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Realistic or Modern Metahuman: Rebuilding the Hero's Throne - OOC


Ten Thousand Club
Metahuman: Rebuilding the Hero's Throne

By: D duegxybus & Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed
Moderated By: IlluminatiChan IlluminatiChan & A Common Man A Common Man

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Callinety IC
Blackfall IC

Hello, and welcome to the Metahuman: Rebuilding the Hero's Throne OOC! Over here, anything goes! You talk about anything, whether it be on topic, off topic, or just have no topic! However, there are some rules that you must abide by.

Rules & Guidelines
1) No unnecessary drama, rudeness, etc.
2) No bullying. This will not be tolerated under any circumstances.
3) If a mod tells you to stop, stop. If I tell you to stop, you better stop, kneel, and apologize profusely. Seriously, I cannot emphasize enough don't be a jerk.
4) No godmoding, powerplaying, metagaming, etc.
4.5) No self-inserts, characters that are your username, and anything stupid like that.
5) You can't always dodge everything, or land a hit every time. Practice proper etiquette.
6) I expect at least 1 paragraph per post, indicate
all power usage, actions, and other things.
7) Upcoming Timeskips will be notified through the announcements thread.
8) Discord is always open, but not required. It contains important things, but all important announcements will be through the announcements thread.
9) It takes approximately 2 posts (1 in each IC) to switch cities from Blackfall to Callinety, and vice versa. Methods are train, plane, and car. Or speedster.

Anyways, happy chatting!
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Just For Fun! #1!

Hello everyone! This OOC is awfully quiet, and I'm guessing it's because a lot of you are either busy, or hard at work trying to make a character! Well, I just wanted to let you all know that I'm here for you, and if you are stuck with making a character, feel free to shoot me a PM and we can put your ideas into a CS. Doing so will also ease the work off of both of us, as we can work through it to the point that it's approvable, and also fits to your desired needs!

If you haven't started on the CS yet, don't worry! This is only the first day, so I don't expect the whole lot of you to be done with it anyways. So, while you wait for things to start up, here's a little question I have for all of you. Since you all joined a superhero RP, I'm assuming most of you wish you had some kind of superpower! Pushing aside meta powers, omnipotence, or power manipulation stuff, what kind of superpower would you like to have?

SomeFakeUsername911 SomeFakeUsername911 Pavan Pavan JW Suzusihi JW Suzusihi Doomyfish23 Doomyfish23 Eliasdagood Eliasdagood TheMilkMan TheMilkMan ThatGuyWithSouvlaki ThatGuyWithSouvlaki CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse Lost Lost Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed A Common Man A Common Man @Hanah Solo Damafaud Damafaud Eigengrau Eigengrau
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I'd like regeneration/immortality. It would new cool to be able to watch humanity progress through the sands of time.
I want to have hyper intelligence, immortality, and time travel. I’ll just go back in time and be a living god! If we’re sticking with one then mine would be hyper intelligence, makes life so much easier.
As implied by every superhero RP I’ve ever been in, I’d want to have telekinesis so I can reach the TV remote after I’ve already gotten comfy
That's a tough one...I'm a bit of a pyro at heart but personally...difficult to answer, part of me wants molecular regeneration so I couldn't die of anything other than old age or molecular obliteration, parkour off skyscrapers haha. But with the risk of death gone what really makes anything exhilarating or risky...I think I'd go with flight, because of the freedom that comes with being able to fly wherever I wanted.
That's a tough one...I'm a bit of a pyro at heart but personally...difficult to answer, part of me wants molecular regeneration so I couldn't die of anything other than old age or molecular obliteration, parkour off skyscrapers haha. But with the risk of death gone what really makes anything exhilarating or risky...I think I'd go with flight, because of the freedom that comes with being able to fly wherever I wanted.
Only down side is, like immortality, if you get stuck somewhere with no means of escape, you’re stuck there forever.
Seems like regeneration and immortality are popular!

Lucky for most of you guys, modern science is on its way to extending human lifespan as well as repairing organs using stem cells! Though the people who want telekinesis or flight or some other abilities may have to wait for a while...

I've always wondered what it would be like to have the power to breathe fire. I'd be the star at any party, lol
A Common Man A Common Man hey I feel like Mr. Amazing and Wildcat would get along. How do you feel about them being occasional partners &drinking buddies? Both have a military past and a willingness to kill the worst of the worst that would really blend well in my opinion.
couple questions. is there room for more? and what are the limits on powers? how do we choose? (more than 2 questions but i'm a person that doesn't want to misunderstand something, put it in the CS and then it be wrong).

Like if I wanted Telekinesis and the power to disable powers around them up to a certain radius, is that doable?

oh and do they have to be hero villain or is that open to be whatever the author wants?
couple questions. is there room for more? and what are the limits on powers? how do we choose? (more than 2 questions but i'm a person that doesn't want to misunderstand something, put it in the CS and then it be wrong).

Like if I wanted Telekinesis and the power to disable powers around them up to a certain radius, is that doable?

oh and do they have to be hero villain or is that open to be whatever the author wants?
that’s clarified in the lore section
couple questions. is there room for more? and what are the limits on powers? how do we choose? (more than 2 questions but i'm a person that doesn't want to misunderstand something, put it in the CS and then it be wrong).

Like if I wanted Telekinesis and the power to disable powers around them up to a certain radius, is that doable?

oh and do they have to be hero villain or is that open to be whatever the author wants?

There is room for you.

Limits are up to your power, as long as you aren't frickin' omnipotent. Read the lore, it's all clarified there. Most characters fall under street-level, so Alpha or Beta tiers.

Did you read the lore? And the character sign-ups?

"power to disable powers around them up to a certain radius"

Counts as a meta-power and power manipulation. I said this isn't allowed under any circumstances. So, no, you can't disable other powers.

Telekinesis is fine as long as you provide limits.
There is room for you.

Limits are up to your power, as long as you aren't frickin' omnipotent. Read the lore, it's all clarified there. Most characters fall under street-level, so Alpha or Beta tiers.

Did you read the lore? And the character sign-ups?

"power to disable powers around them up to a certain radius"

Counts as a meta-power and power manipulation. I said this isn't allowed under any circumstances. So, no, you can't disable other powers.

Telekinesis is fine as long as you provide limits.
i made the post before reading too much. i just wanted to have the direct questions answered so i could have them out of the way. but i have read the lore a couple of time through as of right now. and i'm normally fair in what powers i use/give characters since I'm used to writing these types of stories.
i made the post before reading too much. i just wanted to have the direct questions answered so i could have them out of the way. but i have read the lore a couple of time through as of right now. and i'm normally fair in what powers i use/give characters since I'm used to writing these types of stories.

That's good. Feel free to make a character. Actually, it would a better idea if you made a character and then sent it to me through PM, so I can point out all changes before you post your final draft in the characters thread.

Also, do you have Discord? - Discord - Free voice and text chat for gamers

It's not necessary, but if you really want to discuss things with other members we have channels for that. If not, you can talk in the OOC.
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That's good. Feel free to make a character. Actually, it would a better idea if you made a character and then sent it to me through PM, so I can point out all changes before you post your final draft in the characters thread.

Also, do you have Discord? - Discord - Free voice and text chat for gamers

It's not necessary, but if you really want to discuss things with other members we have channels for that. If not, you can talk in the OOC.
yeah, i have discord. i'll get started on a character sheet when i get back from work later tonight. got holiday stuff to do before work today.
just found out my grandmother is in the hospital and am going to see her in the morning. Just got off work so i won't be able to put much time into the CS tonight like i wanted to (i planned on finishing it). hope there's place for my character to possibly make a later entrance cause i work earlier and earlier every day until my day off on monday. maybe after the hospital visit tomorrow i can try to work on the CS more. just updating you guys.

Edit: i finished half of the CS tonight. I'll finish it within the next 24 hours. I am on powers now but I have my character's personality and (pretty extensive) background finished and committed to memory.
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