Search results for query: *

  1. SarcasticDingleberry

    Other What are some of the BIGGEST LIES you were told as a kid?

    We have all been told some petty lies by our parents, but chances are that they had good reasons for doing so. Despite the good reasons, we were pretty pissed once we found out that they were lying. Here are some of the biggest lies I was told as a kid. 1) EATING TOO MUCH SUMMER SAUSAGE WILL...
  2. SarcasticDingleberry

    Other Most Embarrassing Moments That Turned Funny

    Just today I had an embarrassing moment but almost as soon as it happened it turned out to be hilarious. So, my boyfriend and I were on the bus and he decides to start tickling me. Things seemed to be okay until I spilled my drink all over the both of us, apparently the lid wasn't all the way...
  3. SarcasticDingleberry

    Other The Most Annoying Person in Your Class

    Okay, I have a good deal of people who annoy the living shit out of me on an everyday basis, but nothing takes the cake more than the people I'm getting ready to tell you about. My 7th hour class is English, we have a super kind teacher, we will call her Ms. Poppy. Anyways, Ms.Poppy is the type...
  4. SarcasticDingleberry

    Music Song Puns

    Post as many song puns as you can that make sense with what the person above you has said. Let the fun begin! :D
  5. SarcasticDingleberry

    Other Write the life story of the person above you

    Let the fun begin :D
  6. SarcasticDingleberry

    Experiences What is the Most Frustrating RP you have ever been apart of?

    One time I remember one of my internet buddies and I were roleplaying something to do with horror and I got super frustrated because I was typing up to 3 paragraph responses while hers were only four to five words long. I didn't tell her I was angry though because we were trying to have fun, the...
  7. SarcasticDingleberry

    What People or Characters Would You Pay to Insult Each Other

    I would pay to see iDubbbz and Onision insult each other