Search results for query: *

  1. Netherdragon

    News FCC Vote. Link to Watch here

    Welp. It's today. 30 minutes from now. I figured a bunch of people here would want the link so here you go. Live God I'm dreading this happening
  2. Netherdragon


    First off, let me say I will NOT be bringing back Null. he was my first character and I do admit the level of failure he was. So.... I'm starting fresh. The inspiration for this character is Esdeath from Akame ga Kill Name Elena Frost Alias: The Frost/Frost/Ice Age 25 Sex...
  3. Netherdragon

    The Story So Far!

    Day One:   Rosalina Chandra, a.k.a Mega-Girl, is a fairly new hero to  the G.S.U.N League, not even being a member for a full year, but quickly developing a close big brother/little sister relationship with the Captain of G.S.U.N, Nega. He took her under his wing and trained her for the...
  4. Netherdragon

    Aqua Elementa

    Alias: The Torrent Legal Name: Aqua Elementa Gender: Female   Age: 17 Occupation: Full-time VillianAppearance:   Powers/Signature Move: Water Water Cannon - able to take water and blast it at high pressure, causing serious damage arena flood - able to take water...
  5. Netherdragon

    Irene Elementa

    Alias: The Frost Legal Name: Irene Elementa   Gender: Female Age: 21 Occupation: Full-time VillianAppearance: ((HOW COULD I NOT CHOOSE THIS PICTURE xD Esdeth is awesome)) Powers/Signature Move: Ice Ice Spikes - can create spikes from the ground and spear enemies or...
  6. Netherdragon

    Diana Elementa

    Alias: The Pheonix Legal Name: Diana Elementa   Gender: Female   Age: 20 Occupation: Full-time VillianAppearance:  Powers/Signature Move: Fire flamethrower long distance, less concentrated but more spread damage but further spread (30 feet max) short distance (10 ft...
  7. Netherdragon

    A.S. Headquarters

    Appearance: ???? Not much is known about the location or the rooms of this building, as it should be. However, the members of the A.S. know exactly where it is. It has similar facilities to the GSUN building but it is not as big and obvious. It's possible that the majority of the base is...
  8. Netherdragon

    Therapist's Office (Lucas's workplace)

    Most people don't know much about this special  therapist office, just that it's good. It's said that the location of the Therapist Office is distributed via a business card. Even if other people find it's location, the Therapist will only allow people with his business card to enter. Nobody...
  9. Netherdragon

    Character Creation General Rules ((READ BEFORE POSTING A CS!!!))

    Please wait until a GM has accepted your character before posting! This includes Character Moderators Characters can at any time be put under reconsideration This means if one mod or GM accepted it another can deny it. if this happens the Mods/GMs will discuss whether or...
  10. Netherdragon

    Lucas Zachariah

    Supervillain Character Sheet  Alias: Lux Legal Name: Lucas Zachariah   Gender: Male   Age: ??? Occupation: Therapist Appearance: (picture and description of both villain and alter ego, if applicable, preferably included): Normal appearance/Therapist look...
  11. Netherdragon

    Hoshi Shifu

    Magical girls Basics Name: Hoshi Shifuto (Stars Shift in Japanese)  Age: 16 Grade/Occupation: 10th Regular appearance:  Internal Personality: She cares a lot about people but in a unique way that makes her distant. She's worried getting close to anyone would put those people...
  12. Netherdragon

    Lucian Waldheim: High School Ultimate Investigator/Detective

    Name: Lucian Waldheim Age: 16 Home Universe: Danganronpa AU Moral Alignment: Lawful Neutral Personality: A cold unfeeling detective who has no real friends or enemies as far as he's concerned. When it comes down to it, business is business. He is well trained in self defense, has...
  13. Netherdragon


    Out of character chat here
  14. Netherdragon

    Fandom Code Geass RP

    Anyone interested in a code grass RP? (Dibs on Lelouch +C2 :D )