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Fantasy Spirit Animals 2.0

Simon yelled as he watched the Minotaur receive his attack as he had intended this time. But before his could celebrate, he realized that Marty and Fang might be effected by the electrical pulse from his glove. He swore under his breathe and braced himself for another bash from the shield, but the shield stopped short from Sek's aggressive attack.

"Nicely done Sek!! Marty, Fang, you two alright?

The pair was on the other side of the room by now, and the Minotaur had taken off in that direction using his shield as a crutch. Simon looked around the area, crates busted and weapons spread everywhere. But something did catch his eye that made Simon smile.

A large rocket launcher had been released from the crate and now lay among the debre of weapons and splintered wood. Simon scooped up the gun as the Minotaur busted through the wall and sunlight came pouring in.

As Simon glanced around for any spare rockets he could find, he noted Jimbo near Alec.

"Jim!! Help get the rest of the people out of here, we can take care of Titus."

Jimbo huffed in agreance and once he got Alec to his feet began running to the last of the cages and breaking locks.

Simon, having scooped up two more rockets from the ground, ran to the large opening in the wall to see where the Minotaur had gone. He loaded the first of the rockets and took aim at the tent that looked like the beast had gone into. There was a loud pop and a stream of smoke erupted out of the back of the rocket and headed straight for the tent.

@Calibutcher @DaManofWar @SilverFlight @SenpaiMagnum
Alec was sure his time was up when all of a sudden a familiar dark, hairy shape appeared behind the guard. The unfortunate man crumpled to the ground under the weight of the blow and Alec was hauled shakily to his feet.

"Thanks Jim...I owe you one." He grinned at the gorilla, blinking blood from his left eye and still clutching his blood-drenched hair with one hand.

"Head injuries always look worse than they are...I...I'll be fine." His head was still spinning, but he clutched the gun firmly and began looking for more targets.

Duik saw the minotaur had broken through the wall.

"Woo! We got him on the run!" He leaped down from the crane's cockpit and went to find Alec.

"Awww man....your face!" He explained when he saw his partner stagger out from behind a set of ruined crates. He was helping the prisoners out of their cages.

"We need to find Sambivi I want some answers...don't worry Duik, its not bad."

The hyena looked skeptical.

A bullet ricocheted off of a steel beam and another burst into a crate by their left side. Alec grabbed Duik and dove for cover. It seemed the guards had recovered enough to fire back.

Alec sent a volley of bullets their way, pinning them so the last of the prisoners could get clear of the fighting. Some of the soldiers tried to follow Simon, Marty and the others after the minotaur but Alec made sure they were pinned.

"Not on my watch." He growled.

"You know, there's something you could invent Alec, howabout a gun that you can fire without thumbs."

Alec reloaded with one fluid motion. "If we live through this Duik, I'll draw up a blueprint."

@zCrookedz @Calibutcher @crucialstar

((Grah...writers block,))
Felix’s face brightened considerably as the prospect of freedom was drawing closer.

“Thank you t-t thanks so much”

A familiar voice stammered and a rush of relief followed running through the small creatures body. Scarlett was okay and they were finally free there were almost no words to describe the amount of gratitude he held towards their savour, who happened to be a huge gorilla.

“Yesss two points for us blondie!” He giggled swinging from his cage and onto Scarlett’s shoulders and giving her a high five. The two of them gazed around them in total surprise almost paralyzed by fear. People and animals alike were clawing at each other, bullets and arrows were flying everywhere and there were people falling by the second. Alas, this was not the fun game or adventure like Scarlett had planned at all. It was then that Felix finally realised how much danger they were in and the little monkey’s face fell.

Since the two had no previous memories of being captured they both had no idea how to get out of the base. All the corridors looked the same and it was getting increasing dangerous standing in the middle of a range of fire with nothing to protect themselves with. The gorilla had vanished as quick as he had came so it seemed like their was nothing better to do than to head to the crates and fight, something that nether Scarlett or Felix were very skilled in.

“Here goes nothing” Scarlett whispered her breath tickling Felix’s ears as her teeth chattered.

“On the count of three” Felix whispered back “One”


“Three” The golden monkey clutched onto Scarlett’s shirt as the blonde took off running dangerously to the crate of weapons. With no cover the two could hear the whistling of arrows and bullets narrowly miss them as she sprinted. Scarlett had never been good at sports or fighting but to her credit the woman could sure run fast dodging objects and people, climbing over things and jumping. Finally they reached the crates of weapons, looking more lost than they had before...Unlucky for them Scarlett couldn’t even hold a gun let alone aim one and actually hit something. So as Felix squirmed uncomfortably in her shirt the blonde crouched down behind the crate feeling like more of a liability than she was in the horrible iron cage.

@zCrookedz @crucialstar @SenpaiMagnum @DaManofWar @SilverFlight @Moonflight @DawnAntalios
Jonas Savimbi had gone into his office before the fight had started he would have come out earlier to see why the alarm had sounded in the first place if he was not making such an important phone call. However he had to end his phone call upon hearing Titus roaring, Savimbi was worried the Minotaur was to be resting not tearing up his base. Upon his entering the main room Savimbi discovered a very different cause for the racket it was the group he had taken in to shelter the very group that Larkin had brought. Savimbi was furious he told them directly to stay out of here but obviously his warning had no effect on them. For a moment Savimbi stood there in shock and anger he wasn't even sure how to react for a moment. In all his time as a mercenary he never had faced anything quite like this, even his men all hardened warriors in there own right were struggling to fight under such extreme circumstances the attackers were swift and just as ferocious as many of his own men it seemed. Savimbi smirked now he could see why Larkin had them with him. Savimbi's eye caught a hold on Alec though and his companion Duik Savimbi knew the boy seemed familiar to him but he could not put his finger on why, his face though it seemed as though he had met him before he could have sworn Savimbi pulled out his desert Eagle pistol and squeezed off a few rounds at the kid who was keeping fire on some of his men. Once Savimbi saw he had the boys attention he took off bolting down a hallway until he got to some stairs which he followed all the way to the top where he reached a fully armed helicopter. Savimbi hopped into the cockpit and started up the rotors and began his pre-flight check.


Titus had just got his leg wrapped up when all of a sudden he heard a rocket flying towards him but by the time he heard the sound it was already too late the rocket had entered the tent Titus looked up just in time to see it coming straight for him he instinctively raised his arm but managed to bring his shield up as well. the rocket hit his shield which was desingned to take the strike of a dragon and all that entailed however he had never used it against explosives before, while it did stop the explosion from ripping him to shreds it still sent him flying backwards through several tents and gave him a huge concussive blow. The Minotaur landed nearly 50 feet back tangled up in tent parts and with his shield still on top of him Titus sword Atroxodus had stuck partly into the Minotaurs arm and had pinned it against the ground. Titus realized that no matter how hard he tried his body would not move he had sustained to many injuries his anger even would not dull his pain now. The only thing he managed was a weak shield throw attempting to hit SImon with his shield but falling several feet short, Titus let out a pained roar something between a scream and a growl filled with anger and regret.


The Mercanaries began to see that this fight would not be going well as they watched there champion Titus fall to the skill of those they were against. They began falling back evacuating the building and regrouping outside the leaders of the groups began radioing Savimbi for further instruction as most of them formed up near the outskirts of camp getting ready for whatever came next.

@DawnAntalios @SenpaiMagnum @DaManofWar @Moonflight @Baconhands @crucialstar @Fish and Chips
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Laohu steadily watched the scene before him from outside, steathily hiding himself behind other objects, carefully and precisely. He heard the groaning and cries of his comrades as they were taking down the angry Minotaur. However he couldn't help but wince every few seconds at the thunderous footstep and running caused by the Minotaur plus the slamming of bodies. Laohu turned his attention towards Adeline and Quilliam, impressed by their remarkable work until they too were taken out by the darts. Laohu came out of hiding and roared at those guards, attempting to get ahold of them. He charged at them with ferocity, letting his claws show as he slammed into all of them, clawing each of them without any remorse, biting into their necks quickly. He made sure to keep his ears alert from any darts that were heading his way. Angrily, he got off of the dead guards, careful not to step on his comrades and charged directly at the guard shooting the darts. As he almost made it, a dart zoomed past his fur missing him by a centimeter. Laohu felt a slight prick hit but it wasn't deep enough for him to feel anything severe and soon he was on top of the guard and bit off his head, kicking the darts away from him and any other attackers. Seeing that there was one dart left, Laohu carefully gripped it in his mouth, making sure not to get the poison in his system. His attention as taken away when Titus came crashing through the walls of the building and into the first tent he saw. Laohu almost grinned with proudness when he saw the amount of damage his friends had taken on the giant creature. Soon, he saw Jimbo and Simon, and Marty and Fang going after the Minotaur. Soon an explosion was seen in the tent Titus had ran into. Laohu dropped the dart and looked towards Adeline and Quilliam. He needed to move them away from the sights before anymore guards came to attack. Gently using his nose, he nudged at Adeline and Quilliam. He carefully opened his mouth and bit the bottom of Adeline's shirt, gently yet swiftly maneuvering her to where he has hiding before. When he was satisfied, he went to get Quilliam. Laohu hated the spikes that were poking out in his mouth, regardless, he ignored the tickling sensation and placed Quilliam gently with Adeline. Laohu stayed next to them, in case anyone would harm them before they were to awaken. Sitting next to them, he wanted his anger to die down before he did something he regretted. It looked as if the others definitely were able to infiltrate this camp and take it directly by force. However, where the main mastermind had gone, he didn't know. He couldn't face Xiao Hui in this state, just yet, trusting in her abilities that she would be okay.

Xiao Hui was about to call out to Adeline and Quilliam before they decided to run out to the fields, but it was too late. They were gone before she could pull them back. Keeping a low profile, Xiao Hui went to find other weapons that would be handy to her as she went out in the open field as well. Looking at the dead guards, she figured why not take the armor the male wore as protection. Dragging one of the lifeless body into her view, she began stripping the man as the others were fighting off Titus. Quickening her pace she finally got it off and bit back the urge to gag at the blood , and placed it on her body. She would really need a clean shower if they all got through this alive. However, something unexpected happened, the others were able to throw Titus off his A game causing him to run from them towards a tent. She internally cheered her comrades on as she watched the hostages run away, finding refuge as soon as possible. Internally cheering and letting out a sigh of relief, Xiao Hui felt some weight being lifted off of her, seeing that her companions were all in one shape, injured but still alive. Xiao Hui took the pistol the armed guards had and aimed it at the guards that were gunning for Alec. Even if he didn't see her, she had his back, no matter what. Soon, however, she watched as a girl quickly dodged the bullets aimed at her as she ran as fast as a cheetah. Xiao Hui looked over at the girl, seeing as she also wasn't used to weilding a weapon. Xiao Hui limped over to her, still careful to not be seen by the other guards. She whispered, "I don't mean to frighten you. From what I know, you would have to click the pistol's hold, unlocking it, and aim it at the target. It doesn't have to be precise just aim at a place where it'll injury them the most, shoulders and legs." She smiled softly at the girl and then took off in a different direction. However, as she looked up in another building, she squinted, seeing a familiar figure staring through the window: Savimbi. He didn't notice her and clearly staring at Alec, aiming straight at him and the guards he was fighting. Xiao Hui knew they'd have to catch the man before he escaped and since he wasn't paying attention to her, she quickly went off in the direction of Savimbi's office hoping to catch up to him. But seeing that the brace was dragging her down, she disregarded the brace, quickly. Running faster than she had ever before, not letting the pain in her ankle slow her down. By the time she reached the stairs of the building she saw Savimbi in, she was out of breathe, but continued on, getting to the top of the building where a helicopter was getting ready to take off. Xiao Hui wanted so bad to collapse on the ground from the sweat, shakingness of her legs, and the heavy beating of her heart. However, she didn't stop as she made her way towards the helicopter, seeing that he hadn't closed the door on either aides. As quiet as she could, Xiao Hui entered the helicopter, taking the pistol in her hand, and aimed it at the male's head. What she would do, she hadn't figured that out yet, but she knew she didn't want him leaving yet. As reckless as she was being, it didn't matter at the moment, which was definitely out of character for her. Xiao Hui felt Laohu's warmth in her soul, knowing he was okay, however, felt he was avoiding her for a reason. She wasn't thinking clearly, but knew she needed to bide time for Alec. "Stop what you're doing, or a bullet will be shot through your hand." She spoke clearly and monotonously, eyeing Savimbi's movement carefully, seeing if he'd make any movements to grab a weapon. Xiao Hui tried not to show her weakness in her ankle or the raggedness in the shortness of breathe. Who knew running from one place to another in just under 4 minutes would be this exhausting, maybe it's the weight of the armor that was weighing her down as well.

@Moonflight @SilverFlight @Calibutcher @Right okay then
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A spray of bullets got Alec's attention in a split second. He ducked just in time. A few strand of his hair floated into his face, sheered off by a near miss. Alec caught sight of Sambivi and the look on the man's face was puzzling. Was it recognition.

"A-Alec." The hyena was staring at something on Alec's person. The empty pistol he had picked up from the mine entrance.

"We go after Sambivi." He saw the man take off up the stairs and could only guess what was waiting for him. They didn't have much time.

Then something appeared that made Alec's heart stop.

"Xiao!" She was still here?! And running after the crazed mercenary leader. Alec took off like a shot, Duik following loyally at his heels. bullets flew as they made a dash for the stairs. Alec jumped them three at a time, Duik matching his pace step for step. Even before they reached the roof Alec could hear the familiar thrum of the helicopter rotary. He cursed as his worst thought was realized.

Xiao had climbed inside and while Sambivi's attention was occupied Alec skirted the helicopter and jumped in the other side. He made a grab for the man, aiming to wrap one strong arm about the merc's neck while reaching for Sambivi's holstered gun.

"End of the line, traitor. Kill the engine now or I wear I will finish you right here!" Alec had to yell to be heard over the roar of the blades and his voice held a fury that bordered on savage. His eyes were dark and almost feral.

"Now you're going to tell me what you're doing helping the rogues, and you better make sure I believe it!"

Duik gave his partner a worried glance. He had seen that look only once before, and it still gave him a bad feeling.

@Calibutcher @crucialstar
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Marty and Fang lay still for a few moments. Then slowly, Fang started to get up. Then he stood up on his hind legs. His front legs grew longer, becoming more like a man's. He was growling and snarling. Marty pushed himself up off the ground, but he had changed as well. Thick fur was growing all over his body, and his mouth was becoming longer, bigger. The two continued changing, snarling and growling in pain and fury. Marty's whole body became like a wolverine, and Fang became more like a man. They were in the grip of what could only be described as lycanthrope. When it finished, two monsters stood in the place of Marty and Fang. They both even looked the same, except for Marty's longer hair on one of the creatures head. The two friends changed into what could only be described as we're-wolverines.

Uttering a snarling roar, both bounded straight for Titus, Marty reaching him first. He lunged onto him, and began repeatedly punching and clawing him, while Fang sunk his teeth into Titus's broken kneecap, shredding the bandages, and twisted it, trying to snap it off. Both had changed into something dangerous. And they liked it.
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The chaos and destruction around Zoe just inspired her to attack more furiously. She aimed and every time she hit one or two guards with her shots, pinning them down. It was clear that the mercenaries had no intention of dying and they were fleeing, trying to cling to their dear life. She let most of them go, only those who dared to charge at her did meet an unfortunate fate - for her goal was no other than Sambivi.

Eos broke through the camp with his mighty antlers like a battering ram, quickly making his way towards the middle. Hearing the roar of Titus and that her friends were going after the monster soothed her soul for a bit - now she could search for a greater threat. And so she did: her eyes scouted the area looking for the traitor man, Immediately she had heard familiar voices: Alec and Xiao were both after the fleeing coward, and it seemed that they had him cornered already.

" That way! " she exclaimed as Eos darted towards her allies. Immediately she noticed four dark figures lurking in the shadows, sneaking up on Alec and Xiao as they spoke. To her horror both of them seemed to be injured and exhausted and they would probably not notice Sambivi's men until it was too late.

Readying her arrows she unleashed the strongest of them - which this time were infused with lethal poison. With precision she aimed and shot - but only three of the arrows hit. The unfortunate victims collapsed immediately and died yet the last one looked furiously at her, readying his blades. Zoe prepared for a close quarter combat - but the assassin was more clever than she anticipated. Quickly changing the way he was holding the dagger he hurled it towards the approaching girl.

The wicked blade hit Zoe directly in the middle of her chest, bare inches away from her heart. She screamed briefly in pain before a red fury enveloped her body. She felt completely ignorant to pain and all she wanted was the traitor and his lackeys dead. The assassin stepped back, surprised at her fortitude as Zoe jumped off from Eos right on top of him. Grabbing the deeply embedded dagger in her chest, she pulled it out with a hiss and stabbed her foe instead. The man twitched one last time as the accurate strike of the girl finished him off quickly.

" Zoe, are you all right? " Eos asked.

She spoke not for she was engulfed with anger but still nodded. The elder stag noticed this and he gently walked up to her, speaking.

" Come. The others are still in danger. " Eos proclaimed which miraculously allowed her to snap out from her blood lust. Nodding, she climbed back on her steed - and although she was breathing raggedly she marched onward.

Finally they reached Sambivi and she strode before Xiao, trying to shelter the wounded girl despite her own weakness.

" Sorry that we were late. We were slightly delayed. " she smiled at Alec and the girl and then readied her arrow, pointing it at the traitor " You better speak or you can sleep with the fishes. "

@SilverFlight @crucialstar @Calibutcher
Simon watched as the tent exploded into a magnificent ball of fire and a very large smoking Minotaur came flying out the back. Simon was satisfied with the help the rocket launcher had given him, and now found that he no longer needed it. He tossed the gun to the side, but held onto the rockets for insurance. He stuffed them into his belt loops and looked up to see a shield sliding across the ground.

Simon knelt down and picked up the shield, its weight was remarkable and its make was like nothing he had ever seen before. The bottom of it dragged across the ground as he made his way over towards the down beast.

Suddenly two blurrs rushed past him and Simon had to stop for a second to realize that the pair of creatures before him looked a bit like wolverines. Putting two and two together, Simon's eyes widened as he realized that Marty and Fang had changed into something incredible during the fight and were now more savage than ever.

"MARTY?! FANG?! Don't kill him!! I want to ask him questions."

Simon hoped that what he said would reach the two and they would be able to control themselves momentarily and not eat the Minotaur alive. Simon rushed over and grabbed the hilt of his sword stuck into the arm of the Minotaur. Simon began to twist the bladed hilt a bit as he grit his teeth and looked down at the Minotaur.

"Before my friends eat you alive, tell me who you're working for!! If you do I might grant you an honorable death."

Simon could feel the tug in his chest as he spat the words out. He did not wish to kill the Minotaur, in fact he would have preferred that he not get as damaged as he had so that he could fight with the beast again. Simon could only hope he wouldn't call his bluff.

@DaManofWar @Calibutcher

Jimbo gave the girl and her partner a once over, and the pair seemed to be in good condition. Satisfied, Jimbo looked back over the busted compound and spotted Simon leaving through the hole that the Minotaur had made. Normally he would have gone straight over to him, but there were still a few guards hanging around.

Jimbo watched as Alec and the others went after Savimbi and Jimbo knew he needed to help keep the way clear so that they could make a quick escape. He looked over towards one of the weapons crate and reached in. A procured an assault rifle and a few clips.

"Now lets see if all those war movies paid off."

Jimbo stuck a clip into the gun, gave the charging handle a quick pull and whipped it over the top of the crate. Luckily, pop's had taken Simon and Jimbo on a few hunting trips in their younger days. Simon was a terrible shot, but Jimbo was much better. He could even use his back feet to shoot pistols and was still better than Simon. Sad huh.

Jimbo began emptying out the clip, not aiming to kill, but to incapacitate as one after another the guards dropped.

"Now that's what I call, Gorilla Warfare."

He wasn't talking to anyone in particular, as most of the others had run off after their quarry. Jimbo just always wanted to say that.

@Right okay then @anyone else in the compound
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Sek quickly got up from being thrown and watched from a distance. Kai joined her, nodding. Sek sighed, glad that Sira was still hidden and safe. She approached the beast and got near the head, staring into its undamaged eye. Her hand was bloody and had the knife still on it. She licked her hand clean of the blood, now on her face and mouth. She crouched near the eye and began to draw a lion under the skin of his eye. It would hurt the creature, but not blind this eye.

She saw Simon and blinked, before seeing the strange other creatures, clearly half animal half man but the animal was unknown to her. After they had calmed down she would ask them. @DaManofWar @zCrookedz
Marty stopped when he heard Simon's voice. He growled unintelligantly, but calmed down. He still had a hand on Titus's neck, and raised the other above his head. Fang also stopped, but kept his arms wrapped around Titus's leg, ready to break it. He was breathing horsely, but had a smile on his face. He was enjoying himself.

Marty, however, froze when he saw a girl. Her face was covered in blood, and she had a knife in her hand. She had licked blood off it. Reconigation flared across his face. She was the bloodstained girl from earlier. However, when he saw her crave a lion under Titus's other eye, Marty made up his mind. He swung his other hand down, grabbing the girls wrist. He leaned across, bringing his inhuman face directly in front of hers. He snarled at her, and managed to get words out. "Who..the..hell...are...you?" He snapped his jaws at her.

@SenpaiMagnum @zCrookedz
Sek hissed and Kai growled warningly. "I'm Sek..who the hell are you?" She growled, spitting in his face and wrenching her hand away, growling angrily. She backed up and Kai backed her up, baring his teeth.

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Marty almost let go of Titus, but stopped. He studied Sek. She had a lion as a companion. He scoffed, and growled out some more words. He was getting better at talking while in this form.. "I'm Marty," he said, and gestured to his friend. "That's Fang. In case you didn't notice, kitty cat, he's a wolverine." Marty snapped at her again. He ignored the spit on his face. Instead, he just carefully watched Sek, taking in every part of her body. He smirked at her, then turned back to Titus's. "Mind answering Simon?"

@SenpaiMagnum @zCrookedz
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She glared at Marty and Kai looked at Fang amusedly, smirking a bit. She muttered something foul in Swahili. Kai chuckled and Sek sat down, continuing to draw the lion into Titus's face.

"Hey," Marty said, turning back to Sek. She was drawing that lion again. He growled at her, trying to get her attention. "What the hell are you doing?" Fang laughed some more, before turning to the lion. "Who are you, may I ask?" Fang was curious. He had never seen a white lion before. So, seeing one now made him slightly intrigued.

"I'm drawing , you nitwit" she growled, not even looking over at him and finishing the carving. Kai chuckled and looked at Fang. "I'm Kai of the Savanah Pride...now disbanded" he sighed. "Who are you?" He asked.

Fang mentally face palmed. "I'm Fang..." Fang was lightly offended that Kai had forgotten him that quickly. Marty, however, was more focused on Sek's answer. He thought it. She had been drawing. Marty smirked, and then began laughing. He turned to Sek again, still laughing. "I like you, kitty," he said, wickedly smiling. "Mind if I join in?" Then he reached a hand over, and dung it into Titus's forehead, carving a wolverine.

"..oh..I'm sorry! You've already introduced yourself...my mistake.." Kai said sheepishly, sitting down and curling his tail around his paws. He didn't mean to offend the wolverine, trying to be polite and handle Sek are a bit hard to do.

Sek glared at Marty, not enjoying the nickname 'kitty'. It made her sound domesticated and passive, everything she was not. She hissed in displeasure and finished her drawing. She stood up and looked at him. "No, because I've finished.." She muttered, her ice blue eyes glaring at him coldly.

Marty looked up her, still smiling. "What's that look for? Do you like the name kitty?" He thought for a second, then perked. "How does lioness sound? You like that, lioness?" Fang suddenly twisted Titus's leg sharply. "What's taking so long, steak? You too stubborn to talk?" Marty turned back to Titus as well, finishing his crude wolverine drawing. He smiled, and licked the blood off his claws.
That nickname only made Sek scowl. "No..." She growled, sitting by Kai and braiding his mane absentmindedly. She looked at the wolverine and studied its features while her hands continued to braid Kai's mane. He sighed as Sek started. It was a nervous habit of hers or whenever she felt pissed off. He didn't mind it, but she needed to find another way to vent her frustration. Sek sighed, {When should we go get Sira? The sleepers I gave her should be wearing off in a little while}. [We will get her once this matter is seen through..] Kai replied. Although he had fathered a few Cubs before Sira, she was the one that was his favourite. His three sons were out of the pride and his other daughter had died by a crocodile. She was his only legacy left that he could love and trust..well Sek was more like his sister anyway.

Titus was mortified... had he really just been defeated by this measly band of humans? he winced as they began torturing him carving on his fast and twisting his sword in his arm. Titus just muttered in pain for a moment before taking in a raspy breath. "Who I work for isn't someone I have to fear like you humans, you may think me a monster but I have never killed my own species. How many humans have you killed today just to come after me?" Titus was interrupted by another carving be started in his forehead. "Could you not!" Was all Titus could yell at the wolverine creature whose persistence to cause pain to him was becoming unbearable. Titus did his best to return focus to Simon who seemed to be his only hope of living though even he only threatened him with death. "Have you really thought about why we rogues fight? Have you even considered our side of the story or are we all just mindless animals to you incapable of real intelligence? do you just consider every animal below you, humans?" Titus did not want to continue this conversation he looked away and waited for the worst. However it seemed the torture would only continue as they carving in his face went on and his leg was jerked painfully.

Savimbi was ready to take off but was stopped by Alec and Xiao, Savimbi however did not flinch he barely even moved. Savimbi pushed the accelerator forward and the helicopter began to take to the sky. Savimbi spoke up to be heard over the rotor wash. "First off I wouldnt suggest killing me as we will all crash and die second of im just a man after money I will work for whoever can pay. And the rouges can pay very well actually." Though Savimbi had to yell to be heard of the rotor wash there was considerable calm in his voice still the chopper continued to climb into the air. "I remeber now I do know you... Alec, your father is a great and varied business man. You look just like your Father Alec. And maybe you should ask him why he is working with men like me." Savimbi let the words hang in the air as he carefully Manuvered the chopper around the base to overlook Titus and those interrogating him.

Marty began laughing for all the base to hear. Fang smiled. Then he twisted Titus's leg the full way around."This is getting good," he declared. Fang was having the time of his life. "Titus, I have to say," Marty began leaning in close, "I have been enjoying myself. Both me and Fang have. And you said what, that we 'humans' look down on animals?" Marty raised his head back, letting out a massive burst of laughter. "Pal," he continued, "I am just like you. I'm an animal. Pure and simple. I got nothing holding me back. See her?" Marty went on, gesturing to Sek, "She's an animal as a well. And a damned fine one at that. A real beast. And I mean that in a good way." Marty smirked at Sek, and gave her a thumbs up. Then he slashed his claws across Titus's face."SO DON'T EVER CRITICIZE A WOLVERINE, YOU BASTARD!"

@SenpaiMagnum @Calibutcher
Sek blushed and glared at Marty. She quickly got up and slapped him so hard across the face that he stumbled backwards and his nose bled. "

kufunga mdomo wako wewe mungu iliyoachwa na mnyama! si milele kusema kwamba kuhusu mwili wangu!*" She hissed, her daggers in her hands. The look on her face was so upset that you could almost feel her anger. Kai sighed and growled, turning his head and looking at her.


(* shut your mouth you god forsaken animal! do not ever say that about my body!)
Marty jumped back up onto his feet, and shot Sek an admiring look. He laughed at her. "Look, speak english, girl," he told her, "and I meant that in a different way. I saw how you escaped from your cell. You used your own blood. I mean, DAMN! You rarely see someone that determined. And someone like that is a real beast." Marty then smirked. "But you do look damn fine." he muttered under his breath. Fang, meanwhile, was happily munching on Titus's broken leg. He knew his friend could handle this.
Sek glared at him but slowly put her knives away. "..I'm not a beast..." She muttered and started walking away, letting out a small yowl. Sira ran out of some barrels still a bit woozy from the sleepers. Sek grabbed her and started purring, holding the cub to her chest. Sira licked her ear and tilted her head at Marty and Fang. Sek walked back, sitting by Kai. She let Sira go and she immediantly walked to Marty. She let out a baby roar and pawed at his legs, her tail waving happily. Sek turned to them and watched, her position poised to strike at any moment. @DaManofWar

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