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Fandom Superheros and Villains

"Hey, so were you in town by any chance?" Joey asked

"I... I guess you're right." She said
(Would Edgewood be like Salt Lake City? Because it's 26 degrees there.)
"If you want I could take us somewhere else." He said. (Probably a little warmer)
"... That's... alarming." He said "I thought I saw someone that looked like you... where's Jeremy?"

"Well... maybe somewhere warmer?" She asked
"Somewhere in the house last time I saw him. Oh him and Diana learned they are having a boy" Maddy smiled.
"... That's... alarming." He said "I thought I saw someone that looked like you... where's Jeremy?"

"Well... maybe somewhere warmer?" She asked
"Okay." He said. He pulled out the Master Ball. He tossed it and Mewtwo came out. "Can you teleport us somewhere warm?" He asked. Mewtwo's arms were folded. Yes how about Africa?
(oh my fucking god my brother brought home a balloon)

(my life's really gonna suck for the next 3 days)

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