1000+ Ways to get kicked out of Walmart

Bird riots are the best kind of riots.

810: For taking items off the shelves, then going to returns and trying to return them without ever having actually bought them.
Bird riots are the best kind of riots.

810: For taking items off the shelves, then going to returns and trying to return them without ever having actually bought them.
I saw someone actually get away with that-

812: being hella inappropriate the entire week everyday as you come to the store for a whole entire day
Really? That is too funny. What were they returning?

813: Pretend to be the Walmart greeter and charge a fee for letting people inside.
Really? That is too funny. What were they returning?
Socks and a pair of earrings. I saw them grab it and stick it in a Walmart bag they braught with them the plastic ones and fallowed them and they ended up returning it. I was gonna stop them if they tried to steal but i wanted to see them get away with returning it and getting free money and suprisingly they did and so I was like ….Yknow….. they earned it XD IF THEIR GONNA GO THROUGH THAT MUCH TROUBLE JUST LET EM

815: have people sign a petition and then say “that’ll be 15 dollars”
816: Just let yourself become overwhelmed with the current state of your life. Induce a full on mental breakdown, and just let it all out in the middle of Walmart. Just collapse on the floor and become an emotional mess. Make it so that everyone is terrified by you, but they also feel an innate sense of pity. Make security feel uncomfortable and somewhat like assholes for simply removing you to keep the peace. Ruin everyone else's day as yours falls apart. Make it memorable.

Then, go about the rest of your week feeling good because you've allowed yourself some emotional relief! Kill two birds with one stone!
816: Just let yourself become overwhelmed with the current state of your life. Induce a full on mental breakdown, and just let it all out in the middle of Walmart. Just collapse on the floor and become an emotional mess. Make it so that everyone is terrified by you, but they also feel an innate sense of pity. Make security feel uncomfortable and somewhat like assholes for simply removing you to keep the peace. Ruin everyone else's day as yours falls apart. Make it memorable.

Then, go about the rest of your week feeling good because you've allowed yourself some emotional relief! Kill two birds with one stone!
I would die of embarrassment.

817: dress as the joker and just scare children and creep people out saying “WHY SO GLOOM? TURN THAT FROWN UPSIDE DOWN!” and even some catch frazes of his
818: Enter Walmart in a full hazmat suit, mask and all. You'll have with you a list of ingredients. You must try to act as suspicious as possible while you go about your "shopping," and if anyone asks what you're up to (especially employees), answer with "I need to cook!" Go suspiciously silent and walk away quickly if they ask what you're trying to cook. Act as paranoid as possible as you traverse the store. You CAN NOT grab your ingredients in a linear manner; you must walk through each aisle as if you're carefully eyeing each product, and don't always be in the aisles that pertain to what is on your list.

Authorities may be called. When they are, become very clearly agitated and plead the fifth. When they shove you in their car and confiscate your list, they will proceed to read the ingredients. Only to find that you were buying ingredients for a gourmet meal, one which requires only the finest ingredients. You're still kicked out of the store, but you can return for another attempt later.
820: Lick the floors and slither around the floor like you're a snake.
819: dress up as either Walter White or Jesse under the hazmat suit.
Extra points if you do this!

821: Or, dress up as Skylar White and sing Happy Birthday in the middle of the store, as loudly and as sultry as possible, until everyone simply can't stand you anymore.
822: Cover yourself in peanut butter and chase people around the store.
825: start a cult for the onions isle with your friends and worship the onions then spread false information that onions cure disease and make you live longer and try to get people to join the onion cult while saying “ONIONS HAVE LAYERS!!”

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