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Introduce Yourself!

I have been roleplaying for 3years
Hello my name is Nadine but I prefer to be called Amii (my main oc’s name) for role playing. This is my first time role playing and this is my first website. Someone recommended to nation and I decided to join. I want to learn more about rping and how it works around here. I’ve never done anything like this before and I really would wish someone could help me find my way around things?
Hello there! My name is Nines, but you can call me Siebren or Russia if you'd like.

I'm just an average 19 year old college student, just trying to live my life to the fullest it can be with the small amount of free-time that I have. I usually tend to waste my free-time away by either writing short stories / fanfics, roleplaying, chatting with friends, or playing video games. To make a long story short, my life isn't all that exciting or eventful outside of my college classes and work. But that's personally fine by me, because the more I work and the more I am forced to suffer through college lectures, the more motivation I get for writing. It's a nice trade off...sorta.

I've been RPing for around 8 years now (I'm pretty sure it'll be 9 in a month or two). My usual reply length / literacy is anywhere from semi-lit (5+ sentences per reply) to advanced lit (4+ paragraphs per reply). It really just depends on my mood, I guess. However, I won't do one-liners. That and script style RP (using * or - to signify actions) are big no-no's for me. Fandoms that I am currently a part of / RP in include Overwatch, D:BH (Detroit: Become Human), CountryHumans, and Star Wars.
I swear I don't bite, and I'll be more than happy to plot / RP with anyone that would like to! I do hope that I can make some new friends here, and I hope you all have a wonderful day! ♡
Hey there!

I'm Quent, I've been writing for around 15-16 years and I find myself struggling to find any roleplay sites or communities that I can find new partners.

I enjoy a range of genres, and I love mixing them up to make unique settings. Science fantasy, general scifi, modern and alternate universe sorts of settings. I don't have a great deal of experience with historically accurate style play, but I am willing to try if the right partner can coach me a little about the period. Character building and exploring dramatic interactions are my favorite parts of RP.

Also, I generally offer novella style responses, but matching length is not required. I just want a quality response that gives me something to come back with. Action, romance, horror, whatever you have, bring it on. I will say my characters are predominantly male.
Greetings! I absolutely adore role playing and I've done it since I was about 6 years old. I typically participate in semi-lit style rp's but have been known to dive into fully lit rp's to advance my skill. Really, all I care about is having fun, entertaining others, even if that means becoming someone else in a different world, I will. Typically, I'm fond of the fantasy genres or rp's within a kingdom or something of the sort. Whenever I'm not online role playing, gaming by myself, or reading, I play music. Music is huge part of my life, it's everywhere and I almost always have some kind of music playing in the background, helps my mind not to wander. I decided to sign up for RP Nation because I need something do during my classes and it may as well be something I enjoy. As for pets, I have one cat. She's a black long-haired breed and is 110% fluffy.
Hi. I'm Kayn. Asian, 21+, and a neuroscience major. I've been roleplaying for a good while, mostly via fandoms. Unfortunately, a lot of my fandoms are less popular nowadays, so i've been searching around sites to find long-term partners.
Dunno what else to say. I like horror RPGs (Zack Foster is my boy) & am slowly learning about the OC world, which is pretty neato. Hoping to find some good friends and RP pals here! :bishiesparklesl:
lol hey i'm a recent college grad who just moved back home and i've been looking for something to occupy my time so i don't lose my marbles 🙃 i roleplayed a lot as a preteen on runescape forums but i stopped writing altogether in highschool and honestly haven't pick it back up since. i thought this would be a good way for me to 1. improve my writing and 2. possibly make some new friends.

my degree is in theatre performance so i love live theatre. also makeup/cosmetics, tarot, mbmbam, dnd (tho i'm not very experienced), and my 19 year old cat. from what i remember about my rp forum days i most enjoy 3rd person writing and all sorts of genres so i'm looking forward to trying it out again.
Time for my early morning site welcomings!

iSoph iSoph Avital Channa Avital Channa Porky Rosso Porky Rosso r72666 r72666 Sera Cosmos Sera Cosmos quixotictaeyangie quixotictaeyangie thefirethroatedsongbird thefirethroatedsongbird BloodInMyEyes BloodInMyEyes AnaWeaver00 AnaWeaver00 Kirumizumi Kirumizumi Amii Amii H homealone2 Siebren Siebren TheGrim TheGrim Eloquentargument Eloquentargument BABY YK BABY YK bubblegum khild bubblegum khild Dwight K. Schrute Dwight K. Schrute diovolo diovolo goats._.aliens goats._.aliens ReturnOfTheMack ReturnOfTheMack

Welcome to the site! I hope you have a great time here and if you ever need anything don’t hesitate to ask! ;)

Also, if you’d like, feel free to check out my beginner’s guide!

Hello, I’m natalie! I would say I’m fairly experienced, but I guess I’ve never had a real experience either, no one has ever wanted to stay due to my unique interest in fandoms or plots. I do constantly practice my writing, so I’m sure that’s good. 🧤💚

The fandoms I like usually insist of videos games, like Katamari, Splatoon, or The Last Guardian. The first one mentioned is my most favorite currently. ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜

In real life, my interests are usually trying to create Things like drawings or something, even though I’m not too good at it, and really just too many things to list that I’d want to do in my life. 📶

I am a high spectrum autistic who joined hoping to maybe find longterm friends here at some point. I’ve never had someone, so it will be nice to meet you if you’re interested. 👍
hello ! my name is alice, but i don't mind nicknames at all. im rather new to roleplaying (i have roleplayed in the past, but i took a long hiatus before i decided to return to roleplaying — simply on a new site.) but i hope that's alright. im interested in possibly creating a roleplay (after i try and start to learn bbcode, of course), but then again, im also a professional procrastinator, aha. i'd love to meet new people so if u would like to talk, please hmu ! i don't bite & it'd be a pleasure to make a new friend. i love to paint with watercolour or acrylic paints & im currently in love with stranger things, marvel, harry potter & lots of other things ... anywho, if u think i'd like to join an rp of urs, please tell me ! im interested in fantasy, realistic/modern, or fairy-tale-esque rps.

stark. ⎊
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Hello! My name's Iris, and it's nice to meet y'all.

I'm a very creative person and use many outlets to express myself, including the following: singing, writing, drawing, painting, dancing, and playing the piano. I'm a little uncomfortable with myself, but I've learned to live with that. I don't have many friends, and I'm a bit shy when I meet new people irl (although I don't always show it.)

I started RP'ing 8 years ago, but this is my first time doing so on this site specifically.
I will RP:
Romance, group, 1x1, supernatural abilities, teens through young adults, RP's based off of something with original characters or OC's, as males and females (though female is preferred), and while doubling characters if needed
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Been here a while but the roleplay that I was a part of died off shortly after we moved it here, and I realized I never actually posted anywhere but there. I have since abandoned that group due to personal differences and have been looking for a new group, large or small, (but preferably more than just one or two people because I'm awful with one on one) to join and RP with. I typically prefer fantasy or modern settings, but for the most part I'm comfortable with almost anything. I've been on and off roleplaying for probably three years now, although most of the early days were physically painful and the epitome of cringe so I try to forget about them.
Outside of RP I'm an artist, albeit not a great one. I drew the character in my pfp and tend to sketch all of my rp characters rather than find faceclaims because it helps me feel more personally attatched to them hehe. Other than that I play a lot of video games, with some of my favorites being Fire Emblem (Blue Lions gang btw), Splatoon, and World of Warcraft. I play a fair bit of Smash (Ultimate and Melee) too but tend to avoid that one because as a whole I'm not a large fan of the community outside of local tournaments and friendlies.
I doubt I'll get too much attention here, but if anyone is looking for more for their group feel free to reach out to me. I need some new friends.
Okay and thanks
Yo everyone. Not really new to roleplaying or this site, but made this account forever ago and decided I should use it. Kinda remembered I had it when I got an email about the site days or maybe weeks ago and thought "Hey, maybe I should get back into roleplaying or something." Maybe it'd help me relieve the stress I've been building, because it's my senior year of college and all and gonna have to deal with cripplin' debt and all that good ol' stuff, so here I am. Nice to meet ya'll.

Oh... I forgot to introduce myself. Ya'll can refer to me as Biscuit or something. My name is kinda lame (ha, it unintentionally rhymes), so I'mma just go by Biscuit. I'm an unenthusiastic college student with way too much time on my hands, and goofy ... I think. I worship Cthulhu, and hold the occasional party with biscuits (I don't this is a lie). Favorite bands are Pearl Jam and (unpopular opinion incoming) Nickelback. Uhm, I think Alpacas are the pinnacles of perfection being an odd mix of likeable asshole with a hint of cuteness, plus they fluffy so just plusses all around. Got google chrome but still prefer Microsoft Edge for some reason. Eh, I'm not very good at these things, so I'mma just end it here and say that I'm down to rp with everyone. If not for an rp, you can hit me up for a chat or somethin', I'm a weeb so you can add something anime and Bata boom, instant friend, doesn't even take a minute. Well, thanks for readin' this mess so far, and nice to meet ya.
*Jumps down from the rafters*
Hello there!

I’m a long time TTRPG player (not kidding… started in 1991) and I write as well. My preferred genres are Sci-Fi/Fantasy adventures, mystery, paranormal, and super powered. I like playing characters with a lot of personality and entertainment value, and I firmly believe in the involvement of humor on some level. I’m hoping to create a great story with someone, whether it’s just for two or a group. Can’t wait to start!
Hey hey! I've been RPing for years now, and a couple have been on this site. I'm coming back because I've got that writing bug and I miss this place!

I'm into Fantasy and Sci-Fi, as well as a heavy mix of both. I'll probably only be able to post once a day due to work and whatnot, but I'm looking forward to getting back into it!
Hey everyone! I'll just pop right in-- I'm not actually new here. It’s been I long time and I decided to make a new account. I hope to meet new people, and maybe see some old ones too.
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Hello! I just joined this site since there seems to be no good places to roleplay anymore- hopefully i can find some good literate rps on here
Howdy! You can call me Dizzy. I've been roleplaying for about three or four years. I haven't come across any particularly enticing roleplay sites, so I hope this one is good! I also really like League of Legends- that's like, one of my defining traits at this point.
Time for my early morning site welcomings!

stark. stark. RP-Missy RP-Missy M mishoughthtccc Wraith Wraith J Jdog6789 IrisFae IrisFae kooky kooky Destinymarie0716 Destinymarie0716 Zanna Black Zanna Black Twisted_Fool Twisted_Fool emoratchild666 emoratchild666 Samantha Penrose Samantha Penrose soggyparadise soggyparadise cytosine cytosine labyrinic labyrinic Dizzycord Dizzycord

Welcome to the site! I hope you have a great time here and if you ever need anything don’t hesitate to ask! ;)

Also, if you’d like, feel free to check out my beginner’s guide!

Time for my early morning site welcomings!

stark. stark. RP-Missy RP-Missy M mishoughthtccc Wraith Wraith J Jdog6789 IrisFae IrisFae kooky kooky Destinymarie0716 Destinymarie0716 Zanna Black Zanna Black Twisted_Fool Twisted_Fool emoratchild666 emoratchild666 Samantha Penrose Samantha Penrose soggyparadise soggyparadise cytosine cytosine labyrinic labyrinic Dizzycord Dizzycord

Welcome to the site! I hope you have a great time here and if you ever need anything don’t hesitate to ask! ;)

Also, if you’d like, feel free to check out my beginner’s guide!

Thank you for the warm welcome, love!

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