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Fantasy Spirit Animals 2.0

Marty tensed when the young cub came up to him. He wasn't good with-no, he had no experience with kids. So, rather than move, he stood still, and brought one claw down to stroke it. He kept the other on Titus. "What have we here?" He asked. He laughed lightly. Titus wouldn't be doing much. Fang tossed the cub a piece of Titus leg. "Eat up kid," he told the little thing.
Sira churred at the claw scratching her but yipped and scooted away from the meat, hiding behind Marty's leg. She slowly crept out and pawed at it, sniffed it then ate it. Kai chuckled and laid down. "Sira" Sek chuffed softly, raising her head a bit. Sira ran over to Sek and jumped onto her chest. She began crawling up onto her shoulder, growling a bit. Sek chuckled and looked at Marty. "I suppose you aren't as...terrible as I thought. Sira always sees the good in people..."she muttered, not making eye contact. Kai chuckled heartily. "Real cute Sekkeht" he smirked

Marty laughed. "Thanks," Marty answered Sek. "You seem rather good with children." Marty was taking a like to Sek. Fang of course was just amused. "Her name is Sira," he asked, "Mind telling me what she's doing here?"
"Yes...I-..Sira was captured be the rouges and I saved her. She was apart of my pride before hand and I had raised her after her mother died. That is why she is here right now. Kai is also her father so there's that little bond" she chuckled, pinching Kai's ear teasingly. He growled and slapped her hand away with a huge paw, trying to fall asleep. Sek chuckled as Sira then climbed onto his head and sat there, looking like she had just conquered a mighty giant.

Marty laughed at Sira's antics. Fang just nodded. He was bringing to like Kai. However, Marty still had his hand on Titus's throat. Fang walked over to him, still holding Titus's leg. He tapped Marty on the shoulder. "I'll take over for you here," he told Marty. Marty turned around, and let go of Titus's throat. Fang immediately swung the leg down for one good whack at Titus. Marty got up, and walked over to Sek. He slowly changed out of his beastly form, reverting back to human skin. Fang just winked at him. Marty smiled at Kai and Sek. "I wouldn't fall asleep here," he told them, before looking back over at Titus, "might get dangerous." Marty licked his hands free of blood, mimicking what Sek had done. He defiantly liked her.

@SenpaiMagnum @Calibutcher
As soon as Marty had changed out of his wolverine form, Seks eyes widened at his firm and body. Her heart beat like a bird trapped in her chest and she felt heat rising to her face. "Um..." She muttered, at a loss for words. Kai saw her and started laughing, Sira slipping off and falling beside him. She mewed and rolled onto her back, pawing at his face. Sek averted her eyes, not knowing how to handle this situation. "Fine, I won't sleep, not with this little bug.." He chuckled, playing with Sura by using his paw to push her over. Meanwhile, Sek just hugged her knees and stared at the ground, trying to control her breathing. She didn't dare look up.

Alec nearly dropped the gun he held. His eyes went wide for a moment and the dark rage he felt shattered at the mention of his father. For all his attempts to forget the image of the man sprung up clearly in his mind. Cold, critical, brilliant and ruthless.

Duik held his breath and looked quickly at Xiao. She had heard that. Suddenly he knew they would have to explain part of the truth.

It wasn't until he saw Titus and his friends that Alec's attention snapped back to reality. He suppressed a shiver. The helicopter was poised to fire, and it looked like Sambivi wouldn't lose sleep over killing Titus along with the others.

"I'm nothing like my father." Alec growled darkly. "Because if I were, you'd already be dead." Alec dove for the controls, jamming his hand against the stick and forcing the craft to careen earthward.

"Hold onto something guys!" He called.

"With what hands Alec!!!" Duik shot at him, but there was no time for more of a response. Alec grabbed Sambivi roughly by the collar, sighting some crates that had been unpacked, their huge spaces filled with packing straw. He maneuvered swiftly, putting his weight behind a foot and moving to shove the merc out of the open copter door towards the crates. It was a two story fall by that point. Alec hoped he could aim people as well as he could guns.

That still left the copter swinging like a drunken bumblebee. Alec pulled up and the machine's tail pitched sideways, catching on the side of a tent and dragging the whole mess to the ground.

The shriek of metal echoed as the blades were ruined against the ground. The impact tossed Alec against the side of the windshield. Fortunately he manages to limit the impact to his already throbbing head.

The helicopter lay on its side now and Duik was draped over the pilot chair.

Alec rolled onto his back and tried to sit up.

"Xiao....are you...okay?"

"I'm fine, thanks for asking." Duik said irritably. "The next time you want to fly a helicopter Alec, howabout some lessons, you know, before you try tossing the pilot out a window."

Alec looked to see Titus fallen, and the others standing over him. They were safe, for now.

@crucialstar @Calibutcher @zCrookedz @DaManofWar @SenpaiMagnum @Moonflight @DawnAntalios
Zoe smiled triumphantly as the three of them stood before Sambivi, cornering the traitor. He had no place left to run, and she felt that justice will be carried out soon enough. Long moments of silence passed before Sambivi started to chuckle and grinned at her menacingly.

" Do you truly believe that you can defeat me? Do you really believe that you have mastery over your powers? "

Zoe raised her brows, confused. What could this war beaten mercenary know about her. Pulling the string of her bow she hissed.

" Watch your tongue, dog. I am starting to lose my patience. "

" Do you now? " he smiled " And what exactly do you intend to do? Kill me? That is a feat impossible for a lonely girl. "

" I am not alone! " she laughed " My allies are everywhere! "

" Are they? " Sambivi shrugged as Zoe looked around. To her horror she could see neither Alec, nor Xiao - in fact, she could not see Eos anywhere either. It was now her standing in front of the menacing mercenary - who seemed much bigger now. The light in the camp seemed to die down and Zoe watched shadow encroaching upon her. Sambivi's figure took a step towards her.

" You think yourself to be a hero? " he whispered " You toy with powers beyond your understanding. You act like an independent, strong girl while in reality you are still that secluded, fragile little whelp you were years ago. "

Zoe started to back off and raised her bow to shoot - only to discover that there was no bow in her hands. No, her hands were empty, but something was dripping from them - a dark red liquid dropped to the ground as she raised her fists. A dark red, sweet liquid which horrified her.

It was blood.

Terrified, she took a few more steps back until she had bumped into something. Turning around she screamed in terror: she saw her allies, all her friends mutilated, vanquished, thrown in a heap of corpses. Tears started to fill her eyes as she turned around only to see a different figure from Sambivi - her own sister Lily.

" No... this can not be! " she said, backing towards the grim pile " You can not be here! "

" It was all your fault, sister. " Lily said with a gruesome smile " You have let them die while you were out playing a hero. They DIED for you.... BECAUSE of you. "

" No! Silence! " Zoe cried out, putting her hands on her ears.

Suddenly the figure shifted, now Eos standing in its place.

" Thy pride hath let us down on this path, child. Thou hath failed us all. "

Zoe whimpered in pain as she felt darkness overwhelming her. The image shifted once again - and now before her stood an ominous, dark figure she recognized. The man clad in ebony black robe, his face covered with a hellish mask. He now knelt down before her, looking in her eyes.

" All you deserve is death. " he whispered, stretching his arm towards her " Come, and I shall end it quickly. "

Zoe could bear this no longer. She looked up, her eyes still wet from tears and gazed on the dark figure. Was she truly too proud? Was she truly this stubborn? Was her audacity the one thing which lead her friends to ruin? She started to move her hand slowly towards the shady figure - and he chuckled.

" Good girl. " he said " It will all be over... "

She then heard a deafening scream and a blast of light started to illuminate the dark place. The figure had to shelter his eyes from this sudden event and even Zoe could only see two figures entering the scene. She saw a familiar, white stag and a slender female figure arriving, promptly banishing the shadows and the accursed masked figure. She then quickly turned towards Zoe, embracing her with a big hug. She immediately recognized her sister and after receiving a warm kiss on her forehead she felt that the world was spinning around her and finally she fell on the floor, unconsciously.

" Lily! " Zoe exclaimed as she sat up abruptly. Immediately pain coursed through her as her wounds were pulsating with pain. Few doctors put her down to laying position but soon enough Eos walked in, fear in his eyes.

" Zoe, art thou all right? " he asked, fearfully. Zoe looked at him with relief.

" Oh Eos, it is so good to see you. " she smiled to the stag's shock.

" Art thou no longer mad at me? " he asked and the girl got confused.

" What do you mean? You came to save me as we rode to fight Sambivi! You let me mount you as we killed hundreds of soldiers! "

Eos stood there in silence for a moment.

" Zoe... that last time I hath seen you was when thou hath left to meet up with Alec... few minutes later the doctors brought you back here, unconscious. Thou hath a strange, dark presence around thee which hath receded since. " he stepped closer to her " It is done, Titus is vanquished, Alec and Xiao are chasing the coward to bring him to justice. "

Zoe's face darkened. All her heroic acts... her deeds were but a dream? But... it felt so real...

" I see... " she said, all emotion vanishing from her. Sadness, disappointment and sorrow were all that remained within her. She had failed her allies " I guess they need me not any longer then... "

" Thou need to rest. " Eos tried and to his shock she nodded.

" I guess you are right. " she said, closing her eyes " After all they prevailed fine without me. "

And thus she said nothing more bit turned around on the bad to conceal the few drops of tears shedding from her eyes. Eos remained stoic although his heart ached for his partner he did nothing. He just stood there, vigilantly watching over the girl, waiting the battle to be over.
As Xiao Hui continued to aim the pistol straight at Savimbi's hand, she hadn't noticed someone rushing into the helicopter after her until she heard a voice full of anger and rage. She turned to the source of such malice and was greeted by Alec. "Alec?" she whispered softly, not expecting to see his expression as she gasped lowly, letting her internal thoughts flow. What made him become such a way? More or less, adorn such a savage expression that only. . only one who has seen horrors, pain, despair to wear. The only time she's seen those emotions flowing were when. . Laohu . . her. . No, stop, Xiao Hui. He came quicker than she could imagine, but the fury radiating off of him could become something dangerous for all of them. She didn't want to kill him , more or less, have more blood on her hands. Xiao Hui wasn't one to kill someone, especially when they're already surrounded, unless she really needed to, and in this case, it wasn't needed, yet. "Alec," she spoke softly, "it's okay, he can't get anywhere," and gently placed a hand on his shoulders, knowing Savimbi wouldn't be able to see her expressions, as she let her emotional guard down slowly. The helicopter only had her, Alec, and Savimbi, and the only way to leave is to jump off the helicopter as it flew in the air, or get control of the controls. She didn't want Alec making a mistake of doing something he would regret later. Xiao Hui looked over at Duirk, sending him a soft and reassuring smile. She believed in Alec and knew he wouldn't kill the man, however, the darkness in his eyes, she knew it all too well. Soon Savimbi spoke as he raised the helicopter in the air and aimed the weapons attached towards Titus and the rest of their comrades. She gasped, sending a quick glance at Alec, as she looked around to see how to direct the aim towards elsewhere rather than below where her friends were. But before she could look any further, she heard something she probably shouldn't have heard from Savimbi's mouth and Alec's past. His father? At the mention of Alec's father, Xiao Hui saw Alec's dark expression lowering as he lowered his gun. Xiao Hui casted a small glance at Duirk and knew his expression meant that she definitely wasn't suppose to hear that. She bit her lip and soon enough, Alec sprang into action, quickly taking control of the situation as he had in one of the crates and threw him out of the helicopter. She gasped slightly, seeing that the drop was two story high, she winced at the impact the fall may have made on him. But there was something else to focus on and that was the craft landing below. Xiao Hui laughed lightly at Duirk's response to Alec as she quickly tried to get a hold of something, She found another crate and held herself against it as the landing was rough and made her move everywhere. However, she didn't expect one of the crate's content to fall out and crash down on her bad ankle, as she hissed in response.

Holding tightly, they finally managed to land on the ground, yet sideways. She looked up at saw Alec against the windows and Duirk laid out on the seat. She sighed some relief that everyone was okay, including her comrades that were surrounding Titus. Xiao Hui heard Alec's voice and she nodded,
"I'm fine." She croaked lightly, however, the pain in her ankle did not work so well as she moved the weapons that fell on her ankle. She sighed, gently touching the swolleness of her ankle, but couldn't massage it as a sharp pain engulfed her. Bitting her lip, she didn't let out a yell, but then turned her attention towards Alec. Her eyes softened, as she didn't question him about what had happened a few minutes prior. She wouldn't pry and would wait until he told her himself on his own accord. Getting up slowly, she limped slightly, and looked at Alec. She spoke lightly, "Well, you look like Hell, Alec." She teased lightly and looked towards Duirk. "Let's go back to the others, it's best to stay together as a team than away as a group." Xiao Hui said, as she felt her heart beat quickly. She felt her facade dropping lowly, looking away quickly from the two of them, as she forced herself not to let the tears fall from her eyes. Xiao Hui quickly limped out of the copter and walked towards where Sek, Marty, and Simon were. However, she stopped suddenly, seeing that Marty did not look like himself, he didn't look human. . not one bit as Sek on the other hand, was alert as her primal instincts kicked in just like the first time they met. Xiao Hui turned her eyes away from the torture they were giving Titus and resisted the urge to let bile come out of her mouth. "Laohu, where are you?" She spoke through the mind-link, her voice sounding smaller than usual. However, her mind drifted to where Zoe might be. Zoe, I hope you're safe, little one. And soon, Xiao Hui looked up to the sky, closing her eyes, finding some sort of peace.

Laohu's ears perked, at the sound of Xiao Hui's voice in his head, he had calmed down. However, seeing the lifeless bodies and the many blood being scattered around, he felt the need to wash himself of the blood he had caused. His anger got the best of him, even if he didn't lose control, he had felt that darkness once more, and felt impure to be next to the purity of Xiao Hui. But, he couldn't find it in him to ignore her calls, especially when her voice made him flashback to that once small and tiny girl, that could be the size of his face.
"Hui, I'm here, " he soothed slowly, "you're alright and everyone is okay. Don't despair or fret. I'm alive and so are you, along with everyone else. That's all the matters for now. I'll see you soon." Laohu looked upon Adeline and Quilliam, seeing they won't wake any time soon and know that the other mercenaries had been taken care of. He walked out, looking for someone to help bring them where the others were. He spotted Jimbo inside the building, picking up some items, as he was preparing to leave. "Jimbo," Laohu spoke, making himself known to know scare the gorilla, as he trotted over to him, "I don't hear anymore fights, so it looks like we can leave with ease. However, seeing I don't have hands, will you help bring Adeline and Quilliam? They've been sedated and knocked out for a while now." He said, softly, asking for the gorilla's help. Laohu looked aorund and started sniffing out anything that he may find suspicious as he kept his ears on alert. Trotting outside of the building, not being able to find anything, he looked over at Jimo, waiting for him to see if he'll help carry Adeline and her young spirit animal. However, his attention was towards a young girl and her monkey. He spoke so they could hear, "You must be one of those that were captured. I'm glad to see that you're alive and well. We should head out soon where all the others are. Don't be afraid. You're safe now." He spoke calmly and reassured the two, yet he knew the blood on his mouth can be disturbing to the eyes. He would have to wash it soon, before meeting up with Hui.

@zCrookedz @SilverFlight @DawnAntalios @Moonflight @Calibutcher @Right okay then @DaManofWar
Felix’s little eye’s widened as a huge tiger loomed over them, he didn’t like feeling this powerless. However as soon as the tiger spoke he felt very safe and buried his small head in Scarlett’s shirt as she nodded in agreement “Thank you” She smiled gratefully alarmed by his kindness.

“We should definitely hurry” Felix squeaked way out of his comfit zone. Slowly Scarlett stood up careful not to knock Felix with the gun in her hands and followed the tiger who looked slightly hurt with all the blood on his mouth.

(Sorry short reply :P )

Marty was a bit impressed when he saw Alec take down the helicopter. He smiled. "Damn, that's good," he muttered. He flexed his bare abdomen. Going through the phase usually took a lot of him, but this one hadn't been as long. So, he was pretty much fine. Fang was just beginning to change out of the phase, getting smaller gradually. He threw Titus's leg away. Marty gave him a quizzical look. "Why did you do that?" he asked him. Fang usually ate whatever he got his teeth into. "Tasted funky," Fang answered. Marty rolled his eyes. Picky, picky, picky, Marty thought mentally. He turned to Sek, hoping to perhaps learn a bit more about her. Instead, he saw her huddled in a ball, eyes looking down at the ground. He then realized she had done this right after he had changed. He huffed, and walked right up to her. "Hey, Sek!" he snapped at her, crouching to her level. He gave her a comical dirty look. "What're you doing? You don't like what you see? Am I that ugly?" He reached out a hand, and tilted her face up to him. "When someone is talking to you, you need to look them in the eye."

Fang chuckled. "Moron," he murmured. He turned to Simon. "Pal," he began, "You should make this kill. Titus killed one of your friends, so you get to kill him. Go ahead. Drive that sword through his neck. Course, would be nice to hear his story."

@SenpaiMagnum @zCrookedz @Calibutcher @SilverFlight
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Alec felt shame creep into his heart. When he had held that weapon, felt his finger on the trigger he knew it would have been so easy to pull it. Take a life. A part of him wanted to. It would have been simpler, easier, but Sambivi was right. That was just like his father and Alec shuddered at that thought.

He found it hard to look his friends in the eyes, as Duik unhung himself from the chair and Xiao stated she was fine. When he did look up Xiao was standing over him.

"Crashing the helicopter...that was really dumb, I'm sorry." But his tone stated he was sorry for more than that. Duik didn't speak this time.

Suddenly Alec was worried. It surprised him when he got to his feet and offered to support Xiao for her ankle to find that he was worried about what she thought of him. No one's opinions had mattered in such a long time (save Duik of course) but as he offered to help her out of the wreck he found the thought of her judgement left an awful feeling.

Her comment disarmed his thoughts, 'you look like hell'. He blinked at her and suddenly found himself chuckling. They had just escaped from a crash that should have killed them. Suddenly things were more funny than they should have been. "Yeah? Well I'd like to see the people who can fight off angry warthogs, assault a mercenary base, crash a helicopter and still look as good as we do." His grin began to fade slightly. "Look I, I think I might owe you an explanation..."

It would definitely have to wait however as they came upon the others and the mutilated body of Titus. Alec's eyes widened and Duik, who had been looking elsewhere until that point stopped dead in his tracks.

"Ooooh man I think I'm gonna..." The hyena put a paw to his mouth. "Its okay...I'm fine...oh no I'm really not!" Duik dove behind a crate, nausea at the gruesome sight getting the better of him.

"What the hell are you doing?" Alec said outraged. "I expected that from the rogues Marty, but I didn't sign up to become a butcher."

At the mention of ending the minotaur Alec looked to Simon. He would accept whatever decision was made. The minotaur was cruel, merciless and wouldn't have hesitated to kill them, and given a second chance he would probably make a point of ending them all painfully.

"It's your call Simon...just remember why we're here."

@crucialstar @zCrookedz @Calibutcher @DaManofWar @SenpaiMagnum @Right okay then @DawnAntalios
Xiao Hui looked towards Simon, knowing he wouldn't kill Titus. For some reason, she could not see Simon as a killer, the way he calmed Sek down, giving her a sense of warmth and security, made Xiao Hui's respect for him grow even more. She smiled softly at that thought, feeling a fatherly-like figure radiating off of Simon. He was the ideal type of way a father should act, isn't he? Speaking of father's, Xiao Hui looked over to Alec and her smiled formed into a thin line. She was glad to hear Alec's remark about his good looks, it definitely made her laugh and roll her eyes at such a remark. However, she knew Alec felt some sort of obligation to tell her of his father, but knew the subject was a sort spot. Just like her. Don't misunderstand her though, she absolutely loves her Father, however, he isn't the one to show such emotions as happiness, laughter, and smiles. He had once before, but that seemed so long, long ago. Shaking her thoughts of her Father, she looked over at Alec, walking over to him. Xiao Hui still couldn't bear to look at Titus as she spoke softly to Alec, "You don't owe me an explanation, Alec, or feel the need to tell me. You should, only if you wish to." She looked at Alec directly into he eye, as she nodded her head in reassurance. Soon, Xiao Hui walked over to Titus, "Looks like they did a number on you, didn't they?" She spoke solemnly, not looking at the blood dripping form the Minostaur. He didn't seem as massive and dangerous considering the position he is in, she gently frowned slightly, her brows creasing, as she gently touched his face, "You have your reasons and we have our reasons. However, this battle may be never-ending if we continue to fight back against each other for revenge. I never heard your reasons for why you do what you do, and I'm sure it's something you believe in wholeheartedly. We all would wish to see less death, but it makes it that much harder when we are ambushed, isn't it?" Xiao Hui sighed, she hadn't want to see this Minotaur dead, although he is a rogue, he wasn't the rogue that killed . . Zak'l and Apollo. "You're not the one that I or rather we want, however, we would like more information." She spoke monotonously, and further her case, "But if you were, what they do to you, I sadly would not care." Xiao Hui spoke truthfully, and turned towards Simon, but not before slapping Titus across the face. Her hands throb, from hitting too hard and not being used to hitting a Minotaur's face. She hadn't wanted to say anything to Titus, but never spoke to him prior to know. She didn't known how she felt about the Minotaur, but it wasn't anything near hatred, only anger and disappointment. "I believe you won't kill him, since you aren't the type to do so," she spoke to Simon softly as walked towards him, gently patting his shoulders. Xiao Hui looked over at Sek and Kai, sending a small smile as she looked at Marty as Fang. She didn't show her discomfort of seeing Marty's human body, she much liked knowing he had transformed back. Afterwards, Xiao Hui walked over to Duirk and gently patted his back, "Hi, Duirk. Are you alright?" She bit back the urge to throw up, and kept her composure. She found comfort among Duirk, he was a close cousin to Laohu, and seeing that Laohu wasn't here at the time, she took Duirk's presence as a way to calm herself down. Xiao Hui sat down next to Duirk and gently hissed at her ankle. "Secret between you and me?" She whispered softly.

Laohu nodded, as he waited for the two to walk over to where he stood and followed him.
"I'm Laohu, my partner's name is Xiao Hui. Everyone should be around here, but for now, we should treat any injuries you may have." He looked over at Jimbo, giving him a slight nod, signaling over to go and get Adeline and Quilliam. "The one you saw earlier, his name is Jimbo, as his partner is Simon. You'll meet them soon." He spoke amicably, as he waited for Jimbo and was soon off to Adeline. Laohu's mind drifted towards Xiao Hui, he should be there for her right now, however, something like shame and fear clouded his judgement. Even the ones next to him now were alarmed at the blood dripping from his mouth. Laohu pawed lightly at the ground, frustrated with himself, but didn't let it show to not worry the young girl and her companion.

@zCrookedz @SilverFlight @Calibutcher @Moonflight @Right okay then @DawnAntalios @DaManofWar @SenpaiMagnum
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Simon watched as Marty and Sek tortured the Minotaur pinned before him. He wasn't about to join in on this type of torture but he wanted answers. Finally the beast came around and answered Simon with his own question.

Before Simon could answer the crashing of the helicopter mad him jump and look around at the others. He also noticed the amount of destruction that had been caused to the camp and began to think about what Titus had said.


Jimbo came running from the hole in the side of the compound, his eyes darting from the crashed helicopter to Titus to everyone else around. The Gorilla came lumbering up behind Simon a bit out of breath.

"Heard......crash.....worried.....phew. You..ok?"

Simon smiled at his partner and then looked back to Titus. He grabbed hold of the sword in his arm and gave it a yank upward. The sword was heavy, but Simon was able to hold it well enough as he set the tip into the earth. He motioned to Jimbo so that Titus could see.

"This is proof enough that what you speak is lies you tell yourself to justify whatever means you and the rogues attempt to accomplish. Jimbo is more than a partner to me, he's my brother, and that kind of relationship is what we have seen you and many of your comrade's destroy. We will not stand for that."

Simon lifted the sword up, a beam of light catching it as it rose over Titus. But instead of bringing the bad down upon him, Simon turned and hurled the blade in the opposite direction of the camp, about a hundred yards away.

He kept his back turned to Titus as he stepped away towards Jimbo.

"IF I did not care about why the rogues fight, I would not have asked. Tell us or don't, either way we will stop you and your organization from killing humans and separating them from their animals."

Simon gave Jimbo a clap on the shoulder as he looked over the rest of the group.

"Someone get Larkin on the com, it's time we were leaving."

Jimbo looked over and saw Laohu, who he promptly returned his nod and made his way over to the Adeline girl who had scouted the mission. As he approached, Jimbo gave Laohu a sideways look of uncertainty as he noticed the blood on the Tigers jaw line. He scooped up the girl, the little spike creature along with her and looked back to Laohu.

"Everything go ok in there stripes? You, uh, got something on your face there..."

@SilverFlight @Calibutcher @crucialstar @Moonflight @Right okay then @DawnAntalios @DaManofWar @SenpaiMagnum
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Alec was surprised by what Xiao said. She was understanding enough to give him a choice? Even when the facts were so starkly brought to light. He returned her nod with a smile of grateful admiration. Watching her speak to Titus he was amazed even further. How could she be so gentle and understanding to the monster who had tried to kill them? It brought a new perspective to the situation Alec had not seen before, and he found himself admiring Xiao all the more for it.

Simon acted then and Alec held his breath. The sword caught the light of the sun as it was poised over the minotaur's head. Then suddenly it was flung away. Simon had spared the creature's life. Whether it was wise or not suddenly did not seem to matter. Alec knew it was the right thing to do.

After that he busied himself preparing the kit that would staunch the creature's bleeding.

"It'd be a shame to see Simon spare you only to have you bleed out miniutes later." He said quietly as he worked.

"Simon's right, we need to leave. Now."

Duik Stepped back from around the crates. If fur could have a green tint, Duik's was certainly leaning toward it.

He felt the gentle hand on his back and sat close to Xiao with a grateful smile.

"Ugh, why is it always carrots? The stew didn't even have carrots..."

Duik perhaps wasn't the brightest of animals, but he could always tell how people felt. As Xiao sat next to him he shot her a kind smile and leaned against her back, offering comfort and support.

He pursed his lips at her damaged ankle, a gesture which looked comical on his thick muzzle. "Alec'll find out eventually. He always finds out. This one time, I had a toothache, and he noticed because he said I chewed my food a fraction slower than I usually did."

The hyena watched his partner tend the wounds of the creature that had moments before threatened them with death.

"That's what so great about him I guess...eventually he always finds out what's wrong...and he'll always try and fix it. That's who he is really. No matter how grumpy he gets." The last part was said with a grin.

"Hey, where's Lao? Is he okay?"

@Calibutcher @crucialstar @zCrookedz
Before Duirk responded to Xiao Hui, she turned her attention towards Simon as he spoke to Titus and observed his decision. At first, her heart leaped out of her chest as Simon raised his sword into the sun as he swoop down in motion as if he was going to slice Titus's head, however, the sword ended up being thrown miles away from site. Xiao Hui didn't know she had held a breathe until she exhaled the breathe she was holding in. Xiao Hui smiled, proud of Simon's answer about their spirit animals. They're not "tools" and they're more than just "companions" they're family, and most of all their other half. She watched as Alec decided to patch up Titus, relieved that the anger in Alec's eyes disappeared as she didn't feel the waves of rage radiating off of him any longer. He respect for those around her grew even more as she found herself trusting in them. Once Durik leaned back, Xiao Hui gently caressed his fur, making slow motions on his back, hoping to comfort him. She let out a soft and breathy laugh as Duirk mentioned carrots, "That is surely a mystery. . are you made out of carrots?" She tilted her head curiously as she felt Duirk lean against her back for support. Xiao Hui was grateful for Durik and his warmth, it wasn't Laohu, but it was close to second. To her, Duirk was considered a bright animal, even if his own kind has had a bad reputation. From what Laohu had seen and told her, Durik was one of the bravest hyena's shew knew with a dash of humor and spice of understanding. All around a great hyena. Gently, Xiao Hui turned and gently pressed her nose against Duik's muzzle, " I know," she whispered softly, towards Duirk as she told his story about a toothache, "he's definitely observant isn't he?" Xiao Hui smiled, "He sounds like he gets grumpy a lot, yet, as you said, he wouldn't ever leave a man hanging, especially if he can do something about it." At Duirk's question, Xiao Hui blinked, "That's a good question, he said he was around here." She remembered the last time Laohu had disappeared on her, and it was around the same time he had done something he was ashamed of. Xiao Hui felt it in her bones that he had been avoiding her for quite some time. But, she wouldn't force Laohu to appear before her, at least, if he isn't comfortable. She couldn't help but feel saddened at that, no matter how long they've been together, he couldn't trust her to fully accept him or is too scared. "But, I know he's okay, worried about your cousin, Duirk?" She smiled as she enjoyed conversating with Duirk to take her mind off the pain she was in. However, she heard Simon's voice and nodded at his command, feeling the comm in her hear, she hoped it still worked, "Larkin? Larkin? Hello? Can you hear me? Everyone's fine, however, we need to be picked up. Can you come get us? It's best to leave now." It had been awhile since she saw Larkin and Draco, and the more familiar faces she see, the better she would feel. Now the question remains, "Is Zoe in the medical tent? Can someone check? " She called out to any of the others who would be able to do that small deed for her, her heart is restless and will remain that way until everyone is back together.

Laohu was grateful when he saw Jimbo come over and picked up Adeline and Quilliam. He looked towards the newcomers,
"Ready to meet the rest of the crew? Follow Jimbo and he would lead you to them." Before Laohu was about to walk away, Jimbo's voice rang in his ears and Laohu's face showed a tint of shame as he nodded, "I'm good. Thanks Jimbo. I'll wash up real quick and meet you guys over there." Laohu glanced over at the others, looking for Xiao Hui, and finally he spotted her, next to Duirk. Laohu blinked, seeing that the hyena was besides her, being there for her. Laohu's eyes looked downcasted as he turned away in the direction where he would find water. He felt a pang of jealousy yet couldn't find it in him to continue that emotions since it was his fault for not showing up to face Hui. Shaking his muzzle , Laohu found a bucket of water and ducked his head into the bucket. He hated water, but for the sake of washing off the blood, he made sure to scrub his face with a clean cloth he found next to it. When he was satisified, with every paw print he made as he made his way to the rest of the vrew, Laohu's heart was racing as he walked over to Xiao Hui. Taking a deep breathe, he sat next to Duirk and Xiao Hui, "Hui," he spoke, clearing his throat, glad that he could finally be besides her. Xiao Hui felt a presence next to her an awfully comforting one besides Duirk, and at the tone of the voice, she looked over and her smile widened immensely as she leaned over to hug the tiger. "Laohu, I've missed you." She whispered softly, careful not to shef any tears. In that instinct, Laohu knew he was forgiven and nothing could change between them, he moved closer to her as he nodded, "Same here, Hui." Laohu stepped back and looked over at Duirk and shot him a graceful smile, well what looked like a smile from a tiger. "How are you doing, Duirk? Looking a bit green there." He said in a concern tone. However, Laohu caught a side glance of Xiao Hui's ankle, looking at the huge bruise that was forming and the swolleness. He growled lowly.

@zCrookedz @Calibutcher @SilverFlight @Moonflight @Right okay then @DawnAntalios
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Savimbi fell from the copter reaching out trying to grab onto something anything at all, but all he could grasp was empty air he watched the helicopter for a moment as it careened to the ground then turned to look and see what kind of a landing he would have. Savimbi hardly had time to look as he smashed into a crate the wood splintering and the contents spilling out but the effect couldn't have been better Savimbi's landing was cushioned considerably. The landing was still rough as gravity still had it's effect as his shoulder caught the ground first. He could hear an audible crack and the sharp pain that came right, he could tell that it would most likely be broken but such pain would not be a new experience to the seasoned veteran. The landing also knocked the wind out of Savimbi he coughed a bit before he caught his breath again. He looked around and could see that the others were not paying him any attention instead they were focused on the grievously wounded and tortured Titus. Savimbi got up and moved away as quickly as possible he could see his men scattered around the camp confused and disoriented. Savimbi signaled for the men to follow him quietly and they moved to the various trucks and vehicles. Savimbi had thought for a moment to stay and fight these rebels but he knew Larkin had left and would be back any moment and this time nothing would be held back he knew Larkins group had significant strength and power. In a way Savimbi was sad to have betrayed Larkin but business was not always convenient to friendship but it did not to be be it simply had to be profitable. Savimbi's attention was brought to one of the trucks the group had brought in one of his soldiers flagged him down and pointed out the crates of gold in the truck. "Full retreat boys we live to fight another day after all we still got our payday." Savimbi smiled it seemed that today was still going to be profitable despite his set backs and the loss of his base. Savimbi wasted no more time and boarded the truck. His mercenaries pulled out of the camp and drove off into the dessert of Africa leaving only a cloud of dust as they receded into the vastness of Africa.

Titus held his breath as the sword was raised his very own sword which he had used time and time again to slay so many was finally going to be brought down upon himself. Titus saw the gleam of the blade in the sun and despite his best efforts closed his eyes for fear of the blade coming down on him. But the pain did not come there was no end the abyss did not welcome him, he only heard the swish of his sword and it sinking into the earth in the distance. Titus let out the breath he was holding in, he may get to live after all.... but at what cost he wondered it seemed they were likely to torture him for answers he know wished he could escape but found movement to still be impossible the Minotaur snorted in disdain at Simon not believing his answer nor showing any inclination too. Though he was grateful in the slightest that the man had spared his life it almost made the Minotaur think about believing him but the pain of his torture told him that not all of them could be trusted. So Titus did the only thing he could he layed in the rubble covered in his own gore and for the first time in his life... admitted defeat not openly but to himself at least.

Larkin and Draco having achieved a proper altitude finally got in touch with Cortesa who promptly opened a portal Draco flew threw as swiftly as he could they were greeted by the immense cold of there Artic base it was an almost welcome feeling to Larkin as he knew it meant they had returned to safety but the others he had left were anything but safe. Draco had pushed himself to hard even getting himself and Larkin away from the mercenaries and as soon as they made it into the entrance Draco's wings gave out and he landed on the ground hard sliding to a stop Larkin was bucked off from the landing and landed hard as well, he could feel blood flowing from re-opened wounds and the pain of yet another fall added to his long list of injuries. Larkin pushed himself up and got his footing he went to the nearest door-way and hit a yellow panic button the base erupted into sirens and flashing lights animals and people began moving very quickly and Larkin was soon greeted by medical stuff for himself and Draco. Mark Heffner showed up as well and looked at Larkin while he seemed relieved that Larkin was alive his first question was prompt and to the point. "Where are the others?"

Larkin looked down "They are still in Africa they would not retreat with me so I left them to get help. Go help them now they need it Titus is there and Savimbi has turned."

Mark was furious "YOu left them behind!!" However he did not wait for a response he ran off instead and headed for the armory on his way he yelled for Minestrone and Ibux who followed after him moments later into the armory. three minutes later the trio emerged in full combat gear Ibux the ibex had a mechanized suit of armor Minnestrone had no armor on but only a pilots helmet and Mark had only a cloak and knives covering almost every inch of his body.

"I never thought the day would come that we would need the VTOL."

Minnestrone lead the way past the armory as the three headed to the hanger they only had two things in the Hanger the passenger VTOL and what was named Aerial Shenanigans the one and only heavily armed VTOL they had just for emergencies like this. The trio boarded and headed for Africa, the one down side to taking it was that they could not be telleported by Cortesa The craft luckily was fast and it would only take them a matter of minutes to reach there destination once they reached altitude.

The flight was uneventful but it felt like an eternity for Mark he could only imagine what was happening to this new team all he could do though was hope that they would still be alive once they got there. If Savimbi or Titus had killed any of them Mark vowed to himself he would reduce the place to ash and everyone with it.

Aerial Shenanigans finally arrived and swooped in low over the group Mark and Ibux jumped out of the back and landed adeptly on the ground they quickly surveyed the situation they were surprised to see Titus incapacitated and the base empty except for the brave few who stood before him now that had somehow against all odds not only survived but captured one of the biggest threats there organization had ever faced.

"Is everyone OK? Where are the Mercenaries and what the heck did you do to Titus?"

Mark was shocked to see the Minotaur so horribly mutilated but for all he knew that have have been what it took to stop the beast. Mark continued to looked around stunned. Minnestrone brought the VTOL back around after having checked the perimeter. "All clear from up here."

Mark was at a loss for words he stood up straight and looked at this battered group they could be exactly the edge they have needed for so long. After taking a moment to bask in what this team had done Mark realized what a huge advantage they had now. "Everyone you have successfully captured yourself a base and taken out a foe who has long troubled us. I and my team are in your debt. you have all earned yourself a much needed break, consider this base your own now though for you are responsible for it's capture. I will see to it that we help you get it updated and repaired but this is a victory for all of us." Mark gave a salute and Ibux a half bow in gratitude. Mark let a smile show on his face it almost hurt to smile because it seemed like he never did anymore but this group made him feel like smiling this group felt like fresh hope to him. This group could be the end of the growing rouge problem the world faced.

@zCrookedz @crucialstar @SilverFlight @Moonflight @Fish and Chips @DawnAntalios @SenpaiMagnum @DaManofWar
Simon watched as Alec moved in to help Titus. He was right, the Minotaur didn't need to die right after the fight had just ended, and judging by how the Minotaur seemed to lay there after his life was spared, the fight was most certainly over. Simon looked over the rest of the group as Jimbo came walking up holding Adeline and her hedgehog in his arms. The sight was a bit comical for Simon, watching Jimbo carry the girl in his arms and walk ion his back legs. Jimbo noticed the sneer he was getting from Simon and his brow furrowed.

"You gonna just stand there grinning at me or are you gonna help?"

Simon continued to chuckle to himself as he took Adeline from him and turned towards the medical tent.

"One of these days Jimbo, your going to have to do something about that grumpy attitude." Simon turned back tot he group over his shoulder. "Lets get everyone back to the med tent, I think Miss Xaio has the capabilities to treat those of us with the minor injuries until Alec can finish with Titus."

Before Simon could get any closer to the tent however, the dust started to pick up and the sound of a air craft could be heard. As Mark and the others jumped out of the back of the aircraft, Simon relaxed having feared reinforcements.

Mark seemed to be pleased with what he had found, praising the team and even offering the base as their new operating base. Simon couldn't help but feel a tinge at this notion. First they were in California, not to far from his family. Then the arctic, and now Africa, he couldn't help but feel he was going further and further from his family. He would need to check in with them soon. Jimbo could see the worry growing on Simon's face and he knew what was on his mind. Which brought an idea back to Jimbo's attention. After he had taken care of the rest of the mercenaries in the compound and was rushing out to check on Simon, he had noticed one of them had a satellite phone on them.

"I'll be right back Simon."

Jimbo, back on his hands and feet, ran back tot he hole in the compound and quickly found where the man had been. It seemed he had dropped all of his things to escape quicker which included the phone. It was a pretty fancy phone, even had a small screen on it for video. Jimbo grabbed the phone and held onto tight as he made his was back to Simon who was leaving the med tent after setting Adeline down in a cot. Jimbo held out the phone to Simon with a smirk. Simon smiled after he realized what Jimbo had handed him.

"Thanks buddy. We'll give mom and the others a call after everyone settles in."

@crucialstar @SilverFlight @Moonflight @Calibutcher @DawnAntalios @SenpaiMagnum @DaManofWar
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Zoe woke shortly after she fell asleep. The sadness and guilt did not let her rest, and when she opened her eyes the burning light of determination was gone from them. Now all she felt was deep sorrow and pain - pain because of her ineptitude, pain because she had failed her friends... and pain because she had hurt Eos in the process. She felt absolutely terrible, but she wanted to keep it silent.

In the meantime it seemed that the others were silently celebrating - a massive aircraft landed in the camp and Mark arrived with it, clearly impressed by their achievement. Knowing that this was their camp now permanently Zoe let out a drawn out sigh. Walking out from the medical tent she decided to leave the camp for a bit to seek solitude. Eos watched her go and slowly trotted after her. He found her sitting underneath a tree, staring blankly at the ground. Her face was worrying: her dull expression did not have the same passionate fire as she always had, in fact she looked more depressed than ever before. Walking up to her silently Eos spoke.

" Art thou all right, my child? "

" No. " came the quick response as she did not even look up to him. Eos did not know what to say or how to comfort her.

" Why thou not speakest to thy allies? This victory is the achievement of all of thee - thou should be happy. "

Zoe looked up, her dull, pained look betraying her true feelings.

" I have nearly killed both of us with my recklessness, I disregarded the friendly advice and warnings of all of my friends, threatened you with treason and fell ill when the biggest battle was going on. " her bitter, sorrowful voice rang silently as she tried to suppress her emotions. " I do not call that a victory. I cal that an utter failure. "

Eos shook his head.

" It was my fault that I did not tell thee the truth. It is much more complicated than thou thinkest... "

" It matters not. " she said silently " No soldier should be as reckless as I was. " she looked back down again " I just wanted to prove myself... but instead I just proven to be inept at fighting. "

The stag did not say anything. He knew not how to properly reply or what could he do to ease her pain.

" And what do thou intend to do now? "

" I will let them savor their victory. " she spoke silently " Then I will go back and face the consequences of my insubordination. "

Eos nodded with sadness on his expression as he sat down next to her. There was no way of changing her mind... not yet. But he wanted to stay by her side to keep her company at least now.
"Last time I checked I was made out of awesome." Duik replied to Xiao with a grin. He closed his eyes as she pressed her face to his velvet snout, enjoying the affection. Alec wasn't nearly so cuddly. Duik would have to fix that.

"Of course I'm worried about him. We just took on an army of dangerous African criminals. I'm worried about you too, and Zoe, Adeline, Simon and everyone."

When the tiger appeared Duik looked relieved, but the expression on Laohu's muzzle made him feel like he had invaded something. His return put the hyena in better spirits and to show it Duik reared up and flung his forepaws about the tiger's neck.

"You're alive!" Duik cried, rubbing the side of his head into Laohu's thick neck fur. There was not a hint of judgement in his voice. The arrival of the military copter nearly made him faint. he thought for one horrifc moment the mercs had sent reinforcements, but when Mark and Ibux jumped to the ground Duik fell back and lay in the dust.

"I'm 100% done with this country." He said in a defeated tone. He listened to Mark and as he listened his tail began to wag. "We get a base? Cool! Hey, those mercs may have made off with the gold, but they couldn't take everything. I'll bet there's tons of junk here we can use!"

Alec was absorbed in the gargantuan task of treating Titus. The animal had deep lacerations in many places and to staunch the bleeding at the stump of his leg took all the strength Alec had. His head pounded from the blow he had received and his hands moved almost automatically. It was fortunate the medical supplies were excellent in the base.

Duik couldn't do much but watch, he did however manage to drag some softer material from the base for the minotaur to lie on. As an added measure of safety Alec fastened a chain to the beast's good foot and linked the other end to the building wall.

"I really don't feel like getting crushed in my sleep, and we can't move him with out bigger equipment." Was his reasoning.

After Alec was sure Titus was as stable as he could get him Alec administered painkillers and a mild sedative to help him sleep, then both Duik and Alec made their way to the med tent and Alec began to wash up for the next bout of wounds he should treat.

"Alec...I think you need a break. You look sort of pale." Duik said, his head tilted in concern.

"I'm fine D, the others need my attention."

"Dude, you took a lead pipe to the head. You're concussed."

"I'm fine, I.." a sudden bout of dizziness made Alec stagger backwards.

"If you're fine then I'm Nicki Minaj." The hyena's retort came in a deadpan tone, an unamused expression on his dark muzzle.

Duik was right though, once the adrenaline began to wear off the true pain of his injury happily began hammering on his skull.

Alec sat on a cot. "Ok D..you win...I can walk Xiao through the rest of the treatments. Don't let me fall asleep...there's a chance I might not wake up with the concussion's a bad one."

Duik nodded. "Agreed...hey, this might be a bad time...but remember that vacay you maybe promised me?"

Alec squinted, trying to sift through his muddled thoughts. "I think so?"

"I want at least one hot tub, olympic swimming pool, dance hall equipped with the latest DJ tech. Panoramic view of the savanna, gourmet dining--"

"Ok D...if everyone agrees, as soon as we get patched up I can get us into something."

Duik looked around at the faces near him hopefully. "Its time to live it up like the heroes we just became! Whatdaya say?"

@crucialstar @SilverFlight @Moonflight @Calibutcher @DawnAntalios @SenpaiMagnum @DaManofWar
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Xiao Hui blinked at Duirk's reply and laughed loudly, letting the sound echo through the plains of the deserted base. She smiled, feeling a bit spoiled, between the warmth of the hyena and a tiger. She wouldn't have ever thought the two of them would ever get along, but, she wouldn't change that for the world. Xiao Hui felt safe, secure, and comfortable from where she was sitting between the two spirit animals. Smiling softly, Xiao Hui nodded, "Thank you for worrying about us, Duirk. Laohu worried about you too, so don't go off on your own too much or Alec will definitely not be pleased. Plus. I wouldn't be a happy camper either, I'm just glad everyone is safe and sound." Letting a sigh of relief follow through after she finished speaking. Laohu jumped slightly at the attack of the hyena's paw at his neck, sort of like a brother hug, at least, in an animal's way. He chuckled and brushed his head against the hyena's head. He was never one for affections, however, it was his way of showing his gratitude and thanks for staying alive and taking care of his partner. "Can't get rid of me so easily. Duirk." Glad Duirk was understanding of him and didn't judge him quite so. Xiao Hui's ears perked when Simon spoke her name, telling the others that she would treat the wounds of the others while Alec was busy with Titus. "Aye, aye, captain!" She said teasingly, as she slowly stood up. To say the least, it was painful to get up and walking on her damaged ankle. She grimaced slightly at the wobbliness in her posture, but decided she had to deal with it until she took care of her comrades. However, before Xiao Hui could move a muscle, another flight machine was insight and Xiao Hui's heart dropped rapidly. Laohu got into a protective stance infront of Duirk and Hui, baring his teeth at what is to come. However, Laohu and Xiao Hui were shocked when they were greeted by a familiar face. Xiao Hui could almost faint, if she had let herself, from the worry in her eyes and concern for her fellow comrades, however, it was one of their own. Mark Heffner. So Larkin and Draco made it okay. That's good. She thought to herself and sighed another breathe of relief. Mark had spoke with proudness in his voice and his eyes showed great admiration and happiness to know they were alive and took care of the rogues. Xiao Hui laughed softly at Duirk's remark and couldn't help but nod, "Me too, Duirk. Me too." Laohu chuckled and regained his original relaxed yet alert position. Xiao Hui looked at Ibux and gave him a soft smile and gave Mark a thumbs up, when he asked if everyone was okay. So, this was their base now? Xiao Hui tilted her head curiously, if so, the first thing would to fix it up in a way where no one could find it and make it a bit more approachable inside, perhaps? Xiao Hui started making her way over to the med tent as Jimbo and Simon went on their way. She looked behind to see that Alec had stayed behind to finish patching up Titus as Duirk stayed to help. She was worried about Alec, especially since he had a pretty hard blow in the helicopter. He needs to take care of himself as well. Laohu looked up and noticed her expression, and gently nudged her. "He's a doctor, he knows what he's doing." Xiao Hui let out a soft hum in response, "Even so, you know how stubborn he is."

As Xiao Hui made her way to the tent, she saw Simon leaving and Jimbo had given him a cellphone. She smiled softly and went over to pat Simon's shoulder. "You did a good job out there Simon, I'm sure we have things handled here." Xiao Hui looked at the phone and signaled towards it, "So, go ahead and make the call, okay?" Xiao Hui said as she attempted to tippy-toe on her good leg and ruffled his hair. Laohu chuckled and walked over to Jimbo, gently pawing his arm as a sign of encouragement from him. After that, Xiao Hui walked off, giving them some privacy to themselves as Laohu followed behind. As she got into the tent, she looked at the corner of her eye and spotted Zoe. "Zoe?" She spoke out-loud, missing the girl since she last saw her. However soon, Xiao Hui heard Duirk's voice and turned her attention towards Alec who just walked in and sat on the cot. Xiao Hui walked over to Alec carefully and gently kneeled down next to him, gently placing a hand on his cheeks, "Alec, what do you mean by concussion and might not wake up?" She whispered worriedly, "Tell me." She commanded him but was soon interrupted when Duirk spoke. Laohu blinked at Duirk's suggestion, live it up? He surely did miss being tended to and actually taken a proper bath. He hated how is coat was dirty. Xiao Hui quickly took her hand away and stood up, almost falling on her bad ankle once more, however, Laohu was behind her and supported her. Regaining composure, shook her head at the idea and smiled, "Whatever you want, Duirk. As long as it's good with the rest of us." Xiao Hui took another glance at Alec and slightly pursed her lips before looking away. "I'll go and get Zoe, and once I'm back, let's start the treatments." She spoke and didn't wait for Laohu to come with her. Laohu stared at her retreating back. "It will be okay, Hui, I'll make sure nothing happens to him." He spoke in the mindlink, slightly teasing yet serious. Xiao Hui knew his tone and couldn't help but roll her eyes, "Make sure he doesn't fall asleep." Laohu chuckled. Soon, Xiao Hui made it towards Zoe who was with Eos underneath the tree. She looked bandaged up as she had many wounds everywhere, but still fought hard and never gave up like a true warrior.

Xiao Hui breathed a sigh of relief, seeing the young girl alive and quickened her steps and gently sat next to her. She felt an aura that wasn't as bright as how she remembered and looked over to see Zoe's face. Her eyes were darkened as her expression looked down in regret and shame. Xiao Hui frowned slightly and gently wrapped her arms around Zoe, bringing her into a hug,
"Why the sullen look, Zoe? We are all alive and have accomplished our goals. I'm so happy you're alive. Despite the injuries you recieved, you have fought like a true warrior. You truly helped us all. And I'm glad you were able to rest those injuries, Zoe. Will you come back with me and celebrate with everyone? It's not the same if the whole team isn't there. You're a part of us too, don't you know that?" Xiao Hui said sincerely, hoping to get the once cheerful Zoe back. It wasn't like her to not smile and stand triumphantly at their victory.

@zCrookedz @Calibutcher @SilverFlight @DawnAntalios
Adeline jolted awake and tumbled out of her bed. 'Quill?!" She called out hurriedly, her head darting around the room. Wait. here am I? She thought as her eyes scanned the room. There where other beds and medical supplies close by. Med bay maybe? She thought confused as her memories where still foggy. Quill? Where are you? She cried out to the hedgehog. But he didnt reply. Adeline panicked and got up quickly only to bump her head on the desk next to her. "Owwwwww owww ow." She hissed and rubbed her sore head. She then got up a little more slow but still pretty fast. 'Quiiliam!" She said and when he didnt reply, she tried to walk to find him, but she was unsteady as that of a newborn colt. She wobbled and swayed a little bit and braced her weight on the bed. "Quill!" Adeline once again called out close to tears. "Where are you?" She whispered and walked around looking for him. "Quill!" She said happily when she found him on a small bed on the other side of her bed.
Marty sighed. He had waited long enough for Sek to answer him. He gave her a small pat on the cheek, and almost left, before having a devilishly evil idea. He turned back to Sek, and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek, before smiling at her. "You're still a beast, girl" he told her and walked off, chuckling. He watched as Alec set about fixing Titus. Fang bounded off after him, smirking. Marty just laughed at his friend. Fang then gave him a sly look. "I saw what you did with Sek back there," he told him. Marty shrugged his shoulders. "Hey, you know me," he answered his best friend, "I have a wild streak." Marty laughed. He wondered how Sek would react to what he had done. Not that he felt it would mean anything. He just did it to mess with her. Fang, meanwhile, gave off the appearance of being content, but it was a lie. He knew Marty wasn't the type to pet a kitty. Something was up...

Before Fang could ask, however, Marty remembered something. "Be right back," he told Fang. He ran over to Alec. He wanted to set something straight with that idiot. He had a passing interest for the girl and her hedgehog that the gorilla had carried over.

"Alec," he began, "just so you know, me and Fang mauled this sucker because Sek over there-" he pointed at her "-started it. She's one beast too."

@SenpaiMagnum @zCrookedz @Moonflight @SilverFlight t
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Duik went to fetch a wet sponge for Alec and as the man dabbed the blood from his face he looked up at Xiao sheepishly. "A good idea not to let a severe concussion victim fall asleep, the head trauma could mess with signals to the nervous system and shut down automated functions like breathing."

Duik leapt onto the bed and examined Alec's head carefully, suppressing a gag reflex at the sight of blood.

"I don't think you need stitches," He said, "...maybe a shower though." It was true. Between falling down a mine shaft and crashing a helicopter Alec was covered in dirt. He felt it too.

"All right, let's get everyone patched up." He nodded to Xiao.

"I think I still have enough brain cells left to get us into...The Savanna Noble."

Duik's jaw dropped. "The Savanna Noble? The most luxurious and expensive African getaway resort this side of the equator?!" Alec grinned. He knew if there was one reason Duik would even consider going to Africa, it would be this resort. He pulled out his pocket computer.

"Consider it done. After all we've been through today, we deserve a break."

"Did you hear that everyone?!" Duik jumped about the cot, bounding Alec and sending fresh waves of pain into his skull. Then the hyena draped his forepaws about Alec's neck.

"You're the best!"

"I know."

Duik busied himself with fetching medical supplies to treat the others while Alec did a little hacking into one of his father's private Swiss accounts. The act was so simple, changing the date of the recorded transfer to align directly with the results of that year's tax audit and the amount would never be missed. He wished he could brag about it to someone, but for now it was still much to dangerous to let on exactly where he had come from.

They had their reservations. The best suites in the place.

"Hey D, do you want the spa trip included or do you want to make your own package on arrival?" He knew the hyena would refuse to leave the place unless he had had at least one full-body massage and most likely a pedicure too.

"Oh, I want to see what they have." Duik replied happily before turning to Xiao with a bright grin. "You'll go to the spa with me won't you? I already know Alec won't."

"Darn right."

"I heard that the entire thing is built on a low cliff overlooking a watering hole so you can see all the animals down below! And it has the absolute best food, and feather pillows....a fully-equipped gym for you Simon, a multi-tiered hot tub next to a massive pool (with a built in bar of course)..." Duik continued listing the many luxuries contained in the resort, until even Alec had a smile on his face.

"Well, there's no shortage of vehicles around here. I say the one with the least amount of head trauma should drive...Judging by our GPS location, its actually not too far away."

@crucialstar @SilverFlight @Moonflight @Calibutcher @DawnAntalios @SenpaiMagnum @DaManofWar
Mark could see the look in everyone’s eyes they had just completed a major battle, he doubted there minds had even comprehended everything that had happened. None of these seemingly new warriors seem frozen or stuck but they all looked exhausted. What they had done was almost superhuman defeating a dragon slaying Minotaur and kicking mercenaries out of their own base right after repossessing some stolen trucks from the same Minotaur. Mark signaled for Minestrone to land and within moments the VTOL touched down on the roof of the compound.

Minestrone was perhaps one of the most interesting Spirit animals Mark had ever known the huge polar bear was taken to walking on his hind legs much of the time and acting as human as possible. Today was no different after the VTOL was landed and the engines powered giving there last hum before succumbing to the silence of the desert, such silence was soon broken by the unique voice of minestrone it was low and gruff as would be expected of a large carnivore but something was still carried a very friendly tone. “Look out below!” a few moments’ later two cases of Coca-Cola came tumbling over the edge. Mark moved swiftly to catch the cases before they crashed in the ground. Upon seeing the cases of Cola Mark just smirked opened up a case and started passing around sodas to those there. After handing them out. Mark sat the cases on the ground leaving them for anyone else who wanted some. He took two sodas and headed for Alec in the med tent. He had seen the work he had done to patch up and secure Titus which looked to be a momentous task the man needed a break and a soda. Mark was happy to treat the man. He arrived in the tent just at the mention of The Savannah Noble. Mark let the two finish their conversation before walking up to Alec and offering the soda. “All of you did an amazing job today from what I understand, care to tell me a little about how you pulled it off?” Mark sat down on the cot adjacent to Alec, looking the man over once he looked a lot worse than the last time he had seen the man though it had not been long. It would seem there success did come at a price after all even for this new team. Mark had one more thought "I want all of you to take a break I'm giving you all two weeks to recover i'll be back at the end of that time and we will start training everyone."

Ibux made his way over to Duik and stood menacingly in front of the Hyena. “You want a vacation…..” Ibux lowered his head slightly bringing his massive horns into view. “Well you deserve one” The Ibex lifted his head and grinned at Duik “You guys did an amazing job.”

Minestrone looked down from the roof of the compound and watched Mark go to the med tent. The polar bear lumbered down stairs and worked his way through the rubble to Titus. Minnestrone stood on his hind legs staring down at the beat a low growl escaped Minestrone's maw as he thought of what this Minotaur had down to him and his comrades in battles past. None of the memories were pleasant to say the least. "I'll stand guard over him the rest of you feel free to go and do as you need I'll be moving him to his cell once we start cleaning up this base."

@crucialstar @DawnAntalios @SilverFlight @Moonflight @zCrookedz @DaManofWar

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