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A Charmed Life *PRIVATE*

Morgan heard the door and quite literally jumped out of her chair, which fell to the carpet floor behind her. Immediately she looked around, trying to find Nat, to see her before she got too close. Where is she, where is she?

Seeing nothing, Morgan immediately opened both her window and room door, needing to be able to immediately escape. It could be anywhere at anytime, if it got inside she needed to run.

With both open, Morgan peeked outside of her room to see what actually caused the noise: The attic, a place that had been locked for who knew how long, had finally opened. Horror movies always start like this, Morgan thought, her eyes darting to each side. Her curiosity told her to go up there and see what happened, but wisdom told her that was a bad idea.

For a moment she imagined miniature versions of Kate and Robin arguing on her shoulders about what to do, with Robin saying that going in was a bad idea, and Kate arguing the opposite. It gave her a chuckle, and made her even more curious. What if there were belongings of her parents inside?

What if she could reconcile Kate and Robin, remind them of the parents they once had?

Stupid Stupid Stupid Stupid Stupid, the voice in Morgan's head was telling her. Reconciliation? What a bullshit idea, it was only an excuse to look inside. The other voice, of course, was calling Morgan out for lying to herself. It was selfish curiosity, not selfless love, that made her climb up the ladder.
There was no Nat. No corpse. No dripping water. No blood. It was just an attic. When Morgan would climb up the stairs, there would be boxes of nick nacks and all sorts of items. They could make a mean buck or two if they threw a yard sale...a beaten worn sofa Morgan could use one day if she decided to move out.

Stain glass as the mirror making the suns reflection shed colors of green, purple, pink yellow and more. In the center of the room was a book stand and a book that looked hundreds of years old. It flipped open by itself as Morgan drew closer to it. Its pages flying everywhere, but then stopping at the first page.

Hear now the words of the witches,

The secrets we hid in the night.

The oldest of gods are invoked here,

The great work of magic is sought.

In this night and in this hour,

I call upon the ancient powers.

Bring your power to we sisters three,

We want the power, give us the power.
Morgan had been captivated by the glowing book. What was going on? Had someone left some sort of light on after all this time? Who had been up here, and what were they doing with the book?

Morgan walked up to the open book and looked at it, wondering how something so ancient had survived so long. It looked like it had been around for centuries, with the cover and many pages torn and faded. The first page seemed to wave itself, was it trying to get her attention?

Something, she didn't know what, wanted her to read it. So she did. In her head, she read every line of the first page, all the while wondering what it meant. Nothing happened, and the page kept waving.

"What, do you want me to read it aloud? You're the book, you know what those words are." Morgan was getting sassy with a book. Within less than half a day she had seen a dead girl, was reunited with both her sisters, saw the dead girl threaten her, met someone who also felt the dead girl, and ended up getting sassy with a book.

"I... Fine." She said, tired of the sound of the page constantly moving.

"Hear now the words of the witches,

The secrets we hid in the night.

The oldest of gods are invoked here,

The great work of magic is sought.

In this night and in this hour,

I call upon the ancient powers.

Bring your power to we sisters three,

We want the power, give us the power.

You happy?"
She asked, wondering why it wanted her to do that so badly.
Nothing happened. The book never responded. Morgan Whitman was most likely certifiably insane.


Robin closed her eyes to try to get the throb in her head to die down. One of the partners of her law firm wanted to see her. God knew why. Wolf and Stein had become more aggressive and persistant at getting her to sell the house. Did they not understand no meant no? And everything with her two sisters....she just wanted to sleep and just for a few hours pretend she didn't have this crushing responsibility on her shoulders.

If she couldn't get an hour...she'd take ten minutes. Just ten.

Something upstairs swung open, the bang of the door loud. Robin jumped up. "Kate? Morgan?" Run upstairs. Run upstairs and see what's going on. It could be a robber. She was about to do just that when the door bell rang. Biting her lip she looked up the stairs and then at the door.

"That would be 20.32."

"Keep the change."

"You're that woman in the newspaper right? The one standing up to Wolf and Stein?"

Robin was two seconds from slamming the door in his face when the gangly kid in the pizza uniform said that. She rubbed the bridge of her nose. "I am not trying to be rude...but I need to go back inside my house. Keep the change and go."

The kid grinned. "You are! They are calling your story a David vs. Goliath story. You got some real balls for a lady."

"Please. Leave." Robin snapped.

The kid's car seemed to have falty breaks. As Robin snapped please leave it rolled down the curb...faster than a usual car losing breaks, slamming into a pole. The horns went off sounding the neighborhood. "SHIT MY CAR."

Robin shut the door. Her headache felt...relieved. She looked at the hall and didn't see a bat, but she grabbed an umbrella running upstairs. "Whovever you are don't hurt my...

Attic was...what the fuck...the attic? Robin stopped unable to comprehend. It was locked since Mom died. Papa didn't have a key andshe went through ten locksmiths over the years to get that damn thing open....and...and it was open now? She hesitantly walked up the stairs and saw Morgan yelling at a book. A very old weird looking book. "Everything ok?" She asked but her skin was paler as she looked around. "how did you get in here Morgan?"
Nothing had happened. Stupid damn book, doing magical things and shit that didn't make sense. Morgan wasn't insane, Natalie existed and the book was trying to get her attention. She wasn't fucking craz-

She heard Robin's voice.

"It was open, so I checked it out." Morgan said, preparing to make use of her bullshit excuse. "I thought maybe there were some of mom or dad's things in here, but there's nothing except the old book." As she mentioned it she motioned to the book, wanting to see what it'd do to get Robin's attention, if anything.

She wasn't crazy.
Morgan was definitely crazy.

Robin raised her brow. "Doors don't open by themselves. We are going to talk about you breaking up here and how you did it....but I'm going to let this go....for now....because of all the stress you've been under."

When morgan motioned to the book it didn't move at all. Not a single page. It stayed still.

Because it was an inanimate object.

The next thing Morgan would touch would send a jolt of imagry to her head. She would see Kate stuck in an alley alone. She would put up her hands as a man was just milliseconds from slamming a dagger into her chest. The dagger had some sort of Latin on the blade.

It would end there.

"Pizza is here. Maybe that will make you feel better....but we shouldn't stay up here ok?"
"Really? What reason would I have to break into an attic that's been locked for longer than I've been alive? You can't just assume it's the first thing you see, especially after the day we've had." Morgan wanted to stop herself from going too far, but she had seen too much shit in one day to just let herself stop.

"You're like Ward, suspecting the first thing you see, acting like you know everything. You don't, you don't see every side of the story, and you sure as hell have no idea what's been going on in my head." Morgan felt exhausted but relieved as she said all of that, someone needed to say it. "And what about you? You were offered how many millions to move? That was something that could have given all of us, including Kate, a chance to start over. Is your pride really worth Kate's life, or mine?"

Morgan didn't want to keep dealing with Robin, so she headed down the ladder out of the attic. As she touched the ladder, however, she was hit with a hazy vision of Kate alone, in an alley that couldn't be anywhere near the house. Morgan wanted to panic when she saw the man's knife.

"Kate!" Morgan called out, jumping down the ladder and throwing open her sister's door. But she was still there, smoking a cigarette. What had... What.

What was going on?
Morgan throwing in the offer startled her. Her sisters yelling at her was nothing new.

That however. Blindsided. Robin just stared at her wide eyed and rigid.

The two book cases against the wall fell over, Rob jumped startled from it. A few boxes flew across the room when she yelped.

What the hell?! She shielded herself for a quick second, but nothing else moved. With a deep breath she tried to relax. "She's not a kid anymore. You're not the parent. she doesn't mean what she's saying she's stressed." she nodded to herself.

That's when she noticed tile book bags flipping on their own at full speed. Every fiber of her logic said to sprint out and lock the place up, but she found herself going to the book and at the page.

"The power of three will set us free? What's that even.......this is a spell book. Who in our family practiced spells?!?!"

Logan wasn't sure what he felt, but he knew it was something. He thought about Morgan and Kate. Both sisters for very opposite reasons. Morgan was terrified of something...something he thought wasn't real until he felt that cold chill as well. And Kate...

Every unsolved case here was under Detective Nathan. Kate's name was written in more than half of them. Jesus. But Nathan was involved in...well...how did the man still have a job? Logan wasn't sure. He made copies of some of these cases putting them on a flash drive on his way out of the police station for the day.

Hands in his pockets he walked down the streets of Chicago thinking about all of it when he felt the temperature drop a good twenty or so degrees. He stiffened his body straight and looked around. The breath out of his mouth was visible.

"You turned out to be a snivelling little rat. This is what happens when kids don't get a firm hand." A man stood across from him. They looked similar in features, but this one was older, body more bloated with beer gut. But this one, the man's face was crushed in and his body looked like it was decomposing. Logan nearly jumped out of his skin but he felt like he couldn't move, couldn't breathe.

Fingers digging into his palm...this wasn't real. Staring into that smile as the teeth fell out......this couldn't be real.
Kate heard something outside her door which made her furrow her brows. What the hell was that? When she didn't hear anything else she just figured someone else figured it out or she was just hearing things. Sighing she leaned her head back against the window sill. So many damn signs. It didn't make sense and only made her get a little pissed off about it. No one knew what loyalty or family meant anymore. Just like she hears on the streets all the time, everybody has a price. Kate wondered what Robin's price was.

Closing her eyes she leaned her head back. She was so tired. Tired of running. When she thought of running her mind wandered to the recent run she just had and that stupid cop. Anger flashed through her. He didn't try to get her answer or reason to why she was running. Didn't care that that ass hole who kept trying to get her to take him back wouldn't leave her alone. All he saw was her running away [trying to get away from the dick before he came to] was to get herself away from a bad situation. Then he went behind her to her sister and let her hurt herself! Rambling off shit like she cared that he told her what she said was illegal. As if half the shit she did was legal to begin with? HA!

As she was sitting there, stewing over that stupid cop and his do-good attitude when she heard Morgan scream her name. Before she could move Morgan burst in looking at her wide eyed. Dropping the finished cigarette that was extremely stale but didn't bother her she got up from her perch and walked over. "Mo? What's wrong? What happened?"
Morgan was breathing heavily, her eyes widened. She saw here big sister only seconds from being attacked, yet here she was, right in front of her. What was happening, who was that man? What was going on in her head?

She looked at Kate, who just dropped her cigarette. She had the same clothes, same hair, same everything as she did half a minute ago. But she wasn't in some drab back alley, she was in her room, smoking despite Robin's order against it.

Immediately she ran up to her sister and embraced her, terrified of what was going on. She was losing her mind, that was fact. Officer whateverthefuck was just fucking with her, pretending to have seen what she saw, and the book wasn't trying to talk to her. She was just crazy, having been sent into insanity by watching Nat die.

"I think I'm losing my mind, I'm seeing things left and right, things nobody else sees, things that don't exist. Kate I need help." She said all this in between gasps, with tears falling from her face. Why did it have to happen to her?
The power of three will set us free.

She shut the book. It flung itself open. Robin shut it again only for it to spring back open. "This isn't happening...No. This is not happening." She shut it again only for it to spring open. She yelped and the book went soaring into the wall.

"Fuck this! FUCK THIS!" Robin's attempt at being brave fleeted. She sprinted out of the attic, the door slamming shut on its own as she slid down the latter stairs. Picture frames of the sisters and whatever was on the wall flung off the walls as she went down to the first floor pulling out a telephone book.

There MUST be some sort of expert she could call about this...whatever it was.
Kate was surprised when Morgan ran over to her and hugged her hard. For a moment her arms were just flung out to her sides, unsure of what to do with them, then she sighed softly before wrapping her arms around her baby sister. Then when her sister pulled away she looked at her with concern. Pushing some of her pinkish purple hair from her face she crossed her arms over her chest a moment. Listening to Mo rant she just watched, not judging. Who was she to judge anyways when she can't even keep herself out of jail.

Biting her lower lip a little she gave a small shrug. "Baby girl, we are all a little mad here." Uncrossing her arms she shoved her hands in to shorts pockets. "What do you need me to do for you? I don't know what it is you are seeing but do you think it could be post traumatic stress? Could it be your mind is trying to make sense of all the drama and stress you've been through by making things up?" She really was trying to help but she was out of her depth here. She never had someone asking for her help and she didn't know what all she needed to do or even what she could do.
Morgan shook her head, she knew it wasn't PTSD. "No, it's... I don't know. I see Nat over and over again, no matter where I go she ends up around. At the police station when we picked you up, she was in the car, and after that she was in the station itself, but nobody could see her... Nobody but me." Morgan realized that yeah, it did sound insane.

But then again he saw it too, or at least felt it. He didn't lie to her, there was no reason to. Or maybe he did, just to fuck with her. It wasn't entirely improbable, he was a cop after all. But Kate was one of the only family members she had, she deserved to know everything, regardless of if Ward was just trying to mess with her. "And the cop felt it too. The temperature dropped when it touched him, and he knew it wasn't in my head." Morgan sounded ashamed as she said that, and pulled herself away from Kate. She was ready for the yelling, the condescending words. Kate would never admit it, but in that regard she and Robin were one and the same.
Police? No.

Psychic? They weren't real.


Cabinet drawers flung open and cabinet doors swung almost off their hinges. Robin jumped back. "Priest. Maybe I can call a priest for some sort of exorcism." Little did she know was causing this. Her frantic erratic behavior was just causing chaos to every appliance around. She looked up knowing her two sisters were up there.

Tell them what was going on? no...all of this was in head...she was the oldest. it was her job to have the answers and not go to them in panic. She needed to be the strong one. She let out a breath to try and calm her racing heart. "You can figure this out. Whatever is going on...you can figure this out....breathe...."

The drawers shut themselves, but the kitchen was in slight dissarey from what had happened.


It wasn't real. All of this was in his head.

The sudden grip around his throat and the smell of rotting flesh begged to differ. Logan clawed at the decaying hands gasping for breath. To the outside world he was clawing at no one just himself and acting like he was being choked in the middle of the street. "It's your fucking fault I died, you worthless little pup. You think I'd let you get away with it?!"

"Our father...who art in sin...."Can't breathe, it was barely audible "Hallow...hallow be thy name."

The decaying father cackled with laughter. "You deserve to die with how fucking stupid you are, you think this will-"

"Thy...kingdom...come.....thy will be...." he was turning purple. "done. On earth...as it...is in..."

The thing flickered. The grip gone Logan crashed on his knees he could finally breathe. "Heaven. Give us this day, our daily bread."

The thing returned, more decayed screaming, the jaw falling off. "SHUT UP! YOU BELIEVE THERE IS A GOD WATCHING YOU! THERE IS NO GOD!"

"And forgive us of our trespasses. As we forgive those, who tresspass against us."

It charged.

"And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from Evil."

As it rushed, black mist phased through his body...the thing gone. The temperature returning. Logan rubbed his neck...the bruising very dark and noticeable of sausage fingers that got a hold of him. These were marks anyone could see. "Amen...."
Oh Kate should get a medal, an award or something. When Morgan had mentioned that fucking cop, the one she was stewing over just a minute ago, she didn't flinch or lash out. The only reaction she showed was her eyes narrowing slightly. So that ass hole wanted to play around with her sisters emotions. Gods can that slimeball get any longer in her book? Mo trusts him to tell him what she was seeing and he plays on it. You could mess with Kate all day long and it wouldn't so much as make her twitch but you mess with one of her sisters and the gloves come off. That's exactly what is going to happen if that man is stupid enough to cross her path.

Rubbing the back of her neck a little she looked at her baby sister. Really looked at her. "I'm not sure what's happening Mo. I really wish I did but I've never heard of anything like this before." Kate could tell she was waiting to be yelled at or something but Kate wasn't going to do that. Not now when just looking at her she knew how much this meant to Morgan. So she'd keep her inner bitch right where she belonged, inside. "Maybe right now it's best if you stayed with Robin or me for a while. You don't need to be alone. If it happens again we can try to help. Let me do some research to see what I can do to help. That sound ok?" Kate was feeling so lost right now t she would hide it right now because for the first time in a really long time her baby sister came to her and asked HER for help. Not Robin, Kate. She didn't want ot fuck it up right now so she would go against everything she was used to and try to actually help and be useful.
"Maybe we could live together again!" Morgan exclaimed, impressed by her sister's lack of reaction. Maybe Kate didn't think he was that bad. Then again maybe the sky was purple and rained pigs. He arrested her, there was no improving in opinion after that.

And Morgan knew Kate and Robin would never survive living together again, let alone tolerate each other. Everyone split up for a reason, Kate and Robin were the worst blend: Just different enough to be unsalvageable, but just similar enough that their differences are far more pronounced. Morgan was well aware of the problems they would have almost immediately, especially with Wolf and Stein breathing down the family's collective neck.

No, optimism wasn't something the family was allowed to have. Not anymore.

At that moment Morgan remembered her sister's comment about the pizza arriving. It probably tasted terrible (anything that wasn't made by Dominos was), but she'd live. "Before you shoot down my halfhearted hope, pizza's here." Morgan said as she left her sister's room to head to the kitchen.
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There they go again, trying to get her to move back home. Did they not remember all the wars they had gone through before she left? All the fighting? There was no peace while her and Robin were together, they were too opposite. Now her baby sister, who has been through a lot, was asking her to do something she knew she couldn't do, not if she wanted to walk out of this with what little sanity she had left.

Before she could say anything Morgan cut her off and told her they should go downstairs for pizza. Sighing softly she ran a hand through her hair then decided to follow the girl out and down the stairs. As soon as her feet hit the bottom of the steps she froze in her steps. Everything was a mess here. Furrowing her brows and her heart starting to race a little she looked around more. "Robin? What the hell happened? Are you ok? Are you still alive?" She didn't want to move yet, not til she understood exactly what has happened.
Pictures were broken. trinkets and nicknacks that weren't smashed when they hIt the ground was scattered everywhere. And well....the kitchen....

Robin sat down looking exhasperated, rubbing the bridge of her nose. She had no idea what was going on. What she could even say.

And Kate was asking what had happened. If she was ok. "I'm fine...i....I guess I'm trying to figure that one out as well...."

Never a good liar. She might as well just say the house was moving on its own. What wonderfull way to calm Morgan's nerves... yup....
Morgan had hope, hope that things could improve, that the events of the day could fall apart behind them. Nat would become little more than a memory, Kate would stop being arrested, and Robin would make her life her own. Of course, walking into downstairs and seeing what had happened...

"I..." Morgan didn't know what to say. How had they fucked up this badly? What the fuck did Robin do? Morgan was shaking, trying to think of some way to get around this, some way to be optimistic or have even an ounce of hope. "...How?"

Those were the only words that Morgan could utter, the only things she was physically capable of saying. I'm such a fucking moron. Why did I ever think things could end well? She wanted to say that, to scream and scream at her sisters. How could neither of them control themselves at any point in their lives? How did they manage to only fuck up this badly when she needed help the most?
Kate asked and not even ten seconds later the two of them had entered the kitech. For the first time on years Robins perfectly crafted bun had stray hairs loose Round her face.

Morgan looked crushed. And robin gelt like she was caught in a lie even though she wasnt.


She didn't know.

Growing pale....the shitty liar that she was she went for the worst answer.

The truth.

"The....everything moved on its own....I don't know why but....but I'll figure it kut. Everything will be ok."

She didn't believe it would be and a drawer where her utensils were flung open at high speed. Robin jumped out of her chair startled.
Kate couldn't help but just stare for a moment. Robin said everything was fine but when Morgan pestered a little Robin admitted something strange. She said everything moved on it's own. Kate would've laughed if she didn't see Robins face and know that her older sister didn't make jokes like this. Kate would but not Robin.

Clearing her throat she moved away from the stairs a little. She was going to walk over to her sister but as she did a drawer flew open and utensils jumped out by the force of it opening. Jumping slightly she swallowed hard. "Ok that was freaky." Looking at Robin she furrowed her brows a little. "No Robin, at the moment, everything is not ok. Everything is hitting the fan hard. But since we're all together now we can figure it out. One of us had to have an umbrella big enough." She was trying to make light of the situation but she was so ready to run. It was so hard for her not to. But right now her family was faking apart by some unseen force and she wanted to try to help. More likely fuck it up even more but she was forcing herself to try. She needed to try.
(On mobile, forgive me)

How much more screwed up could their situation get? Morgan felt like she was losing more and more of her mind every second. Dead people, living books, and mobile silverware all contributed to Morgan's belief that she had simply lost her mind and no one told her.


Ward felt the dead woman. Kate screamed when the silverware flew. Other people were seeing what see saw. She wasn't crazy.

And Kate was being caring and optimistic with Robin in the room, to top it all off. It was quite a day of firsts.

Morgan didn't want to speak, because she knew the first thing she said would be an apology. Robin deserved it, especially after what was said in the attic, and what she was going through in the kitchen was something she couldnt just deal with alone.

So instead of that, Morgan decided a hug would do just fine instead. Why a hug? Who the hell knows, Morgan felt like it would be the best option.

So she embraced her oldest sister, hoping it would help to calm her down. Of course when they needed peace the most a vision showed up.

Morgan saw Robin throwing a man around like a rag doll, and Kate was running up the stairs with Morgan. It took a moment, but Morgan knew that man was the same one from the alley.

When her vision faded, Morgan was shaking. Was that really Robin? How was she breaking a man's body so effortlessly, why didn't she seem to regret it?

Morgan immediately let go of her sister, or whatever it was that was pretending to be Robin. No human could do that, especially not with the expression Robin had.

"What... What are you?" She asked it, her eyes full of both shock and horror. Where was her big sister?
Robin had a miserably hard time ever admitting she might need help. When she was ten years old she got stuck in a tree and refused help, because she could get down on her own and all by herself, that she was in that tree for seven hours and the fire department had to try and coax her down out of her stubbornness.

This was who she was. That was probably never going to change. Even know as a cabinet flew open and Kate said she wasn't fine, that they all needed to work together Robin didn't want to admit that. Instead she wanted to continue fighting and say she could figure this out.

That was what big sisters did anyways. They didn't burden the younger ones with their problems. She was about to protest again....when Morgan hugged her. It was a surprise and she stiffened like she normally did when she was in a hug, when her body began to relax and she hugged back her sister immediately pulled away. There was fear and shock in her face that Robin didn't understand.

And the words that came out, each one felt like an individual punch to the gut. Confused. "Morgan...it's me...Robin. I'm not sure what you're trying to play...but it's not funny...."

She didn't notice the small brim of tears at the lining of her eyes. "I uhh...." trying to keep herself together and on track. "Maybe we should call Father Thomas. I don't think ghosts are real but...maybe they are...he might know what to do about all of this."
Morgan couldn't help it. She had seen too much, been through too much hell in a single day. She didn't have it in her to keep going, to stay at a house with some sort of monster who was fucking with her for fun. Nat's death, her coming back, the kitchen destruction, was it all just part of some plan to fuck with her and Kate?

And then she brought up Father Thomas, as if that would help her case. "Cut the shit you fucking monster. What are you, just some thing trying to fuck with me? What, killing Nat isn't enough? You have to just fuck with us too? Why, why are you doing this? What did my family ever do to you?" Tears were falling from her face for what must have been the sixth time that day. If Morgan ever cried again after the day she had it would have been a shock.

Where was her sister, why was this monster acting in her place? What were they going to gain from this? Morgan, in a stable mood, would probably have asked those questions. Morgan, in the mood she was currently in, would never have thought to ask those questions. Instead she just looked at the thing in her sister's skin as if it was the worst being in the universe.

Morgan was shaking and barely able to breathe as she continued. "You threw a man into a wall, and you acted like it was just some usual thing. No human being does that, thinks like that, and Robin sure as hell wouldn't. You've been fucking with my mind this entire time. The other side of the world isn't far enough away from a monster like you." With that, Morgan left the house, slamming the door shut behind her.

As soon as she was a few feet away Morgan took her car and drove away as quickly as she could. After taking a minute to make herself sound slightly better, Morgan called the only person she really had left.

She wasn't paying any attention to her driving at all as she dialed Ward's number, hoping he would pick up.
Kate didn't understand what was happening. Morgan wasn't like this, not to Robin. Before she could say anything Morgan started calling get a monster and saying she threw a man against a wall. What was she taking about? Robin didn't do that, she knew her sister. For fucksake she wouldn't even let Kate verbally abuse that fucking cop. Nothing made sense.

"Morgan!" But the girl didn't stop, she took off out of the house. Sighing loudly she pushed her hair out of her face then looked over at Robin. "I don't know what that was about but she didn't mean it. She's just upset."

Unsure what to do she walked in to the kitchen and looked around. It really was a mess and it didn't make sense what had caused it. "Do you .... Uh .... Want help .... Ummm ... Cleaning up the kitchen?" She was so out of her depth she didn't really know what to do. She wanted to run after Morgan but she didn't know where the girl would go so that wad out unless she wanted to wander around aimlessly which she didn't particular have a desire to do. So she would stay and try to help figure this shit out. Whatever it was.

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