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  1. Master of Malfeasance

    Dragon Blooded Book

    A female trust fund brat who operates a game store at a loss because she likes it, eh? Is she hot?  If so, I might have to give up the current girl of my dreams ... 4906-2.jpg (the lead singer of Epica) and go after her instead.
  2. Master of Malfeasance

    Dragon Blooded Book

    I have a feeling deep inside me that this may derail the whole thread, but I agree with QC.  Shitty online gaming and the internet have seriously detracted from the hobby and, in my opinion, driven prices up for all of us who love going to the friendly neighborhood geek shop and inquiring into...
  3. Master of Malfeasance

    Dragon Blooded Book

    Darkblade is right, I call bullshit.  Nothing even affiliated with Wal-Mart could ever muster the coolness necessary to sell Exalted books.  Or anything else that anyone literate would appreciate, though I was once propositioned by a hooker in a wal mart parking lot.  I coughed up $5 to be in...
  4. Master of Malfeasance

    PC's killed my Perfect!

    Screw the nancy god emperor Leto II.  Leto II does the Emperor of Terra's laundry and cleans his bathroom before retiring to the carriage house for the night.
  5. Master of Malfeasance

    Dragon Blooded Book

    I concede that I do not have the time to read all 4712 of his posts, however, I did read a few and realize you are correct.
  6. Master of Malfeasance

    Cockwaving among the Exalted

    What I'm asking is that does the DB feel just a little bit outclassed despite the fact that he has a higher essence.  Is essence the only determiner, or is your level of exaltation also important? In a perfect world, all the solars have high essence, with the essences dropping by direct...
  7. Master of Malfeasance

    How easy should selling an artifact be?

    Sure.  Mortals don't need to be performing complex acrobatics or blocking torrents of obsidian razors shaped like butterflies.  Why not?  It might even benefit some professions.  Imagine the blacksmith who can work a hotter forge because his arm is jade.
  8. Master of Malfeasance

    Dragon Blooded Book

    that's like saying I missed the irony in a joke about Hitler.  The first time I read it, my eyes interpreted the letters, but the only word that I heard in my head was heresy.
  9. Master of Malfeasance

    Cockwaving among the Exalted

    So, an essence 2 Solar, an essence 5 DB, and an essence 3 Sidereal walk into a bar... Which one has the biggest cock? In my games, essence-wielders can all get a general idea of eachother's power levels for free if they interact.  This is an innate facet of nature, but power does not...
  10. Master of Malfeasance

    How easy should selling an artifact be?

    Clockwork.  Wind your arm three times a day and you can have a normal life.  All we need to talk about now is price.
  11. Master of Malfeasance

    PC's killed my Perfect!

    Yes, the mark disappeared and no one had ANY idea what to do. Fortunately, my party and I, all being highly trained soldiers recently returned and about to depart for the sandbox, were all pretty clear on what needed to be done for a people who had no idea what freedom was like. It brought...
  12. Master of Malfeasance

    Dragon Blooded Book

    Stillborn, I think you're suffering from hubris if you think that 2E isn't better in every way that it's possible for something to be better than something else.  Saying you liked 1E more is like backing Buck Nasty at the player hater's ball. The concept of better was waiting for 2E to come...
  13. Master of Malfeasance

    How easy should selling an artifact be?

    ...compendium first. It's been 4 pages, and you are still on the main topic.  What are the odds that all of you took your Ritalin on time for *4 pages*.  Usually, by page 3, you're talking about how hot Kristanna Loken would be in hooker boots and a schoolgirl outfit. Of course, this will...
  14. Master of Malfeasance

    PC's killed my Perfect!

    you should read the sample powers given for Celestial Battle Armor.  For ten motes, I think, you can compress space to move 10 times your movement for an action.  If you are already moving 100 miles an hour with the basic flight ability attached to the suit (not combat flight, more like A to B...
  15. Master of Malfeasance

    PC's killed my Perfect!

    There's no Wyld Hunt coming.  That would send the wrong message.  Ragara is sending two legions and Cathak is sending two legions and they will most likely try to contact the Roseblack in the Southwest to see if they can muster the Vermilion legion in time. Before that, though, they...
  16. Master of Malfeasance

    PC's killed my Perfect!

    So my (100+ XP) players killed the Perfect of Paragon and EVERYONE saw them.   Now that they have auctioned off his wardrobe and raided the armory and are beginning to hold court there (no one has actually said they want to be in charge), they have been marauding around the countryside taking...
  17. Master of Malfeasance

    Resources suck

    That is exactly my point. If your circle of Solar Exalted have accounts with the guild, and they adventure full time finding the kinds of loot that the Exalted ordinarily find, they are going to accrue a huge amount of money in fairly short order.   In the example above, 1000 silver Talents...
  18. Master of Malfeasance

    What does Malfeas smell like?

    My party seems to have run afoul of Dukantha during calibration.  What possessed them to be out on open ocean during Calibration is completely beyond me, but to teach them the error of their ways, they ran into Dukantha.  Instead of running like any sane person, they fought, and they gave an...
  19. Master of Malfeasance

    Resources suck

    I agree that the system does keep things fairly simple, leaving the rest of the game to be epically and dramatically cool. But avarice, envy, greed, bureaucracy, and corruption ARE epic and dramatic, and how do you keep score on those things? Your character has his named Daiklave, his...
  20. Master of Malfeasance

    Resources suck

    Okay, owing to lack of sleep when I started the post, this has gotten way off track from where I started.  Kudos for building the trade empire, and kudos for the list of common goods, but what I was mostly looking for were exotic goods. For example: I shamelessly plagiarized an idea from...