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Fantasy ? camp winterian wyrd | out-of-character chat

B-But... it's August 15th for me already :<... <-impatient donkey

gasp ! where art thou?
I live in South East Asia :D
i had to look at your profile real quick because i remember one of the players or a user that i saw "vietnam" and i'm like hello motherland.


I'm Malaysian though, not Vietnamese ^#^

dials mum's phone
"hi, mum? yes, i'm moving . . . out of the country. bye-bye!
Oh! Nice xD While I was in Christchurch alot of the kiwis there were insulted (mildly, often out of jest. They're super chill people) when I mistook them for Aussies (though many of them drove Holdens.) Thought the 'joke' goes both ways :P
Oh! Nice xD While I was in Christchurch alot of the kiwis there were insulted (mildly, often out of jest. They're super chill people) when I mistook them for Aussies (though many of them drove Holdens.) Thought the 'joke' goes both ways :P
Oh it definitely does!!! My joke radar just seems to be broken atm! :P.
So obviously I'm no linguist. But I was just doing some listening trying to figure out how I should be pronouncing all those names It's so hard.... T.T Thought I'd share what I learned. Of course, I probably butchered it, so if any of you guys know the proper way please feel free!

In general I find the 'r' is exaggerated with the rolling of the tongue.
Odin - O-tdh-in (O as in letter O) (tdhlol wtheck did I come up with sounds like a th with a slight hard 'd' sound just after the 't'. Or an inbetween 'th' and 'dh'.)

Midgard - Mif-Gar-th-rrer

Alfheimr - Oal-th-Ha-mm-mrrr (Ha as in Hammer) (I tried saying mrrr while rolling the tip of my tongue back and huffing out a small bit of air)

Freyr - Fro-yr (O in Fro as in oar) (yr as in a shortened yer)

Freyja - Fro-ya

Still can't find a reliable loolsalfar :S
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Galaxy Bear Galaxy Bear Hey sorry I forgot to say something earlier but would it be cool with out character have kind of relationship since he happens to both be friends with Doran and Olivia already.
Elven | Dwarven Lore
note: quite a long read
? Elves
Long ago, when Freyr the god of sunshine, rain, light, peace, and fertility ruled the Ljósálfars ( light elves ) , there were 4 Elven Brothers who were blessed with magic also known as sorcery. The 4 Brothers received different areas of land in Alfheim, seperated by North, West, East, and South. The Eldest brother of the Four reigned the North, bringing the practice and skills of light sorcery which included magical barriers and protection. The Second brother of the Four reigned the West, bringing the practices and skills of healing through enchantments and spells, sometimes different herbs. They could cure or bring about illnesses. The Third brother of the Four reigned the East, bringing practices and skills of earth sorcery as all of the enchantments and spells are earth-based magic. If they did not choose magic, most became hunters or warriors of the such. And lastly, a tricky one the Fourth and youngest brother was given the Southern areas of Alfheim, being involved in educating and teaching about constellations and stars and the culture of Elves.

Everything was at peace in Alfheim, except, one day, the Fourth Brother was found practicing dark arts and magic that caused him to be banished from the realm. The Fourth brother was hoping to revive his dead wife as Elves can only love once in their lifetime. When word spreaded of Fourth brother's dark magic in necromancy and twiddling with other dark arts such as fortune-telling and shadows, the magic threatened to plague all that was pure in Alfheim. In the end, to cast off the darkened magic, the Fourth brother was cursed by his family ( His Three Older Brothers and Mother plus Father ) and casted out of Alfheim and sent underground. The gods did not help Fourth Brother no matter how much he pleaded with them.

Due to the Fourth Brother's misguidance and treachery, those who wanted to follow the Fourth Brother were welcomed to, but for those who did not want to follow him into the darkness were allowed to stay in Alfheim. In the end, the Fourth Brother found a place in Svartalfheim with the dwarves. Those who followed Fourth Brother became the Dökkálfars ( dark elves ). Most of those who were under Fourth Brother came with him, never leaving his side and slowly their numbers grew in Svartalfheim. But, not only did their numbers grow underground, but so did their hatred and disgust against the Ljosalfars.

Ever since the betrayal and time passed, it was forbidden to ever speak of the Fourth Brother. Only the history of the 3 Brothers and their Parents lived on, forgetting the Fourth Brother ever existed. So now, only [ 3 ] Houses exist in the Land. The North, The West, and the East. The family line continued and those who were descendants of the 3 Brothers were considered nobility, royals, even. They were well-loved. ( The same could be said of the Fourth Brother and his followers in Svartlfheim ).

Note: The Brothers, The Parents, and the Names of the "Houses"/"Lands" do not have names yet and will be given as soon as possible.
P.S. Because the [3] Brothers sort of erased their 4th Brother from history, I imagine the Light Elves now have no recollection or idea that the Dark Elves are actually brethens to them and used to live in Alfheim with them too [ or they are just forbidden to speak about it still for those who are still around ]. So the Light Elves were just taught to see the Dark Elves as "evil" beings who can never touch the sun or be pure without their "handicap" item. Oof

? Dwarves
The Dwarves have lived in Svartalfheim for eternity. They are ruled by [ one ] King. At the King's side, there are different positions that are considered the King's council members. There are noble houses that are associated with each of the council members of his court. There are [ 3 ] classification of dwarves : upper class, middle class, and lower class. The lower class have the trade of mining such as coal, ores, stones, and gems. They are able to make jewelry as a result. The middle class have the trade of blacksmiths such as being able to make armors, weapons, and other products needed through fire and etc. Lastly, the upper classes are great at business transcations. The upper class will be able to be tutored in different crafts such as jewelry making or even being a craftsmen. They have more leniency into doing what they want to do while the lower and middle classmen have specific trades they're frankly good at.

The Dokkalfars and the dwarves have good standing with each other. The Dokkalfars are considered the dwarves' "sorceresses" while the dwarves are considered the Dokkalfars' business ally. Both parties have a deal with each other. If the dwarves helped the Dokkalfars get back to Alfheim and get their revenge of the Ljosalfars then in return, the Dokkalfars will cast magic for the dwarves. In the end, different maps , similar to a Maureder's Map, has been made for the Dwarven kingdom to hide their secrecy such as their gold and different passageways of the kingdom. On the other hand, a gem / stone has been made for the Dokkalfars to step into the light once more. However, passage for Dokkalfars to get back into Alfheim has not been successful.

Note: Imagine the parties these two have is absolutely crazy down in Svartalfheim ! For those who do not know much about dwarves and Dokkalfars, to the outside world, they are considered one and the same, but that is not quite true! I can imagine a lot of prejudice and hate festering with the Dark Elves, Dwarves vs. Light Elves. The Light Elves know much but do not try to dissuade people's opinions of dwarves and Dark Elves. Will there be a war? Who knows, but that is why Camp Winterian Wyrd has also been made, to learn from one another and realise there's more to the story than just surface level!
P.S. Names for the King and the kingdom has yet to be determined.

Written by: mxlly mxlly , diwa diwa , deer deer
Inpsired by: Tolkien , Rick Riordan, and J.K Rowling

tags: Chimney Swift Chimney Swift , Lekiel Lekiel , Green Pen Green Pen , ShadyAce ShadyAce , adored adored , nymphadora. nymphadora. , FireMaiden FireMaiden , Safety Hammer Safety Hammer , Astralworks Astralworks , Peckinou Peckinou , Galaxy Bear Galaxy Bear , Quinlan63 Quinlan63 , Eshspoyeofdoom Eshspoyeofdoom , Queen_Liyah Queen_Liyah , duergar duergar , logastellus logastellus , SRUNewman SRUNewman , Nico Nico , beebim beebim , Unrlstic Unrlstic , Yarrow Yarrow , Chione Chione
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So obviously I'm no linguist. But I was just doing some listening trying to figure out how I should be pronouncing all those names It's so hard.... T.T Thought I'd share what I learned. Of course, I probably butchered it, so if any of you guys know the proper way please feel free!

In general I find the 'r' is exaggerated with the rolling of the tongue.
Odin - O-tdh-in (O as in letter O) (tdhlol wtheck did I come up with sounds like a th with a slight hard 'd' sound just after the 't'. Or an inbetween 'th' and 'dh'.)

Midgard - Mif-Gar-th-rrer

Alfheimr - Oal-th-Ha-mm-mrrr (Ha as in Hammer) (I tried saying mrrr while rolling the tip of my tongue back and huffing out a small bit of air)

Freyr - Fro-yr (O in Fro as in oar) (yr as in a shortened yer)

Freyja - Fro-ya

Still can't find a reliable loolsalfar :S
ooh these are interesting ways of saying some of them!
when I pronounced "Freyr" or "Freyja" , i pronounced it as : "frere" like saying brother in french and "frey-ah"
as for likeee alfheimr , not really sure !
however, ohmygosh, imagine irish words and gaelic ! lordt
Elven | Dwarven Lore
note: quite a long read
? Elves
Long ago, when Freyr the god of sunshine, rain, light, peace, and fertility ruled the Ljósálfars ( light elves ) , there were 4 Elven Brothers who were blessed with magic also known as sorcery. The 4 Brothers received different areas of land in Alfheim, seperated by North, West, East, and South. The Eldest brother of the Four reigned the North, bringing the practice and skills of light sorcery which included magical barriers and protection. The Second brother of the Four reigned the West, bringing the practices and skills of healing through enchantments and spells, sometimes different herbs. They could cure or bring about illnesses. The Third brother of the Four reigned the East, bringing practices and skills of earth sorcery as all of the enchantments and spells are earth-based magic. If they did not choose magic, most became hunters or warriors of the such. And lastly, a tricky one the Fourth and youngest brother was given the Southern areas of Alfheim, being involved in educating and teaching about constellations and stars and the culture of Elves.

Everything was at peace in Alfheim, except, one day, the Fourth Brother was found practicing dark arts and magic that caused him to be banished from the realm. The Fourth brother was hoping to revive his dead wife as Elves can only love once in their lifetime. When word spreaded of Fourth brother's dark magic in necromancy and twiddling with other dark arts such as fortune-telling and shadows, the magic threatened to plague all that was pure in Alfheim. In the end, to cast off the darkened magic, the Fourth brother was cursed by his family ( His Three Older Brothers and Mother plus Father ) and casted out of Alfheim and sent underground. The gods did not help Fourth Brother no matter how much he pleaded with them.

Due to the Fourth Brother's misguidance and treachery, those who wanted to follow the Fourth Brother were welcomed to, but for those who did not want to follow him into the darkness were allowed to stay in Alfheim. In the end, the Fourth Brother found a place in Svartalfheim with the dwarves. Those who followed Fourth Brother became the Dökkálfars ( dark elves ). Most of those who were under Fourth Brother came with him, never leaving his side and slowly their numbers grew in Svartalfheim. But, not only did their numbers grow underground, but so did their hatred and disgust against the Ljosalfars.

Ever since the betrayal and time passed, it was forbidden to ever speak of the Fourth Brother. Only the history of the 3 Brothers and their Parents lived on, forgetting the Fourth Brother ever existed. So now, only [ 3 ] Houses exist in the Land. The North, The West, and the East. The family line continued and those who were descendants of the 3 Brothers were considered nobility, royals, even. They were well-loved. ( The same could be said of the Fourth Brother and his followers in Svartlfheim ).

Note: The Brothers, The Parents, and the Names of the "Houses"/"Lands" do not have names yet and will be given as soon as possible.
P.S. Because the [3] Brothers sort of erased their 4th Brother from history, I imagine the Light Elves now have no recollection or idea that the Dark Elves are actually brethens to them and used to live in Alfheim with them too [ or they are just forbidden to speak about it still for those who are still around ]. So the Light Elves were just taught to see the Dark Elves as "evil" beings who can never touch the sun or be pure without their "handicap" item. Oof

? Dwarves
The Dwarves have lived in Svartalfheim for eternity. They are ruled by [ one ] King. At the King's side, there are different positions that are considered the King's council members. There are noble houses that are associated with each of the council members of his court. There are [ 3 ] classification of dwarves : upper class, middle class, and lower class. The lower class have the trade of mining such as coal, ores, stones, and gems. They are able to make jewelry as a result. The middle class have the trade of blacksmiths such as being able to make armors, weapons, and other products needed through fire and etc. Lastly, the upper classes are great at business transcations. The upper class will be able to be tutored in different crafts such as jewelry making or even being a craftsmen. They have more leniency into doing what they want to do while the lower and middle classmen have specific trades they're frankly good at.

The Dokkalfars and the dwarves have good standing with each other. The Dokkalfars are considered the dwarves' "sorceresses" while the dwarves are considered the Dokkalfars' business ally. Both parties have a deal with each other. If the dwarves helped the Dokkalfars get back to Alfheim and get their revenge of the Ljosalfars then in return, the Dokkalfars will cast magic for the dwarves. In the end, different maps , similar to a Maureder's Map, has been made for the Dwarven kingdom to hide their secrecy such as their gold and different passageways of the kingdom. On the other hand, a gem / stone has been made for the Dokkalfars to step into the light once more. However, passage for Dokkalfars to get back into Alfheim has not been successful.

Note: Imagine the parties these two have is absolutely crazy down in Svartalfheim ! For those who do not know much about dwarves and Dokkalfars, to the outside world, they are considered one and the same, but that is not quite true! I can imagine a lot of prejudice and hate festering with the Dark Elves, Dwarves vs. Light Elves. The Light Elves know much but do not try to dissuade people's opinions of dwarves and Dark Elves. Will there be a war? Who knows, but that is why Camp Winterian Wyrd has also been made, to learn from one another and realise there's more to the story than just surface level!
P.S. Names for the King and the kingdom has yet to be determined.

Written by: mxlly mxlly , diwa diwa , deer deer
Inpsired by: Tolkien , Rick Riordan, and J.K Rowling

tags: Chimney Swift Chimney Swift , Lekiel Lekiel , Green Pen Green Pen , ShadyAce ShadyAce , adored adored , nymphadora. nymphadora. , FireMaiden FireMaiden , Safety Hammer Safety Hammer , Astralworks Astralworks , Peckinou Peckinou , Galaxy Bear Galaxy Bear , Quinlan63 Quinlan63 , Eshspoyeofdoom Eshspoyeofdoom , Queen_Liyah Queen_Liyah , duergar duergar , logastellus logastellus , SRUNewman SRUNewman , Nico Nico , beebim beebim , Unrlstic Unrlstic , Yarrow Yarrow , Chione Chione

When are you guys finalizing the ljosalfar names :D?
When are you guys finalizing the ljosalfar names :D?
we aren't exactly sure yet , but it should be up as soon as possible. so for right now, just having written "Eldest - 3rd Brother" or "North - East" is fine and dandy.

honestly, we didn't think we had to go into very detail with the lore until good questions have been asked so we're making it up as we go along!
we aren't exactly sure yet , but it should be up as soon as possible. so for right now, just having written "Eldest - 3rd Brother" or "North - East" is fine and dandy.

honestly, we didn't think we had to go into very detail with the lore until good questions have been asked so we're making it up as we go along!


Psst! By earth magic you mean stone-shaping? earthquaking?
i probably should have said "nature" based instead of earth. i wouldn't say earthquaking. but, i can see spells where you can move rocks with a spell and such with enchantments. but, we were thinking plant-based magic of using the forest around them. elves being in touch with the essence of nature themselves: the trees, the bushes, the flowers, and feeling the earth but nothing to the extent of moving mountains or earthshaking! hopefully that makes sense.
in Avatar, not the anime / cartoon one ( though i love that one too ) , the idea of them being one with all around them especially in the East since there's a lot of plant life there. in tune and one with the forest - so usage of vines, speaking to the trees, etc. ( nature druids and such ).

Oooh thought so!

No I've not seen the anime anyways :P You mean the blue aliens in planet Pandora right? Druid is a good way to put it! Okay then. I'm thinking ljosalfar lineages only indicate specialty in area of magic and not exclusivity right?

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