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Fantasy Mahou Shoujo Disaster [Dark/ Magical Girl]

Matsu walked with measured steps through the grand hallways of the Minamoto mansion, her mother leading the way with an air of effortless grace. The chatter and laughter of the guests echoed through the opulent corridors, a cacophony of polished manners and hidden agendas. As they approached the main room, Matsu felt a knot of apprehension tighten in her stomach.

The door slid open, revealing a scene of lavish extravagance. The room was adorned with intricate tapestries and ornate furnishings, a testament to the Minamoto family's wealth and prestige. All eyes turned towards Matsu as she entered, her resplendent kimono drawing admiration and envy from the assembled guests. With a practiced bow, she greeted each guest in turn, her smile masking the turmoil raging within.

Despite the facade of civility, Matsu despised these gatherings. The forced pleasantries, the stifling atmosphere of elitism—it all made her skin crawl. But there was something deeper, darker, that gnawed at her from within. A voice, insistent and cruel, echoed in Matsu's mind, cutting through the polite conversation like a knife. "You can feel it, can't you?" it taunted, its words like daggers digging into her consciousness. Matsu clenched her fists, trying to block out the voice, but it persisted, relentless in its torment. "Do not ignore me!" continued the evil voice.

Her uncle's polite inquiries were met with a strained smile as Matsu struggled to maintain her composure. The pain intensified, a searing agony that threatened to overwhelm her. "Don't ignore me," the voice hissed, its words laced with malice. "Don't you want to kill this geezer?, see his jugular so exposed or maybe he deserves to have his eyes gouged first"

With a sharp intake of breath, Matsu excused herself, feigning discomfort with her kimono as she retreated to the sanctuary of the garden. Her mother's disapproving gaze followed her, a silent admonishment for daring to show weakness in front of their esteemed guests. "You have 4 minutes, return with a better attitude, young lady". Said the woman with a cold tone. Alone amidst the tranquil beauty of the zen garden, Matsu fought to regain control of her racing thoughts. But news of magical girls battling evil only added to her turmoil and strengthened the voice who urged her to join the battle, not for justice or freedom, but for the carnage itself. The young woman had to take a decision.
Ochako Miyamoto

I'm bored. Ochako Miyamoto thought, in her mind this whole "Garden?" party at the minamoto estate was nothing short of boring. Sure she looked great in her kimono in her eyes but all this mingling and talking was boring, and that was before she was overcome with Greek-God Starting a Myth Type envy upon seeing the Minamoto Heiress in a Kimono that looked Resplendent, "How!? How are her clothes more Stylish than my Wardrobe of DOOM!" The kinda prone to Disproportionate Retribution socialite thought

This was what led to her trying to follow Matsu to the garden where she planned to get her Surprisingly Monster lacking revenge.

"HEY MISSES LAME LOSER KIMONO ROBE LADY OF LOSERNESS!" Matsu suddenly heard a screeching voice echo through the garden, "I HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY TO YOU ABOUT YOUR LAMENESS COMPARED TO MY COOLNESS OF DOOM WHILE WE'RE AT THIS DULL MOCKERY OF A PARTY! OF DOOOOOM!" The More goth looking rich girl stormed over to Matsu and stuck her tongue out "Your kimono is empirically Quite inferior to my KIMONO OF DOOM! LOOK AT IT! LOOK AT MY KIMONO OF DOOM!" She said While gesturing her hands onto her Black Kimono she was wearing, She began laughing Like a maniac which wasn't a surprise considering that she probably didn't even know what was going on or why exactly she was at the minamoto estate.

(Is there Sufficient Zim energy to start?)
Thyme nodded right behind Holly. His hands lit green with anticipation. Who knows what awaits them up there. With a wave, floating platforms sprouted all the way up to the roof.
"Little!? LITTLE!? I'll show you little!" Holly shook her fist angrily as Lady bear got away she then turned to the other girls "C'Mon! Let's see what surprise she has waiting for us!"
Kimiko was interested in this surprise, too. Unfortunately, flight wasn't exactly an earth power. Unless...

Never tried this before. Probably should have practiced, but... With a wave of her hand, the pile of asphalt under her feet started to float, carrying the magical girl upwards along with it. Balance seemed to be an issue, however- a bit too much of one, actually, as she overcorrected and fell back to the ground. To add insult to injury, the rock crash-landed too, missing her head by inches. Rocky, watching the whole sordid affair, couldn't help putting his two cents in.

"Next time, why don't you take the stairs?"
Thyme nodded right behind Holly. His hands lit green with anticipation. Who knows what awaits them up there. With a wave, floating platforms sprouted all the way up to the roof.
Holly began jumping up onto the platforms thyme made like she was Mario, She actually Cartwheeled her way across the middle platform and jumped onto the next platform while handstanding
Matsu was still struggling against the unwanted partner in her mind, apparently able to control it through her discipline and calmness, indeed, a single lock on her face was the sole proof she was struggling to control herself. Suddenly a yell broke her concentration. She turned around to see a girl wearing goth clothing talking about her kimono and her’s. Matsu’s kimono was the least of her worries, but the girl was very noisy and it was harder to keep calm herself. Nevertheless, she fixed her hair and softened her tense expression and the sunlight improved her already notorious elegance and beauty, before talking she hid her fast breathing while answering.

“Indeed, young lady, elegance doesn’t come from the clothes, it comes with the person wearing it”.

Replied Matsu, staring at Ochako with a serious and sharp look that contrasted with Ochako’s energetic display. Though she had to resort to a measured insult, Matsu somehow felt thankful, because although she couldn’t join the other magical girls into the fight, at least, replying to Ochako, that annoying goth girl, provided a little of release for her own aggression .. at least, momentarily.

(Oh, zim energy, the more, the better)
Ochako Continued laughing Maniacally, Having no doubt in her mind that Matsu would likely concede defeat once she had laid her eyes on her self named "Kimono of Doom" or so she thought
“Indeed, young lady, elegance doesn’t come from the clothes, it comes with the person wearing it”.

Replied Matsu, staring at Ochako with a serious and sharp look that contrasted with Ochako’s energetic display. Though she had to resort to a measured insult, Matsu somehow felt thankful, because although she couldn’t join the other magical girls into the fight, at least, replying to Ochako, that annoying goth girl, provided a little of release for her own aggression .. at least, momentarily.

(Oh, zim energy, the more, the better)
"Well Obviously, After all that would surely explain my Natural elegance for I find no other answer besides that." Ochako said "wait a minute..." suddenly her eyes widened in understanding of the insult in Matsu's statement and her Expression turned furious as if at the drop of a hat"WHAT ARE YOU IMPLYING MATSU-STINK? THAT YOU, EVEN AFTER GAZING UPON MY KIMONO OF DOOM STILL THINK YOU'RE NATURALLY MORE ELEGANT THAN I, THE REALLY EXTRA GREAT OCHAKO MIYAMOTO?" She said while raising both of her fists into the air in a "Milking the giant cow" pose "WELL YOU'RE NOT! NUH-UH! I AM SO THERE LOSER LADY OF DOOM!!" Ochako then turned around and went to storm off somewhere
Kimiko was interested in this surprise, too. Unfortunately, flight wasn't exactly an earth power. Unless...

Never tried this before. Probably should have practiced, but... With a wave of her hand, the pile of asphalt under her feet started to float, carrying the magical girl upwards along with it. Balance seemed to be an issue, however- a bit too much of one, actually, as she overcorrected and fell back to the ground. To add insult to injury, the rock crash-landed too, missing her head by inches. Rocky, watching the whole sordid affair, couldn't help putting his two cents in.

"Next time, why don't you take the stairs?"
Thyme rushed over to Chairo. Somehow disappearing and reappearing all around his teammate like a concerned parent looking for boo-boos. "You okay, Chairo? Where does it hurt? How many fingers am i holding up?"
Kimi looked at Thyme with death in her eyes. "I dunno, Thyme. How many fingers am I holding up?" The answer was one, the third in particular.

"Hey, Red. You find anything up there?"
Kimi looked at Thyme with death in her eyes. "I dunno, Thyme. How many fingers am I holding up?" The answer was one, the third in particular.

"Hey, Red. You find anything up there?"
"Yeah, uhh I found a bunch of...Well, it's more Teddy bears. They're not moving so I think they're dead. Well either that or they're ordinary Teddy bears." "Which I find hard to believe" Holly finished in thought
Kimi looked at Thyme with death in her eyes. "I dunno, Thyme. How many fingers am I holding up?" The answer was one, the third in particular.

"Hey, Red. You find anything up there?"
That same third finger became the target of a beak assault in the form of a little green bird partner. It began as a gleam from behind the two magical girls before a speeding green blur flew towards them only to be intercepted by the scruff. Thyme had caught the little blur. "Let go of me!!" The little bird struggled out of his hold before finally yielding, drooping on Thyme's hand. "Now, now what do we say, Dove?" "I scouted the area. All civilians are safe and accounted for." "Great. And?" Thyme asked, and the little bird, Dove, avoided his partner's gaze. "I'm sorry I almost made bait off of your finger, Chairo..."
Sakurako Hiura

Sakurako saw the magical girls from afar going to the roof of the building and discovering the plush bears she left them. Of course they were going to be cautious. It could be a trap even though it wasn't. It was all a ploy for Lady Bear to be in the heads of the magical girls. They could reject the presents, which Sakurako would find disappointing, but it wasn't like she could influence that now.

However, soon something or rather someone caught her eye. She spotted that office lady from before walked down the street looking confused about why there was so much damage in the area. Sakurako smiled and decided to approach the young woman.

Honoka Kinomura

Honoka had left work early due to the troubling circumstances. But not only the death of her uncle troubled her, but what followed thereafter. The board of directors ended up making quick decisions on the replacement of her uncle and she just wanted to get everything off her mind. With a stressball in hand, Honoka made her way home on foot. The traffic would make it difficult to get home by bus or car anyways.

Soon, she rounded a corner to find destruction and a lot of damaged buildings. "Wha... what happened here?" Honoka pondered. Suddenly, a white haired girl approached her. "W... what are are doing here?" The girl asked. "I... it's dangerous here. Lady Bear found the Savoury Girls and nearly flattened the district. She's out of sight. B... but who knows if she is still around?" The girl took Honoka by her hand and pulled her with her. Despite her size, the girl seemed to be quite strong in pulling Honoka.

"What? Oh no. Not only did she kill uncle, but she's done this too? Please, wait." Honoka said. The girl continued to pull her until they were a distance away from the scene in a more quiet neighborhood. "I guess thank you for warning me. But who are you?" Honoka asked. The girl answered: "My name is Sakurako, Hiura Sakurako. I have a backery in this neighborhood." "A backery? How can you run a backery and go to school too?" Honoka pondered, assuming Sakurako to be a high schooler. Sakurako looked away a little and said: "Well, I am probably older than you to be honest. I... I am 34."

Honoka blushed in embarassment. "I... I am so sorry! I didn't mean to assume!" "It... it's okay. A lot of people think I am younger than I actually am." Sakurako replied. "Anyways, who are you?" "My name is Honoka, Kinomura Honoka. I am an administrative clerk, I mean I was an administrative clerk. My uncle was killed and I got a sudden promotion to CEO since my cousin, the vice president refused to fill the position. I don't know what to do now. What if Lady Bear comes after me next?"

Sakurako held Honoka's hands and smiled. "Don't worry. You haven't done anything that would make you a target for something, have you?" "N... no. I... I... I... don't know what I could have done wrong." Honoka stammered. Sakurako replied: "Then you shouldn't worry so much. I am pretty sure Lady Bear won't hurt you." Honoka was still doubtful: "How can you be so sure? I was put in a position that makes me a target!"

Sakurako looking into Honoka's eyes with a still innocent seeming smile replied: "Well, Lady Bear hoped you would get that position didn't she?" Honoka became confused: "Wait, do you work for the company too? Were you there when she asked for directions?" "She told you she only had business with Mr. Kinomura, didn't she?" Sakurako continued. Honoka continued to asked: "So you were there? I didn't notice you anywhere." Sakurako continued further: "And she implied that she would help you with a promotion since you are a good girl, didn't she?"

A suspicion and a sense of dread began to set in with Honoka: "Wait. Why are you agreeing with her? She is the villainess. Don't you realize that?" "Honoka, they put you in your new position to use you as a puppet to save their hides. But I will protect you. I think you will be a better than your uncle." Sakurako said. Honoka then questioned her intention: "Pr... protect me? I just met you. Also why would you want to protect me?" Sakurako then put her hand on Honoka's shoulder and said: "You are such a good girl, Honoka."

"What? Y..." Honoka was about to say something, but a terrifying realization set in. "No. No. It can't be. You are her aren't you?" Sakurako just smiled and tilted her head before saying: "Who do you mean?" "Y... you're Lady Bear, aren't you?" Honoka said distraught. Sakurako replied: "It is just Sakurako for now. I am going to cherish you, Miss Accomplice. We will be spending a lot of time together in the future."

Honoka looked like she was going to faint. She was already squeezing her stress ball a lot. "Please no. I just want a normal life..." Honoka mumbled. Sakurako thought it would maybe be best to take Honoka to the bear castle to rest. But first, Sakurako snapped her fingers to which a spy bear was summoned. "Keep and eye on the magical girls and report to me whether they took the plush bears with them or not." She commanded the little spy bear. Sakurako then disappeared into a portal with Honoka in her arms.
Matsu attempted to finish her argument with Ochako with that sassy remark, that subtle verbal violence should have been enough to finish that silly talk, but Matsu forgot that her partner fed on any sort of violence, that talk with Ochako broke her concentration and self-control. Matsu walked to a corner of the zen garden, behind a few sakura trees, she braced herself and bit her lower lip in a last attempt to control herself, but it wasn’t enough. Then her calm and gentle expression was deformed by a twisted smirk.

“"In shadows' embrace, a pact sworn deep,
Blood binds us, secrets to keep.
Cerberus, rise, from the depths of night,
Bloodthirst, sacrifice, world to burn alive."

A black flame engulfed Matsu and releasing the magical girl known as koyadofu. “Is good to see you back, koyadofu, where shall we go, darling?” said Cerberus to his partner, “You know it, we know it, hehehe”. Replied Matsu with a grim tone and immediately leaped away over the Minamoto mansion walls and continued leaping in the direction where she perceived the smell of blood, where she expected to find an enemy worthy to destroy and an enemy strong enough as to make her bleed.
"And I'm sorry I flipped you off, Thyme. Let's let bygones be bygones, shall we?" Kimi brushed herself off. "Seems to me that the worst is over," she commented as she transformed back to her civilian attire.
Making her way up to the roof with the help of Thyme's platforms, Oshichi's eyes widened in delight at the sight of the plush toys that the villain had left behind and she grabbed the nearest one as fast as she could. She briefly looked at her fellow magical girls before letting her eyes wander over to the remainder of the plush toys.

"If you guys don't want one, can I take them all?" She asked.
Making her way up to the roof with the help of Thyme's platforms, Oshichi's eyes widened in delight at the sight of the plush toys that the villain had left behind and she grabbed the nearest one as fast as she could. She briefly looked at her fellow magical girls before letting her eyes wander over to the remainder of the plush toys.

"If you guys don't want one, can I take them all?" She asked.
"Yeah Sure, I mean a Villain made them so that's a Couple of points on the Mad Sus meter, You know what, Can I have one? I wanna make sure that you're not taking a bomb home with you." Pizza red was not particularly interested in making sure that the teddy bears weren't bombs.
It was settled then. Each one of his teammates had taken Ladybear’s gift, and Thyme, not wanting to be left out, took one also. They bid their farewells, and Thyme, along with his partner, were the first to leave. This was an hour ago, Thyme, now Kelly, was on his bed staring at the ceiling thinking about the day’s events. He looked the plush bear in his hands as the nightly hues gripped the plush. With red cheeks mostly invisible at nightfall, Kelly smiled. “Cute!”.
Back at the Lady Bear lair...

Sakurako sitting on a bed beside the still sleeping Honoka, who had fainted earlier, kept an eye on the location on the plush bears eventually seeing them moving away from the original location and going to various locations around the city. She smirked as she could visit these locations as Sakurako under pretences of advertising her backery or something like that.

Eventually, Honoka woke up noticed Sakurako smiling at her. "I see you have awaken, sleepy head." Sakurako said. Honoka crawled backward to the edge of the bed. "Please don't hurt me! I had nothing much to do with my uncle!" Honoka plead. Sakurako crawled closer to Honoka and replied: "Relax. I won't harm you. Rather I seek to protect you. You interest me and I've always wanted a sidekick."

Honoka briefed was relieved but realized that Sakurako stated she wanted her as her sidekick. "Please, I don't want to get in trouble. I just want a normal life with a social life!" Honoka cried. Sakurako put her hand on Honoka's cheek. "Shhh. Hey. Don't worry. I can offer you a social life. We could go on outings together like karaoke and shopping. We could be besties or even more! However in your position, I doubt you will be about to have a normal life. People seek to use you as a puppet and as a scapegoat. With me backing you, no one will be able to touch you. Just agree to a contract with me and you will be given inhuman strength and defense right off the bat."

"A contract? W...what's the catch?" Honoka asked. Sakurako replied: "There is no catch. I give you abilities, counseling and become your best friend, maybe even your love interest. All you need to do is be a cute little sidekick and help me tease those magical girls. Your real life identity will remain a secret." Sakurako politely pressured Honoka into agreeing to the contract. She pushed a quill into Honoka's hand and Honoka obliged though she seriously was having second thoughts.

"Perfect! Now my cutie. Why don't you have some tea? It would make you regain some energy." With a movement of Sakurako's hand, a cup of tea appeared in front of Honoka. "Th--thanks." Honoka said and drank the tea. The tea tasted good and something was off about it though. It didn't just give her more energy. It was giving her a lot more energy. She began to feel fit and like she could jump through the ceiling. "W...what did you do?" Honoka asked with a worried voice. Sakurako replied: "Sidekicks need strength. I told you I would make you strong and give you better defense. Let's just say, no one can mess with you now. Of course, I am still a lot stronger than you."

Honoka looked at her hands and asked: "I hope it wont affect my life too much. Can I go home please?" "Of course." Sakurako said. She put her arm around Honoka's shoulder. Honoka blushed. They then disappeared into a portal and reappeared outside Sakurako's normal home. "This is my normal residence, so that you know. I will walk you home. Who knows if any villains are still lurking around." Sakurako said with a wink. She took Honoka's hand. "Lead the way."

"Actually... it looks like you live around the corner from me." Honoka said motioning towards an apartment building just a hundred meters away. "Wow. That is so awesome. That means we can hand around often. I really look forward to be doing stuff with you, Honoka-chan!" Sakurako smiled. Honoka was blushing more than ever. Eventually, they made their way over to Honoka's apartment. It was just a two room apartment with a living room and a bedroom with a kitchen and bathroom. Honoka's bedroom had a couple magical girl figurines in it. "Do you like magical girls?" Sakurako asked. Honoka replied: "Well, yes. Please can we not hurt the Savoury Girls? I know you see me as a sidekick, but..." "Honoka, you are will be helping the magical girls. Magical girls need villains to fight. See it as an honor that you might give them duties. It's almost like you are a sort of magical girl yourself!" Sakurako explained, totally manipulating Honoka who immediately bought the argument: "I... get to help the Savoury Girls?" Honoka had frozen in awe and a smile grew on her face. "As long as I don't have to kill anyone. If it helps the magical girls, I will fulfill the role."

Sakurako smiled. "That's right. Now rest up. I will pick you up in the morning. You need to present yourself like a competent new CEO. We should go shopping tomorrow." She said before giving Honoka a hug, making her blush. Honoka hesitantly reciprocated. "Sleep well." Sakurako said before leaving.

Sakurako then returned home and got herself ready for bed. She popped open a beer and turned on the TV just on time for the evening news.

"This evening on the news... Is Lady Bear the most dangerous villain in our city in this era? Today's events say yes. While she released dozens of minions to cause chaos in the city, she attacked the Kinomura building on her own and murdered Satoshi Kinomura of the Kinomura corporation as well as a security guard." The newscaster reported. "She also wrote all over the wall in blood." The scene switches to footage of the bloodied office and writing in blood on the wall reading "all over the wall". "Witnesses say that Lady Bear decapitated Mr. Kinomura with her bare hands and raw strength as well as crush the security guard. A vigil will be held on this weekend for the deceased. In other news, the next CEO of the Kinomura corporation will be Mr. Kinomura's niece Honoka Kinomura after Kinomura's son had declined to take the position." The scene then shows footage of a nervous Honoka bowing. Then it switches to a picture of Lady Bear in the bear costume. "Citizens are asked to be vigilant and be careful when Lady Bear is sighted. Other villains such as Super Evil Demon Empress Orochi may pale compared to the deviousness of Lady Bear."

Sakurako turned off the TV. "Super Evil Demon Empress Orochi? Didn't I launch her into a sky and disappear with a twinkle last time we met?" She pondered before retreating for the night.
Back at the Lady Bear lair...

Sakurako sitting on a bed beside the still sleeping Honoka, who had fainted earlier, kept an eye on the location on the plush bears eventually seeing them moving away from the original location and going to various locations around the city. She smirked as she could visit these locations as Sakurako under pretences of advertising her backery or something like that.

Eventually, Honoka woke up noticed Sakurako smiling at her. "I see you have awaken, sleepy head." Sakurako said. Honoka crawled backward to the edge of the bed. "Please don't hurt me! I had nothing much to do with my uncle!" Honoka plead. Sakurako crawled closer to Honoka and replied: "Relax. I won't harm you. Rather I seek to protect you. You interest me and I've always wanted a sidekick."

Honoka briefed was relieved but realized that Sakurako stated she wanted her as her sidekick. "Please, I don't want to get in trouble. I just want a normal life with a social life!" Honoka cried. Sakurako put her hand on Honoka's cheek. "Shhh. Hey. Don't worry. I can offer you a social life. We could go on outings together like karaoke and shopping. We could be besties or even more! However in your position, I doubt you will be about to have a normal life. People seek to use you as a puppet and as a scapegoat. With me backing you, no one will be able to touch you. Just agree to a contract with me and you will be given inhuman strength and defense right off the bat."

"A contract? W...what's the catch?" Honoka asked. Sakurako replied: "There is no catch. I give you abilities, counseling and become your best friend, maybe even your love interest. All you need to do is be a cute little sidekick and help me tease those magical girls. Your real life identity will remain a secret." Sakurako politely pressured Honoka into agreeing to the contract. She pushed a quill into Honoka's hand and Honoka obliged though she seriously was having second thoughts.

"Perfect! Now my cutie. Why don't you have some tea? It would make you regain some energy." With a movement of Sakurako's hand, a cup of tea appeared in front of Honoka. "Th--thanks." Honoka said and drank the tea. The tea tasted good and something was off about it though. It didn't just give her more energy. It was giving her a lot more energy. She began to feel fit and like she could jump through the ceiling. "W...what did you do?" Honoka asked with a worried voice. Sakurako replied: "Sidekicks need strength. I told you I would make you strong and give you better defense. Let's just say, no one can mess with you now. Of course, I am still a lot stronger than you."

Honoka looked at her hands and asked: "I hope it wont affect my life too much. Can I go home please?" "Of course." Sakurako said. She put her arm around Honoka's shoulder. Honoka blushed. They then disappeared into a portal and reappeared outside Sakurako's normal home. "This is my normal residence, so that you know. I will walk you home. Who knows if any villains are still lurking around." Sakurako said with a wink. She took Honoka's hand. "Lead the way."

"Actually... it looks like you live around the corner from me." Honoka said motioning towards an apartment building just a hundred meters away. "Wow. That is so awesome. That means we can hand around often. I really look forward to be doing stuff with you, Honoka-chan!" Sakurako smiled. Honoka was blushing more than ever. Eventually, they made their way over to Honoka's apartment. It was just a two room apartment with a living room and a bedroom with a kitchen and bathroom. Honoka's bedroom had a couple magical girl figurines in it. "Do you like magical girls?" Sakurako asked. Honoka replied: "Well, yes. Please can we not hurt the Savoury Girls? I know you see me as a sidekick, but..." "Honoka, you are will be helping the magical girls. Magical girls need villains to fight. See it as an honor that you might give them duties. It's almost like you are a sort of magical girl yourself!" Sakurako explained, totally manipulating Honoka who immediately bought the argument: "I... get to help the Savoury Girls?" Honoka had frozen in awe and a smile grew on her face. "As long as I don't have to kill anyone. If it helps the magical girls, I will fulfill the role."

Sakurako smiled. "That's right. Now rest up. I will pick you up in the morning. You need to present yourself like a competent new CEO. We should go shopping tomorrow." She said before giving Honoka a hug, making her blush. Honoka hesitantly reciprocated. "Sleep well." Sakurako said before leaving.

Sakurako then returned home and got herself ready for bed. She popped open a beer and turned on the TV just on time for the evening news.

"This evening on the news... Is Lady Bear the most dangerous villain in our city in this era? Today's events say yes. While she released dozens of minions to cause chaos in the city, she attacked the Kinomura building on her own and murdered Satoshi Kinomura of the Kinomura corporation as well as a security guard." The newscaster reported. "She also wrote all over the wall in blood." The scene switches to footage of the bloodied office and writing in blood on the wall reading "all over the wall". "Witnesses say that Lady Bear decapitated Mr. Kinomura with her bare hands and raw strength as well as crush the security guard. A vigil will be held on this weekend for the deceased. In other news, the next CEO of the Kinomura corporation will be Mr. Kinomura's niece Honoka Kinomura after Kinomura's son had declined to take the position." The scene then shows footage of a nervous Honoka bowing. Then it switches to a picture of Lady Bear in the bear costume. "Citizens are asked to be vigilant and be careful when Lady Bear is sighted. Other villains such as Super Evil Demon Empress Orochi may pale compared to the deviousness of Lady Bear."

Sakurako turned off the TV. "Super Evil Demon Empress Orochi? Didn't I launch her into a sky and disappear with a twinkle last time we met?" She pondered before retreating for the night.
Ochako miyamoto
Needless to say, Lady bear wasn't the only one watching the news report. On a bed filled with a surprising amount of Stuffed Animals Ochako sat having felt oddly compelled to watch the news this time despite dismissing it as Boring. Little did she know that What she heard tonight would cause her great rage.
"This evening on the news... Is Lady Bear the most dangerous villain in our city in this era? Today's events say yes. While she released dozens of minions to cause chaos in the city, she attacked the Kinomura building on her own and murdered Satoshi Kinomura of the Kinomura corporation as well as a security guard." The newscaster reported. "She also wrote all over the wall in blood." The scene switches to footage of the bloodied office and writing in blood on the wall reading "all over the wall". "Witnesses say that Lady Bear decapitated Mr. Kinomura with her bare hands and raw strength as well as crush the security guard. A vigil will be held on this weekend for the deceased. In other news, the next CEO of the Kinomura corporation will be Mr. Kinomura's niece Honoka Kinomura after Kinomura's son had declined to take the position." The scene then shows footage of a nervous Honoka bowing. Then it switches to a picture of Lady Bear in the bear costume. "Citizens are asked to be vigilant and be careful when Lady Bear is sighted. Other villains such as Super Evil Demon Empress Orochi may pale compared to the deviousness of Lady Bear."
"WHAT!? ARE THEY REALLIY SAYING THAT THE USELESS URSINE IS MORE DANGEROUS THAN ME!? I AM YOKKAICHI'S NUMBER ONE VILLAIN OF DOOM!" Ochako got up and started bouncing angrily. until she saw the now very gory CEO office of Mr Kinomura, which Briefly Overrid her Narcissistic Rage with horror at what she was seeing before they cut away from the Gore and her desire for Revenge reasserted itself and her face was Adorned with an evil smile of Doom. "Yes...I see it...I'll get my revenge three times! THREE TIMES OF DOOM! First that ugly news lady and her little friends will Taste pure and utter DOOM! Then that Imbecile Lady Bear will get a Flight of DOOM herself! Then...Yes...I'LL FINALLY GET THE BEST OF THOSE MISERABLE SAVOURY UMAMI GIRLS!! MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!"

Elsewhere in another room, A middle aged woman in a black kimono sits drinking a glass of wine. "I can tell this is going to end...Poorly."
Koyadofu leaped from building to building with a frantic impulse, eventually she reaches the top of a building where she could observe the turmoil left by ladybear, with her body bend down like a birdprey preparing for hunting, then she snorted, on what she consider her hunting ground there wasn’t any supervillain to fight, there were only … little bears.

She and her magical partner considered such small targets unworthy of her transformation and in a much more personal level Matsu felt disappointed, nevertheless, she was there and she’d try to do the best of the situation, she jumped down in front of a group of bears, she grabbed the one closest to her, raised it until putting it in front of her face. She smiled with her shark teeth smile and with a bite ripped off the little bear head to spit it after that.
The little bears didn't seem to be doing anything, and Kimi had never been the stuffed animal sort, so she just sat back and watched. That said, she did wince when Matsuo shredded one of the toys with her teeth. It reminded her of seeing wild animals on TV.

"Now that is truly disturbing."
The next morning, Sakurako got up finding it to be raining outside. She checked her phone to see how the weather was supposed to be. It would be partially cloudy however a little cooler than the day before. It would be necessary to maybe wear a jacket today or something longsleeved. She began gathering her clothes for the day and planned what to do today.

Sakurako figured she would first visit Honoka and then scout out the homes some of the gift bears went to. Of course she would do it under the guise of just handing out pamphlets for her bakery and pamphlets to protect the local shopping street. But she considered giving sample baked goods to the homes the gift bears were in, maybe as a possibility to have whoever was behind the identities of the Savoury Girls to regularly visit her shop.

She turned on the TV. The TV was still buzzing with news reports of the previous day with reports on the state of downtown and the murders that happened. It gave Sakurako an idea. She would bake cute cookies that looked like the heads of teddy bears. Still in her frilly nightgown, Sakurako baked a batch of sugar cookies. When they were done, she let them cool off while she was off to the shower. Once out of the shower and dried off, she put on a longsleeved purple and white sailor collar top, with purple short overalls with puffy legs and white and purple thigh highs. She then did her hair and makeup (light makeup).

Sakurako then decorated the cookies with some looking like normal bear faces and others looking like the bandit and ninja bears from yesterday. After the sugar coating solidified, Sakurako packed the cookies neatly and got ready to leave including turning the TV off. She put on her ballerina flats and a jacket, grabbed her things and grabbed an umbrella. She then made her way over to Honoka's place.

Right as Sakurako was going to knock, Honoka opened the door. After an awkward pause, Honoka closed the door again and screamed: "Why is she here?!! I just want a quiet life!" There was a knock on the door. "Honoka, dear. Is everything okay? Please open up. I just want to see how you are doing." Sakurako said from behind the door. Honoka looked through the peeking hole and spotted Sakurako standing there smiling. It was somehow unnerving. With Sakurako's strength in question, Honoka eventually gave in. She didn't want a broken door. Honoka opened the door and nervously said: "Lady... I mean Hiura-san. I wasn't expecting you. I was just going to leave for work."

"Please. Just call me Sakurako. Or if you want to use honorifics, say Sakurako-chan or Hiura-chan. I just came to see how you are and give you something." Sakurako pulled out a packed cookie and handed it to Honoka. Seeing the cute bear cookie, Honoka's face erupted in an almost childlike joy: "It is so cute. Th- thank you." "I am glad you like it. Anyways, if any of the execs cause problems, just call me. And remember, hands off of Haretayokocho street. I am serious. It is my home and my lifeblood. I would kill for it." Sakurako said. As soon as she had said she'd even kill, Honoka grew fearful again. Sakurako noticed and embraced Honoka in a hug.

"Hey, don't worry. I am here for you. If you are feeling down, I am here to hug you." Sakurako said before releasing Honoka from the hug. During the hug, Honoka thought: "Hiura-san smells nice." "Now if you need to get going, I wont hold you up any longer. I might be heading the other way as I need to hand out some pamphlets. So I will see you later."
Koyadofu remained in the streets for a few minutes destroying the remaining the teddy bears left by the villains, she was as violent as ever, but her agressivity increased due to her frustration as she was unable to find any main villain around, her desire to fight couldn't be satisfied, but there was another reason for her growing anxiety.

When Matsu returned to the Minamoto residence she didn't have any delusion about what's going to happen, she had left an important meeting without a word and now returned several hours later. The servants took her to a private chamber where her mother was sit, there weren't any words, Matsu sat in front of her on tatami of the floors, sitting there was uncomfortable but it was a form of penance in advance.

"Mother, I...". Tried to speak Matsu, nevertheless, her mother didn't bother to even look at her. "I-I had to leave the meeting because ...". Matsu's mother slapped her daughter before she couldn't finish explaining. "Leaving the meeting like you did was rude to our guests and a lack of respect for me. I'm dissapointed of your behaviour". Still with the sting on her cheek Matsu bow down respectfully until her forefront touched the floor and remained like that around half an hour while her mother remained signing documents, busy with issues of the family.

"You can leave to your chambers, We will discuss your punishment tomorrow. You are dismissed". Said the woman, Matsu could finally stand up and abandoned her mother's chamber. Once Matsu she locked herself and fell on the floor holding her knees with her arms while punching the door behind her, Matsu there having to contain her anger was a stark contrast with koyadofu who released her fury freely. "I should repeat you how easy would be to slit the throat of that old hag" said Cerberus, the partner of Matsu "...but I'm quite aware you don't have the guts to do so".

Matsu went to sleep remembering all the events of the day.
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🎵Meanwhile Back at the Miyamoto Manor...

The Moment she woke up the next Day, Ochako immediately set to work on her Revenge Plan. She started by Grabbing a folder labeled "Monster Concept Art" that was on her bedstand and Rifled through it before pulling out Three pieces of paper and Putting the folder back in a Drawer. Each of these Pieces of Paper have a Sketch of a monster on them with the name of the Monster sketched inside Written on them.

"Ohohohoho Poor little Bakayarou's you honestly think you can dare cross me by Mocking I Orochi-Sama?" The evil Heiress said in an unusually Tranquil tone (For Her anyway), Holding the Three Papers in her hand She smiled as Green lightning Crackled in her hand "UGLIFICATOR! DOOMINATOR 5000!! CRABANOID!!! RETURN TO LIFE!!!" Green lightning hit the Papers and the Creatures Drawn on them began to peel off of the Paper and Morph from Paper to Life as Green light illuminated the room, when it ceased, Three Monsters stood there ready to serve their dark mistress

The first was a Small Centipede monster the size of a Housecat called the Uglificator. To it's Left was a Creature that looked like an old timey Robot Toy, The Aforementioned Doominator 5000, And to it's left was a Hybrid of Crab and Scorpion called the Crabanoid.


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