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Realistic or Modern 13 Reasons - OOC

Kassandra Rose

Elder Member
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

I felt like now was as good a time as any to open this right up so we can get cracking on character relations - but, more important, also general conversations.

I've spoke to you all individually, so you know me. Regardless, I'm gonna introduce myself. I'm "Kassandra", as it reads (or by my real name, Cam, either is okay).

My characters are siblings Abelle (17) and Tommy (18). I'd love to establish character relations if anyone is interested.
Hello, everyone! My name is Kevin, either they/them or he/him pronouns work, and I'm really excited to meet you all and establish character relationships!

I'm playing Ethan M, from now referred to as Ethan Prime (joking), and if you want/need more info on him, feel free to hmu.

I'm not sure what relationship Ethan could have with Abelle or Tommy, but I am more than open to any ideas you have if you, again, wish to hmu ;p
Now to properly introduce myself. Hello.

That will be all. Well, my pronouns are he/him and you can just call me Whisp or Flick or WhispFlick. I dunno, man. Now that's all.

Next on topic: characters and relationships.

My first character is Ruben, a well-known filmmaker in school and town, though he also sells drugs and can be known by his street name in that sense. Other than that, he's someone who you can definitely PM me about potential relationships or just questions. Maybe he's your drug dealer on the down low, I dunno.

Next character is Lia, by her nickname anyways. She's a cheerleader and in that sense I imagine she'd be more well-known around school for having a 'popular status'. For her, just as well PM me for a potential relationship and I definitely expect some questions if you care to know anything about her since her bio is rather vague.
Abs (Abelle) is really rather quiet, and at times submissive to the other cheerleaders and girls in her group. I think this will probably stem from a trauma, which will be revealed through the tapes.

Her closest friend, out of everyone I've read would probably be Ethan. Outside of school times, I think they'd hang out a lot, perhaps they've been friends for a long time.

I think conflict would occur later with how she is 'a different person' in school, always too eager to impress the girls in her group and pretending to be something that she's not. Nadi would scare tf out of her, and she'd probably be quite intimated by how bad ass her and Tommy are. I've got the impression that Lia is rather quiet, so I don't think they would've talked much until this point (although probably in the same group). I think they will get on well though once they start speaking.

As for Ruben, he'd be her brother's friend, so 'one of those' (eyes roll). The two would probably mildly bully her, because little sisters are annoying, but I think it'd add some humour if she fancied him.

Tommy, on the other hand, couldn't give a flying one about what everyone else thinks. He sees his little sisters pretense as rather embarrassing, and they don't get on at all. At the same time, if you hurt one of them, the other would probably bite your head off.

As for closest friends, I think out of everyone I'd have to go with Ruben. Although, He flits between the boy and some of them on the team (the 'jocks'). Therefore, I think he'd be quite tight with Oliver.

If Abs and Ethan are friends, he'd probably get on alright with him. Since he'd probably be a family friend if they've known eachother for so long.

Out of the girls I think he'd be closest with Lia, because in his words 'she's not plastic' like his sister can be.

I think he would fancy either Nadi or Tommy, maybe he could like one and the other is his ex. I think a good possible road to go down is him always talking to Lia about them, but her ironically liking him, which could be another road to conflict.

All ifs and buts, depending on how people see their character interactions. Thought I'd put ideas out there!

Where would Dalia and Ethan fit in?
Once I realized that, I just got really, really confused.

Anywho, I think I'll go and PM each of you individually to suggest ideas and also reinforce that idea you ( Kassandra Rose Kassandra Rose ) had for our characters.
I'm good with Ethan being Abs's closest friend! I can see them getting in mild disagreements when she acts a bit plastic, and him being a bit of a dad friend if that makes sense? Just imagine him expressing disappointment over her recent behavior lol. However, he might also use her for inspiration for his writing, which I think could be cool to write!

Fact that I think might be relevant: Ethan probably moved to the area in the last four years.
Guess who just remembered they didn't post their character sheet! Not my finest moment. Posted it now.

And I'm up for sorting out relationships and everything.
Hi! I'm playing Nadi the rage filled teen of the RP. Not a "bad girl" by any means just deep seated anger. I think Nadi would be naturally gravitant of athletes and cheerleaders, but her and Lia would probably not hang out outside of the team. Abelle on the other hand she would probably tell the girl to grow some confidence and stand up for herself more, only because she's really loving and charitable past her rage wall. Nadi would probably think Tommy is cute but not know enough about him to ever get closer other than he's her cheermate's brother. Nadi is more of a deep intellectual than just going for what's on the surface. Kassandra Rose Kassandra Rose

Nadi would repsect and enjoy Tamera and be cordial to her, and also probably work out with her since she's an athlete. They're both part Caribbean as well. She'd also love the fact she does spoken word and would ask Tam to support her with her singing and dancing endeavors, but as far as the manipulative side of Tam, Nadi would try to remind her actions have ripples. Tam probably definitely wouldn't pull such a thing on Nadi because she don't play that, especially with Nadi's anger. Expel Expel

Probably wouldn't know Dalia all that much D U H D U H

Hey mikaluvkitties mikaluvkitties !! <3 I feel like Nadi and Ethan could connect over writing and/or music. Seeing as how Nadi wants to be a singer and Ethan's a lover of music he could listen to her latest projects and help her with her songwriting ideas that she pens. They both are outgoing and cool, and Nadi could be that peg to knock Ethan's ego back to Earth when he gets too self-absorbed.

Metaphorically Metaphorically possible balance of personalities and love interest? Oliver can't swim and Nadi is a beast in the water she could help him, and he questions God and Nadi is a super strong faithful girl. They could also connect through sports and she could cheer him on (literally) at every football game. And if they really know each other he could know a bit about her anger roots and be the one to calm her, while she'd see his inner heart as well.
Elaborated on my rather vague CS. I think that sounds a lot better. I'm thinking that Nadi may intimidate Abelle at first, but once she gets to know her properly (maybe through Ethan) they really get on. Like with Oliver, a balance of personalities, she might help the girl overcome her anxiety and grow her confidence back. OppositeInverse OppositeInverse
OppositeInverse OppositeInverse - I like the idea of her helping him with the fact that he can't swim. Don't really think he'd be the type to end up in an actual relationship but I like the idea of them being friends and her helping him out with his faith related issues. I think he might be able to help and relate to her when it comes to anger issues. (Sorry if this is short but I basically agreed with everything you said.)

Expel Expel - If Oliver and Tamera both do track then they'd probably know each other from that, I feel like he'd probably quite like her and because of who he is he'd probably flirt with her.

mikaluvkitties mikaluvkitties -I don't think that Oliver would know Ethan very well as they seem like they'd hang out in different social circles, they might know of each-other and be somewhat friendly but I feel like they would be acquaintances that get to know each other more as everyone listens to the tapes.
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Elaborated on my rather vague CS. I think that sounds a lot better. I'm thinking that Nadi may intimidate Abelle at first, but once she gets to know her properly (maybe through Ethan) they really get on. Like with Oliver, a balance of personalities, she might help the girl overcome her anxiety and grow her confidence back. OppositeInverse OppositeInverse
OppositeInverse OppositeInverse - I like the idea of her helping him with the fact that he can't swim. Don't really think he'd be the type to end up in an actual relationship but I like the idea of them being friends and her helping him out with his faith related issues. I think he might be able to help and relate to her when it comes to anger issues. (Sorry if this is short but I basically agreed with everything you said.)

Expel Expel - If Oliver and Tamera both do track then they'd probably know each other from that, I feel like he'd probably quite like her and because of who he is he'd probably flirt with her.

mikaluvkitties mikaluvkitties -I don't think that Oliver would know Ethan very well as they seem like they'd hang out in different social circles, they might know of each-other and be somewhat friendly but I feel like they would be acquaintances that get to know each other more as everyone listens to the tapes.
Sounds good to me!
I've got my full sheet up (rushed history a bit but i hope theres no loose ends). I already have a couple relationships, but am open for more. Just pm me.
oh damn i didnt elaborate too much in the cs but no one really knows much of andre's background and what went on with his abusive dad, the gang, or even the trial and his mother's jailing because his life was just kept so tightly under wraps. most of the kids just assume he's got parents, but only a certain few know he lives alone.
Expel Expel - If Oliver and Tamera both do track then they'd probably know each other from that, I feel like he'd probably quite like her and because of who he is he'd probably flirt with her.

That's fine with me, they shall be track buddies. Tamera probably wouldn't flirt back, though. She has a whole man and doesn't want to cause any trouble lol

Nadi would repsect and enjoy Tamera and be cordial to her, and also probably work out with her since she's an athlete. They're both part Caribbean as well. She'd also love the fact she does spoken word and would ask Tam to support her with her singing and dancing endeavors, but as far as the manipulative side of Tam, Nadi would try to remind her actions have ripples. Tam probably definitely wouldn't pull such a thing on Nadi because she don't play that, especially with Nadi's anger. Expel Expel

Again, I'm cool with this. Gym buddies who support each other in other endeavors. Tam won't try anything with Nadi simply because she doesn't want to have to deal with her anger, for sure.
When you don't know whether to reply or wait for other people to post first, is there going to be a posting order where you do it so everyone posts and it goes again (seen some like that) or do we just jump in? Still new to how things work on this site.
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