine....I'll check in later today."

She hung up the phone. "He's worse than my mother."

Walking off, if you looked close enough you could see a wooden stake tucked in the back of her pants where that was a typical gun hiding place.
Two weeks. Two weeks since Nat's death, since a Warlock tried killing her family. Things had seemed to move to a sort of normalcy, except with the added benefit of superhuman abilities. She couldn't control her visions, not really, but Morgan was getting quite a bit of benefit from them.

In classes, in which she was allowed back after a full week of absence, Morgan had been gifted with two visions of test answer keys. Her GPA had taken a huge boost at the end of her first Friday back, thanks to two test nineties added to her grade. Did she feel bad about cheating? Not at all, it was freshman classes that everyone took, she didn't need them.

She had moved what few things she had on campus back home, pleasing both Kaitlyn and Deanna. Of course they'd be pleased, in two weeks they went from sharing a room with 3 girls to sharing it with only one. Morgan wouldn't fault them for that.

"I'm home!" Morgan called out to the self cleaning house. Robin's car was in the driveway, and Morgan's was back thanks to Ward's help.

She only took a few steps before receiving a weird vision from the door handle: A blonde girl, kinda cute, being attacked by... a vampire?!? Really, there were vampires in the world too? Morgan knew that there were more than a few other supernatural people around, but vampires?

Morgan thought of her Twilight days and cringed. She had been like every girl was back then, freaking out over the next big thing.

What am I doing? The girl is the important part here. Is she okay? Was that a past or future vision? Morgan didn't know what she could do. Going into the middle of the city in the hopes of finding one long girl was absurd, but if she was in trouble...

"Robin, just got a vision. You know where Kate is? This is kinda important." Morgan found and ran up to her sister, being unnecessarily vague about everything she had said.
Pros. It was paid for. One reason she withdrew her acceptance letter was because the money went to the house and it went to kate's constant need to get bailed out.

She wanted to be a defense attorney.

If she did it her boss wouldn't fire her and she needed the paycheck.


She was old.

She was a witch.

She had no time.

There were more pressing concerns.

Robin groaned dishes falling to the floor instead of making it to the rack.

Morgan came in and mentioned visions. The house stopped cleaning. "Is kate in trouble? Whats going on morgan?"
Morgan shook her head at her sister's question. "No, nothing like that. I saw this girl in my vision. Blonde, closeish to my age, I think. She was attacked by... Well I think it was a vampire." Morgan felt embarrassed at the idea of a real vampire, especially since she had no reports of anything like that from the gossip vine.

"I know this is probably fruitless, but maybe if I'm lucky Periscope'll have her in somebody's stream." Ah, Periscope. It was like a livestreaming of real life, that thousands of people in Chicago alone loved taking part in. So many people willingly showed their everyday lives for hours at a time, willingly acting like Morgan's eyes around the city.

Of course it wasn't organized in any way, so the same person's Periscope could be of their home or the middle of downtown at any given time. This meant that Morgan constantly had to switch viewings just to get a decent look of what she was after, and the reliability of it was low. People began and ended streams far too often, so despite the convenience of a free service that couldn't trace her it wasn't effective.
Sitting in her old room she stared at the laptop but her nubs was else where. It was two weeks since that incident and she still didn't understand what all happened. She tried to Google something but to be honest she had no idea where to start. The only good thing to come out of this whole deal was she had been arrested. She had been too busy to get in trouble.

Running a hand through her hair she sighed, took a drag off her cigarette then looked out of the window. Robin told her that the stupid cop was still alive and still kicking.

While going through everything in her head she heard her name. Pushing those thoughts away she pushed away from her desk and headed towards her door.

"Morgan? What's going on? Whatever it is I didn't do it." It was her go to statement since she was almost always in trouble.
"Didn't...didn't do what?"

Robin rubbed the bridge of her nose. "I don't want to know. I'll find out later."

And then there was periscope. Another sister would be in jail, because Robin wasn't too familiar with technology as her younger sister. She knew the basics of adobe, microsoft and...basic basic internet but she knew you would have to have hacking skills to get that kind of information.

Hacking was illegal.

More sisters to bail out of jail. Robin rubbed the bridge of her nose, the furniture shaking like there was a mini earthquake in the living room. The sound of it snapped her out of her...thoughts. The furniture staying still.

"So...vampires and a blonde. Ok. Let me process this." It was easier to handle this...quirk of theres when they were protecting themselves and something came at them. She wanted to then and there tell morgan that this stranger wasn't their concern. Their concern was to keep themselves safe.

But she sighed instead. "I guess we look into the book to figure out what vampires are...they might be different than what we know from literature and media...let's try to stay away from the hacking."
Morgan was confused for a moment, before realizing that Robin actually had no idea what Periscope was. Stifling a laugh, she explained, "Periscope is an app, Robin. It isn't illegal, it's actually kinda fun. Maybe I need to give you a crash course on technology." Morgan wasn't joking, Robin was to technology what the sun was to a vampire. She needed to join everyone else in the twenty-first century.

With the explanation finished, Morgan called out to Kate "Hey, we're going on a person hunt, grab your stuff!" She didn't ask permission from Robin, though doing so probably would have been smart.

"Yeah, do the book thing, even though your three weeks of reading hasn't made any mention of it. Kate and I could try something, you know, useful." Morgan was a little too sarcastic and bitter in her remark, but she wanted to begin searching as soon as possible. Who knew if the vision was of a week later or mere hours away, getting a jump start on finding that girl was the best possible plan, and the book was only a distraction.
"Where are you friend?" She mused walking down the busy streets of chicago. Homeless asking for money. Homeless playing music for money.

She saw five drug deals happen with the corner of her eye.

And demons. Wow there were a lot of demons here. A lot. a lot more than Boston and Boston had a fuck ton of demons.

Did they like country music? Wild wild west movies? Chicago was known for it's jazz music. Jazz was soullful. Who knew it was demon food too.

She smirked at her awful joke. Letting out a snort of amusement until she stopped in her tracks and saw a couple making out just a block ahead of her. The man took the girl and led her to the alley.

"Found you buddy." Charlotte Dae took off in full sprint.

Let the games begin.


The first thing he did was finish that report. Logan still felt the pain from Nathan digging his hand at his stitches.

It brought a bad feeling in his gut. Literally and figureatively.

But Logan would keep quiet about it for now. After what he had seen the past few weeks he had no idea what was up and what was down.

For the next hour the rookie officer dove into the reports and burned them out like he was in a hot dog competition and winning. He had the large stack down to just two reports left when he got up and stretched.

Wincing when he stretched his stomach muscle.

The chief wouldn't let him advance to detective and constantly told him he was a screw up but no one could touch how fast he could fill out a report.

Goes to show you how much he had been benched instead of being out on the field.

Ready for a break he stepped out of the precinct. One turn right, he walked aimlessly to clear his head.

A left turn without thinking, then a right, go south. Not a thought like his body went on auto pilot. No his mind was on Nathan and why he wanted that report so soon...

Come to think about it all the cases with Kate Whitman he was in charge of it. No other officer. Her file was large. So that was....it didnt-

Logan fell on his ass as a blonde teenager went full sprint "what the....that's not good."

His stomach felt like it was twisted like a rag when the girl went into the alley. It was probably from when she knocked him down.

Still wasn't good. He groaned getting to his feet and jogged after her.

(If you guys leave Robin in your next post you can get there after my next post)
Kate came down the stairs as Morgan called up to her about going on a person hunt. For a moment she just stood there. Go with her baby sister to hunt or stay here and get frustrated with not being able to find any information on what the hell happened to her. Morgan and Robin seemed to be accepting what happened but Kate couldn't seem to. Whatever it was that had happened hasn't happened again to Kate.

Feeling like she needed a distraction she shrugged, ran up the stairs to her room and grabbed her ever ready backpack.

At the bottom of the steps she looked at Robin. "I have my cell all if you find anything just let me know. We'll be back soon."

Putting her long hair in a ponytail she looked at her other sister, Morgan. "Let's go a hunting, shall we?"
(I'm just going to assume the two of you just leave)

"Wait! It's not a good idea we shouldn't...."

The manor door shut as the two of them left. "Split up..." Robin sighed. She tucked a stray hair from her bun behind her left ear. The two of them were adults. Nothing could go-

Who was she kidding?! EVERYTHING COULD GO WRONG. The sofa flipped over in the living room as she had that panicking thought. Breathe. Emotions made bad horrible things happen. With a sigh, she went upstairs to look through the book of shadows.

"Vampires. Please let them be Stephanie Meyer vampires. I can handle sparkles..."


"Hey sparkles," Charlie smiled pulling out her stake. "Have the dance with a real lady."

The vampire turned around stopping from sinking his teeth into his meal, but he snarled instead. "Slayer."

"I missed you too baby-" She winked but then flinched when she heard a gun shot from behind her. It hit the vampire in the chest....who just stared at the bullet wound and back at the cop.

"Jesus...how many of you people are bullet proof/!?! Miss...ladies, get out of here, I'll...I'll hold him off."

"What are you-" was all charlie managed to say before the vamp grabbed her by the throat.

(And Kate and Morgan can walk into this)
They had been driving for only ten minutes, Morgan yelling random directions to Kate as she focused on her Periscope. Some asshole had been following blondie, not that Morgan was complaining. What he intended to do after cornering her, well she would have a talk with him, but he was useful.

Unfortunately the 20% battery remaining warning popped up, and once that hit Periscope refused to reopen. What a useless function, making itself inoperable after draining 80% of battery life, like why not let people use the remaining 20? From then on, Morgan and Kate had to be on foot. Morgan had managed to find the point where she last saw the man's stream, but it was right next to an intersection.

So with no correct direction avaliable, Morgan made a guess.

When she heard the gunshot her fast walk turned into a sprint, and she managed to catch the four people in the alley just as Ward spoke. "Ward?!?" Morgan yelled to the man who saved her life, confused as all hell. What was he doing firing a gun so openly (well this was Chicago, but still!)? Before Morgan could call him out on his mentality of 'shoot first, ask after nine bullets are lodged inside', Morgan's vision was fulfilled.

The blonde girl was being strangled, probably about to get bitten as well, and Morgan had no idea what she could do. Her brain tried to think of a solution, but nothing came to mind.
Kate did the job of driving, though she hated it, and did as Morgan told her to. They never actually got in to an accident but to say they had gotten close a few times would be an understatement, but hey, they made it safe and sound and really, that's all that matters. Right?

Pulling over, she parked the car and got out. Pushing stray hairs from her face she looked around. Where the hell were they? Oh yeah, this is where Priya moved out to with that good guy she finally found. Kate felt a small smile tug at her lips. That girl finally got out of the abusive line of work and found a really good guy. A part of her was jealous. Too bad all the guys she ever falls for are ass holes, abusive, jerks or no-good. What would it be like to have a guy who was nice, caring, loving and all around good? She started to know but then ....

Before she could finish on that line of thought she heard the gun shots. Sighing she took off after her sister and rounded the corner. There was the cop. Why was he always popping up? Could she just not see him again? That would be great. He had almost emptied his gun in to the man that stood there and looked almost bored. The guy who was getting shot had a blonde girls throat in his hand and squeezing hard. Not sure what to do, not wanting to get shot or bitten she threw her hands out. Hoping and praying that what happened the first time would happen again and the scene would freeze so that they could help without needing to be extra careful. "Please let this work." She whispered to herself as she focused and tried to will the scene to freeze.
Shoot first, ask questions later. It wasn't usually his tactic. No. It was usually, act first ask questions later. The two could coexist. Especially when he went into the alley to see what was going on and saw a man trying to bite a girl. Not just bite a girl, his facial features chanted, the eyebrows more destinctly out like a caveman's bone structure, fangs and yellow eyes. His nose looked like it was a different animal all together.

What. The. Fuck.

Not human.

So he fired his bullets into the thing and once again....it just stood there like it was a mere annoyance than it did actual damage. Are you kidding me? Again? How the hell were you supposed to handle these things if bullets were just like flicking water in its face?!

"What are you two doing here? Is this another-"


Charlie was irritated. Not scared. Irritated. Her stake was firmly gripped in her hand as she kicked the-


Everything froze except for Morgan and Kate. Logan had his dopey expression of being caught surprised, mouth hung open in mid sentence as the gun was still pointed at the...person with the deformed face. There was a girl on her knees frozen in fear and tears. She was probably in mid scream. ANd the blond girl's foot was in the man's chest, frozen as she was in mid kick as the thing was just milliseconds from biting her neck.

Trafffic and people just outside the alley however...still going about their business.

Morgan knew Kate's power was something else, but seeing it first hand...


She had no words for what Kate could do, no way to really understand what she was seeing. It was almost funny, seeing the future, or dead people, or furniture being thrown around by nothing? That's all good, but freezing an entire group of people in time, that was too much.

With apparently all the time in the world, Morgan tried to make sense of everything: Vampire thing that changed what it looked like, vampire hunter who was really good at getting caught by vampires, Ward somehow always being at the right place and right time, and Kate being able to freeze time itself, albeit in a small area if the traffic behind them was actually real.

Morgan didn't really know what could be done about the entire situation. Since both their (assumed) enemy and (assumed) allies were frozen by Kate's powers, Morgan had no clue what could be done. They needed answers, and this entire scene just gave Morgan more things to question.

"Kate, would it be possible to unfreeze just Ward or the girl? I would rather not deal with Sir Bites a Lot." Morgan could compliment her sister's powers later, for the moment they had a job to do.
It worked. Holy crap. Kate didn't think it would actually work because it hasn't happened since that first time damn near two weeks ago. She was beginning to feel like a freak incident but here was the proof and now she had her sister who was seeing it to! "Holy shit batman! It fucking worked!" Running a hand across her head she looked around. Everything in the alley was frozen except her and her sister. Outside of the alley still moved but still, the people here were still frozen! She couldn't believe it, she was so damn excited.

Laughing to herself she looked over at her sister then cleared her throat, trying to pull the smile away. "Right. Business first. Got it. I didn't even know I could do this so I have no idea how to control it. I will try though." Clearing her throat again she walked over towards the damned nosy cop and touched his shoulder. "I really hope this goes the right way. Would really suck if the mean dude over there woke first. So come on," Concentrating on just him, she prayed it worked.

Ward started moving. "Hot damn I am on a mother lovin roll!" She giggled. "Now lets see if I can do this twice shall we?" Feeling a little more confident then she did before leaving the house she walked over to the other two. "Mean guy, you stay frozen while I let the pretty blonde go, K?" Reaching out she touched the blondes shoulder and concentrated on just her. Not a moment later then girl unfroze to. "Gods I am getting good! Whoo! Watch out world Kat's going to take over. Ooooooh yeah!" To say she was excited about all this was an understatement. She couldn't believe that it actually happened. Weird things were happening to both her sisters, she could tell by the way they were acting, but the one thing she thought had happened she hadn't been able to do again and so began to think she made it all up in her head. Now she not only did it again but Morgan was here to see it so that she knew it couldn't be all in her mind.

One girl destined to have incredible strength to slay demons and monsters.

Robin opened the book of shadows and no matter how many times she tried looking at different pages, it kept flipping back to this one. "But I want to know about vampires. Can you please flip back to vampires?!?" She was definitely insane....she was yelling at a book. A book. Her cell phone began to go off and she saw it was Whedon. Biting her lip she picked it up. "I see you finally stopped screening the calls."

"Sir, it's not like that-"

"I understand, it's stressful and you need time to think on this but I want to emphasize this is good for you Robin. I don't mean to give you this ultimatum, but I don't know any other way to get you to start doing things for yourself. We win most of these cases due to your prep work. You deserve to start taking credit for it."

"It's not that-"

"Not enough compensation? When you get your degree and pass the bar you will be making 200k a year, the education is paid for."

"Mr. Whedon...I'm honored. And this is something that I do want...but I have two sisters to take care of. I can't afford to have that much on my plate, they depend on me."

"They are grown women, Robin. I've known you for years. Maybe you should let them take care of you for a change. I need to know by Friday. I'm doing this because you need to focus on yourself, Robin."

"I appreciate it Mr. Whedon-"

"Friday. Don't give me your rejection now, give me your acceptance Friday. Goodbye."

With a sigh she hung up the phone. "Alright you stupid book. show me vampires."


magic or warlock thing?" Ward stopped looking confused. They were both gone in different spots...like the two sisters teleported. "How did you...I....do I even want to know?

When Kate unfroze Charlie, her foot planted into the vampire kicking him into the dumpster. His body slamming reanimated him. As it screeched, Charlie stabbed the thing in the chest and it turned to dust. Tilting her head she saw the victim still frozen on the ground in mid tears. Turning around she saw the other two.

"Witches. Cool. Don't like magic done on me. But whatever. You better be good witches though, or I will kill you? Good witches? I'm just going to assume good witches. Hi I'm Charlie." She smiled holding out her hand.

Hey, they were already in the knowledge of the supernatural, no need to hide it and be weird. Both were cute, but the older one was far too old and had this 'i rebel to hide from my anxiety problems' kind of vibe going on. No need to get into that hot mess.
"Awesome job, Kate!" Morgan said, both surprised and proud. She knew her sister had felt iffy about the whole thing, but there was no denying it: She had some damn fine magic. And then being able to control it at will like she just did, that was a different level of spectacular. Morgan had no remote control over her own powers, they just showed up whenever they liked, yet Kate seemed to just will them however she wanted.

Before she could continue that line of thinking, however...

Morgan couldn't react quick enough. In an instant the girl's stake was inside of the creature, and it had been completely vaporized. The third death Morgan had ever witnessed.

Every part of her brain wanted to scream at this girl, Charlie. Emotionally and ethically, she just killed somebody and acted like it was a normal, everyday thing. Logically she just eliminated a wealth of information, something Morgan desperately lacked in the supernatural world. Even the argument of self defense wore thin: The vampire had been frozen in time by Kate, he was completely defenseless.

But Morgan wasn't going to throw a temper tantrum, especially with Ward and Kate right there. The embarrassment she still felt from weeks earlier burned. Still though, she wasn't about to just let this Charlie walk all over her. "You're welcome, by the way. I'm Morgan."

She turned to Ward before continuing. Why wasn't he in her vision, and for that matter how was he in the alley at the perfect moment? It couldn't have been a coincidence. "Thanks for saving her Ward, you alright?" She could approach him later about what he did, this Charlie girl didn't need to know anything about her or him.
The use of her power like that made her head feel a little fuzzy. She put her hand against the wall a moment as she watched the girl kill the creature. Well at least that was one evil creature they didn't have to worry about. She wasn't upset. She wasn't like Morgan, that girl needed to know everything but Kate didn't care. If she killed it then it saved her from having to later. Usually getting beaten up in the process.

Kate was watching this whole thing and instantly didn't trust this girl. Sure she killed the creature that she didn't know and sure she seemed cool but she didn't trust her. There was something tickling the back of her neck but she didn't know what it was. So she stood there, hand against the wall, watching the interaction. Morgan said your welcome and gave her name while Ward looked around, confused yet almost angry. No, angry wasn't the right word. Resigned?

Morgan shifted her focus off the woman back to Ward, asking if he was alright. So Kate looked over at him and noticed him guarding his side where he had been stabbed. Stupid guy. Just can't leave well enough alone. "Yeah Ward, you ok? Oh and, what the hell are you doing here? Haven't you had enough of unexplainable things happening?" She was trying to keep her voice from dripping with disgust but she couldn't just quite keep it all out. Give a girl some credit, she was trying. She just didn't like him.
Logan was holding his side just lightly, where his previous stab wound was. Stiches still sore. Kate nearly got in his face and her anger was evident. Both sisters asking if he was ok, but from the forced expressions and tone in Kate's voice he assumed she half heartedly meant it. "I took a coffee break and just..wandered around." he shrugged. He was atleast a good ten blocks from the police station. And a very....round about way to get coffee kind of way.

In fact he kind of wasn't sure how he really got here. If he really stopped to think about it. "Look, I went to get a coffee, saw a guy drag a girl down an alley, another one sprinting after. I go do Mt job and his face transforms.. to whatever that was....so I shot at it since it wasn't human. That's all I was doing."

"Oh!" Charlie placed both hands behind her head giving a sheepish smiles. "Thanks. Guess I should have started with that, huh? That might have been nice. Thank you. Morgan's a nice name." She honestly was in tougher situations before and could have handled it without the aid of matic, but whatever....she wasn't going to be a douche about it.

Unfortunately her body language gave off the fact she did think she could have handled it and she was just entertaining them with a thank you.

"Now do you two protect this city and I'm in your turf....or is it alright I get out of here and finish my investigation."

"What investigation?"

Charlie looked at him and tilted her head. He was like her friend Alex maybe. Mortal helper. Usually they got in the way more than they did good, but she would never tell hee friend that geesh....it was just nice he wanted to try. Maybe it was the same here with the cop and the girls.

"I hunt vampires. A nest back in Boston came up here sniffing out a new power source. So I'm just going to figure our why, if this source is something I need to be concerned about in my own backyard and kill my nest."

"Ok....so why you...youre all alone here. The streets here are dangerous without the supernatural stuff....let alone with it."

"Huh....I guess my reputation didn't to as far out as I thought it did....bummer..."
A vampire hunter? That explained a lot. So the pile of dust was a vampire, probably in the process of eating the poor still-frozen woman. And then Ward topping things off with either the worst lie or the biggest coincidence in history. There was no way he could just run into a fight of the supernatural so easily. It was too convenient.

She'd have to approach him later too, after dealing with the vampire hunter. "If you're a vampire hunter, this means you've got info on the supernatural?" Morgan was excited now, the vampire barely even mattered. She couldn't even pretend to still be angry about Charlie killing the creature, especially not after Ward essentially stood up for her. All that really mattered was that a source, a well of info, was right in front of her.

"Your reputation? What, are you specifically good at your job?"
Morgan left out the part where it took the help of three (Well two and a half, Morgan did jack) people to beat the vampire, but it was obvious by her tone that Morgan hadn't forgotten that. Maybe she was wrong, and Charlie was specifically bad at her job, so much so that she had a reputation spanning the northeast.
Kate was ready to leave now. The demon, oh sorry, the vampire was dead and now she was ready to move on. She just experienced this ... power ... again that she hadn't since that first day. She wanted to explore it some more. Practice. The things she could do with this new gift! The possibilities were damned near endless. Getting arrested? No longer an issue. If she practiced then when they tried to arrest her she could ... freeze?. .. them and get away. It just made her head spin with endless possibilities.

The woman they just met thought they should know who she was. She did think herself that special? Silly girl, they had far more important things to think about.Mostly because they were new at this and really just trying to survive the next day. Demons all of a sudden popping up everywhere. It wasn't until just now did they even know vampires existed! But before Kate could say something snarky Morgan asked a question but, being her sister, she heard the unspoken question. It Kate start laughing which she covered with a cough. Lord have mercy she was starting to rub off on her. The world was going to hell in a handbasket and apparently Kate was driving the bus.

"Look, this is fun and all but we have a frozen chick in the corner, a pile of ashes, three women and a cop standing in an alleyway. We look extremely suspicious. I don't want to have to deal with anymore cops today so can we say our good byes now and head else where?" Moving away from the wall she moved towards Morgan and eyed everyone. This stand off was starting to get boring.
"Why yes, yes I am. I'm the best actually." Charlie stood proud, her hands at her sides in a superman pose. "Demons, witches, vampires...you name it...they fear me the moment they hear my name. Well not the Charlie part of my name..the Slayer. They hear that they go running. How have you been apart of the magical community and not heard of the slayer?"

Ohhhh, they were new to this. This was all going over their heads. That made sense now.

As soon as Kate mentioned a frozen girl, she became animated in mid tears and screams, only to catch herself coughing looking around. She jumped back seeing a dust pile and took off.

"Wait, miss, you're sa-...she's gone. I should go check on her. If you two need anything just call." He looked back at Charlie a little unsure but went after the other girl to console her before something awful happened to her.

"Soooooooo any of you want to come with me to find a vampire nest? Could be a fun learning experience." Charlie grinned practically ignoring Kate's request to go their seperate ways.
Kate was obviously uncomfortable. She wanted to leave, to go home and not have to worry about this. Understandable, Morgan would have done the same if Charlie hadn't made her offer. To learn more about the supernatural world firsthand, to find a vampire nest... That was too much to refuse.

"Kate, I've got this. We need to learn more about the supernatural world, so I think I'll go with her. You just go on home, okay?" Morgan gave Kate a look of confidence, trying to tell her sister that she could handle it. And she could, especially with some sort of 'famed slayer' by her side.

She waved to Ward as he left, not really caring too much. He could handle himself, and he wasn't the main subject of her interest. Charlie was far and away more important than anyone else nearby.

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