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Fantasy RedStone - OOC

Oh well I wish someone had mentioned that before I put the sign inside the guildhall and tried to flesh it out a little since I had assumed mapman was coming inside
It's weird considering how much effort he put into his guy and how much he was posting in the OOC and the fact that he's still browsing the site
I guess everyone has their reasons
As a poacher, what is your ultimate motive in the RP? Are you like an enemy to the shard hunters?
For harloteck personally, he wants as much ramalite as possible.... mostly to eat it. But the beasts and monster are also something he want. For cooking, he’s not so much a enemy to shard hunters, but his own goals will often get in there way if they where to cross paths
PeanutLemur PeanutLemur so wait before I get to redoing my entire introduction does this mean the coffee intern NPC is the one doing all the trailblazing and pathfinding et al here because honestly in that case I'm questioning why my character is even here
Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 Maybe.. I'm like pikachu and you're team rocket and you try to steal me for your own personal use x.x

Mitch Conner Mitch Conner Hridi is like an item. She has to be carried into the mission.
Heck no a ramalite fairy is like almost a holy being to a larazit since there “in tune with the threads of magic and the flow speaks to them” like harloteck Would more likely let her go since he’s no worthy to keep such a creature
PeanutLemur PeanutLemur so wait before I get to redoing my entire introduction does this mean the coffee intern NPC is the one doing all the trailblazing and pathfinding et al here because honestly in that case I'm questioning why my character is even here
Hahaha, no no. Atlas is just the one who happened upon the dungeon rumor and relayed it to the guild. Because he heard it first hand, he's been charged with detailing matters to the team going in search of it.

Also you don't need to rewrite everything. You can come from inside the guild hall rather than strictly outside (because "early" for Atlas would still be considered late for me. I arrive for scheduled events at least 15-20 min ahead of the start time).
So they don't actually vet rumors or anything just strike out whenever they hear that someone saw a big cave?
I can probably work that in yeah
So they don't actually vet rumors or anything just strike out whenever they hear that someone saw a big cave?
I can probably work that in yeah

What. You don't just wildly swing your pickaxe at the nearest big cave? You want to go dowsing, and actually check things out in advance and know a bit about the area before investigating such as by like checking nearby areas for resources? God damn savage.
So they don't actually vet rumors or anything just strike out whenever they hear that someone saw a big cave?
I can probably work that in yeah
Dungeons are like a Holy Grail. Big deal big deal. Even if a rumored dungeon isn't actually a dungeon, there's still a chance of finding a new resource point.
What. You don't just wildly swing your pickaxe at the nearest big cave? You want to go dowsing, and actually check things out in advance and know a bit about the area before investigating such as by like checking nearby areas for resources? God damn savage.
Yes, yes. You are the pickaxes. Rejoice.
When you call the most important character in the story Mappy.

Torin is too pure to not be called by his first name.
Torin is a precious bundle of innocence. He is to be protected and loved at all costs. Just don't feed him after midnight.

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