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  • Update: I got checked out at the clinic and as it turns out: I'm fine. I kinda spiraled into an unhealthy way of coping with stress recently and my mental health suffered from it. It also ate up a lot of my time. Anyway slowly getting back into rp again but I might not talk ooc until I'm caught up with rps and feeling a bit better emotionally. As always thanks for your patience, and sorry for my lame excuses.
    Hope you feel better soon, Jelly! Take as much time as you need to recuperate, and I'm sure your other partners will understand your absence
    Honestly we're all just super relieved to hear you're doing okay- and no, being emotionally drained and and recovering from the whole experience is not a lame excuse. I wouldn't call it an excuse at all, its entirely understandable. Take all the time you need and get better Jelly! :)
    I'm so relieved to hear you're ok! I've been praying nonstop since I read your last update! Take your time with everything hun, you need to rest after everything that's happened!
    Going through a bit of a rough patch. I've made a doctor's appointment to go ahead and check myself for breast cancer because of some symptoms I believe that I have. I'm very nervous, and depressed about all this. Sorry for being a lousy partner while I deal with this scary situation.
    I hope your symptoms turn out to have an innocuous, or at least benign, cause !
    AH! I hope it turns out okay! :( We're rooting for you!
    I have two art commissions that I need to finish before I can continue with replies! I have a set list of replies I owe in my about section and rest assured I will get to them after I'm done with commissions (witch should be done within these next two days)
    Just a heads up that this is going to be a busy a week for me, so replies will be a bit slow! I'm working all day tomorrow and then going out of town Thursday. Saturday there's going to be an event at the shop and Sunday I'm busy with family for half the day. I'll still try my best to reply accordingly but please be patient. Sunday evenings and Mondays are good reply days for me and you'll see me most active then!
    Hey partners! As you know, I was busy this month getting ready for an art event! The event has since past and it was a huge success! Thank you for your patience with our roleplay replies! I now have some commission work but I made sure not to take on too much. I'll be free after Monday when not busy as work! Please send me a message if you're as eager to continue with our writing as I am! <3
    I'll be taking a small hiatus from now until Monday 02/19/17! I've been having trouble creatively and I'm hoping I'll be refreshed after my out of town trip! Please be patient with me! I enjoy every one of my rps and cherish my partners! I can't wait to give all of you my best when I return! <3 <3
    Hello there! I saw you were looking for a BNHA roleplay, would you be interested in joining a group roleplay?
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