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Fandom A Chance Meeting at Ilex Forest

"Oh..." She said tilting her head. "You want to be a pokemon?"

Bryndle smiled warmly. "You fought valiantly little ones." He said licking the both of then and falling asleep with them.
"Just for a little, if you want to try having me along in the playhouse. You don't have to."


The small family of four makes for a peaceful sight.
When she says this Danielle smiles wide. "Of course I want you there..what kind of pokemon would you want?"
"Hmmm..ok then." She said before climbing off her trainer. "Boop" she said, tapping Shelby's nose as the transformation began
Danielle tilted her head and smiled. "You'll just have to wait and see." She said, as Shelby got shorter and turned a shade of pink, her bones adjusting to a quadrapedal stature. "Any guesses yet?" She asked playfully .
"Almost." She said as a bright pink, furry tail formed and a bite appeared on her chest. "I guess that's a giveaway huh?"
(Dangit, bow*)

The transformation completed, and a brand new sylveon stood where Shelby did a moment before.
"Oh! Sylveon!" says Shelby in a high and airy voice. "Now I recognize it! Uh, heh...gosh....how do I look?" She smiles with her new fangs.
A moment later both Pokemon find themselves lifted up and put in the playroom.

"Have fun, kiddos?" says the owner of the place, who evidently missed Shelby's change and only saw two Pokemon left in the waiting area.
"I do! I can see why you like being a Pokemon so much!" Shelby nuzzles her, then dives into a ballpit. "Catch me if you can!"
"Oh no you don't!" She laughed/giggled as she chased after Shelby at full speed.
Hours pass, diving through tunnels, sliding through chutes, falling into ballpits, and climbing jungle gyms. Shelby gets used to her new body surprisingly quickly.
"You're really good at this!" Danielle called out as Shelby once again won the lap of an obstacle course.
"I used to study Sylveon in college!" laughs Shelby. "I know their movement patterns!"

A moment later, however, she finds herself scooped up by a human.

"Playtime's over, girls. Time to go home."
"Aww.. it was fun while it lasted" Danielle said Wong over to the human, proposed to be picked up as well.
The two are placed in a pen.

"Your trainer should be here soon, I assume, so just hang tight, alright, little ones?"

He walks away.

"That was fun. I'm tired, though, for sure! Maybe we should spend the night in a Pokemon daycare or something?"

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