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Futuristic Albatross Alliance Interest Check

Clockwork Syringe

The Night Blade
Hey all, I had been sitting on an idea for a while about a Mercenary Guild RP with Sci-Fi Elements and this is what I've come up with.


Man has always dreamt of reaching for the stars in one way or another in any given age. However, when new life was discovered, new alliances were forged between new races and species among the stars. The Axions, Goytaels, and Trebons, reached out to the humans and an alliance was forged between the three species. For the past 150 years, all three species collaborated together on technologies, science, medicine, and a multitude of other topics.

Things were looking up for the Milky Way Galaxy, that is, until something was found on the planet Nova 10. Evidence of a species even older than that of humanity was found which sparked a debate. Was this a forgery? Could there actually be older life than was recorded? However, nobody has dared set foot on this planet due to itsโ€™ harsh conditions and relatively unknown secrets. Nobody, save for the Albatross Alliance, a mercenary collective led by Tom the Toppler. Anyone was welcome to join, except they had to prove to Tom why they should be allowed to be in the organization. The Albatross Alliance had many applicants, mostly human, but a fair share of Axions, Goytaels and Trebons. Tom was not racist or prejudice as if you could prove why you deserved a seat, he didnโ€™t care who or what you are. In any case, the Alliance was called upon to investigate. But, whomever the alliance sends, has no idea what they are about to find.


Humans: Nothing too complicated or complex to explain here as they are a "jack of all trades"

Axions, humanoid bird people, possess wings but their anatomy is similar to humans except their bones are light in order to allow for flight. On average, Axions possess above average intelligence, but pale in comparison to the Trebons

Goytels Red skinned humanoids with incredible strength and wisdom. Most choose the path of the Galaxy Knight(A honorable warrior who follows his morals), but others end up becoming feared berserkers or sages. Appearance wise, Goytels look similar to humans except they have a bony forehead and yellow eyes.

Trebons: Tall humanoid and green skinned, Trebons most of the time are hyper intelligent, but physically emaciated leading them to their one true love, technology. Most Trebons utilize technology in their daily activities such as lifting heavy objects for example. However, while they lack physical prowess, a Trebon is among the smartest within the galaxy.

1. No Godmodding
2. Swearing is fine, just keep it PG-13.
3. Romance is fine(and encouraged), just keep it PG-13

I am looking for 3 people to start with a cap of 6 people

Character Sheet:





Weapons(will almost always be tier 1 to start. Period.):




Short History:

Weapon list:

Tier 1 Weapons



Clip 6 shots

Damage: C

Reload Speed: B

Firing Speed: B

Accuracy: C


L75 Bolt Action

Clip 5 shots

Damage: B

Reload Speed: D

Firing Speed: C

Accuracy: A

M24 Assault Rifle

Clip 20 shots

Damage: B

Reload Speed: C

Firing Speed: C

Accuracy: B

Machine Guns

LM12 Machine Gun

Clip 100 shots

Damage: E

Reload Speed: C

Firing Speed: A+

Accuracy: D

Sub Machine Guns

J&R MP10:

Clip: 50 shots

Damage B

Reload Speed C+

Firing Speed B

Accuracy C


Pump Action Remington 18

Clip 5 shots

Damage: A

Reload Speed C

Firing Speed: D

Accuracy: D
Something I would consider unfair to other players/rp breaking/invincibility/etc. On the other hand, I don't mind having a shield that blocks a lot of fire, but it means that the user can't move while using it and it has a timer on usage. In general "item/ability/modification/weapon/power that trumps everything every time and is spammable"
Character Sheet:
Name: Soundwave

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Race: Cyborg

Appearance: TFP Soundwave by Xainra on DeviantArt.png TFP Soundwave by lahteh on DeviantArt.jpg

Weapons(will almost always be tier 1 to start. Period.): Uses high frequency sounds as a weapon

Personality: Cruel and calculating. Speaks in various audio recordings.

Boons: Small size makes sneaking easier, able to handle his own in hand to hand combat, emotionless, sonic weapon can disorient opponents.

Faults: Not the strongest of entities due to his slim frame, but can still hold his own for a short time. Emotionless, can only use sonic weapon for a few minutes at a time before recharging.

Short History: Soundwave was a scientist that wanted to figure out how to make sound into a weapon.

Weapon list: high frequency sounds.
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Oh one thing I forgot to mention, for every boon, there has to be a downside on a 1 to 1 ratio. Also, there is nothing in his bio that says how much of a detriment or timer his sound weapon is on.

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