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  1. Dragon Slayer Arcos

    Fantasy The Eternal Cycle Characters

    Alrighty guys, I have been out of touch with how to design these things to make them all so fancy. So I will lay down a VVEERRRYYYYYY basic skeleton, and you are free to spice it up as you like. There is just ONE rule though, all info from this skelly must be present in yours. Edit: If you have...
  2. Dragon Slayer Arcos

    Fantasy The Eternal Cycle manipulate water in all three states. The ability to make their physical take on one for the three states of water.} - @Chibistaryuu Earth** - {The ability to control rock, soil, metal, and plants. The ability to commune with those of the earth, plants, animals, etc.} - @Neo Alice Air -...
  3. Dragon Slayer Arcos

    Fantasy The Grimm Path

    Plot Points for interest check: To become a Grimm, a mortal person must die before they are destined to do so. It is an exceedingly rare occurrence, 1 in 500,000,000 chance. The individual, in their exceptionally rare circumstance is offered a choice. They can continue on into the hereafter...
  4. Dragon Slayer Arcos

    Fantasy Endless Cycle of Magic and Fate

    500 Years ago... Our story starts in one of the uncommon ways, two natural enemies trying to kill each other. One, a human descended from a powerful race of humans gifted elemental magic and tasked with protecting humanity from the monsters in the dark, known to all Demons as Hunters. The...
  5. Dragon Slayer Arcos

    Fantasy End of The Order of Soul

    Simple plot points to get the ball rolling and see if there is any interest... The setting will be a world unlike earth in most ways. The technology level will be advanced. No religion has developed on the world, and science and sorcery rule the path of advancement. There are dozens of...
  6. Dragon Slayer Arcos

    Fantasy ReAwakened: Magic's Peril

    So I am not sure if I want to do this as a group or as a 1x1. I think I will see if there is any interest here first. Just the plot points as well, before working out the full story. On a world much like earth is where our story begins. In this world, magic and science coexist to run society...
  7. Dragon Slayer Arcos

    Fantasy Along Fate's Path

    In a world where magic permeates all things and those gifted with its touch rule above all others. This world is special, for magical creatures, beasts, humans,and other races coexist in relative harmony. Dozens of kingdoms and realms reside on this world, but the majority is untamed wilderness...
  8. Dragon Slayer Arcos

    Fantasy An Adventure Through Hell (CS)

    Character Sheets coming soon...
  9. Dragon Slayer Arcos

    Fantasy An Adventure Through Hell (Main)

    You wake up in an unfamiliar setting, your head feels foggy, and you cannot remember anything about how you got here. Around you is a ruined cityscape, once proud structures of steel and glass shatter, blown apart or crumbling. An eternal storm pummels those below, either freezing rains...
  10. Dragon Slayer Arcos

    Fantasy An Adventure Through Hell

    You wake up in an unfamiliar setting, your head feels foggy, and you cannot remember anything about how you got here. Around you is a ruined cityscape, once proud structures of steel and glass shatter, blown apart or crumbling. An eternal storm pummels those below, either freezing rains...
  11. Dragon Slayer Arcos

    Fantasy Accidental Summons

    Your Character: You will be descended from the most prominent and powerful magical line in the world, an heir to the Merlin line itself. However, through various tests it was discovered that you possessed little magical might. Because of this, you studied throughout your youth to try and...
  12. Dragon Slayer Arcos

    Fantasy Beginning of a New Path

    Shayne opened his eyes as the alarm on his cellphone began to play music from his playlist. Groaning, he kneaded his eyes with the heals of his hands and then stretched out his body. His back cracked in several places and caused him to groan with pleasure. Beside him, the blankets moved as his...
  13. Dragon Slayer Arcos

    Fantasy Beginning of a New Path

    The Characters: My Character: Currently known as one of the most powerful men in the world for his innovative tech systems and work with under-developed countries to bring them into the 21st century. Even though his face is known around the world, no one seems to know much about his past. The...
  14. Dragon Slayer Arcos

    Fantasy Surviving Fate's Path

    This story will take place in a world in which magic common and those with powerful bloodlines are in power. The world is governed by a council of the most powerful magic users, most inheriting their positions through the generations. In this world, those without magic are considered rarities...
  15. Dragon Slayer Arcos

    Fantasy Fate Marked: Blessing or Curse?

    What would you do if you were told your fate was already decided? For some, they would believe that their own destiny was never part of their personality. Others however believed in such a thing to begin with. In a world in which magic is considered both holy and a taboo is where our characters...
  16. Dragon Slayer Arcos

    Fantasy Ending an Empire

    What would you do if you possessed power? Once, our world was a beautiful place, full of sprawling forests and crystal clear lakes and rives. Snow covered mountains and powerfully pure oceans. Majestic creatures of great power could be seen across the land, and cities and towns existed in a...
  17. Dragon Slayer Arcos

    Fantasy A Discovery of Fate

    This is the story between two people. One born with the potential to be the strongest magic user of an age, and in one of the oldest and most powerful mage families in the world. The other a lowly servant with no magical ability what so ever and in service to the heir. By social rules, the two...
  18. Dragon Slayer Arcos

    Fantasy End's Beginning - Kingdoms and Races

    Races: Kingdoms:
  19. Dragon Slayer Arcos

    Fantasy End's Beginning OOC

    Chat and questions to be posted here. So one of the questions asked, what type of magic is allowed. -- The types of magic will generally be placed into Attack | Defense | Support --- Those are the general types, but the branches allowed for this will be enormous. The limits of course would be...
  20. Dragon Slayer Arcos

    Fantasy End's Beginning Characters

    Name: Alias: Age: (15-50) Race: Gender: Orientation: Personality: History: Kingdom: Element: Allotment: Attack() | Defense() | Support() {Dispense the points however you want, the more in one category the stronger your ability. Total allotment of points - 50} Spells: (You may have a total of 6...