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Fantasy Spirit Animals 2.0

Good morning everyone! &&I okie dokie, Moonie. Do you want Laohu or Jimbo @zCrookedz to keep your character hidden and come back when they leave the premises / when she wakes up? @Moonflight HI THERE DOLL :)
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zCrookedz said:
who da what now?
LOL. I'm sorry, I had to take like a few minutes to understand that, and I imagined it in a way Jimbo would say it and I laughed my ass off.

Okay. Pardon my French. And well, since there's now literally three different groups. And Laohu is with Adeline and she's been darted and knocked out cold. So Laohu wouldn't just leave her there but at the same time he doesn't have hands , :oooo since he would want to help Jimbo if need be (I'm so proud of him, getting along with those felines )
Lol I gotcha now. Yea Jimbo could definitely lend a helping hand to get them out of there. Might not be the most graceful of escapes. i mean if you have ever seen a gorilla run on two legs, well, grace is not what your thinking about. xD
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zCrookedz said:
Lol I gotcha now. Yea Jimbo could definitely lend a helping hand to get them out of there. Might not be the most graceful of escapes. i mean if you have ever seen a gorilla run on two legs, well, grace is not what your thinking about. xD
I tried so hard to not laugh at that during class! LOL
Here, have a pitlord

Hmm, I might have been to tired to recognize that you took a flight, I assumed that she just rode there on top of the stag.

If not believe in Eos being able to fly just this once, I probably messed it up.
DawnAntalios said:
Oh I see what you meant @SilverFlight
Well I guess you can cut Zoe out from that then, I will make her to do something more productive I guess.

Wait I thought I read that she was in the helicopter by Xiao? :o
Well at first yeah sure why not but seeing Cali's post it is you are Alec who are the ones wanting to showdown.

So by no means do I want to ruin a blooming cooperation between the two of them so go ahead.
DawnAntalios said:
Well at first yeah sure why not but seeing Cali's post it is you are Alec who are the ones wanting to showdown.
So by no means do I want to ruin a blooming cooperation between the two of them so go ahead.
I honestly don't mind at all. :ooo
crucialstar said:
Good morning everyone! &&I okie dokie, Moonie. Do you want Laohu or Jimbo @zCrookedz to keep your character hidden and come back when they leave the premises / when she wakes up? @Moonflight HI THERE DOLL :)
You guys could always like throw her into a crate and hide her there. I mean she is really small.

@crucialstar HI HI HI!
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Moonflight said:
You guys could always like throw her into a crate and hide her there. I mean she is really small.
@crucialstar HI HI HI!
OMGGG. Laohu won't allow that even if she's helllaaa smallll. Right @zCrookedz even as ungrateful as Jimbo is :) haha
Butchy. Titus's response.... Crying cause I have to admit, those questions are good
crucialstar said:
Butchy. Titus's response.... Crying cause I have to admit, those questions are good
Ya Titus isn't just dumb muscle.

Also would anyone like to decide if your gonna kill him or let him live his torture is becoming rather extreme and we should probably take it back a notch. @DaManofWar

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