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Fantasy Bandits of the Pantheon Interest Check

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The Pantheon of Gods have finally chosen their champions in order to free the realm of Ictaria from their mythical overlords.

Nobody said they had to be heroes.


Skull-Faced Writer

(RP inspired by Disgaea, Goblin Slayer and The Dragon Lords series of books)


The world of Ictaria is one governed by mighty deities.
At least, it should be.

Because as far as the residents of Ictaria know, the Pantheon could give less of a damn about the realm. No. Dragons and other mythical creatures rule Ictaria, with their unreasonable demands and expectations of the territories they do rule. The sirens demand innocent sailors, the dragons want gold and women, their lackeys (both human and nonhuman) pillaging and raiding in the name of their all-powerful overlords...who'd sooner eat them than acknowledge their pitiful existences.

The gist is, it seems like Ictaria got the short, chewed up end of the stick when it came to ruling deities and figures of power and order.

So when the Pantheon finally imbues blessings upon several unfortunate individuals, it should be a time for rejoicing right? Because Ictaria now has heroes?

Well, that's the catch.

Nobody said they had to be heroes.


It all started when a plucky young swordsman started displaying great feats of strength, far more than a mere human could. The tales of this swordsman run far and wide- some say he can fling five fully fattened cows across a field, some say ten. Many believed he was the blessed of Albion, the god of power and justice, and would be the chosen hero who would bring the ruling creatures down and bring peace and prosperity to Ictaria.

At least, until that swordsman dropped off of the map and the public eye. Some say he went off to fight the creatures and died. Some even say one of the gods among the Pantheon- Bisonus, Diometrus, Alynna or even Albion himself- punished him for his showiness.

Some say he went to the capital city of Ictaria, Thymos, and started his own little business there.

At daytime, it is a tavern. The sign reads The Growling Chimera, featuring a chimera of all damned things baring its teeth at the patrons as its body curls around the wooden board that makes up the sign.

At nighttime, it is the home of the Bandits of the Pantheon. Raiders of mansions, castles and any lair lucky enough to have expensive artifacts and treasures hidden within. And, as fate would have it, the Pantheon decided to spit on Thymos and bring all their blessed together, binding them together under that bandit guild.

Some argue that they're doing it because there is no other way to fight raiders aside from raiding them back.

Some argue the Pantheon just wants to see Ictaria burn.

The Bandits couldn't really care either way, as long as the gold, jewels and treasure kept flowing in. They'd keep raiding- no matter the size, race, species of the owner.

And yes, that included mythical creatures.

...Maybe Ictaria isn't entirely screwed yet.

Hey, Crow here! If you've read this far, good on ya! I hope the plot's interesting enough to catch your eye.

The RP is about a small group of bandits who, for some reason only the gods (literally) can know, were given special blessings by the Pantheon, the ruling gods of Ictaria. They formed a bandit guild and raid various places for loot and treasure, and can be hired every now and then as long as the price is right. The catch, however, is that their targets grow bigger and bigger- ranging from easy manors and mansions to full on dragon lairs as they, in some weird kind of way, fulfill the destiny of being the Pantheon's Chosen.

Despite the grim situation of Ictaria under its mythical overlords and uncaring gods, yes, this RP is geared to be comedic and humorous. There will be mentions of mature themes, but nothing extremely explicit. So have as much fun as you want! Just don't break the site rules.

A few things to note, now that we're in the meta side of things are:

- Follow RPN rules, which is a given rule in every RP! We may be chosen by the gods in this, but no godmodding, powerplaying and whatnot of any kind. No Mary Sues and Gary Stus either.
- I probably will only be opening limited slots. Say, maybe 6-7 characters for the party. (Not counting mine.)
- I'm a little lighter with the literacy thing- just try to keep away from one-liners, text speech, and try to proofread your post. Two or three paragraphs in a post is fine, especially if the current situation in the RP is a bit slow.
- Posting frequency...I'm fine with even just once a week. If you're going to disappear for a while, just hit me up and we can compromise for what your character is going to do in the meantime.
- Have fun! As I said, the RP's geared towards comedy and humor despite the weirdness of the situation.

If you're interested or have any questions, feel free to drop me questions here in the interest check or through PM!
Which one was Francis again?
I was planning on playing an assassination specialist bandit.
Ah the crazy demolishionist that took the name of his brother and has a horse named Edmund. The RP he was in died pretty quickly so I'm not surprised if he isn't memorable.

Ohh so is he an assassin that also steal or a bandit that prefer to be stealthy
Ah the crazy demolishionist that took the name of his brother and has a horse named Edmund. The RP he was in died pretty quickly so I'm not surprised if he isn't memorable.

Ohh so is he an assassin that also steal or a bandit that prefer to be stealthy
fairs lol
He's an assassin that also steals. He also offers a special assassination service specifically for mythical creatures.
Iโ€™ll regret it later if I donโ€™t do it now. I can be one of the following:
-Crossbow Marksmen
-Mercenary Brute
-Distraction Bard
Two additional questions:
-What are the limitations for races?
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Iโ€™ll regret it later if I donโ€™t do it now. I can be one of the following:
-Crossbow Marksmen
-Mercenary Brute
-Distraction Bard
Two additional questions:
-What are the limitations for races?
Hey, sorry for the late reply!

Gunpowder isn't available everywhere yet- mostly because the very first of it was developed/discovered in the capital, Thymos. It'll be available to the Bandits when they raid a certain manor that's keeping barrels of it (don't worry, I plan for this particular raid to happen early).

As for the character, play who you want to play. :)

EDIT: shoot, forgot to answer the races

Limitations on races aren't completely set in stone yet. The only current limit I put is that you can't be the stronger mythical creatures (i.e dragons) since the Pantheon looks down even on them. The usual host of fantasy races will be available, though- humans, elves, half-breeds (though they probably work more like how Greek gods love turning innocent bystanders into animals for the crime of (gasp) standing there.) and yes-- orcs and dwarves and the like.

fairs lol
He's an assassin that also steals. He also offers a special assassination service specifically for mythical creatures.

Sorry to break into the conversation, but could you elaborate a bit on how his service for mythical creatures goes? I wanted to know mostly because the majority of Ictaria believes these mythical creatures (especially the ones stated in the intro, i.e dragons and sirens) to be untouchable gods of devastation. Smaller creatures are fine, though.
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Hey, sorry for the late reply!

Gunpowder isn't available everywhere yet- mostly because the very first of it was developed/discovered in the capital, Thymos. It'll be available to the Bandits when they raid a certain manor that's keeping barrels of it (don't worry, I plan for this particular raid to happen early).

As for the character, play who you want to play. :)

EDIT: shoot, forgot to answer the races

Limitations on races aren't completely set in stone yet. The only current limit I put is that you can't be the stronger mythical creatures (i.e dragons) since the Pantheon looks down even on them. The usual host of fantasy races will be available, though- humans, elves, half-breeds (though they probably work more like how Greek gods love turning innocent bystanders into animals for the crime of (gasp) standing there.) and yes-- orcs and dwarves and the like.

Sorry to break into the conversation, but could you elaborate a bit on how his service for mythical creatures goes? I wanted to know mostly because the majority of Ictaria believes these mythical creatures (especially the ones stated in the intro, i.e dragons and sirens) to be untouchable gods of devastation. Smaller creatures are fine, though.
Aight, Iโ€™ll decide on a character concept after I have a feel for the crew.

Put me down as intreasted.
You can count on my participation, every other RP I'm in has either died out or hit a wall.
The story doesn't ask much, it only asks that you stay conscious long enough to have some real fun.
After waiting so long to find a chill story, I've finally got what I wanted, thanks.
Hey, sorry for the late reply!

Sorry to break into the conversation, but could you elaborate a bit on how his service for mythical creatures goes? I wanted to know mostly because the majority of Ictaria believes these mythical creatures (especially the ones stated in the intro, i.e dragons and sirens) to be untouchable gods of devastation. Smaller creatures are fine, though.
Yeah I was planning on slaying anything beyond my mortal scope ofc.
But while I'd imagine some may be too wary to try to attack a mythical creature due to their current overlords, my character will have no qualms with going after at least the smaller ones.

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