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  1. Soviet Panda

    Fantasy Nations of Anan (1x1)

    Adric 'Longfang' Hrothgarsson Location: Zarim Adric was not a fan of hot weather. It was certainly better than the muggy humidity of Teotl, but he was built for the northern winters and it's mild summers. But he had been sent by his father the High King to these hellish lands to play nice with...
  2. Soviet Panda

    Fantasy The Nations of Anan

    The country of Zarim was beautiful, in it's way. The desert cities of the nation, which by all accounts should have been lifeless when compared to the mainland, were bustling with life as hawkers sold and traded their goods and people hurried about their day. But the city itself was of no...
  3. Soviet Panda

    Fantasy The Summoning Unit of Tillway

    Connor stood looking at the warehouse, the rest of his Unit no doubt preparing to breach it at that moment. The little cult was no doubt aware that they were there, he certainly hadn't tried to hide his approach. But the mortal component did not matter, it was the demon. The former cult leader...
  4. Soviet Panda

    Fantasy Nations of Anan (OOC)

    Welcome one and all to the OOC. I'll get a link to a discord server up for those that want one shortly.
  5. Soviet Panda

    Fantasy Nations of Anan (CS)

    Appearance: Name: Age: (18 minimum, 21+ preferred) Role: (Only roles not reserved is youngest Lemoin (Male) and eldest Lemoin (Male) Personality: (1 paragraph) Background: (2 paragraphs, can come back and edit later to add in other things such as relationship with family/competitors to the...
  6. Soviet Panda

    Fantasy The Nations of Anan (Male Sorcerer and misc. roles open!)

    OVERTURE War - the sinew of a perpetual fate that plagues the inhabitants of this world. For those that stayed, it has always been the way. As for those who left, their silent graves spoke of their sentiments. To the North, in the realm of forests and snow, Varangia seeks passage south...
  7. Soviet Panda

    Fantasy The Summoning Unit of TIllway (CS)

    Mortal Operative. Appearance: Name: Age: Personality: Background: Standard Nonmagical (Dud) Equipment: Demonic Partner. Appearance: Name: Personality: (If applicable) Powers: (Be reasonable. I'll work with you to get something I think is balanced and still holds to your vision.) Feel free to...
  8. Soviet Panda

    Fantasy The Summoning Unit of Tillway (OOC)

    This here be the on site OOC of 'The Summoning Unit of Tillway'. Feel free to discuss potential character creation, interactions, and so on.
  9. Soviet Panda

    Fantasy The Summoning Unit of Tillway (Cops and Demons)

    Jonathan stood watching his partner bang on the door for, if he was counting right, the fifth time with no answer. "TPD, open up! We have a warrant!" They shouted as if that would make a difference. Jonathan knew it wouldn't, that's why he was there. And when the other officer finally shook...
  10. Soviet Panda

    Multiple Settings Multiple RP Ideas

    I have been looking at the interest checks for a while and not much has piqued my interest. So I've had a Thanos moment and am going to do it myself. Below are the bare bones ideas of four rps that have been sitting in stewing, in no particular order. I ask anyone reading this to read the one...
  11. Soviet Panda

    Fantasy Ain't No Rest for the Wicked Pt. 2

    Connor rode Stepper up the craggy sides of the Spine. Soon he and Sisceal would finally be reunited with the others. Through the many trials and tribulations, they had survived. Bruised and bloodied, but he did still have that fancy case of Virtue made bullets with him, even had some rounds...
  12. Soviet Panda

    Fantasy Ain't No Rest for the Wicked Pt. 2 (OOC)

    Behold! The OOC!
  13. Soviet Panda

    Fantasy Ain't No Rest for the Wicked Pt. 2 (CS)

    Appearance: Role: (Either one of the available Horsemen or Outlaw) Name: Age: (21+) Personality: Backstory: (A solid paragraph or more.) Magic: (What kind of spells do they do? Do they shoot fireballs from their gun? Generate toxins to coat their blades? Go nuts here) Equipment...
  14. Soviet Panda

    Fantasy Ain't No Rest for the Wicked (Pt. 2)

    After a botched robbery, the Four Horseman have had to split and lay low. Little did any of them expect, Connor and Sisceal, otherwise known as War and Famine respectively, managed to really kick the hornet's nest. Not only had they gone and killed a swamp witch and a good portion of her brood...
  15. Soviet Panda

    Fandom Warhammer 40k: The Hungering Swarm

    Eydirhad was under siege. Hive Fleet Fafnir, long suffering from opportunistic raids from the Imperial Navy and a lack of worlds rich in biomatter, had stumbled across the poor world. Battlefleet, caught off guard and unprepared for the ravening swarm that was a Hive Fleet, was all but...
  16. Soviet Panda

    Fandom Warhammer 40k: The Hungering Swarm (OOC)

    I will keep everyone up to speed on what's happening and will occasionally tag people that I need a post from.
  17. Soviet Panda

    Fandom Warhammer 40k: The Hungering Swarm (CS)

    Character Sheet: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Appearance: Name: Age: Rank: (I can help with this if necessary) Personality: Background: Equipment: Homebrew Chapter/Order/Regiment/Forge World: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Iconography: Name: Founding Era: History: Uniform:
  18. Soviet Panda

    Fandom Warhammer 40k: The Hungering Swarm.

    Eydirhad, a backwater world that prides itself in it's rich veins of ores and abundant supplies of aquatic foods and goods. The populace slaved away to meet the quotas of mechanicus task masters or braved the raging ocean to make a prize catch. None of them expected to one day face one of...
  19. Soviet Panda

    Fandom 40k Deathwatch: WAAAGH!!! Flashmaw

    The Inquisitorial vessel, 'Heart of Hate', screamed through the Warp, perhaps literally given the nature of the realm it passed through. Many aboard were those loyal to Inquisitor Augustus, following his orders without question. Those few that weren't, were the indominable Space Marines of the...
  20. Soviet Panda

    Fandom 40k Deathwatch: WAAAGH!!! Flashmaw (CS)

    Name: Chapter of Origin: (Little blurb about it if it's a successor chapter. I do like reading them) Service Record: (Background and personality At least a paragraph each) Equipment: (Exactly what you think. Type of armor [such as gravis] and weapons they use.)