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  1. SenpaiMagnum

    Fantasy Spirit Animals 2.0

    As soon as Marty had changed out of his wolverine form, Seks eyes widened at his firm and body. Her heart beat like a bird trapped in her chest and she felt heat rising to her face. "Um..." She muttered, at a loss for words. Kai saw her and started laughing, Sira slipping off and falling beside...
  2. SenpaiMagnum

    Fantasy Spirit Animals 2.0

    "Yes...I-..Sira was captured be the rouges and I saved her. She was apart of my pride before hand and I had raised her after her mother died. That is why she is here right now. Kai is also her father so there's that little bond" she chuckled, pinching Kai's ear teasingly. He growled and slapped...
  3. SenpaiMagnum

    Fantasy Spirit Animals 2.0

    Sira churred at the claw scratching her but yipped and scooted away from the meat, hiding behind Marty's leg. She slowly crept out and pawed at it, sniffed it then ate it. Kai chuckled and laid down. "Sira" Sek chuffed softly, raising her head a bit. Sira ran over to Sek and jumped onto her...
  4. SenpaiMagnum

    Fantasy Spirit Animals 2.0

    Possibly..most helicopters are dangerous anyway
  5. SenpaiMagnum

    Fantasy Spirit Animals 2.0

    Sek glared at him but slowly put her knives away. "..I'm not a beast..." She muttered and started walking away, letting out a small yowl. Sira ran out of some barrels still a bit woozy from the sleepers. Sek grabbed her and started purring, holding the cub to her chest. Sira licked her ear and...
  6. SenpaiMagnum

    Fantasy Spirit Animals 2.0

    ...that he stumbled backwards and his nose bled. " kufunga mdomo wako wewe mungu iliyoachwa na mnyama! si milele kusema kwamba kuhusu mwili wangu!*" She hissed, her daggers in her hands. The look on her face was so upset that you could almost feel her anger. Kai sighed and growled, turning his...
  7. SenpaiMagnum

    Fantasy Spirit Animals 2.0

    That nickname only made Sek scowl. "No..." She growled, sitting by Kai and braiding his mane absentmindedly. She looked at the wolverine and studied its features while her hands continued to braid Kai's mane. He sighed as Sek started. It was a nervous habit of hers or whenever she felt pissed...
  8. SenpaiMagnum

    Fantasy Spirit Animals 2.0

    "..oh..I'm sorry! You've already introduced mistake.." Kai said sheepishly, sitting down and curling his tail around his paws. He didn't mean to offend the wolverine, trying to be polite and handle Sek are a bit hard to do. Sek glared at Marty, not enjoying the nickname 'kitty'...
  9. SenpaiMagnum

    Fantasy Spirit Animals 2.0

    "I'm drawing , you nitwit" she growled, not even looking over at him and finishing the carving. Kai chuckled and looked at Fang. "I'm Kai of the Savanah disbanded" he sighed. "Who are you?" He asked. @DaManofWar
  10. SenpaiMagnum

    Fantasy Spirit Animals 2.0

    She glared at Marty and Kai looked at Fang amusedly, smirking a bit. She muttered something foul in Swahili. Kai chuckled and Sek sat down, continuing to draw the lion into Titus's face. @DaManofWar
  11. SenpaiMagnum

    Fantasy Spirit Animals 2.0

    Sek hissed and Kai growled warningly. "I'm Sek..who the hell are you?" She growled, spitting in his face and wrenching her hand away, growling angrily. She backed up and Kai backed her up, baring his teeth. @DaManofWar
  12. SenpaiMagnum

    Fantasy The summoned king

    Geez! I had to sleep and go to school!!)
  13. SenpaiMagnum

    Fantasy Spirit Animals 2.0

    Sek quickly got up from being thrown and watched from a distance. Kai joined her, nodding. Sek sighed, glad that Sira was still hidden and safe. She approached the beast and got near the head, staring into its undamaged eye. Her hand was bloody and had the knife still on it. She licked her hand...
  14. SenpaiMagnum


  15. SenpaiMagnum

    Fantasy The summoned king

    Ryuka sighed and got up, stepping up to the arena. "Ryuka, try not to decapitate anyone.." Orochi sighed, knowing she loved a good beheading. "Then you try not to bite anyone with the deadly head~" she smirked
  16. SenpaiMagnum


  17. SenpaiMagnum

    Fantasy Spirit Animals 2.0

  18. SenpaiMagnum

    Goddammit!! I just started watching it so shut up!!

    Goddammit!! I just started watching it so shut up!!
  19. SenpaiMagnum

    Fantasy The summoned king

    "I know. She has an awful headache but I find it funny when she's upset" he chuckled, a few heads wincing in pain. Ryuka signed and leaned back in her chair, covering her eyes with an arm.
  20. SenpaiMagnum

    Fantasy The summoned king

    Ryuka looked at him, anger and hate in her eyes. "Fuck. Off." She hissed, her words full of venom. Orochi chuckled. "You really can't hold alcohol can you?" He smirked