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Fantasy Engranussian Younger Years (CLOSED)

Dei-Loki nodded. "I think I'm gonna end up having that preference when I go, too. I can eat anything, even if it's slop, but I won't if I don't have t'... Just not mashed peas, Gods above, PLEASE not mashed peas." He shuttered.

Graham snickered, "got it, i'll make sure you'll never get the mash peas." He then put the switchblade back to it was and into his pocket before sitting on the deck and looking down below. "Spot me a fish."
Graham snickered, "got it, i'll make sure you'll never get the mash peas." He then put the switchblade back to it was and into his pocket before sitting on the deck and looking down below. "Spot me a fish."

"Thaaank youuu!" Dei-Loki sighed in relief, no sooner blinking and looking into the water as that fear would instantly set back in again, nesting its screaming babies into the core of the boy's soul while the internalised shrieks would plunge him into remembrance. And, for a few moments, he stayed like that. An expression like he'd just seen a ghost having been etched into his face.

Once he could, he winced his eyes shut, shook the images from his head before looking to the water once more. "Uhm... Th-There! There's one!" He'd then point down towards one of the trout swimming a short ways away from the dock.
"Thaaank youuu!" Dei-Loki sighed in relief, no sooner blinking and looking into the water as that fear would instantly set back in again, nesting its screaming babies into the core of the boy's soul while the internalised shrieks would plunge him into remembrance. And, for a few moments, he stayed like that. An expression like he'd just seen a ghost having been etched into his face.

Once he could, he winced his eyes shut, shook the images from his head before looking to the water once more. "Uhm... Th-There! There's one!" He'd then point down towards one of the trout swimming a short ways away from the dock.

Graham stood up and looked to where Dei pointed before turning to him. "Okay bud, go sit down on the bench. I got the rest." He patted his head.
Graham stood up and looked to where Dei pointed before turning to him. "Okay bud, go sit down on the bench. I got the rest." He patted his head.

"Y-Y'sure? I can still stay and help..." Dei-Loki looked up at Graham before back down to the water while taking a subconscious half step back towards the bench.
"you're clearly not feeling well here, so go and sit. I'll be fine. "

Dei-Loki nodded, scooting off the deck before heading back to the bench - where he sat for a few minutes before eyeing a squirrel getting a drink on a bunch of rocks by the water. Narrowing his eyes, he watched the rodent before sliding off the bench to head over to it.

(Don't mind this.
This is for a cute sibling thing later. XD )
Dei-Loki nodded, scooting off the deck before heading back to the bench - where he sat for a few minutes before eyeing a squirrel getting a drink on a bunch of rocks by the water. Narrowing his eyes, he watched the rodent before sliding off the bench to head over to it.

(Don't mind this.
This is for a cute sibling thing later. XD )


Graham aimed at the fish, waiting for it to swim in place for a bit before launching the stick into the fish's body. He then carefully pulled the stick out of the muddy ground of the lake's floor and brought it up so the fish slowly stopped flopping in the air. He then looked to Dei and pointed at the fish, "how's this!? I say we should get more . . . not because i'm hungry!"

Graham aimed at the fish, waiting for it to swim in place for a bit before launching the stick into the fish's body. He then carefully pulled the stick out of the muddy ground of the lake's floor and brought it up so the fish slowly stopped flopping in the air. He then looked to Dei and pointed at the fish, "how's this!? I say we should get more . . . not because i'm hungry!"

Dei-Loki paused, standing a few feet away from the rock as he'd grin and look over like he hadn't even known the squirrel was there. "'s good! Go ahead and get more."
Dei-Loki paused, standing a few feet away from the rock as he'd grin and look over like he hadn't even known the squirrel was there. "'s good! Go ahead and get more."

Graham smiled, oblivious like usual to the world around him. (Seriously, why is he a general? XD) He quickly was able to get two more fishes on the stick that were similar in size. "Wanna eat em' raw?"
Graham smiled, oblivious like usual to the world around him. (Seriously, why is he a general? XD) He quickly was able to get two more fishes on the stick that were similar in size. "Wanna eat em' raw?"

( XD )

"Raw's fine with me." Dei-Loki assured, slowly climbing onto the rocks before crouching to lunge at the squirrel. However, he'd almost regret this decision once the squirrel had moved. And, if not for his sneakers, he would've fallen in.

The squirrel chattered, now several rocks away with it's beady eyes on Dei-Loki. Dei-Loki squinted at the squirrel, snarling as he'd go from one rock, to another, to another until he'd been a rock away from the squirrel. The squirrel chattered a bit more, staring at Dei-Loki still as Dei-Loki grinned.

"Nowhere t' run, now." He grinned, soon yelping when the squirrel hucked a smaller rock at Dei-Loki, who'd yelp as it hit him in the head, nearly knocking him back. And, once he caught himself, he leaned forward and glared to the squirrel with a snarl. "Yer gonna regret that!"

And, after his snarl, he'd no sooner yelp again when the squirrel jumped to attack his face, knocking them both into the water as Dei had yelled.
( XD )

"Raw's fine with me." Dei-Loki assured, slowly climbing onto the rocks before crouching to lunge at the squirrel. However, he'd almost regret this decision once the squirrel had moved. And, if not for his sneakers, he would've fallen in.

The squirrel chattered, now several rocks away with it's beady eyes on Dei-Loki. Dei-Loki squinted at the squirrel, snarling as he'd go from one rock, to another, to another until he'd been a rock away from the squirrel. The squirrel chattered a bit more, staring at Dei-Loki still as Dei-Loki grinned.

"Nowhere t' run, now." He grinned, soon yelping when the squirrel hucked a smaller rock at Dei-Loki, who'd yelp as it hit him in the head, nearly knocking him back. And, once he caught himself, he leaned forward and glared to the squirrel with a snarl. "Yer gonna regret that!"

And, after his snarl, he'd no sooner yelp again when the squirrel jumped to attack his face, knocking them both into the water as Dei had yelled.

Graham sighed, placing his fish down and quickly taking off his jacket. "The things i do for kids!" He then nosedived into lake, thanking the Gods that it wasn't too deep and dragged Dei back up to the dry ground. He shook the water out of his matted hair. "KID!"
Graham sighed, placing his fish down and quickly taking off his jacket. "The things i do for kids!" He then nosedived into lake, thanking the Gods that it wasn't too deep and dragged Dei back up to the dry ground. He shook the water out of his matted hair. "KID!"

Dei-Loki thrashed about in the water, coughing when he'd been brought back to solid ground, the squirrel releasing itself from Dei-Loki's face and taking off once safe, as well. Leaving Dei-Loki's face with scratches and bites.
Dei-Loki thrashed about in the water, coughing when he'd been brought back to solid ground, the squirrel releasing itself from Dei-Loki's face and taking off once safe, as well. Leaving Dei-Loki's face with scratches and bites.

Graham pulled up, heavier than before as the water clung to him for life. He sat by the kid and patted his back. "Can you speak to me, kid? Make sure you're alright?"
Graham pulled up, heavier than before as the water clung to him for life. He sat by the kid and patted his back. "Can you speak to me, kid? Make sure you're alright?"

Dei-Loki coughed a few more times to get rid of the rest of the water he'd inhaled, wincing as he sat up in a panic, speaking like his own words were stuck on repeat. "I-I'm okay! I'm okay! I'm okay..."
Dei-Loki coughed a few more times to get rid of the rest of the water he'd inhaled, wincing as he sat up in a panic, speaking like his own words were stuck on repeat. "I-I'm okay! I'm okay! I'm okay..."

Graham looked around before getting up quickly and pulling Dei as far away from the water as possible before walking over to grab the fish and his jacket. He then sat by the kid's side, putting his oversized jacket on the boy and held him close. "Shhhhhhhhhh, i'm here. I got you. Uncle beah's got you."
Graham looked around before getting up quickly and pulling Dei as far away from the water as possible before walking over to grab the fish and his jacket. He then sat by the kid's side, putting his oversized jacket on the boy and held him close. "Shhhhhhhhhh, i'm here. I got you. Uncle beah's got you."

Dei-Loki's trembling eyes focused ahead, his words continuing to quietly repeat as he'd lean into the hold.
Dei-Loki's trembling eyes focused ahead, his words continuing to quietly repeat as he'd lean into the hold.

Graham sighed once more, picking him up so that way he held him like a baby about to be burped. He then grabbed the fish and headed back home.
Graham sighed once more, picking him up so that way he held him like a baby about to be burped. He then grabbed the fish and headed back home.

Dei-Loki stared at Graham's shoulder as he'd been lifted, his ears low as he'd given a shaky sigh.
Dei-Loki stared at Graham's shoulder as he'd been lifted, his ears low as he'd given a shaky sigh.

Graham opened the door that lead into the kitchen and then shut the door. "Shit, we're completely wet. Zuzu would kill me if i got water on her floor."
Graham opened the door that lead into the kitchen and then shut the door. "Shit, we're completely wet. Zuzu would kill me if i got water on her floor."

(If that wasn't a cue for Rea, I don't know what is.)

Dei-Loki blinked as he'd keep his gaze where it was, Reaver whistling as he made his way down to the kitchen - fresh out of the shower and dressed. He'd no sooner stop, looking to the two with a raised brow. "Is it pouring outside or something? Why you guys soaked?" And, after he'd asked, he glanced out the window, raising his brow as he saw it was clear out.
(If that wasn't a cue for Rea, I don't know what is.)

Dei-Loki blinked as he'd keep his gaze where it was, Reaver whistling as he made his way down to the kitchen - fresh out of the shower and dressed. He'd no sooner stop, looking to the two with a raised brow. "Is it pouring outside or something? Why you guys soaked?" And, after he'd asked, he glanced out the window, raising his brow as he saw it was clear out.

"Dei got into a fight with a squirrel to close to the lake and well . . . we got fish and i'm stuck here with a scared kid. I don't know what to do."

"Dei got into a fight with a squirrel to close to the lake and well . . . we got fish and i'm stuck here with a scared kid. I don't know what to do."

Reaver raised his brows at this. "Okay. Uuh." He'd then think for a few seconds, running his hands through his hair to ponder before gesturing to the laundry room. "First off, let me get some towels fer you guys so y' can dry off and some to put on the floor so you don't slip, yeah? I'll only be a second." As he'd spoken, he quickly made his way into the laundry room before emerging with a few big towels - setting a couple on the chairs so they could sit before a few more on the floor. He'd then hand over the last two for the both of them, his ears lowering in the process as he moved around Graham so he could see Dei's face. "Hey, buddy..."
Reaver raised his brows at this. "Okay. Uuh." He'd then think for a few seconds, running his hands through his hair to ponder before gesturing to the laundry room. "First off, let me get some towels fer you guys so y' can dry off and some to put on the floor so you don't slip, yeah? I'll only be a second." As he'd spoken, he quickly made his way into the laundry room before emerging with a few big towels - setting a couple on the chairs so they could sit before a few more on the floor. He'd then hand over the last two for the both of them, his ears lowering in the process as he moved around Graham so he could see Dei's face. "Hey, buddy..."

Graham patted Dei's back. "I'm going to set you down, is taht okay?"
Dei-Loki gave a bit of a nod to this, Reaver softly moving Dei-Loki's hair from his face.

Graham put him down on the chair before taking off Dei's shirt off and wrapped him in a dry towel. He then did the same before sitting down with the wrapped towl around him. "Gods!"

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