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Fantasy Project Redemption OOC

FireFlare FireFlare That post was freakin' perfect! >w<
TJ getting annoyed with the blushing, suspecting Nat as soon as he said his brother would be a teacher, then deciding to take advantage of it xD
I wonder if there will be a scene down the line where Nat realizes what was going on and starts crying 'cause TJ thought he was trying to play him when all he wanted was to get close to him ;P
It'd be fun to see if TJ gets all awkward or feels guilty ;P -works on reply-
Reply up!
TJ: This guy's blushing act is so over the top it's pissing me off. Ah, but his brother's my ticket out of here! Be nice, be nice...
Nat: He just made fun of me! He doesn't like me! Waaah TwT
-thumbs up for their hilarious misunderstandings-
So is this still accepting? I have an idea or two that I could use
So basically it's a camp for superpowered teens to keep them away from the rest of the world or to refine their powers?
I read through the OOC stuff and that's what I gathered. Haven't seen the plot so far
Uh, I thought we were only accepting people for the two open spots? :/
It's more of a number of people management rather than a number characters management. Rey is already in the rp, so they're free to make another character.
Bahaha, I am loving how much Nat is throwing TJ off right now xD
Also, the fact that TJ is convinced Nat's playing some high-level mental game when the poor boy is just completely guileless ;P
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I'm really tempted to write another one right now too XD I don't want Nat to feel sad for too long.
Awwwww~ -glomps-
If you feel like it, go right ahead~
I'm enjoying this far too much to tell you not to ;P
Plus it's hilarious to see how Nat's mood goes up and down with how TJ treats him-
He's like a starved-for-affection little puppy xD
I feel like at this point it's starting to look like the confession scene will be epic.
Nat: I like you, TJ -blushes-
TJ: -eyeing him suspiciously- 'What fresh ploy is this...?'
I think TJ's obliviousness means he's also innocent in his own way.
I mean, he hasn't really had to deal with anything like this before, has he?
So if and when he realizes what's actually going on, I could expect him to be flustered and not know how to react to Nat at that point xD
I mean, he's already kind of flustered and not sure what's going on or how to react now anyway ;P
I think TJ's obliviousness means he's also innocent in his own way.
I mean, he hasn't really had to deal with anything like this before, has he?
So if and when he realizes what's actually going on, I could expect him to be flustered and not know how to react to Nat at that point xD
I mean, he's already kind of flustered and not sure what's going on or how to react now anyway ;P
TJ: What is this?!
Nat, hugging TJ: Affection!
Also TJ: Do it again.

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