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Fantasy Engranussian Younger Years (CLOSED)

Graham put him down on the chair before taking off Dei's shirt off and wrapped him in a dry towel. He then did the same before sitting down with the wrapped towl around him. "Gods!"

Dei-Loki gripped either end of the blanket, keeping it clung to his body as he watched the table.

Reaver heavily exhaled, taking the wet shirts before bringing them to the laundry room and then returning once more. He'd then sigh softly. "Y' guys want something warm t' drink? Maybe settle yer nerves a bit?"
Dei-Loki gripped either end of the blanket, keeping it clung to his body as he watched the table.

Reaver heavily exhaled, taking the wet shirts before bringing them to the laundry room and then returning once more. He'd then sigh softly. "Y' guys want something warm t' drink? Maybe settle yer nerves a bit?"

"Please. Actually! Do you think you can try and make a bee line towards the closet bathroom with a shower in it for Dei? That way he can take warm up and dry up and maybe take a nap for a while."
"Please. Actually! Do you think you can try and make a bee line towards the closet bathroom with a shower in it for Dei? That way he can take warm up and dry up and maybe take a nap for a while."

Reaver blinked, nodding to that in the process as he'd go to do so - Malvo having come in a few moments after through the kitchen before she glanced to the two at the table with quietly furrowed brows. "Everythin' okay?.."

(C u t e
S i b l i n g
M o m e n t. )
Reaver blinked, nodding to that in the process as he'd go to do so - Malvo having come in a few moments after through the kitchen before she glanced to the two at the table with quietly furrowed brows. "Everythin' okay?.."

(C u t e
S i b l i n g
M o m e n t. )


"Well Dei got attacked by squirrel to close to the lake's edge and fell in. And then i pulled him out and we're both kinda . . especially the kid. He's not in a good mood."

"Well Dei got attacked by squirrel to close to the lake's edge and fell in. And then i pulled him out and we're both kinda . . especially the kid. He's not in a good mood."

Malvo frowned at this, walking carefully on the towels as she'd hug Graham before letting go and looking to Dei-Loki, who'd been looking to the fruit basket on the table like it was going to do a trick if he watched it long enough. "Dipper?"

Dei-Loki looked to Malvo for a moment before looking down to the table. "'m sorry..." He quietly murmured. Malvo shook her head at this.

"Don't be sorry, dummy. I'm more worried about you guys than anythin' else. Even if ya probably did provoke the squirrel." Malvo watched as Dei-Loki glanced to her with a faint smirk before it fell. His gaze soon retreating back to the table. However, his eyes would soon widen just a bit as Malvo pulled him into a hug, tightening the embrace as she spoke. "Yer okay, Dei-Loki..." She'd then glance down following the noises Dei-Loki's shoes made against the floor. And, with this distraction, she pointed down to Dei-Loki's shoes to put it into play just to take him out of the trauma. "Look at that! Ya got squeeshy shoes like when we used t' jump in the mud!"

Dei-Loki followed this statement with a blink or two, glancing down to his shoes as he smiled, moving his feet slightly. "... Squeesh squeesh." He managed a snicker, Malvo snickering as well.


Malvo frowned at this, walking carefully on the towels as she'd hug Graham before letting go and looking to Dei-Loki, who'd been looking to the fruit basket on the table like it was going to do a trick if he watched it long enough. "Dipper?"

Dei-Loki looked to Malvo for a moment before looking down to the table. "'m sorry..." He quietly murmured. Malvo shook her head at this.

"Don't be sorry, dummy. I'm more worried about you guys than anythin' else. Even if ya probably did provoke the squirrel." Malvo watched as Dei-Loki glanced to her with a faint smirk before it fell. His gaze soon retreating back to the table. However, his eyes would soon widen just a bit as Malvo pulled him into a hug, tightening the embrace as she spoke. "Yer okay, Dei-Loki..." She'd then glance down following the noises Dei-Loki's shoes made against the floor. And, with this distraction, she pointed down to Dei-Loki's shoes to put it into play just to take him out of the trauma. "Look at that! Ya got squeeshy shoes like when we used t' jump in the mud!"

Dei-Loki followed this statement with a blink or two, glancing down to his shoes as he smiled, moving his feet slightly. "... Squeesh squeesh." He managed a snicker, Malvo snickering as well.



Graham snickered, watching them but not wanting to disturb them especially Malvo's distraction.
Graham snickered, watching them but not wanting to disturb them especially Malvo's distraction.

"Kinda like when we went on one of the trails during our camping trip, yeah?" Malvo smiled when Dei-Loki gave a nod of agreement. "When we found the snake that mama wouldn't let us keep because it was poisonous."

Dei-Loki continued to nod, smiling in the process while he'd rock just a tad in his seat. All he could do, due to the hug.

"Ya remember what else we found? That BIIIG horned howl. The one uncle Grizzly managed t' call down fer us t' get a better look at." Malvo smiled over to Graham as she spoke, Dei-Loki snickering a bit.

"The big one that we thought was like dad because it looked so grumpyyyy."
"Kinda like when we went on one of the trails during our camping trip, yeah?" Malvo smiled when Dei-Loki gave a nod of agreement. "When we found the snake that mama wouldn't let us keep because it was poisonous."

Dei-Loki continued to nod, smiling in the process while he'd rock just a tad in his seat. All he could do, due to the hug.

"Ya remember what else we found? That BIIIG horned howl. The one uncle Grizzly managed t' call down fer us t' get a better look at." Malvo smiled over to Graham as she spoke, Dei-Loki snickering a bit.

"The big one that we thought was like dad because it looked so grumpyyyy."

Graham snickered, "I still miss Adrian 2.0."
Graham nodded, "I know how it works."

"Learnin' from the best." Malvo grinned, soon looking to Reaver, who'd been leaning in the doorway. Dei-Loki quirked a brow at this, following Malvo's gaze over to Reaver.

And, to this, Reaver smiled before gesturing to the bathroom. "I don't mean t' interrupt anything, but I got the shower ready, Dei."
"Learnin' from the best." Malvo grinned, soon looking to Reaver, who'd been leaning in the doorway. Dei-Loki quirked a brow at this, following Malvo's gaze over to Reaver.

And, to this, Reaver smiled before gesturing to the bathroom. "I don't mean t' interrupt anything, but I got the shower ready, Dei."
Graham patted his head, "go take a warm shower, okay bud?"
Graham patted his head, "go take a warm shower, okay bud?"

Dei-Loki sighed, Malvo glancing down to him again.

"Ya gonna be okay?" Malvo asked, watching as Dei-Loki nodded before standing.

"Of course." Dei-Loki assured with a small smile on his face.

"Alright." Malvo smiled, kissing Dei-Loki's head, causing his smile to contort into a disgusted look.

"AH, GROSS! Now I REALLY need a shower!" Dei-Loki complained, only to let a smile warm fix what was once a glare to Malvo. And, hugging her and Graham, he exhaled. "I'll see you guys in a bit." He'd then release the hugs before heading out towards the bathroom - thanking Reaver in passing, who'd smile and ruffle his hair as he went by.
Dei-Loki sighed, Malvo glancing down to him again.

"Ya gonna be okay?" Malvo asked, watching as Dei-Loki nodded before standing.

"Of course." Dei-Loki assured with a small smile on his face.

"Alright." Malvo smiled, kissing Dei-Loki's head, causing his smile to contort into a disgusted look.

"AH, GROSS! Now I REALLY need a shower!" Dei-Loki complained, only to let a smile warm fix what was once a glare to Malvo. And, hugging her and Graham, he exhaled. "I'll see you guys in a bit." He'd then release the hugs before heading out towards the bathroom - thanking Reaver in passing, who'd smile and ruffle his hair as he went by.

Graham hugged back before letting him go and watching him leave. "Now me.I'm literally dying."
Graham hugged back before letting him go and watching him leave. "Now me.I'm literally dying."

"Shower or drink?" Reaver asked, looking to Graham as he'd lower his ears from the comment.

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