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Fantasy Feuding kingdoms..... OOC....

If there aren't enough people. Could I help by taking the youngest son of the west
Well nevermind then, I'll make a character but if someone comes then they will take over
No no it's fine! Just wasn't expecting it. This is my first time offering to do this but eh I have nothing better to do.
No no it's fine! Just wasn't expecting it. This is my first time offering to do this but eh I have nothing better to do.
I appreciate it so much, if you feel like you just don't want to do it anymore just let me know what you figure something out. So far I'm playing three characters and probably more in the future
PaperGhosts PaperGhosts that sounds great! I feel as though Aster would take a big role in the other children's live as well, though they aren't supposed to be the one she serves she would still obviously care about them like her own.
YEET, we get to start soon??!! I am READY
Oh, boy lets go! Second character to try to not mix the goals and conflicts with!

Also, I know I'm a bit late with this and all but I'm completely open to any plotting if you are interested!
Lookin forward to it, if we get the last characters in by tomorrow that is, a y e
Of course who can resist?

Also idalie idalie now not only am I your enemy, but I'm also one of your lords now. The things that change huh.

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