Make an anime sound really bad in 1 sentence.

After returning home from school, a normal girl transforms into a horrifying creature of the night. --Himotou! Umaru-chan--
From the studio that brought you Sword Art Online. --Your Lie in April.

(No hate for you, SAO fans! Just too easy of a joke. xD)
Nobody likes you, now get inside your mom, because we're all going to turn into orange juice when the end of the world comes. --Neon Genesis Evangelion--
Hmm...let me think...

Shameless, dorky fanservice, only with very muscular men. (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure)
Empty-headed kid cursed with a rubber body wants to rule a sea he can't even swim in. (One Piece)
Two fallen angels expect to return to heaven by living out the deadly sins of lust and gluttony every day on Earth. (Panty & Stocking)
Constant shouting. (Dragon Ball Z)
A world where Children's card games decide the outcome of every major conflict and not government or law enforcement -Yugioh
A bunch of masked man-eaters who live in Tokyo, and freak out when an unlicensed doctor makes a psychological monster that goes berserk on both the humans and the man-eaters.
Naked giant genital-less monsters with down-syndrome attack a big ass city with humans in it and their lord and savior is an edgy brat who can turn into one of these naked monsters
Gangstas set out to make other gangstas less like gangstas. --JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Vento Aureo--
You Will Spend Every Episode in the Fetal Position: The Anime. --Berserk--
A group of guild members fighting one another to eternal death, the guild being led by an old boi with a russian sounding name.
Off-Topic: Boku no pico (just joking this isn't anime haha)

On-Topic: A girl that is in love with a younger girl, a kid you could say, kills - threatens everyone that tries to get in her way - Happy Sugar Life
Bread committing suicide is the least unusual thing I've seen all day. --Humanity Has Declined--

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