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Fantasy The summoned king

" Tell me when something interesting happen"She said to the person behind her then Nat was just started texting and planning games on her phone.
(Slaps magnum- learn to read lol now when will you bother to reply you come back and all you say is geez I had to sleep come on the rp needs to move forward xD stop killing my rp!! Lol jk) Damien stood waiting for Ryuka."Come on lets go get yourself Ready.
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Nat was just taking selfies ,letting others join in since nothing was happening. " alright now everyone do a funny face!" She exclaimed So they did then she laughed then said while texting " this is totally going on my Instagram."
Damien looked over at them. He held his hand to his face,"Geez our clans are entirely to friendly, and OK let's get started,you Ready Ragna?"Damien asked." Yes I am lets have some fun,"Ragna replied." Now oh mighty blood god come forth so that you may feast upon the flesh of my foes!" Damien said as he took out a needle and jabbed his finger. All of a sudden everything got quiet and time seemed to stop as a single drop of blood hit the arena floor. All of a sudden a huge wave of black energy enveloped Damien and the seal of Ragna appeared under Damien. Made from the single drop of blood which seemed impossible being as it was so little blood. Then a huge black wolf appeared behind Damien. And Damien's voice seemed to talk in unison with ragnas. His eyes gloewed yellow and his teeth seemed like those of a beast."So you ready to play little king of the west?" ( @SenpaiMagnum and yes technically the leaders of clans are usually kings so each clan leader is a king they just don't go around calling each other that often)
Natalia said a couple of puns and made jokes until she saw the blood fall to the grounf"shh its starting!" She said hushing the crowd finally amused. Hopefully it will be a good fight.
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"I'm tired of waiting!" Damien roared as he charged her. He was prepared to strike when he stopped and realized."She's asleep,"he said his face turned to one of disappointment and annoyance."I guess that she really can't handle her booze she must still be wiped out from last night. Ok then your out!" Damien said as he tossed her out of the ring. Her clan caught her and placed her safely down.

Mister brim then appeared. "Ok folks I guess Damien wins this one, and since the south king hasnt shown himself the next sparring match will be Damien vs natalia!" Mister brims high pitched voice said and the crowd cheered for the next match.

Damien sat down waiting for natalia."Your not gonna keep me waiting to are you?"( @Robyn Banks
"Wait what?!" She said looking up from her phone. She walked to the center still not really waiting to go. She was hesitant to grab the dagger from her leg harness.She raised to dagger up displaying it to the audience."Samael come out from the depths of hell and Vanquish my enemies!" Suddenly a giant being with aura surrounding him appeared as the ground began to shake. "Natalia its been a while." The demon said. "Yes it has. This is time to try and caught up." She said hurrying it him up."Yes of course." He put his hand on her shoulder then started to possess her. Her eyes glowed red and her nails grew sharper. Natalia started to have a cold,emotionless look on her face. She took her stance and waited for Damien to make the first move.
Mister brim smiled." Ok folks this is gonna be a good match lets start!" As he said this he disappeared.", Damien moved towards her slowly smiling his wicked smile." You newbies sure are amusing. You appear to take the place of the former clan leader with your inresting summonings. Of course I was new once to but that was a while ago.Anyways enough talk lets fight,",Damien said the whole time his voice sounding like ragna and he where both speaking at once. He pulled out a bag and tossed it into the air at Natalia. Needles came pouring out and then Damien appeared right infront of her needles surrounding them both in the air."Now pressure point pin point! One thousand prescies strikes! " Damien said announcing his attack. He moved to fast to make out grabbing needles out of the air and jabbing them into Natalias pressure points faster than any one should of been able to react. Then he appeared behind her and wiped his hair out of his face." Hmm and I was worried for a sec are you done or can you actually still go with all those pressure points pinned like that?"
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She gave him a round house to the face then changed the daggera into a katana then doing a downward strike" No please continue I wouldn't want to ruin your fun. Though I must say this will injure her after the fight though."
A huge black wolf came behind natalia and slung her into the ground." How annoying how did you manage to move with all those pressure points pinned down? Even with a summoning being in control you shouldn't be able to move!" Damien rubbed his head." Oh and that really hurt!"he said making a angry face.
"Well I see you never fought a person possessed by a demon before. You see I give her my abilities but sadly for her she will feel everything after we're finished. So I suggest you be careful or you just might kill her." Though her voice didn't changed. Natalia was no longer in control of her body. She teleported behind them then changed her katana until aa machine gun then started shooting
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"I've fought demons before that's not a inherent ability! Even if you do give her your abilities as long as I got one pressure point hit you should be affected!" Damien was beginning to change feeling the affects of a gods possession. "It must be some sort of ability that particular summoning has. Even if the summoners possessed my pressure points attack almost always work paralyzing my enemies but this summonings got something different about them." Damien said as he was attacked. The best black wolf transformed into a spartan warrior and blocked the attack with his shield, then using his giant spear began striking at Natalia.
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Natalia jumped on the spear then quickly ran on it then jumped again so she as in front of Ragna's gave him a tiger tail kick ( thank you jet li movies) with a lot of force.
Ragna moved back as she attempted to kick him, and transformed again. Just managing to avoid the kick. Now a giant black crow ragna grabbed Natalia and flew into the sky as high as possible before turning around and free falling towards the ground only to release before impact and flying upwards so he to didn't hit the ground.
Natalia laid on the ground for a little bit but the slowly got up now starting to feel the agonizing pain. She rolled her neck a bit then gave a devilish smirk. " If she doesn't feel anything she's going to feel that." She then scanned the air looking for him with her machine gun ready to fire." Come out little birdy so I can shoot you done." she said starting to make bird noises.
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Damien appeared over her like a menacing shadow." Oh I'm sorry did you say something here let me help you up!" Damien said as he grabbed her by the arm and repeatedly began slamming her into the ground over and over.
"Alright that's enough!" She said as she grabbed him the flung him across the arena , shooting at when he landed. "Samael I need you to win this. Its not only important for me but for my clan so I suggest you succeed and don't lose your sense of control." Natalia said in her mind using that to communicate with Samael" Don't worry Natalia I have reasons to win this as well." He said out loud using her voice still shooting.
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Damien laughed as he side stepped bullets and dodged them like it was nothing. "Don't be so serious little king this is only for fun the real match isn't until way later. Can't you tell I'm not even trying!" All of a sudden Damien was beside Natalia and began striking and kicking her using different fighting styles.
She snorted "doesn't seem like it." She replied. She dodged majority of them then on the last kick he gave she grabbed his leg then used her strength the lift him up then slam him to the ground."So what's the point of even doing this if its just for practice. I don't understand humans sometimes" she commented as she turned the machine gun into a sword then pinned him down by thrusting the sword into his abdomen.
Damien kicked the gun away before she could really aim it at him." Its to get the clans pumped for the tournament duh!" He then stood up and began striking at her left right left right jabbing and striking like a professional boxer.

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