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Fantasy ? camp winterian wyrd | out-of-character chat




roleplay owners: mxlly mxlly , diwa diwa , deer deer
welcome to the ooc thread! we have both a discord server and thread for ooc purposes!​

rule number one: do not feed dory the whale doritos!
rule number two: please be respectful towards one another. if there's any issues, please let us know.
rule number three: all of rpnation's site rules applies!
QUICK NOTE: Please refrain from posting your character sheets on the CS thread until Travey is online to post a placeholder for her babes! Thank you! ❄ ❄ ❄
Chione Chione would it be okay just to take down your placeholder for a little bit? Once Travey's back on line erryone can go wild! Thank you!!
SRUNewman SRUNewman ; hi lovely ! would it be alright if you took down your placeholder momentarily? we wanted to wait for diwa diwa to come aboard and place her placeholder up first before everyone does! we'll let you know when you guys can post!

we're being hella extra
I'm almost finished with my character, I might have to finish it tomorrow. Also, in case the coding is hard to read (not sure if it's mobile friendly) I did add a spoiler of all the information without coding
note: we have added [2] more gods to the list.
Children of Balder
ShadyAce ShadyAce
Queen_Liyah Queen_Liyah

Children of Bragi
Eshspoyeofdoom Eshspoyeofdoom
Safety Hammer Safety Hammer

Children of Figg

Children of Freyja
adored adored
Galaxy Bear Galaxy Bear

Children of Freyr
mxlly mxlly

Children of Hel
Nico Nico
diwa diwa

Children of Hoth
Peckinou Peckinou
Astralworks Astralworks
Children of Loki
beebim beebim
logastellus logastellus

Children of Njord
duergar duergar
Green Pen Green Pen

Children of Odin
SRUNewman SRUNewman
Quinlan63 Quinlan63

Children of Sif

Children of Skadi
deer deer
Unrlstic Unrlstic

Children of Thor
Chione Chione

Children of Tyr
FireMaiden FireMaiden
Yarrow Yarrow

→ freyr, god of sunshine, rain, fertility, and peace[1/2]
→ frigg, wife of odin, goddess of fertility, household, motherhood, love, marriage, and domestic arts
→ sif, goddess of wheat, harvest, fertility and family
→ balder, god of light, spring, peace, joy [2/2]
→ brag, god of poetry [2/2]
→ freyja, goddess of love, sex, beauty, fertility, gold, seiðr (sorcery), war, and death. [2/2]
→ hel, goddess of death and queen of underworld [2/2]
→ hoth, blind god of night and darkness [2/2]
→ njord, god of sea, wind, fish, and wealth [2/2]
→ loki, god of fire and magic [2/2]
→ odin, chief of the gods, god of war, wisdom, healing, death, royalty, the gallows, knowledge, battle, sorcery, poetry, frenzy, and the runic alphabet [2/2]
→ skadi, goddess of winter and hunt [2/2]
→ thor, god of thunder, lightning, storms, oak trees, strength, the protection of mankind, and also hallowing and fertility. [2/2]
→ tyr, god of war [2/2]​
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HI uhh! ^_^;....

Are you guys still receiving characters?

If you guys are, can elves be a demigoddess too?
HI uhh! ^_^;....

Are you guys still receiving characters?

If you guys are, can elves be a demigoddess too?
We are! But unfortunately no, a character can't be both an elf and a demigod. However if you're still interested you're welcome to join! (Though if you decide to make a demigod we'd prefer it if it was a son instead of a daughter! Just bc there's a significant number of more female demigod children) <3
We are! But unfortunately no, a character can't be both an elf and a demigod. However if you're still interested you're welcome to join! (Though if you decide to make a demigod we'd prefer it if it was a son instead of a daughter! Just bc there's a significant number of more female demigod children) <3

ooh! Thanks ^3^ Nah, that's okay :3 I'll go with a plain ole elf... I got another question though.. well a couple... few....

SO if I want to play an 18 year old elf, for the age bit I put 1800? So in essence I'd RP an elf with the mindset (or maturity) of an 18 y.o. but who would've lived for 1800 years?

As an elf, I can choose to have lived either within the camp or explore the 'outside world' and even have lived among the human races? Do elves have any form of magic at all? Well other than looking not a day older a thousand days later. Just saw the law bit :o

There's mention that elves and dwarves do not get along, and cited several general reasons. But is there anything more specific? Like did they betray each other long ago during a war or something? Or its just really a general disdain for culture and customs.
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ooh! Thanks ^3^ Nah, that's okay :3 I'll go with a plain ole elf... I got another question though.. well a couple... few....

SO if I want to play an 18 year old elf, for the age bit I put 1800? So in essence I'd RP an elf with the mindset (or maturity) of an 18 y.o. but who would've lived for 1800 years?

As an elf, I can choose to have lived either within the camp or explore the 'outside world' and even have lived among the human races? Do elves have any form of magic at all? Well other than looking not a day older a thousand days later. Just saw the law bit :o

There's mention that elves and dwarves do not get along, and cited several general reasons. But is there anything more specific? Like did they betray each other long ago during a war or something? Or its just really a general disdain for culture and customs.
hello there ! welcome !
? ; yes to both questions. your elf would be considered "young" still in the Elven realm as well despite the aging being different between different races. although time moves differently for these races, you will still play, in essence an elf with a mindset and maturity of an 18 year old, oui ! of course, that can be subjective since some 18 year olds are much wiser than they seem!

?; as an elf, you would have lived in Alfheilm! however, your elf, with a help of a glimmer, is allowed to explore the human world but they wouldn't be able to live among the human race. the glimmer can help for a certain amount of time, but by no means can they stay for years, so just to visit!

?; depending on the elven type you choose, yes! elves do have magic! however, they are not required to dabble in them as some would rather choose to not use magic and are avid hunters/warriors/etc.
(( taken form the lore page that was recently updated, here is the information about the elven type and their magic! ))
? ; the light elves (live above ground where the sun is ) are able to cause human illnesses, but they are also able to heal humans. they have "sorcery" most similar to say a sorceror such as spells and such. at the same time the light elves built a magic ship called: Skidbladnir’ possessing several amazing attributes such as sailing at sea, traveling across land, and flying in the air to reach a certain destination. so they are close with nature, light, and healing.

? ; the dark elves ( live below ground ) were enemies of the sun’s beams of light that turn them instantly to stone. so they thrived in the underground (much like the dwarves), surrounded by darkness and appeared only at night. they usually caused chaos with disturbing nightmares and annoyed animals, particularly horses. these elves can cause nightmares, even discord, and strife because of their habits for the "darker" side of things.

note: there are times these dark elves are called "dwarves" because of their mischievous nature and need to be underground in Svartalfheim with the actual dwarves. (( there are some dark elves who resemble human corpses )). also, there is magic containing in "stones" or even "gems" for dark elves to "appear" in the sun's light

? ; light elves and dwarves (plus dark elves) still do not "mix" well because of these differences natures. definitely a lot of prejudice outside of camp.
-- dark elves and dwarves may have some things in common with each other, but i imagine they also have feuds between each other

? ; culturally, the dwarves and elven race have different perspectives. but on a whole wide scale, there wasn't a war sort of to speak that we ( the gms: mxlly mxlly , diwa diwa , and me ) have planned out; however, because the camp is to learn about other races and their culture, i imagine there have been a lot of hostility due to not understanding each other. the camp is also a way to reunite the races together as well. so currently, there isn't a lore that we have written yet about that, but there is potential that there's some unspoken history!

i hope this helped !
Probs gonna play a light elf! So no living among the humans for years but they can interact? So they could stay for a few months/days/weeks, be gone for a year and come back again?

"they have "sorcery" most similar to say a sorceror such as spells and such."

Sorcery as in.... elemental sorcery? Ice, fire, wind etc. ? Illusion? ^3^
Probs gonna play a light elf! So no living among the humans for years but they can interact? So they could stay for a few months/days/weeks, be gone for a year and come back again?

"they have "sorcery" most similar to say a sorceror such as spells and such."

Sorcery as in.... elemental sorcery? Ice, fire, wind etc. ? Illusion? ^3^
? ; yes, that can work !

? ; hmm , sorcery wouldn't be elemental, per say, but more so enchantment and spell-based ones. so they wouldn't necessary be able to control say plants by themselves, but with a help of incantations and such, they would be able to some-what! i imagine most light elves would use sorcery that are either plant or light based with an added healing than darker arts that a dark elf would use.
? ; yes, that can work !

? ; hmm , sorcery wouldn't be elemental, per say, but more so enchantment and spell-based ones. so they wouldn't necessary be able to control say plants by themselves, but with a help of incantations and such, they would be able to some-what! i imagine most light elves would use sorcery that are either plant or light based with an added healing than darker arts that a dark elf would use.

Sorry for the buttload of questions T.T I usually need to know what my boundaries and limits are before I feel comfortable enough to RP

So... I'd imagine they can heal, make dying plants fertile again, bloom flowers within a few seconds (perhaps?), conjure.... light!..... uhm.... cast.... a barrier of.... magic that reduces... protects.. from harm to a certain extent?

Also: I'm trying to read up more on the ljosalfar (how do you pronounce that? I'm saying Le-yo-sal-far which I think is going to make native speakers' ears bleed ouch! OH WAIT... isit ho-sal-far?) I came across this:

"The elves are some of the most beautiful beings in Norse mythology, in fact, it is said that they are more beautiful than the sun. The elves live in the realm of Alfheim one of the nine worlds in Norse mythology, the God Freyr is their ruler of Alfheim. The elves are minor Gods of nature and fertility, and they have the power to make humans ill but also to cure them with their vast knowledge of magical powers."

is this applicable? So in this sense, they would revere Freyr?


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