K Elizabeth

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  • i feel like my title thing should indicate that i want you to comment and wait for a response before you pm me but idk man-

    no but i do wish i could put that there buttheresnotenoughroom
    HSM was my first musical don't judge me I was fIVE
    You're cute, haha. I won't judge! HSM is a fun musical!
    I had the entire soundtrack, bought the books and used to buy the magazine as well, I can't judge even if I wanted to XD
    I was so addicted to this thing! And then Camp Rock as well ^^'
    Ab my title thing: I literally hate random people private messaging me it just makes me really uncomfortable. I'd rather they commented publicly on a thread of mine or on a profile post or ANYTHING. When random people PM me it immediately makes me awkward and kinda...suspicious...? I'll immediately be kind of rude and it's not anything against you it's just that that's how I get when I'm uncomfortable. (v comments v)
    "Cold hands"
    "Yours too"
    "Big...Like my fathers. Do you wanna dance?"
    "With you?"
    "No. With my father."
    I've only gotten one rp response so far today and what have I used my other time doing?? Catching up on school?? Of course not! Instead I've refreshed rpn every 10 minutes for the past 12 hours-

    I literally hate myself
    K Elizabeth
    K Elizabeth
    BRO SAME except I'm just like...regular homeschooled. All my stuff is just books that I do stuff in and read. And I have s o m u c h- Like I technically am now a full week behind but I'm just pretending I'm not and I havent even gotten the stuff from the week I was supposed to do last week done because I'm being a lazy ass??
    Revna Eris
    Revna Eris
    THAT IS SO ME! And this is how you know I've been watching too many Shane Dawson videos.
    K Elizabeth
    K Elizabeth
    Honestly same?? I have't watched him in like a month so now his stuff just cued up in my watchlist...I always wait like a month to watch his content and then binge it because once I watch one video there's no one else with the same type of stuff so I don't have anything else to watch so I just let it build
    idk if this is tmi but trying to return a bra that literally cost $70 is highkey frustrating and I am tired of it
    Who do I need to sass for making it so difficult
    I wanna sleep but I shouldn't because I need to do school but I should because it's almost 4:30 am and omfg
    5:45 am and I'm finally tired

    I only have 6 hours to sleep before I have to leave if i fall asleep at this bridal shower I'm going to jump off a cliff
    I'm eating all the chocolate in my grandparents house because I'm healthy

    This is why I'm getting fat
    pls no chocolate is love okay
    K Elizabeth
    K Elizabeth
    Chocolate is love

    And fatness
    sacrifices must be made for the things we love
    I am so hungry but its 5 am and the last thing I should be doing is getting myself food when I should be aSLEEP
    K Elizabeth
    K Elizabeth
    I have a bad habit of staying awake until I'm supposed to get up I rlly need to fix it but whoops (and yeppp)
    Same... We're likely masochists then. I should technically bee getting up at 8am.
    Like I've wanted to donate for a while with all the various accounts I've had on here over the years but I've never had any money to do so...but if I can get a job that'll be solved and idk I love this site and I'd love to be able to do something to support it...
    The Dark Wizard
    The Dark Wizard
    Don't let your self get stressed over it.

    It is the thought that counts :).
    Tbh if I can get a steady job babysitting I really wanna pledge to the patreon for this site?? Sucky part is I don't have a card to use atm bc my savings account doesn't allow that but maybe I could get like a rechargable visa gift card or smth
    The Dark Wizard
    The Dark Wizard
    The Dark Wizard
    A couple of users do the rechargeable visa gift card route by the way :). Had to confirm for you :D!
    K Elizabeth
    K Elizabeth
    Ohhh! That's good to know! I think I actually already have one from Christmas, so I just need to y'know actually have the money to put on it pfff.. Thanks for telling me though!
    Shallow graves for shallow hearts // For pick-me-ups and fall-aparts // For promises that never started right
    Honestly wonder if there's any families in this town in need of babysitters bc I'm free literally all day and I need the money hmm
    It is 9 am. I have yet to sleep. And now I think I should just stay awake all day to fix my sleep schedule but that may result in death-
    I'm so pissed off omg why does this happen idonthavethemoneyforanewphone
    K Elizabeth
    K Elizabeth
    Aha the phone cost like $800 so it's kind of difficult to be positive about that
    Sounds like it might just need to dry out, maybe pop the cover off and leave it somewhere warm for a while
    K Elizabeth
    K Elizabeth
    Yeah I took the cover off and out it in a container of rice and I'm gonna leave it for a day or two to see if that works
    It's like vibrating over and over again every half second saying it's charging when it isn't plugged in & turning on the fuckin slideshow
    So my phone may be broken because it dropped in the snow and omfg
    Okay! Calm down. I might be able to help!
    First, take out the battery.
    Then, put the phone into a bowl of rice for.... uhh.... a few days! ^^
    Rice helps absorb the water inside.
    K Elizabeth
    K Elizabeth
    The battery doesn't come out of my phone bc of the model it is, but I actually put it in rice about an hour ago and I'm gonna leave it until Wednesday and then see if it works...
    I have had such a fucking headache all day wtf @ my body
    It could be that you're dehydrated. Don't forget to drink plenty of fluids.
    K Elizabeth
    K Elizabeth
    I've actually only drank water all day that's why I'm so confused tbh
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