long term

  1. cannibalisticangel

    Realistic or Modern Looking for a long term Roleplay

    Hiya, everyone! I'm looking for a long term, roleplay partner. If you are drawn to roleplays with romance, dark themes, drama, angst then I'm your girl! I have a plot in mind! My character can either be ftm or female, so I prefer roleplaying with masculine characters. Requirements: 1. Must be...
  2. Nichomedes

    Fantasy Gods Below (an OC setting)

    Hello. My name is Lucifer du Matin. Let me take you on a journey. We find ourselves heading to the great City of Algiers, seat of the all powerful Triumvirate. Gods that live amongst us small, mortal men. You may have heard of them: Piraeus, the Sun. Io, the Moon. And Selemb, god of Earth...
  3. orion4ever

    Realistic or Modern Roleplay Partner Search!

    Hello! Bonjour! Hola! My name is Orion! I am currently looking for a long-term rp partner who I can bounce ideas off and mutually try out different types of RP! The Main things I enjoy roleplaying are High School RP (Private Schools more specifically) Mystery Drama Psychological Horror...
  4. togasbloodbag

    Fandom ✨️ MHA RP - No Doubling! ✨️

    Hey everyone!! You can call me Kaz- I'm looking to do a mha rp! I usually write para to multi para, but I usually don't have enough inspo for multi 😅 (so I'm semi-lit). My timezone is EST, so please take it onto consideration if yours is different! I will gladly rp with different timezones...
  5. veralyn.

    Multiple Settings 𝐬𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐧 𝐚 𝐬𝐞𝐚 𝐨𝐟 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐬✮⋆˙— (𝙞𝙣𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙚𝙨𝙩 𝙘𝙝𝙚𝙘𝙠/𝙤𝙥𝙚𝙣)

    -ˏˋ code by low fidelity ˊˎ- -- title info here. you can change the size, color, font, etc. the color i used for everything is #916ebf, if you press ctrl+f you can easily search for it in the code and change it. 겨울 폭풍 -- border & background here. -- three images below. -- tab 1...
  6. Sleepless_Dreamer

    Fantasy Original Fantasy Plots (ooooh, ahhhh!)

    Apologies in advance for the lack of coding and pretty frills. I promise I'm not as boring as my search thread. I'm Em, millennial filth seeking some dopamine through collaborative storytelling. I'm here to give you fun, gritty, beautifully flawed characters thrust into dumpster fires, armed...
  7. Pretty_bruised

    Fandom DC Universe

    Hey guys so lately I’ve been really wanting to do some DC roleplay I don’t really have a plot atm but please feel free to send some my way:) I usually mostly play as a female but I’m okay with doing male as well. I’m semi lit so please no one liners or short sentences I wanna be able to respond...
  8. DarlingPhoenix

    Fantasy 🌟 Seeking Long-Term RP Partner! 🌟

    Hello there! My name is Phoenix, and I'm on the lookout for a dedicated RP partner! About Me: 🔥 Name: Phoenix 🔥Gender:Female 🔥 Age: 22 🔥 Style: Versatile - From paragraph to script, I can adapt! 🔥 Preference: First-person present tense, but open to all styles! 🔥 Warning: My RP can get intense...
  9. Widgetdex

    Fandom TWD Roleplay Request! 1v1 Double Up, OcxCc or CcxCc

    Hello everyone! I’m back in my walking dead phase- so imma use my usual introduction and rules template and then get into what I’m looking for! Not doing anything too formal as an intro, my effort will go into the rest of the post! ——————————————————— Introduction For Me Finnspace Carrd...
  10. ethereal moon

    Multiple Settings got plots? shoot me a message

    Hey, I'm Aj!! I use she/they pronouns, and have been roleplaying for quite some time now. I'm looking for some more partners, so if you think you're a good fit then shoot me a message! A little about me I'm 17, so do keep that in mind Love some ooc talk, and would like to become friends if...
  11. Arcanist

    Fandom AU ATLA Roleplay

    Hello all! I’m actively looking for a partner to write with again long-term for ATLA; this will be AU based with OCs, as I feel as if I can’t really do the canon characters justice. If they were to be included in the background, perhaps, but I won’t be doing Canon x OCs. About me I’m 25...
  12. FancySodaCan

    Multiple Settings Various 1x1 ideas!

    Hello! I am looking for a long term partner for a fun RP. If any of my ideas interest you feel free to PM me :) Must be above the age of 18, I myself am 20. I can be a bit long winded at times, I would consider myself to be literate/semi-literate. I try to match my partners length or style...
  13. Blissy

    Fandom Looking for a Sans-Centered Roleplay Partner!

    Hi! You can call me Blissy! I'm new to this website, but I came here because I'm hoping to find a long-term (or short-term is fine too XD) roleplaying partner who also enjoys sans/sans, undertale, and au-centric roleplays. Just to get it out of the way first, I require potential roleplay...
  14. Spudmuffin

    Realistic or Modern Let's have some fun. Long-term. MXF.

    Hello! Exhausted night-shifter here. I'm going to preface this by saying I'm writing this as a rough idea to get it down before I go to bed and I'm hoping it will make sense. Specific details will need to be hashed out between us. It's open to twists and turns along the way. I also feel like...
  15. PixelPix3

    Fandom Oc x Canon Multifandom RP (Doubling up only please!)

    Hello, I'm Pixel! My time zone is MDT and I am 19, almost 20 years old (he/they pronouns) so I'd prefer if my RP partners were over 18. I'm also autistic and have ADHD so all I ask is for kindness and patience, as I'm pretty awkward a lot of the time! 😅 I'm very polite so if I gently say no to...
  16. B3G

    Fandom Avatar: TWOW Roleplay

    Hi! My name is Ani. I recently have been interested in doing an Avatar (by James Cameron) roleplay, and are in great hopes that I can find a partner to do that fandom. A few important things about me: - I am advanced literate and can write up to (but not limited to 4+ paragraphs) - I am...
  17. Lord Moldoma

    Multiple Settings 1x1 Longterm Fandom/Original RP Partner Search!

    Hi, my name is Lord-Moldoma. Roleplaying is my hobby, and by hobby, I mean I don't get up to much outside of roleplaying, sleeping, drawing art, and playing video-games. I try to be available as often as possible. I'm looking for dedicated partners. I don't need 24/7 dedication to a roleplay...
  18. Bumblebeee

    Multiple Settings Looking for RP Partners

    Searching BASICS((Hidden Scroll)) 001 21+ only! I'm sure all you young writers are great, but I'm an adult and don't feel comfortable talking with minors online. 002 I love planning and worldbuilding so please collaborate with me! 003 Before we start an RP any limits on themes or content will be...
  19. Yukihyo

    Fantasy School for War

    First off here's what I'm looking for- 18+ I'm 27 Literacy Not wanting to plan out every little thing in advance No God mode Don't ask me for permission to do every little fun thing in the world, throw it at me, unless it may kill me Don't control my characters I won't hate you if you leave the...
  20. pussimussi

    Fantasy Kinda want some yuri

    I'm looking for an ocxoc, gxg roleplay! I kinda prefer fantasy settings but modern is fine too!