Other What are some of the BIGGEST LIES you were told as a kid?

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We have all been told some petty lies by our parents, but chances are that they had good reasons for doing so. Despite the good reasons, we were pretty pissed once we found out that they were lying.
Here are some of the biggest lies I was told as a kid.

1) EATING TOO MUCH SUMMER SAUSAGE WILL MAKE YOU SICK: When I was really little, we would buy summer sausage for a snack to have around the house or to take along with us on road trips. My mother would always tell me "Now don't eat too much of this or you will get EXTREMELY SICK!" I didn't want to get sick, so I never ate more than a few slices off the roll.
Later on when I was about 11 years old I began to realize that summer sausage doesn't make you sick because I ended up eating an entire roll one day because I just couldn't help myself. I told my mom about it later and she went off on a pissed rant saying that the reason she told us it would make us sick is because it is almost over $10.00 for a roll. I was scared and excited about this new found information. I was scared because I thought my mom was going to beat my ass, I was excited because this meant I could eat as much summer sausage as I want to!

2) SUGAR MAKES YOU HYPER: As kids we were always under the influence that soda and candy would make us hyper if we had too much of it. This is not at all true! I found out when that sugar in fact does not make you hyper, the people around you influence you to become hyper. It was some study done, but I was kind of surprised when I found out about this information. I actually learned this by watching a Matthew Santoro video a while back. I think it was about a year or two ago?

3) IF YOU SWALLOW GUM, IT WILL STAY STUCK IN YOUR SYSTEM: Gum actually digests at a normal rate, so if you occasionally swallow your gum, you will live. I personally wouldn't go swallowing shit tons of gum though because you WILL get constipated, haha. When I was little I remember accidentally swallowing gum and being so scared afterwords, but then I would feel immortal like 2 days later when I felt completely normal.

Well, this is my list, I can't wait to see what you guys have to say.
"Too much videogames will give you a headache!"

Wrong. I'm fact when I do have a headache, video games make it better.
Somehow, that happens to me.
But "too much" has slowly increased to the point where I could probably play for twenty four hours without a serious headache.
"High school is so much fun!"

"You'll have so many friends!"

"It's impossible for a 16-year old to live alone!"

Wrong on all counts.
I'll always Love you
I am a egalitarian
I think everyone is equal

"Your gay?!"
But seriously,

Number one had to be "Violence is never the answer"
"life is wonderful!"

"i love you."

"you have a bright future."

"don't cry, things always get better."

"i'll always be here for you."
  1. Leaving my clothes on the floor for too long would turn them into a monster that watches me sleep.
  2. Letting the floor collect dirt would cause my feet to rot.
  3. Pokemon is evil.
  4. Biting the other kids would turn me into a zombie.
  5. Other people are nice.
  6. It's just juice.
  7. Crossing my eyes would cause them to become stuck like that.
  8. The electrical outlets will bite me.
  9. Cracking my knuckles will give me arthritis.
  10. It wont happen again.
  11. I'm illegitimate.
  12. Swallowing watermelon seeds would cause them to grow in my stomach.
  13. If I didn't behave goblins would eat me.
  14. Eating the bacon raw would turn me into a pig.
  15. They were just wrestling.
  16. Drinking coffee will stunt my growth.
3) IF YOU SWALLOW GUM, IT WILL STAY STUCK IN YOUR SYSTEM: Gum actually digests at a normal rate, so if you occasionally swallow your gum, you will live. I personally wouldn't go swallowing shit tons of gum though because you WILL get constipated, haha. When I was little I remember accidentally swallowing gum and being so scared afterwords, but then I would feel immortal like 2 days later when I felt completely normal.

Well, this is my list, I can't wait to see what you guys have to say.

As someone who puked a fist sized gum when I was a kid (probably a total amount I swallowed in 3 or 4 days at that time which also scared shit out of me to not swallow any gum for almost 10 years after that), I am not sure about the normal digest speed part. It is getting digested just not as fast as you think.
As someone who puked a fist sized gum when I was a kid (probably a total amount I swallowed in 3 or 4 days at that time which also scared shit out of me to not swallow any gum for almost 10 years after that), I am not sure about the normal digest speed part. It is getting digested just not as fast as you think.
True, my wording on that was a bit wrong, but thanks for the correction :)
My pre-school told me that I should express myself and have things to say - because everyone will care about them.

My family said that i should be truthful and say my emotions

Before me they raised 3 girls.

Now they ask why I'm diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder as a adult.

I use to tell my younger siblings that bees lived in the fake plant we had in the bathroom and if they got too close they could get stung

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