
₮ⱧɆ ₥Ɏ₮Ⱨ, ₮ⱧɆ ⱠɆ₲Ɇ₦Đ, ₮ⱧɆ ₣₳฿ⱠɆ
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
[div class=leftside]
[div class=underleft]Roleplayer


Sections Included
Symbol Key
Urban Fantasy Plot(s)
Futuristic Plot(s)
Realistic/Modern Plot(s)
Isekai Plot(s)
High Fantasy Plot(s)

Thread Reply

[div class=rheader]About
[div class=rdivder][/div]
Fyuri, First of her Name, of the Red Named Ones, GM of SMITED, GM of TTWW, creator of BBCodes, Queen of Pirates, Consumer of Souls, and more titles to be added/removed as needed.

Writing Style
Third person, past tense, para to multipara to novella.
Minor grammar and spelling issues from time to time.​

Activity/Post Frequency
Unscheduled, varies between once per day to once per week on factors.
Cannot post multiple times per day generally.​

I am an Adult
No age-gate, but prefer to rp with other adults over minors.
Being an adult doesn't mean I am 'mature'.
I like to have my fun immature moments as much as the other adults.​

[div class=rheader]Preferences[/div][div class=rdivder][/div]
Here is the basic, shortened version, of my roleplay preferences.

Post Length
At least one paragraph (4-5 sentences).
Enough for me to build off to produce my own post.​

Grammar & Spelling
Your grammar doesn't have to be perfect, mine isn't.
Must be at least readable and understandable.​

Writing Style
No one-liners.
No txt speak.
No first person.
No script or asterisk styles.​

Post Frequency
At least once a week.
Fine if you let me know if your post will be delayed.​

Characters & Face Claims
Fine with anime, illustrated, or realistic face claims.
Preference does lean towards illustrated.
I don't need a complicated CS, simple works.
I like mystery in characters, so I don't need to know everything.​

On Romance
I do not really do instant love scenarios.
I like the journey as much as the destination.
I prefer slow-burn romance.​

Metagaming & More
Fine with powerful characters within reason; must be balanced.
No metagaming unless both parties agree and it has a reasonable explanation.
No godmode, autohitting, or powerplay.​

Dead Ends & Inactivity
Dead ends can happen or characters may not work well together, we can either work to fix it or drop the rp.
If I become busy which may result in inactivity I will usually inform you.
I would appreciate the consideration to inform me if you become busy as well.
I am not a ghost hunter, but I may try a séance here and there to get your attention if you haven't given me a sign.​

I will not RP on:

I will not RP offsite; period.​

Gender Preference
Preference for female role over male.​

Will consider if characters get equal screen time.
Preference leans to not doubling generally.​

[div class=rheader]Symbol Key[/div][div class=rdivder][/div]
To express information in a quick manner regarding plots and pairings I will be using symbols to express their current state. If you see these symbols next to a plot title, this is what they mean:

Not Open
Most Desired
Decently Desired
Basic Desire

[div class=rheader]Experience[/div][div class=rdivder][/div]
I've roleplayed for many years. You can see on my RpN account alone I've been roleplaying on forums for a few years. My very first roleplay experience was playing DnD3.5, followed by horrible roleplaying on fanfiction.net, then progressing into my purple prose phase on deviantArt, then into VtM and WoD, and so on.

I still play DnD (5e currently) when I can. I want to get into using the FATE system one day. I did the whole chat rp thing on deviantArt back in the day when dA was actually a decent community. I've since fallen out of love with chat style roleplays and highly prefer forum-based roleplays now; mostly because of time and such.

I consider myself a decent roleplayer and I'll probably be roleplaying for decades to come.

[div class=rheader]Urban Fantasy Plot(s)[/div][div class=rdivder][/div]
Forgetful Encounters
Romance, Vampire x Vampire
Starter/First Post Written
Muse A stumbles into Muse B literally as she is running from what seem to be vampire hunters. For some reason Muse B assists Muse A escape and the two eventually end up in a hotel to hide. Through a conversation Muse B learns that Muse A suffers from what appears to be amnesia and Muse A is trying to find a way to restore their lost memories.

Notes for Forgetful Encounters
Muse A will have to seek out a witch/warlock to begin the restoration of memories. A plot option is for Muse B to have encountered Muse A when she was human or a random encounter somewhere (as a vampire) and presumably before she forgot everything about herself.​

Fighting Instincts
Romance, Werewolf x Werewolf
Starter/First Post Written
As part of a treaty between werewolf packs Muse A gets sent off to Muse B's territory as a sign of goodwill. Muse A isn't too keen on being the "sacrificial lamb" but knows she has to adapt and adjust to living in her former enemy's pack. Muse B is given the duty of being Muse A's guide.​

Love At First Fight
Romance, Werewolf x Werewolf
Character Sheet
Starter/First Post Written
Muse A is a lone wolf and has been ever since she became a werewolf; which wasn't by choice. She wanders into Muse B's territory and the two end up in a tussle and Muse A is taken prisoner as a trespasser.​

Summoning Trouble
Romance, Action, Adventure, Demon x Witch
Muse A is a witch, only she doesn't know that, at least not yet. Her college roommate is into all sorts of new age crap; wiccan books, crystal healing, astrology. If it's new age, her roommate is into it. Muse A isn't really into that stuff, but one night after drinking way too much, her roommate suggests they try to cast a spell. Muse A doesn't see what harm it could do and so they set everything up and Muse A goes and casts some random spell. However, due to being an actual witch, the spell works and summons Muse B; a demon. Muse B isn't too happy to find out that Muse A is an unskilled witch, but a deal is a deal and Muse B has to help Muse A with a wish and then be paid a "fee" Muse B decides on. Muse B cannot leave Muse A until the contract is either completed or voided.​

[div class=rheader]Futuristic Plot(s)[/div][div class=rdivder][/div]
Romance, Action, Adventure, Android x Android
Character Sheet
Starter/First Post Written
Humanity has successfully created a functioning AI over a century ago. The AI focused industry grew exponentially as the demand for product only increased as android units were made more affordable and better quality. AI's were the new serving class; androids who could think, learn, and while they had some freewill, bound to obey their human masters.

This didn't stop the ever boundary pushing AI companies. The privately owned - and the most successful - AI company Coeus went against international regulations in one of their most recent experimental AI units. They removed the three laws protocol and servitude impulse drive. They created an AI with complete freewill in an attempt to overcome the problematic learning errors encountered by previous models.

The first unit, Muse B, was a male android. A few months later Muse A, the female android, was created. Both Muse A and Muse B lived and learned within the unknown underground facility. They had been kept separate at first to allow their creators to compare their differences to the same scenarios, questions, and information. Seeing how both Muse A and Muse B have developed in unique ways, a new experiment was started.

Muse A and Muse B were introduced to each other and their interactions monitored.

However, without the limitations of humanity or the three laws, concerns about the project getting out of hand resulted in a demand of a 'killswitch' being to be added to both Muse A and Muse B as a security measure... and a way to exert control over the androids, who proved that without the three laws could be potentially lead to a new market of AI weaponry.

Notes for Beyond
Androids generally are created in a blank slate appearance - lack of pigmentation - so that owners can customize their appearance as they desire (such as eye color, hair color, skintone, etc).
AI units have to learn things still, though they can also be given information directly as a shortcut.
Muse A & Muse B are prototypes of the lawless AI android units meant as weaponry.

Android Tech Stuff
Bodies are coated with seal-healing polymer technology. Internals are repaired with nanotechnology. Repairs take time. Should any important parts get damaged it can result in 'death' of the unit body or even the AI program.

Three Laws of Robotics
A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
A robot must obey orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.​

[div class=rheader]Realistic/Modern Plot(s)[/div][div class=rdivder][/div]
Conflict of Interest
Romance, Boss x Employee, Arranged Marriage
Starter/First Post Written
Muse A is a 22 year-old recent university graduate who comes from a very affluent family that focuses more on business than on love. Muse A has been engaged to Muse B since infancy due to the desire of their two powerful families wanting to merge their family businesses. They've never actually met, spoken, or even written to each other despite this due to pressure from their families to avoid contact. The families need them to be married first before developing a relationship; so they'd rather the two married then either like, hate, or love each other.

Muse A focuses on her work to distract herself from this impending marriage when she notices Muse B; her new attractive boss. It isn't until Muse A gets married that she realizes her boss is actually her new husband; Muse B!

Now Muse A has to deal with frustrating and flustering rumors and gossip at work (by her co-workers over her suspected relationship that she wants to keep secret) as well as living with the very man at the center of what she believes are her problems.

Will love develop or will that come to find they can't stand each other?​

Romance, Idol x Personal Assistant
Starter/First Post Written
Muse A is an actor. Muse B is his newly assigned personal assistant hired by his management company as Muse A tends to go through them very quickly due to his temperament. Can Muse B survive Muse A and the job of being involved with a popular idol?

Notes for Idolatry
For this roleplay I would be taking the role of Muse A (the male character).​

[div class=rheader]Isekai Plot(s)[/div][div class=rdivder][/div]
A Wanderer's Tale
Fantasy, Romance or Platonic, Alternate Worlds, Magic, Adventure, AU, Fantasy
Starter/First Post Written
Muse A is an average university student. Academically she fares well, she has a younger sister, and both her parents work. This unspectacular life is changed the day her class takes a class trip to visit an ancient temple and a few other historical sites. As she explores the temple on her own she gets lost and ends up wandering into a building with ancient scrolls, strange murals, and mysterious artifacts.

At opposite ends of the room are two very different colored gemstone orbs, both resting atop a small cushion on their own pedestals. One of the orbs is made from silver obsidian and the other orb looks to be a rainbow moonstone. Out of curiosity Muse A inspects the lighter of the two orbs and reaches out to touch it.

The moment her fingers grazed the cool gem a harsh gust blew open the doors causing the papers circle around her. The next moment when Muse A opens her eyes she finds herself in the courtyard of the temple, but there are no tourists wandering around, the only other person she spots is Muse B who is dressed as though he is in a historical drama.

Notes for A Wanderer's Tale
If you are still interested in RPing this plot, here is more information regarding the universe where this takes place.

This will not be historically accurate by any means, though the setting style for a majority of the RP will take place in a feudal-esque Japan. So cultural and fashion aspects of this setting will be loosely the same. This will allow us both creative liberties and ways to create a shared RP universe without having to worry about being historically accurate.

Magic exists and falls under the 'elemental' type, but much more than just the classical elements.

In order to better group Muse A and Muse B together, Muse B's role would best be something along the lines of a shinobi, samurai, or soldier. This is just a suggestion and is open for discussion. :3

The lore for this universe is based around some custom mythology.

The realm of Japan was created by twin deities; the male deity Kyomei (who rules over the death, afterlife, and the moon) and Seiki the female goddess of life, creation, and the sun. Just like normal siblings who fight, the twins argued over who was to control the fate of their creation. A chaotic war between the twins broke out, nearly destroying all they had made, and the losses made the twins reconsider how to resolve their disagreement.

They decided to spilt the realm equally, gifting their own side with a special artifact for a chosen representative. These representatives would determine which twin would control their realm for a period of time (generally through a battle).​

[div class=rheader]High Fantasy Plot(s)[/div][div class=rdivder][/div]
A Mortal Choice
Romance, Wuxia, Immortals
Starter/First Post Written
Three realms were created by three ancient dragons who have not been seen nor heard from for countless ages. The Immortal Realm, where the Nine Heavens is located and is ruled by the Immortal Emperor and his court. The Mortal Realm, where the average mortal resides and live out their lives. The Hidden Realm, where a faction of Immortals who call themselves the Kakusa.
Currently the Immortal Emperor rules over both the Immortal and Mortal Realms, much to the annoyance of the Kakusa Emperor who desires to rule over the Mortal Realm.

Immortals and Kakusa are both the same; beings with magical powers and longevity. Humans can ascend to become an Immortal, though it is rare and a very difficult path. The Kakusa is just a different faction that had split off at some point over an unknown disagreement. Since that time the two have fought constantly with each other over the most minor of issues with the largest issue being the control of the Mortal Realm.

While the Immortals themselves are prideful like the Kakasu there are a few other similarities; such as a caste system. The more powerful one is as an Immortal the higher their rank. Immortals do not have slaves like the Kakusa, though they do have servants that are barely treated fairly. The Kakusa embrace a hedonist lifestyle without shame. The Immortals prefer to up appearances of false altruism and the charade of asceticism. As much as this is the ideal of the Immortals very few actually practice that they preach.

With the two factions always fighting and bickering over the right to rule the Mortal Realm an agreement was eventually made between them. Every thousand years a mortal would be randomly selected who would determine which faction would rule over the mortal realm. This mortal - considered blessed or curse based on who you ask - is given the gift of Sight; able to see the spirits (both good and bad) of the mortal realm. Dark and evil spirits are lured in by the scent of this mortal's blood and if given the chance will consume them to become more powerful.

Only when the chosen mortal succeeds with the challenges of their fate can they proclaim a ruling faction and have a single wish granted. If the mortal dies without finishing their tasks, and with another 1,000 years till another is selected, war between the Immortals and Demons would be inevitable.

Muse A is the mortal selected to face the challenges and tasks in order to select which faction rules over the mortal realm. Muse B (can be either Immortal or Kakusa) attempts to interfere soon after the selection is made and unfortunately is subjugated by Muse A with a magical necklace. Now Muse B can't let Muse A die or come to harm.​

Draconic Disagreements
Romance, Arranged Marriage, Dragon x Dragon
Starter/First Post Written
The population of the Dragons has decreased over time. Each year there are less and less females resulting in a decline in their numbers. It will only be a matter of time before they will be overwhelmed by the greedy and war hungry humans eager to subjugate them and take their treasures and territories. As a result of this gender imbalance, any females without a mate have become nothing more than precious objects to be used for personal gain for their families. Girls are offered to gain a higher status in society through marriage, usually to the nobility and royalty of the dragon clan.

Muse A has reached the appropriate age for 'suitors', or rather someone who would benefit her family the most. It was assumed she'd be offered to some royal family member, but shockingly she was to marry Muse B a ruthless dragon warlord whose reputation regarding his temperament is worrisome.

Notes for Draconic Disagreements
Dragons tend to stick to humanoid appearances and are able to shift into a dragon form at will. It's more efficient and space saving not having to build huge homes for dragon forms after all.​

[div class=rheader]Pairings[/div][div class=rdivder][/div]
This is a basic list of pairings I am willing to roleplay. Any role that is bold would be the one I am interested in.

Fantasy Pairings
Demon x Witch
Demon x Demon
Warlock/Wizard x Witch
Fae x Witch
Fae x Fae
Fae x Vampire
Fae x Warlock/Wizard
Vampire x Vampire
Vampire Sire x Vampire Progeny
Werewolf x Werewolf
Werewolf x Human
Deity x Deity
Deity x Human
Elf x Elf
Dragon x Dragon
Warlord x Consort

Fandom Pairings
OC (Tidelander) x OC (Tidelander)

True Blood
Eric Northman x OC

Sesshoumaru x OC

Other Pairings
Teacher x Student (Student Aged 18)
Bad Boy Student x Good Girl Student
Student x Student
Assassin x Assassin
Master x Servant (Not in a slave/maid sense.)
CEO X Secretary
Mafia 'Princess' x Bodyguard
Android x Android
Super x Super[/div][/div]

[class=leftside] font-family:'Assistant', Verdana; font-weight:bold; font-size:50px; margin-left: auto; padding-right:20px; text-align:right; text-transform:uppercase; [/class] [class=underleft] font-family:'Assistant', Verdana; margin-left: auto; margin-top:-15px; padding-right:20px; text-align:right; [/class] [class=rheader] display:inline; font-family:'Assistant', Verdana; font-weight:bold; font-size:23px; text-transform:uppercase; [/class] [class=rdivder] margin-bottom:-15px; height:3px; background:#000; width:25px; [/class] [class=main] font-family:'Raleway', Verdana; [/class]
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*summons partner with demonic tongue*
քǟʀȶռɛʀ ֆʊʍʍօռɨռɢ ʀɨȶʊǟʟ
Gιʋҽʂ σϝϝҽɾιɳɠʂ ιɳ ραɾƚɳҽɾ ʂυɱɱσɳιɳɠ ɾιƚυαʅ.
ȶɦɛ ֆʊʍʍօռɨռɢ ɦǟֆ ֆɛɛʍɨռɢʟʏ ʄǟɨʟɛɖ, ʟɛȶ'ֆ ȶʀʏ ǟɢǟɨռ!
I am interested in "Beyond". I'll be sending you a PM here in a moment. [As she watches the other land on his face] ....
*The summoning only appears to bring back the same demon, only this time landed face first into this world*” Ow.....”
You really have to work on that landing. *hold sign for 4/10 score on execution of landing*

I am interested in "Beyond". I'll be sending you a PM here in a moment. [As she watches the other land on his face] ....
Alrighty, I'm like getting an influx of PM suddenly, and alerts, so may take a few mins for me to catch up on what everyone is poking me about. XD
You really have to work on that landing. *hold sign for 4/10 score on execution of landing*

Alrighty, I'm like getting an influx of PM suddenly, and alerts, so may take a few mins for me to catch up on what everyone is poking me about. XD
Take your time, I am not going anywhere. .-.
ɨռɨȶɨǟȶɨռɢ քǟʀȶռɛʀ ֆʊʍʍօռɨռɢ ʀɨȶʊǟʟ
Added a new High Fantasy plot called Draconic Disagreements.

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