• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern ʜᴏᴋᴋɪᴅᴏ ʜɪɢʜ sᴄʜᴏᴏʟ ᴏᴏᴄ



ᴍᴀsᴛᴇʀ ᴏғ ᴀʟʟ ᴛʀᴇᴇs
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check
Any questions? Comments? Conversations?

What is ranking and what does it do for my character?
Everyone has their own rankings. (copied and pasted from one of the members who asked about rankings)
Totally on your preference on how you want your character to be 'acted' like. I kinda added a 'rank' just to place how your character would be portrayed as. To give an example, if my character was ranked 0, I better suggest my character to be studying every other time and be a genius. Orrr if my character was ranked around 30, maybe he's more passionate about sports or other things besides education. Would your ranking affect their grades or is your character dedicated to school and doing super well in class? Doesn't always have to be ranked 0 unless you're a genius, but you can be ranked from 0 to whatever the maximum I placed it.

What's the signature at the bottom of the application?
The signature at the bottom of the application (Sign up sheet) is just something fun/boring I threw there. When I start accepting people and throwing in slots of their character in the classroom, I'll post their signature as an approval. You can actually do this if you'd like (to make it easier on me) or I don't mind doing it for you either.

How will time pass within the roleplay?
Time will be passed by the number of posts you are writing. Let's say that we started the roleplay already. Person A has posted a 2 paragraph post and is currently interacting with someone. Time will past about 5 minutes for that one. The more that people post, the more that I will count the amount of 'time' that will pass by. There will be a time guide in the official roleplay thread (soon) that will tell you the time of the day (within minutes) from morning to night.

Can I create my own 'role' in the classroom?
Yes! I have roles that you can take on that people may be interested in, but if you want to make your own role, go for it!

Do I HAVE to stay in the dorms?
Nope! Dorms are optional for students. If your character is currently living on their own or living with their parents, you don't have to live in the dorms if needed. The dorms would be just used in case you want your character to be more interactive with others.
Last edited:
The Fluffiest Floof The Fluffiest Floof I just literally got home and haven't looked at any applicants yet, but I'll start looking into it once I shower and I'm set to go ヾ(。・ω・。).

SIDE NOTE: Holy shrimp. There's no link here. Arggg. I'll start fixing this page as soon as I finish showering.

Are we allowed multiple characters or only one? If we are, I'll create a male character considering most characters are female.

Are we allowed multiple characters or only one? If we are, I'll create a male character considering most characters are female.
Yup! You can have multiple characters as long as you can handle it. Maximum would be three characters
The Fluffiest Floof The Fluffiest Floof Your application is good! I'll let you know if there needs to be any tweaking if I suddenly add anything new (which most likely I won't be doing).

I've been working on the locations and all the other fun stuff on my own time and in my private workshop and should be up by tomorrow. This doesn't mean I'll be done and it doesn't mean you have to hurry and finish your skeleton. More work needs to be done and take your time with your applications! As mentioned, you can start posting your CS in the "application" tabs on the main page.



FC: Kim Yoo Jung

"If the brain is the control center of our body, the one who plans and executes everything we do, that means we are naming our brain, our true form."
Skylar Kim Hani

"I prefer the term 'Intellectually-inclined'. Calling myself a genius makes me sound like an asshole. Though, I wouldn't mind."
The Genius

"If only we could carbon date ourselves. Maybe then people would realise that they're only an adult by name with a drinking permit."

"Biologically, I am a female. In reality, I am a human reptile that requires hibernation."

Desired major:
"Animals have supposedly no sense of morality and awareness. But why are they more humane than humans themselves?"
Veterinary Science

Current grade Rank:
"What a blessing to be fitted into a ranking system that tests one's skills in an experiment that has more constants than manipulated variables."

Season of your birthday:
"Someone once suggested I was dropped on the head as a baby. Maybe they were right, like snow."

List any achievements at present school (Academic, Cultural, Sport):
"The crowd goes wild as she....lifts up her handmade biomolecular device..."
Obtained second in the 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle) Innovation Competition, Represented Hokkido High School in an all-states math competition & Chosen as a top debater in the school's district debate championship.

"How I introduce myself: Unequivocal asshole whose soul is that of an 80 year-old man."
Many assumes Sky enjoys soulful music whenever she describes herself as an 80-year old man but what she really meant was that she can be cynical to a point that it is impossible to have a shred of optimism in the same room as her. At often times, sarcasm is her mother tongue but her tactfulness allows her to restrict herself to a point, especially if she is in the company of someone who requires her to do so. Some might say that this rather negative outlook of hers is a way of coping with whatever unfortunate event they might assume she went through but in reality, her more deprecative demeanour attributes to always striving for better even if she is at her best. Though described as mature for someone her age and puberty growth, she does portray her childish side through being a very picky eater and her pettiness. In saying so, her pridefulness is almost non-existent as she sees it as a form of hindrance especially since she dislikes losing.

Towards her friends, she bares herself as none other but herself. At times, she shows her vulnerability by expressing her true feelings to her friends while at other times, she makes sure her rather melancholy persona of hers is pushed behind to account for empathy, even if it is only a little bit at a time. Loyal, she extremely hates two-headed snakes. However, she does have a knack for rule-breaking at times especially if she is coerced into it by her friends, thought not often.

Background Information:
"Very tragic story. Tragically common that is. Nothing much to really think about."
Her story isn't as tragic as many might assume it to be. Sky was adopted when she was a mere baby, a lucky feat at that, and was raised in a loving family that consisted of herself and her father. Her father was never married as he never really stood for the idea of matrimony. As such, she never had a mother to turn to. She didn't really care if she were to be honest. She had a father and they were a family. Then at the age of six, her father adopted yet another child, her brother. Sky equally loved him as a sibling but there were times she felt as though favoritism was evident. However, she knew every family with several siblings were bound to experience so. Though that didn't stop her from wanting to be the best. If she couldn't receive as much favour as she once was as a single child, she would just have to be the best in everything she could be.

Any Medical listing that needs to be known to the faculty(Allergies, medical conditions, etc)?
"Nothing dire as unfortunate as it may seem."
Light asthma

Do you need to stay in the dorm room?
"What's better than having a sleepover everyday?"

"If there's something you'd like to know about me, just ask, pansy."
-Skylar hates sports. Anything that requires her pulse to increase more than the usual, she dislike. It could be accompanied by the fact that she has light asthma and doesn't want to find out what she can and can't do.
-Skylar is very, very competitive. If she can't beat someone, she will do whatever it takes to beat them.
-Skylar is very good at describing things. She once described eating an avacado like eating 'the yolk of a hard-boiled egg mashed with pureed grass'.

Student Signature:​

Skylar Kim


FC: Takumi Kitamura

"No, it's not short for Haruka. It's just Haru."
Haru Ishida

"I'm that little piece of weed that managed to grow on the rooftop. But I see everything and I mean everything."
The Wallflower who sees everything

"A senior but most people assume I'm a freshman or sophomore."

"Last time I checked, I am a full-fledged man."

Desired major:
"I don't seem like it but some day, just some day, I'll be a detective who'll find out what happened to my mother."

Current grade Rank:
"It could be worse but it could be better. The ranks never really bothered me."

Season of your birthday: (S/S/F/W)
List any achievements at present school (Academic, Cultural, Sport):
Background Information:
Any Medical listing that needs to be known to the faculty(Allergies, medical conditions, etc)?
Do you need to stay in the dorm room? (ANSWER YES OR NO)
Other: (Anything else I missed)

Student Signature:[/I]​

Haru Ishida

Seeing how competetive she is, i think the two would be more rivals. The way i intended my character to play out, there is no way Skylar would beat her at her favorite thing, chemisty, biology. While in most other fields, Skylar may very well be ahead of Yuki. Especially the debate is something Yuki can not do and will probably never be able to do, since she just doesn´t really have the ability to stand her ground in a discussion. Yuki also struggles with languages, so if that´s a thing Skylar can do well, that´s her point.

Do you think there would be more to their relationship than just rivalry (From Skylars side that is, Yuki is as competetive as a jelly bean.)

Not sure if this was mentioned in another part and I happened to missed it, but I looked at the character page and all of the recommended pairings were mxf. Is this primarily a straight roleplay or will you accept mxm and fxf relationships as well?

Thanks in advance!

Not sure if this was mentioned in another part and I happened to missed it, but I looked at the character page and all of the recommended pairings were mxf. Is this primarily a straight roleplay or will you accept mxm and fxf relationships as well?

Thanks in advance!

I totally accept fxf or mxm also! Those are just 'recommended' plotlines :>
Hi! Not entirely sure if I'm supposed to ask this here, but I thought I'd give it a shot anyway.
I've read the entire forum here, about the applications and rules and such, and I'm super pumped!
But just to be extra sure, I wanted to ask if I could join in before simply posting an application. c:
Hi! Not entirely sure if I'm supposed to ask this here, but I thought I'd give it a shot anyway.
I've read the entire forum here, about the applications and rules and such, and I'm super pumped!
But just to be extra sure, I wanted to ask if I could join in before simply posting an application. c:

Feel free to join! I'm still accepting students!
For those that aren't on discord! Let's discuss some character relationships! ^^

Chiharu's the type to socialise around and not stick to one particular group of friends. If she could, she'd hang out with everyone when she's free from volleyball.

Adrunkenbanana Adrunkenbanana Chiyo "best friend?????": I definitely feel they would click! They're both sporty, energetic and friendly. Chiharu could play soccer with her, since her brother plays it too, and she'd also drag Chiyo to volleyball to try and play.

WednesdayAddams WednesdayAddams Jae "mafia boss": Chiharu would be pretty intimidated by all her piercings. She'd still be on friendly terms with Jae, and will do anything to not get her angry haha

Minyari Minyari Sayuri "talented artist": Chiharu could have peeked over her shoulder when she was doodling during class/lunch break and be absolutely awestruck by her drawings. She'd constantly gush about it and encourage her to join art competitions or something to get her name out there.

LindsMagee LindsMagee Sora "good at everything she does": Chiharu admires her for being good at sports AND studying. Being a regular on volleyball team too so they would spend a lot of time together xD Sora would see how hyper Chiharu is in the team compared to her during classes. I feel there'd be a friendly rivalry between the two as well

PastaMan PastaMan Jun "the-anti-social-in-a-team-sports guy": Chiharu would have bragged about her older brother at some point and even asked if they could play together, since she enjoys all sports. If they did, she'd see how different he is when playing compared to class and encourage him to be more like that. Or she'd just constantly pester/tease him for actually being a softie xD

Let me know your thoughts and if you want to elaborate more!
I saw Hokkido High School and I absolutely fell in love with it. It's so well-made!
Besides, are teacher roles available? Or only students?
I saw Hokkido High School and I absolutely fell in love with it. It's so well-made!
Besides, are teacher roles available? Or only students?

Hello! Currently, only student roles are available due to the storyline revolving around the students. If you'd like, you can join! ^^
If you missed the time/hour and your character didn't get a chance to do/say anything in here, come over here! Let us know what your character was up to during that time. Here's the format how you can respond to when it occurred.

DAY&SEASON: (Day 1, 2,3 etc of what season?)
TIME: (E.g. 9am, 10am, etc)
Occurrence: ( You may summarize what your character was doing during this time. Maybe they were studying or sleeping outside of school or something)
Response: [Post your response here!]
TIME: (10am - English class)
Occurrence: The teacher will be introducing the new transfers to the students (After I post. The time skip will come then). Any reaction or comments can be made here by your character.
The teacher will be introducing: Yuichi, Darragh, Jessica, Li Jun, Yuuto, Jun, Hoshi,
Respond: [Post your interaction here]
Example given as an in character chat:
" Jin doesn't care about the existence of Yuichi and the others. Darragh looked like someone that looked a bit too intimidating to him, but found Li Jun interesting since he's an idol. (Etc. This is just an example post.)
PastaMan PastaMan

Just letting you know! We do have a discord that is updated. If you don't like the discord though, I can post their replies in here for other character's in-character-chat if you'd like!

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