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Daxter Wicken - Asset - Location: IU Lobby
"Any allergies?"
Dax shook his head no.
"Dietary restrictions?"
Another shake.
"Alright then, we should be done here."
Dax's shoulders relaxed ever so slightly. They'd been 'interviewing' for at least an hour. Just him, some scary looking Synth lady, and a whiteboard in a featureless concrete room.
"By the way, you can have this." She chucked a tan-ish brown messenger bag at him. Dax just barely managed to catch it (hand to eye coordination was never his thing). "We took the knife, but we also threw in some new markers for ya'."
Dax nodded, giving a strained smile. He would've thanked her, but something about getting knocked out and kidnapped seemed to put a damper on his mood.
Well, he assumed she knocked him out. The last thing he remembered before waking up in the interrogation room (not the most pleasant thing to wake up to) was sitting on the sidewalk asking for spare change.
She'd explained he was 'safe' (What was with people and saying that? If you have to specifically it's safe, it probably isn't), and that he was in a Synth facility, and that was about it.
Despite his misgivings, there wasn't much he could do to escape. She'd snapped a metal bracelet on him and told about all it's... features. Shocker if he was 'misbehaved', tracking to make sure they always knew where he was, vitals, and a few other things that ended up blurring into one big chunk of information that he hadn't quite processed yet. He remembered the main functions thought.
Click the loudspeaker looking button to send a help signal to nearby staff. Heart for vitals. The time display in the middle could expand to show the date and everything.
They seemed determined to keep him safe. Or at least determined to look it.
He still flinched every time the guard got too close. She didn't seem to catch on though, and was already reaching for his wrist to lead him through the door.
Dax pulled his hand away instantly, shooting her an almost apologetic look.
Heedless to his nerves, she lead him down the hallway, which was swarming with Synth agents. From there, an elevator.
Guess I can't take the stairs... He gulped, clamping his teeth onto his lip. Dax would be the first to admit that he was tempted to bolt out the door. Very tempted.
But the metal doors clanked shut before he had the chance, and up they went.
They exited into a floor that would almost look cozy if it weren't for the guards stationed outside the windows.
Mint green plush carpet, some tan couches, a semi-circle desk next to the wall (which was currently manned by a grouchy looking guy that seemed to be built more like a bear than an office worker). Otherwise, the room was pretty empty, aside from a door or two scattering the walls (which were, of course, guarded).
"Now just wait here for a bit, the others will be coming soon." His interrogator said simply, retreating once again to the elevator.
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"Alright, take this and follow me" The agent who has been practically interrogating her tells her. He stands and passes a familiar black bag back to her before striding through the door.
Slava growls under her breath grabbing the bag with a whitish grey spotted and fur covered arm. Last thing she was doing before waking up here was being chased by someone she failed to pickpocket. I'll admit they did llook a but shady. It certainly didnt make her trust these people calling themselves Synth.
They put whats basically a shock collar on my wrist, who even does that. Grumbling and growling under her breath her bare, padded and furred make nary a noise as she is led through halls.
Earlier when she woke up she refused to shift back to a 'normal' appearance lashing out when they tried to force her too. She hopes they werent foolish enough to think she'd just go along with whatever they said. Especially after waking up like she did. She really doesnt trust these people after spending who knows how long being questioned by them.
She bears sharp teeth at the few angents out of many that dare look her in the eyes, not at all nervous about the many people here. Before long she is led into an elevator and they head up. Eventually they exit the elavator into a nice grasp carpetes room. There are guards outside windows, some very nice tan couches, a very grouchy looking bear of a Synth agent and a small Kitten like teen.
"Wait here for the others," is all she is told as the one who guided her here leaves
"Well" she says turning towards to boy " Were you also unwillingly forced her" she asks with a thick accent makung her word only a tad bit hard to understand.
TJ Ostrow
"Now, Mr. Ostrow, do you think you'll be able to behave yourself enough to actually complete your orientation this time?"
TJ glared at the Synth agent in front of him, feeling a small bit of pleasure at the exasperation already creeping into their voice. "I don't know, are you ready to return my knives?"
The agent sighed. "You know that isn't going to happen. However," The agent paused, muttering something about an 'annoyance' and then something else about 'keeping up appearances.' "If you agree to control yourself, for at least the remainder of this week, I will have them made available to you on the training grounds. Understood?"
TJ kept up his glare, mulling over the proposition in his head. He'd been confined to his room from the past 18 hours after his... outburst upon his arrival. It was clear they weren't going to just hand him back his weapons, but access to them meant the chance sneak at least one of the blades with him once the chance presented itself. Besides, TJ thought, glancing at his wrist, this bracelet would prevent him from escaping anytime soon. His last day had been spent attempting every method of bludgeoning he knew on the thing and he'd barely left a scratch.
"Understood, Mr. Ostrow?"
"Yeah, yeah. Understood."
The agent smirked then, clearly believing they'd won whatever battle TJ and he had been having. TJ would revel in proving him wrong.
"Good, then we can continue with your orientation."
The agent went on and on, asking questions and marking down each of TJ's answers, deliberately ignoring the eye-rolls TJ was giving him. Eventually, the agent explained the camp, and gave TJ a rundown of the grounds and what the schedule would be like once classes began. Then, apparently, they got to the personal section. TJ held on for as long as he could, but it was just so stupid.
"Dietary restrictions?"
"Are you kidding me?" TJ blurted, half in frustration and half in astonishment. "I bet whatever file you guys have on me is twice as big as most of the kids here. You're telling me, that with all Synth's heralded intelligence gathering, you don't know my 'dietary restrictions'?" TJ laughed.
The agent huffed, bringing a hand to rub at his temple as if he felt a headache was coming on. Scanning the rest of his list and clearly deciding that whatever questions came next either weren't putting up with TJ for, or were, as TJ suspected, already in Synth's data. "Fine. You're finished. Follow me to the elevator and you'll meet the rest of the kids. Remember: Behave."
TJ gave him a clearly unimpressed look, one that the interviewer ignored, and followed him to the elevator. He waited for the doors to close, a small smile gracing his face at the tense set of the agent's shoulders as the door closed on TJ. The elevator stopped at the lobby and TJ exited. He kept his posture relaxed, almost cocky, despite the unease he felt. He scanned the room, only seeing a few other people there, the majority of them guards. Then his eyes fell on an almost ghost of a kid; tiny, pale, and almost certainly malnourished. TJ's eyes darted up and down the figure, not caring to hide his interest. If a kid like that was in the Camp, it meant he had some sort of power. TJ's fingers twitched, just momentarily. Synth was crazy if they believed TJ would stick around a bunch of powered kids without any weapon.
But right now, there was no weapon in sight, and TJ wasn't about to make enemies. The boy had been joined by a girl in the time TJ had been finishing up his inspection. She was tall, looked athletic enough to maybe be here without powers. TJ wasn't going to make assumptions, though, so he waited until he piqued their attention and then smiled sympathetically and shrugged, doing his best to appear friendly.

Nathaniel Evans

Brother - Psychokinetic - Goth Kid

"Tell me your stories and I'll tell you mine."

Location: [Lobby]
With: [TJ + Dax, Slava]
Mood: [Nervous but excited]
Nathaniel hated medical exams. He really, really hated them. Ever since he and his brother had gotten captured by Synth, he'd been subjected to regular medical examinations on their authority. It was taking off his clothes that did it- his clothes were like armor to him, and without them he felt horribly exposed and vulnerable. The last exam had been a few weeks ago, and the next one wasn't supposed to happen for at least another month, but since they had decided to start this new 'supers' program (or whatever they called it), everyone entering it had to take a physical. So that meant he was getting another one- a full five weeks ahead of schedule.

As always when entering a stressful situation, he tried some breathing and visualization exercises to calm himself down. It would not do to have a panic attack and make the doc' see a bunch of tarantulas crawling around the room. He pictured his brother's grinning face, and imagined what Shin would say if he were here. "Don't worry Nat- you're still safe inside your skin. The only protection you need is right here," he would say while tapping the side of his head. In spite of the situation, Nat smiled. He pulled on the paper robe, sat down on the cold exam table, and settled back inside his own head, waiting for it to be over.

After the exam, came the questions. He thought it seemed a little silly- asking him all this stuff when he'd been living here for years-, but he supposed they wanted to establish a base level for everyone at the same time. Trying not to let his tiredness with the process be too obvious, he patiently answered everything they asked. When it was finally over and he'd gotten dressed again, he followed his examiner out the door, down the hallway and into the elevator. The floor they exited on was much nicer than any part of the complex he'd been admitted to before. It struck him vividly that he was now a student in a program with other students like him, and no longer a prisoner (though still technically a convicted criminal).

As he walked up to the sitting area, he looked at the others who had arrived before him. There was a tall, blue-eyed blond girl wearing a sleeveless shirt with jeans. She was talking to a smaller, dark-haired boy- pale and alarmingly thin-looking under his jeans and hoodie. The third boy was standing just a little ways off from the other two. He was as tall as Nathaniel, though pronouncedly more muscular, with messy brown hair and lightly tanned skin. He was wearing cargo pants and a t-shirt, and gave off a vibe of being completely comfortable in his own skin, reminding him of Shin.

Though Nathaniel was intimidated, he was also extremely curious, and really wanted to get to know them. After all, these were the first new people he was getting to meet since he and his brother's capture. Well, first new people who weren't Synth agents and staff, at least. He walked up timidly to the brown-haired guy and smiled. Dark makeup, yellow eyes and strange attire notwithstanding, the angelic nature of the expression still shone brightly through.

"Hi, I'm Nat," he said in what he hoped would be perceived as a casual manner.

OOC: I think Nat might end up with a crush on TJ xD
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Daxter Wicken - Asset - Location: IU Lobby

Dax flinched as the elevator doors rumbled open, half expecting someone to burst in guns blazing. No, no, no. That wouldn't make sense. They need you alive, clearly. Unless someone attacks you'll be fine. Probably. Maybe.
But he still watched the elevator just in case.
A girl exited, seeming almost more annoyed than scared. She looked normal. Tall, blonde, muscular... Dax blinked. Was that fur?
So she was powered. or enhanced. Or whatever people called it.
And she was a kid about his age.
They aren't Synth, are they? We're in Rosen and they caught you again and-
No, the lady had a badge. Those are hard to fake.
But what does a real Synth badge even look like? Synth's probably just as bad as Rosen. You're gonna be stuck here forever all over aga-

"Well, were you also unwillingly forced here?"
Dax jerked slightly, internally cursing himself for letting his thoughts be dragged off like that. He probably looked like an idiot just staring off into space.
What should he say? Probably shouldn't speak with... it, don't want to reveal any more than Synth already knows. Markers? Just nodding would work...
He gulped and nodded a bit over-enthusiastically. Just as he reached to drag his whiteboard out of his bag, a clunk announced that yet another person was entering the room.
Dax's gaze immediately shot to the elevator, where a disgruntled boy stepped out. Tall, muscular, why was everyone tall and muscular? Whatever the case, he seemed throughly unpleased, but still gave a smile (forced?) and wave.
Dax waved weakly back, slowly growing more and more nervous with the growing crowd of people.
Ashu Novaris (Asset)

"You are here to be interrogated. You will answer the questions asked of you by the time we reach the facility."
Ashu was told, being dragged along - figuratively - by the speaker. "Am I clear, you temperamental brat?"

"Yeah, yeah, I get it." Ashu responded sharply with a sting in her tone, sighing as the questions would begin coming and going with each one being raised then answered. They were mostly basic, though as they kept coming, Ashu gradually began falling asleep.

"Now, the vital part." The imposing voice said. "Do you know why you're here?" They asked. Ashu shrugged. "Probably not. Is it something to do with exceptional power and/or talent?" She asked. "Correct. Your case seems to be the former." They said in response, though the actual questions asked beyond this were more regulation than personal, Ashu tried to answer as best she could before drifting off. The figure groaned and approached her, having at least took note of a majority of answers - things like what they can and can't do, but what they thought stuck out were the dangerous scaling of the power and the social limiter put on Ashu, by Ashu.

"Wake up." Ashu was disturbed by a sharp tone right next to her ear as she was presumably sleeping while being dragged along, or bordering on sleeping at least. She let out a groan of 'why do I bother' as she kept getting led along - it felt like such a long journey to her, though she had no idea where she was going. Footsteps continued and led both her and whoever was leading her to the same place, where, upon arrival, Ashu shook the other person off and hissed, having grown uncomfortable with the physical contact, but didn't want to suddenly snap on the way there. "Well. You at least held it together until you got here," They said, looking down on her, being only a little bit taller - not by much, another 2-4 inches? Ashu just stared back at them wordlessly and then wandered away, sighing as she would go off as such, but soon to be stopped when they spoke up yet again. "...but I wasn't finished." They added, to which Ashu stopped and turned around with a worried/scared expression.

Ashu would once again see their 'captor' approach them, capitalising this spooky and scary aura they had, for which she was unable to fight, so to speak. Once again, when close enough, they looked down on her, their raspy breathing being heard as if covered up by a mask, and there was Ashu, being OK on the outside, but was actually having an internal freak out session. "W-What is it?" She said sharply in a questioning tone with what courage she had to muster, to which the other individual in the conversation just pointed towards the group of other people like 'join them'. Ashu turned and saw the still growing group of individuals, now including herself, but instead of going straight into the bulk of the group, she headed to the corner instead, where she feels she is not only most comfortable, but she is also far away from everyone's nonsense.

"That's... a fair few people." Ashu said to herself as the presumably masked individual left through the door of which they came through, leaving Ashu to her scepticism. She tried to get a better look at the room around her - the people in it, primarily - what did they look to be? They seemed to be mostly younger than her, but no doubt near her age. Ashu was confused at first, then she remembered what the purpose she is here for - because of her own power. By that logic, if other people are here, they must have one or more on them as well - but if not that, perhaps they're exceptionally good at something? Regardless, Ashu would keep herself in the corner, dwelling on her thoughts as she loomed as the ever so watchful eye in the background (more or less), not letting anyone out of her sight, though she seemed a little scared thanks to 'their' influence. Only one thing crossed Ashu's mind - her thoughts.

'...Time to find out if any of these people are worth holding close... if they come close to begin with, that is.'
Link to CS: Here!
Hex Code: #ff4d00
Status (physically): Fine
Status (mentally/emotionally): Scared
Location: IU (Lobby)
Power(s): Pyrokinesis
Course of action: Staying away from everyone and everything
Interactions: None (Open)
Mentions: Everyone
Nearby: Everyone
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Shin Evans

Brother - Ladies' Man - Outlaw

"Lock up your jewels and your gems and your treasures, because none of them will be safe from the Spectre."

Location: [IU Lobby]
With: [No one for now]
Mood: [Bored and hopeful]
Shin was down in the basement, in a computer lab. On the screen, little pixellated spaceships did battle with aliens and evil federations. Different-colored lasers flashed back and forth across empty, star-studded space. Shin grinned as his spaceship took down one of the enemy cruisers and it exploded spectacularly into flaming pieces.

Like taking candy from a baby, he thought.

In reality, the game was a front, so that any Synth agents or staff who happened to catch his on-screen activity didn't become suspicious. Shin had designed the game when he was a teenager, as a visual cover and (he thought) apt metaphor for breaking down firewalls and taking control of assets that didn't belong to him. He'd just managed to hack into one of the government agencies that had a file on him and Nathaniel, and was in the process of erasing its contents.

Since he'd been offered the teaching plea-deal and had been let out of his cell and allowed minimal access to electronics again (they hadn't even wanted to let him have his Gameboy or DVD player in his cell, out of fear of what he might do with them, so he'd ended up reading a lot of comic books), he'd been busy. To date, he had re-established contact with and control of various businesses he had a stake in, reworked his investment portfolio and moved assets around between different accounts, and checked on his parents in LA- apparently they were still living together and attending functions together, which made him smile when he thought about it.

He had even posted a few memes and pranks to social media. A couple of them got on Synth's radar, and he was torn between laughing his head off at how seriously they had taken and reacted to the supposed 'threat', and worry that they would figure out he was behind it and lock him back up. He couldn't resist playing a few pranks though- it was just too good. Most importantly, he'd managed to get in contact with Devin. He'd tried to reassure his friend that he and Nat were both ok, and that it wasn't his fault they'd gotten captured and he'd done the right thing by getting out of there. Shin worried that guilt would get the better of him, however, and that he would end up stupidly launching a foolhardy escape attempt, which would only end in his getting locked up in here with them.

He hadn't yet seriously attempted to hack into Synth, as any one obvious failed attempt would have serious consequences. He'd casually probed their defenses which, unsurprisingly, were just about the best he'd seen- outside of maybe Rosen Industries. For now, he was playing the long game- appearing to behave himself and be trustworthy. They'd assured him that he would be granted greater access eventually, as long as he didn't step out of line, so he was toeing it. Well, at least as long as he didn't get caught, they would believe him to be toeing it- same difference, really.

Continuing to play his 'game' one-handed, he glanced down at his fancy watch. Apple had nothing on this gizmo- localization, voice control, vitals monitoring, panic button... Oh, and the handy little feature that it would blow his head off if he tried to run or escape or otherwise interfere with Synth operations. Shin gritted his teeth.

The second I get my tools back, this fucking thing is the first thing to go, he thought.

At the moment though, the watch in question was telling him that he needed to head upstairs. He quickly exited his program, grabbed his jacket, and left the room. The basement corridor was long and dimly-lit, and Shin rolled his eyes at the theatrics.

They really don't need to go this far out of their way to prove how shady they are, he silently remarked.

He opted for the dark stairway over the elevator, and was soon emerging on the relatively cozy and far better-lit ground floor. He walked over to one of the armchairs dotted around the lobby and plopped himself down in it, checking his watch again and wondering how long it would be before other people showed up and they were instructed to go meet the kids. Shin laughed to himself.

Never thought I'd ending up here and teaching hacking to kids. Then, Synth is crazy. Followed by I hope the girls are cute.

OOC: Somebody come talk to him D:
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"David?" a short pause occurred "David?" the vampire like being opened his eyes to find himself looking up to Catie, a very old friend/love of his life. "David it's time to wake up," Catie spoke in an angelic voice "Time to wake up from your fantasy" now she began to sound twisted and sinister. Raising an eye brow that's when Cornelious decided to sit up and see what she was talking about only to find that his left hand had landed on something cold and wet. Turning it over to look at his palm he saw blood, then behind his hand he saw his Father dead with blood all over the corpse. Cornelious frantically turned away only to be met with his other family members corpses with blood drenched on their bodies. "No, no it was a mistake I-" he muttered while turning back to Catie who was now covered in blood herself. "You can't hide what you've become," Catie said in a malicious tone "No, I couldn't control myself!" Cornelious tried his best to remain calm but sorrow, fear, and anguish rushed through his body. "Time to wake up to the truth David. Wake up David, wake up David, wake-" unwilling to take anymore of the carnage and torment he covered his ears and screamed "NNNOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!"

"-up David" someone said in a chair across a table right where Cornelious sat. Sweat ran across his forehead as he sprang to life from his nightmare, breathing quickly while glancing around in the cement room that he was confined in. Then that's when he felt the chains binding him to the chair which only made him curious and so he looked down. "Are you awake now David?" the familiar looking agent asked Cornelious one more time. They looked as though she were in her mid thirties with a confident personality and overall confident persona. Before uncrossing her arms and reaching for a few papers "Good then let's get started, you wouldn't wake up so you're late to the orientation," the lady said nonchalantly. Cornelious' blood red eyes made their way back to the agent while testing his bindings strength of holding him. "What are you talking about? Where am I? Who are you-" he paused his questioning and actions now realizing that some mask was latched on to his face. "Well I knew your father well and didn't want you to be lobotomized David so you're in a secret place while being part of a very secret project. Now if you don't mind we should pass the introductions," surprised his eye brows shot up "You knew my father?" for some reason this comforted him. Perhaps she really is trying to help him "Yes, your father actually saved my life once. On a mission long before you were born," she looked to the side as if reminiscing on good memories but soon came back to reality. "Ok, let's begin."

Cornelious wasn't asked many questions, mainly because they were running late and Cornelious lived a very restricted life because of his 'condition'. So she could fill in most of the blanks already. "Alright David, so are you enthusiastic on going to school with other-" the agent was interrupted by the teen "Cornelious. I go by Cornelious now," he said in a harsh tone. After an awkward pause the agent looked down at his file making a note of it "Ok, Cornelious, are you ready to go to an actual school, see the outside in person instead of a window, and get better control of your powers?" for the first time Cornelious smiled, I mean it's not like she would be able to tell its the mask on. So he gave a reluctant nod "Wonderful. But there's a catch," the lady said after closing the file "No blood sucking aloud. EVER. You'll be supplied blood bags from me or another agent," his gut wrenched at the thought of drinking from another human. Never again can he do it, or so he thought. "No leaving/escaping the facility or harming anyone," well that's simple enough he thought. "Final rule is to follow all rules or that wrist band of yours will send out a shock along with powerful UV-Rays if you misbehave" Cornelious' eyes widened at the thought of the tiny wrist band unleashing punishment. The agent stood up from her chair to unlock his chains "I personally got you some items to help you when outside during the day as well," she said while taking the chains off of his chair along with him. "Ok, now it's show time."

Walking out of the cement room and into a surprisingly more dull hallway he followed the lady while looking through his bag of essentials for survival in the day. Finding sunglasses, an umbrella, sun hat, and cape that looked like something Dracula would wear. "Why the Dracula cape?" the agent gave a laugh before walking in to an elevator with Cornelious right behind her. "Well you've been codenamed Dracula because of your powers. And I thought that it would help protect you from the sun as it covers you from neck to toe," the elevator finally stopped arriving at it's destination on time while they were less fortunate to do the same. "Now remember what I told you Cornelious, now make some friends," she pushed the vampire rather surpsingly fast out of the elevator. Once in the room full of people he couldn't help but turn back at the agent to give her a puzzling look but the doors had already closed which only had him one option which was to look back at the group. Cornelious had red eyes matched with his pale white long hair with an even paler skin tone complimented with a black mask that looked like a metal scarf that only latched on to the front, along with his white shirt with joggers with no shoes on made him look out of place. He saw in this order a very pale small boy, athletic tall blonde, a tanned strongman, a rather uniquely attired person, and a shy individual sitting in the corner and after a few moments of looking at all of them he waved his right hand which wasn't holding the bag and said "Hello there," to anyone listening.
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Slava watches as the small boy infront of her slowly grows more and more nervous. Probably due to the other teens now coming into the room she deduces. There are quite a few people in the room now
She looks around the room once more. She observes the other people who have come into the room. Most of them seem to be somewhere around her age if not the same age. Some of them have got to also have powers not way some of them would be here otherwise due to what shes learned since she got here.
First some guy with a crooked nose came in, trying to appear friendly when I glanced his way. He seemed to already be watching us when I looked at him. Then another guy came in and approached the first lookig to start a conversation with him. A shy almost scared looking girl is in the corner far away from the rest of us, definatly doesnt want to talk to anyone. Lastly a sketchy red eyed probably crazy guy walked in wearing a mask of all things. He just waved and said hello to no one probably hoping someone will answer him.
Turning back to the boy,he appeared to veing reaching into a tan backpack. Once again she opens her mouth and starts to speak again"Slava Zhurova," she tells him answering a question bound to be asked "And you are?" She asks curious .
She needs a friend or at the very least an ally here and he seems nice enough to here. Though he has yet to speak and only nodded in response to her earlier question to him when she first came into this room.
Reinette Flinn-Telekinesis-Pyrokinesis

Mood: Irritated
Location: IU Lobby
With: No one
Outfit: Black tank top, Green army jacket, blue jeans, converse

Rein leaned back in her chair and crossed her arms over her chest. She'd been in this room for maybe two hours answering those stupid interview questions. Finally, the agent questioning her gave back her belongings and she was led to a room with a few other kids her age. She found a seat and sank into it not saying anything. She'd had a shit day so far and she wasn't up for social interaction. A few weeks prior she'd found a nice home that was empty because the family had gone on vacation. She was having the best night's sleep she'd had in forever when she was rudely woken up by the Synth goons breaking down the door. Before she could fight back she'd been knocked out and the next thing she knew she was waking up in some cold room. Rein looked around the room sizing up the others. They didn't look like agents, but she couldn't trust them. She just wanted to get out of here and she would, no matter what it took.

Aconite (Ciana)-Toxic Kiss-Plant Control

Mood: Murdery
Location: UK Vineyard
Interactions: No one yet
Outfit: Her Suit https://www.rpnation.com/attachments/1571016097475-png.636368/

Ciana's car pulled into the parking lot and she stepped out, a wide smiled on her face. She strode into the welcoming building of the vineyard and looked at the twenty or so wine snobs. Some eyed her with disdain because she obviously didn't belong there and others followed her around with hunger in their eyes. She didn't mind though, in fact, she loved the attention. The man at the front of the room cleared his throat and the crowd of people turned to listen. "As I was saying, thank you, folks, for coming today. My name is Bryan Addams, I'll be your guide today. We will begin the tour with a few of our finest wines." As he spoke waiters walked around the room and handed everyone a glass of dark wine. Ciana knocked the glass back enjoying the familiar taste of alcohol. Ignoring the glares from some of the more prudish members of the group, she walked to the front of the room and stepped up onto the little stage where the baffled tour guide gawked at her. "Can I help you, ma'am?" Ciana laughed and grabbed the front of his shirt pulling him in for a kiss. As she stepped back, letting go of him, she watched his pale face contort in pain. He dropped to his knees clutching his chest. She watched as he tumbled backward of the stage and started convulsing on the ground. The wine tasters screamed and ran for the exit but the door had been covered in vines and wouldn't open. "Where do you think you lot are going?" Ciana said in a sing-song voice. She stepped over the now still body of the guide and moved towards the huddled mass of wine tasters. She raised her arms and the people watched in terror as the floorboards splintered and thick vines grew up. The vines snaked forward and ensnared the tasters who struggled to no avail. Smiling, Ciana clapped her hands together as she appraised her victims. "Now let's have some fun."
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Daxter Wicken - Asset - Location: IU - Tags: Chthon Chthon

He tugged a small whiteboard (about the size of a sheet of paper) out of his bag. It was scratched and dented from years of use. Cloudy gray-brown stains splattered it's surface, dotted with the occasional burst of green or red.
As he searched for a marker, his eyes flickered to the elevator every time the doors opened, always releasing another kid seemingly around his age.

"Hello there."
Dax nearly jumped out of his skin when some guy in a creepy mask (Why did it have a tiny hole in the mouth?) seemingly announced himself to the room. He gulped, shooting him a shy, apologetic smile.
Turning his thoughts back to the girl, what did she say her name was? Slava Zhu... something. Really hope I don't have to spell that anytime soon.

Finally, he found a marker hiding at the very bottom of the satchel.
Dax popped the top off, sticking it to the back of the marker out of habit. Ink smell wafted through the air, stronger than usual since the first time it had ever been uncapped. Man, it's been a while since I got a new marker.
He wrote quickly, turning the board so Slava could read after just a second or two.
"Dax" It was scrawled in small, scraggly, forest green writing. Almost like a kindergartener's writing (in all fairness, he was taken out of school when he was five). There was a bit of a smudge toward the x, where the ink had pooled up and his wrist passed over the letter.
TJ Ostrow
TJ resisted the urge to raise an eyebrow at the boy walking towards him. Black hair, leather, chains, the works. To each their own, TJ supposed, and besides, the boy's attire wasn't the most intriguing thing about him; it was his eyes. They were yellow. Contacts? Powers? And why were they yellow of all things? TJ withdrew his gaze fast enough for the stare not to be abnormal, but every once in a while he focused on them once again. 'Friendly' he reminded himself once again.
"Hi, I'm Nat."
"Nice to meet you, Nat," TJ smiled. "Name's TJ."
TJ paused, his gaze moving to the door of the elevator before they even opened. Another girl stepped out, this time one with long black hair. There wasn't anything particularly unusual about her and TJ quickly returned his attention to the boy, Nat, in front of him.

"So, Nat, what're you in here for?"
TJ kept the question purposely vague. If Nat was as guarded as TJ would've been at the question, it either meant he had something to hide or he had learned sharing information came with a price. Either option meant TJ had to be careful. Or, Nat could answer honestly -the boy's smile had screamed of innocence. TJ doubted that would happen, but Synth had surprised him once or twice before.
As he waited for Nat's answer, he kept his eyes flicking back and forth between his conversation partner and the elevator doors each time they opened. First came a guy, around TJ's age but maybe older. He looked more bored than worried and TJ wasn't sure what to make of it, though TJ supposed that was how he was acting himself. Next was another guy, almost more pale than the ghostly kid, completely white hair, and intensely red eyes. Those and the mask he was wearing already put him on TJ's 'threat list'. Finally came a redhead girl. It was another person who seemed normal enough, but the motley group that was gathered here made TJ certain that exactly nothing in this room was absolute. Synth had really outdone themselves this time.

Nathaniel Evans

Brother - Psychokinetic - Goth Kid

"Tell me your stories and I'll tell you mine."

Location: [Lobby]
With: [TJ + others]
Mood: [Excited and nervous]
When he'd summoned his courage and walked up to the guy, it was because this was someone he felt a desire to know. He was not, however, expecting him to reciprocate this feeling in any way. He thought perhaps he'd give short and terse answers to any of Nathaniel's questions until he took the hint and slunk away, or that maybe he would be blunt or rude and tell him flat out to go away and leave him alone and that he didn't want to be associated with him. With certain people and under certain circumstances, Nat could feel at ease in his own skin, but generally he was self-conscious and tended to believe other people held negative opinions about him. Especially tall, muscular, confident guys who clearly neither wanted nor needed anyone- let alone skinny, pale and socially awkward goth kids.

Which was why when the guy responded perfectly nicely, Nat was completely taken aback. And then that smile... Nat was not prepared for that smile. It kind of reminded him of Shin's in its brilliance, but of course Shin's smile had never had such an effect on him (though he'd observed it having precisely that effect on the girls he flirted with). He hoped it wasn't showing on his face that his insides had just flipped over like a pancake, and looked away in embarrassment. Luckily, at that moment the elevator doors opened again, and the boy turned to inspect the new arrival while Nat took a moment to compose himself. TJ turned back to him, looking him straight in the eyes, and he felt another internal somersault.

"So, Nat, what're you in here for?"

Nat blushed and looked away again.

"M-my bother and I were caught stealing..." He felt embarrassed to admit it. After having already given this answer, however, it occurred to him that TJ might not have meant what he'd thought. After all, the phrase he'd used could have meant "what's your ability?" or "what have you been recruited for?" or "what are you being treated for?". He could have presented it as having been handpicked for his usefulness and incredible gift, or even as being here to get help with controlling his new power. But he had chosen the one interpretation and implication that labeled him a criminal. He had made himself a pariah before the program had even started... He wrapped his arms around himself and reflected on this miserably, not wanting to meet the boy's gaze, as two more people joined the group.

When one of them addressed the room at large in a slightly muffled voice, Nat looked up to see who they were and was immediately distracted from his ruminations. White hair, white skin, white clothes, no shoes... The outfit already screamed 'mental patient', but it was the red eyes and scary black mask that did it. Nat felt an instinctive surge of fear and drew a little nearer to TJ and a little further away from the boy. There were seven of them there now, and Nat wondered if they were waiting for more, or if the orientation would be starting soon.

OOC: Let the crushing commence! ;P Nat is so adorably innocent :3
Also that brother complex though xD
Also also meep! A Dracula! D:
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Meanwhile, in Beijing....
Location: Old City, Beijing, China
Interactions: n/a
Want me to love you in moderation / Do I look moderate to you?

The red lacquered door hidden in a side alley in the Old City had an eerie glow from the neon and rain, and it opened with a satisfying squeak under Devin's hand. He stepped into the narrow little tea room and brushed rain from his hair. It was close and warm and smelled of old wood and lanolin and green tea, and Devin slid past the handful of customers to the counter. He earned a few curious looks, being a westerner dressed all in black, except for a leather jacket, which looked like it had been dipped in gold roughly up to its elbows.
"I'm here to see Mei," he said to the girl at the counter. She eyed him like she had been inspecting someone very different, which Devin was used to, but all she said was, "Follow me."
Mei waited for him in a private tea room on the second floor, the little clay tea set already arranged in front of her on the white jade tea tray.
"You're late," she said, as Devin sat across from her, and the door clicked shut. She was even smaller than he was, if she had been standing, dressed in a hanfu as white a her hair.
"You know nobody can find this place without getting lost on the way," Devin said.
She snorted, unimpressed, and poured him a little cup of tea. Devin cupped it in both hands, pleased at the warmth against his cold hands, and took a small sip. It was hot, and burned his throat, but the tea had the distinctive tar under taste of a good Lapsang Souchong.
"Well?" Mei said, after a long moment of contemplative silence over the tea. "Tell me what bad idea you're chasing now."
Devin set his cup down softly on the table. "Synth's opened a camp. For kids, Mei. Babies. And they have my boys." He'd promised Shin to lay low, not to do anything stupid, but if Shin didn't know he was a liar by now there was no hope for him. "I'm just asking you to keep an ear out. That's all." There was no official gang of powered criminals (they knew better than to set themselves up like that), but Mei had been around a long, long time, and anyone who operated anywhere near China knew her, and came into this shop. If someone knew anything she would hear it. Shin might have been able to figure out the camps's location, but he wouldn't tell if he thought Devin would use it to hunt him down.
"And if you find this camp?"
"I'm going to burn the motherfucker down. What if they caught your granddaughter, Mei?"
She studied him a long moment.
"I'll see if I can find you a match," she finally said.
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Cornelious stood there a few more moments only getting twisted looks even though he was oblivious to them. "Hm, tough crowd" the vampire said deciding to take a seat a few open spots of where Ashu was sitting. Feeling a bit cold he reached into his bag to grab the only piece of clothing he had which was the cape. It felt as though it was made of silk serving now as a blanket.

Cornelius sat there in silence retracing back to the last memory he had before waking up but his thinking was interrupted by the newcomer of the group otherwise known as Reinette. But he didn't know that was her name so he just thought of her as "quite person #2". Only glancing at the girl for a second or two Cornelious wondered what she could do. Actually he wondered what all of them could do if he was in the same room as them.

With all of these questions crowding Cornelious' mind, he couldn't help but stare at a door that was on a different wall from here the elevator was to drop off more assets. Feeling a bit curious and bored the vampire turned to Ashu while slithering his arm out of his cape to point at the door. "What do you think is in there? Did anyone one of us come from there?" he asked while not glancing at Ashu to see her reaction.

Interactions: Ashu BoltBeam BoltBeam
Ashu Novaris (Asset)
"What do you think is in there? Did anyone one of us come from there?" he asked while not glancing at Ashu to see her reaction.
"Hm?" Ashu sounded a little startled at first, looking around to see who said that to her. They seemed to be practically embodying vampire motif - not a bad thing, just didn't help in tandem with their serious tone. Ashu began to think, glancing at that door. "For the first one, it's probably something only the actual people here - the ones who work here - can go into. Or something like that. What could be in there could be almost anything," she began simply, narrowing her gaze as she continued, "and from that door in question, I'm not too sure if anyone came from it. I've been minding my own business and not directly focusing anyone or anything - that door included - so your guess on that one is as good as mine." Ashu shrugged it off, thoroughly sure that's the safest course of action to be doing - saying what is most likely to happen, fresh out of your mind - it's purely speculation, but it probably wouldn't be wrong, either, if it 'is' the most probable. Ashu went silent afterwards to further take a look at what she was dealing with - yep, that is 'definitely' vampire motif. As long as Ashu doesn't provoke her power and practically burn the poor soul, this should go alright, one would hope.
Link to CS: Here!
Hex Code: #ff4d00
Status (physically): Fine
Status (mentally/emotionally): 'Meh' (OK)
Location: IU (Lobby)
Power(s): Pyrokinesis
Course of action: Conversation
Interactions: Reytian Reytian
Mentions: None
Nearby: Everyone
Kuri Avalon (Therapist)

You ever wonder how difficult it actually is to put up with several temperamental children and potentially adults at once, never mind settle all of their problems down, with almost every second of your time used solely for that job? You'd either need a ton of mental tolerance, willpower, both, or just have the perfect tool(s) for the job. Enter Kuri Avalon, the therapist at Camp Lycan, who is practically duty bound to what she does, and is pretty damn good at her job, as it turns out - thanks to her own ability. As she is at the moment, Avalon (as she's referred to) is in the sitting area over in the Accommodations Unit, having just filed away what seemed to be pieces of paper - probably reports and/or files, probably referring to the new assets imported. Avalon looked over them one last time prior, and indeed they were - each of the currently present assets, and perhaps more were inside those pages, so Avalon knew what she may be dealing with, though with that out of the way, she is to be waiting until she has something to do or is called for some sort of purpose. Hence, she found herself in tie sitting area, and is waiting her time away.

"They seem... tolerable. Problematic, but, I'm sure most of them won't be too bad..." Avalon said to herself silently, particularly concerned about Ashu, Dav- I mean, Cornelius, and Daxter, as she believed getting those three to communicate their problems to her may be a bit of a problem, as two aren't fond of touch, one of them is mute, another is literally bloodthirsty (at times), and the last one is often uncontrollable, even by themselves. Avalon shook her head and had sealed the files away, and once again she returns to waiting for something she needs to attend to, otherwise remaining right where she was, in a seemingly endless state of being idle, seated, and gradually growing numb as she kept staying there. "...I just need to hope that they are what is inscribed," Avalon said to herself as she sighed heavily mid-quote, "for if they are not, this could be difficult. And if they are not that which they're noted, and there's nothing else, I suppose I'll need to learn them on my own - mid work." Avalon explained to herself before beginning to think.

'I will now hope that, upon my meeting with them all, I'm able to keep them under control.'
Link to CS: Here!
Hex Code: #f573c3
Status (physically): Fine
Status (mentally/emotionally): Fine
Location: AU (sitting area)
Power(s): Pain Transfer
Course of action: Preparing to put up with the assets
Interactions: None (closed, but Avalon will come to somewhere when 'called', so to speak)
Mentions: BoltBeam BoltBeam (Ashu - yes, I am pinging myself), Reytian Reytian (DavidCornelius), BittyBobcat BittyBobcat (Daxter)
Nearby: Nobody
TJ Ostrow
Stealing, huh? TJ was taken aback at how easy the information had been offered. He studied his companion more closely -what was the kid playing at? On outward appearances alone, TJ could maybe peg Nat for some petty theft, but Synth wasn't usually interested in crimes that trivial and... Wait. Was Nat blushing? The kid's eyes were anywhere but TJ's face, and sure enough there was a red flush across his cheeks. Why on Earth would Nat be blushing? Had he really only committed petty crimes and was he ashamed? Or was it that he got caught? TJ put himself in Nat's shoes and ran through their conversation again in his head. Try as he might, he couldn't come up with an acceptable reason for the kid to be embarrassed.
Unless... Was he actually embarrassed? For stealing? No, he couldn't be. Synth wouldn't be recruiting kids right off the street, would they? Plucking up anyone with powers at the threat of prison? His already low view of the organization fell even further, but TJ was once again drawn to Nat's eyes. He must have one heck of a power if that was the case. As soon as the thought crossed his mind, TJ was mentally scolding himself. TJ had written him off as a threat, just momentarily, but it was unacceptable all the same. He still didn't have any proof Nat was telling the truth, and it was entirely possible the kid was some sort of criminal mastermind. No matter how much TJ was already doubting the idea.
The thought that he couldn't see through whatever ruse Nat might be pulling was irksome, but if was this flustered at simple theft, there was no way he would have pulled something large enough to be on Synth's radar, so what was Nat hiding?
TJ kept the frustration from his face, instead raising an eyebrow and giving the kid a smirk. "I hadn't pegged you for a thief, Nat," TJ shrugged, "Though it doesn't really matter to me so long as you were stealing from the right people." TJ thought more about the boy's answer. "You said you got caught with your brother? He here, too?" It would be best to ask as many questions as Nat would answer. The more information he gave out, the harder it would to keep straight if he were lying -unless, of course, he was a criminal mastermind.
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Nathaniel Evans

Brother - Psychokinetic - Goth Kid

"Tell me your stories and I'll tell you mine."

Location: [Lobby]
With: [TJ + others]
Mood: [Nervous and hopeful]
The scary-looking guy in the mask sat down and wrapped himself in a cape, of all things. This new element, coupled with his demeanor, made Nat's feelings about him shift a little. His instinctual impression about this person being a danger was now mixed with some confusion, and a sudden desire to snicker. It was the cape that did it- matching the motif to that extent just seemed sort of inane, and like something you just had to laugh at. The guy struck up a conversation with the long-haired girl in the corner, and Nat was distracted from his thoughts and observations by the sound of TJ's voice.

"I hadn't pegged you for a thief, Nat," the other boy commented drily. Nat could hear amusement and derision in the tone, and when he turned back to him he saw that TJ had raised an eyebrow and was smirking at him. The expression made Nat's insides turn to jelly and he blushed again. TJ shrugged.

"Though it doesn't really matter to me so long as you were stealing from the right people."

Nat bit his lip uncomfortably. It was true that, when Shin talked about thieving, he usually presented it as a harmless, good-natured prank that relieved the overly rich and arrogant of some of their undeserved riches. And Shin was so charismatic and Nat had always admired and looked up to him so much that he would get swept away (and almost invariably into trouble) when Shin included him in his schemes. But the truth was: the idea of stealing and breaking rules, when he was on his own, made Nat uneasy and scared and rather ashamed.

"You said you got caught with your brother? He here, too?"

At the mention of his brother, as always, Shin lit up. The smile brightened his entire face and made him look a lot younger than he was- it was a little kid's expression.

"Yes, he's here. He's going to be one of the teachers in the program!" Nat declared excitedly. Just thinking about his brother being around made him more relaxed and brave. His mind wandered off again as he looked around, wondering when someone would come to talk to them. He then was brought back to the conversation and thought that, since he had been asked questions about himself, it would be all right to ask some about TJ. He wanted to know more about him and hoped that he would deign to answer.

"So, um, TJ, wh- what are you here for?" he asked timidly, lowering his eyes again and hoping he wasn't being too obvious.

OOC: Man, oh man, that brother complex though xD
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Blair Singer - Combat Instructor - Location: AU Sittin Area - Tags: BoltBeam BoltBeam

Only a week in and the camp was already bustling with activity. High pitched voices rang behind every door she passed on her way to the lobby. Some excited, some less so.
The project directors really pulled all the stops. Blair wouldn't be surprised if this was every kid ever in Synth custody. How they convinced the council to do it was beyond her, but she certainly wasn't complaining. The less minors in jail, the better.
Perhaps they'd eventually negotiate their freedom from the organization entirely. But that was just wishful thinking.
And she had far more important things to worry about.
Wrangling the newest batch of 'assets' being one of those things.
Why Reyna picked her of all people for the speech today was a mystery. Blair couldn't comfort for shit, and at least half the kids that got the orientation had burst into tears (granted, this was the eldest group so far. They'd probably be less... that). Yet here she was, waiting for the elevator to finally arrive on the ground floor.

The doors rolled opened, revealing a (marginally) comfortable room. It was mostly abandoned, save for a small figure sitting on a cream-colored couch and dutifully sifting through papers.
Avalon. The therapist. Her job was comforting kids.
"Hey, Avalon," She crossed her arms, leaning loosely against the back of the couch. "I'm giving the orientation to the new group today and I'm not exactly the best at..." Blair paused, waving her hand in a circle a few times. "Emotions." She wrinkled her nose subconsciously. "Would you help me out?"
Slava watches him dig through his backpack. Confusion is practically written on her face when he pulls out a marker and whiteboard of all things, her brows furrow as she watches him for an answer. Suprised when instead of speaking he writes. A messy word is written on the board and it reads Dax.She guesses Dax is his name them since he didnt speak a word. He can hear me so hes not deaf, maybe he is mute.
"Nice to meet you Dax," she says mentally debating on whether or not to ask him the question on her mind. She could ask and cure her curiosity, but then there is also the chance it may be rude. Oh well if its a rude question its not like she wpuld be able to do anything about it anyways.
"Are you mute or do you just not speak" she questions the boy curiously hoping she is not being rude or anything. Not being the best at social interaction she is often rude. Not on purpose though she doesnt want to alienate people. She waits for him to speak or rather write his response to the question.
Daxter Wicken - Asset - Location: IU Lobby - Tags: Chthon Chthon

Dax glanced downward, tapping his marker against the board subconsciously. A faint pink dusting bloomed at the ends of his ears.
People weren't usually that blunt. But he had to admit, it was a fair question.
Still, this added a few more things to his mental file of Slava. A bit blunt, probably very bold, likely opinionated, kinda loud, and definitely not happy with the whole... situation. But she seemed trustworthy for the moment (but that could always change and she could hurt me, and Synth could hurt me, and- stop it, not helpful). If she was open enough to ask about something like that so quickly, then she probably wasn't going to conceal her interests anytime soon. Probably. Hopefully.

Dax tapped his marker again, dragging himself out of his momentary frozenness. Directly beneath his first response, he scribbled, "Mute"
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Kuri Avalon (Therapist)
The doors rolled opened, revealing a (marginally) comfortable room. It was mostly abandoned, save for a small figure sitting on a cream-colored couch and dutifully sifting through papers.
Avalon. The therapist. Her job was comforting kids.
"Hey, Avalon," She crossed her arms, leaning loosely against the back of the couch. "I'm giving the orientation to the new group today and I'm not exactly the best at..." Blair paused, waving her hand in a circle a few times. "Emotions." She wrinkled her nose subconsciously. "Would you help me out?"
Avalon looked up at Blair as she began to speak. "An... Orientation? ...Oh, yeah, the orientation!" Avalon had jogged her memory just like that, nodding adamantly and rising up on her own two feet. "Yes. I would be glad to help you with that." She said calmly, managing a smile. "I can only hope it goes well - I was looking over the files just now, if you couldn't tell - to see what we were dealing with... I'm a little bit worried, but... I hope we'll be able to get through to them." She said honestly, managing a smile - the papers having been put away right then and there - if they hadn't been before. Avalon sighed a little bit and then looked right at Blair, maintaining a calm, mostly frozen expression, yet a smiling one. "So. It's happening soon, is it? Just let me know how I can help in this regard, and I'll do what I can." Avalon chuckled a little, sounding a little eager, to be honest.
Link to CS: Here!
Hex Code: #f573c3
Status (physically): Fine
Status (mentally/emotionally): Fine
Location: AU (sitting area)
Power(s): Pain Transfer
Course of action: Orientation?
Interactions: BittyBobcat BittyBobcat (Blair)
Mentions: None
Nearby: Nobody
Blair Singer - Combat Instructor - Location: AU Sitting Area - Tags: BoltBeam BoltBeam

"The only thing I really need help with is how to break to them that they're gonna be pretty much stuck here until they're eighteen. All the kids started sobbing when they learned it. Can't imagine how moody teenagers with tragic childhoods are gonna act." Blair shrugged. "But that's where you come in."
She stood, heading to the door, assuming Avalon would follow. "You can break in after I give the whole 'you can't leave for a while and even when you do you'll probably be a Synth agent' bit and help soften the blow."
TJ Ostrow
Every time TJ thought the kid had composed himself, that blush appeared again, sweeping red across Nat's cheeks. What was the point? TJ found his annoyance growing, but he held himself back. It hadn't even been 10 minutes for crying out loud. His self control was better than that. Luckily, Nat's next words pivoted TJ's attention from that infuriating flush.
"Yes, he's here. He's going to be one of the teachers in the program!"
A teacher? A feeling of triumph settled in TJ's veins, even as resentment began to fester alongside it. Apparently, Nat wasn't as unwilling a participant TJ had assumed -the kid's face suddenly bright, the smile wider than almost any TJ had ever seen- and that was it: The lapse in judgement that TJ would have no problem taking advantage of. All his careful planning and suddenly a solution had been handed to him.
TJ had no illusions about his place at the Camp. He was sent here to control, and in Synth's mind he would either break or become obsolete. That meant TJ had to get out while he was at the Camp, while Synth still had some sort of belief, probably arrogance in their methods, that TJ could be won over. If they stopped trying and simply threw him in a prison, any escape would be that much harder. But now, not only was there a weak point in Nat, there was a weak point in the Camp. All he had to do was befriend Nat, and hopefully the boy could get into the places TJ already knew he wouldn't be allowed, and if not, maybe the brother could help.
"So, um, TJ, wh- what are you here for?"
TJ kept the easy smile on his face. So, 2-for-1. TJ would normally push for more favorable odds, but befriending Nat was suddenly a lot higher on his list of priorities. At least the kid was keeping up whatever facade he had decided on, and TJ didn't doubt his own ability to play along, so long as the rules of whatever game this was didn't change. "Unfortunately, I've always been a bit of a Synth brat." TJ contemplated how much to share. Giving too much information would put him at a disadvantage, but too little and Nat might get suspicious. "My parents worked for Synth, and apparently to Synth, that means I belong to them." TJ's voice stayed casual through most of his words, however he couldn't hold back the bite of contempt that came at the end. Whether it was for the organization or his parents, TJ didn't care to consider.
"So," TJ tried to think up another question, worrying now about being too invasive or pushing the other boy away. A simple question then. TJ looked Nat up and down, motioning with his hand to the boy's clothes. "When did you decide on all this? You're clearly devoted to your style -oh, and big fan of the chains, by the way." TJ kept the reason he liked the chains -their possible use in a fight- to himself, but he figured the compliment couldn't hurt.

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